Example #1
        public void NoSpecialCharacters
            // The contents of the project file that we'll be testing.  Look at the
            // right side, for a cleaner copy without all the escaping.
            string projectFileContents =

                "<VisualStudioProject>\r\n" +                   //      <VisualStudioProject>
                "\r\n" +                                        //
                "  <VisualBasic\r\n" +                          //        <VisualBasic
                "    ProjectType = \"Local\"\r\n" +             //          ProjectType = "Local"
                "    ProductVersion = \"7.10.3022\"\r\n" +      //          ProductVersion = "7.10.3022"
                "  >\r\n" +                                     //        >
                "  </VisualBasic>\r\n" +                        //        </VisualBasic>
                "\r\n" +                                        //
                "</VisualStudioProject>\r\n";                   //      </VisualStudioProject>

            // Create a temp file on disk with the above contents.
            string projectFilename;

            this.CreateTemporaryProjectFile(projectFileContents, out projectFilename);

            // Instantiate our class with the project file.
            OldVSProjectFileReader reader = new OldVSProjectFileReader(projectFilename);

            // Create a buffer to hold 20 characters.
            char[] characterBuffer = new char[20];
            int    exceptionCount  = 0;
            int    charactersRead  = 0;

            // Read the first 20 characters into our buffer.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("<VisualStudioProject", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual(">\r\n\r\n  <VisualBasic\r", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the next 10 characters into our buffer starting at position 5.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 5, 10);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual(">\r\n\r\n\n    Projeasic\r", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Try reading the next 30 characters.  Since there's not enough room in our
            // buffer for 30 characters, this will fail.
                charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 5, 30);
            catch (ArgumentException)
            // Confirm that the proper exception was thrown and that the buffer
            // was not touched.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, exceptionCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(">\r\n\r\n\n    Projeasic\r", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read to the end of the current line.
            string readLine = reader.ReadLine();

            Assert.AreEqual("ctType = \"Local\"", readLine);

            // Read the next line.
            readLine = reader.ReadLine();
            Assert.AreEqual("    ProductVersion = \"7.10.3022\"", readLine);

            // Read the next character.
            int character = reader.Read();

            Assert.AreEqual(' ', character);

            // Read the next character.
            character = reader.Read();
            Assert.AreEqual(' ', character);

            // Peek at the next character, but don't advance the read pointer.
            character = reader.Peek();
            Assert.AreEqual('>', character);

            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);
            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);

            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer.  But actually, since
            // we're almost at the end of the file, we expect that only 7 characters
            // will actually be read.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("ject>\r\nsualStudioPro", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer.  Now, we're really
            // at the end of the file already, so it should come back with zero
            // characters read.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("ject>\r\nsualStudioPro", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Clean up.
Example #2
        public void XmlAttributesWithSpecialCharacters
            // The contents of the project file that we'll be testing.  Look at the
            // right side, for a cleaner copy without all the escaping.
            string projectFileContents =

                "<VisualStudioProject>\r\n" +                   //      <VisualStudioProject>
                "\r\n" +                                        //
                "  <VisualBasic\r\n" +                          //        <VisualBasic
                "    ProjectType = \"Lo<cal\"\r\n" +            //          ProjectType = "Lo<cal"
                "    ProductVersion = \"7<.10.>3022\"\r\n" +    //          ProductVersion = "7<.10.>3022"
                "    A=\"blah>\" B=\"bloo<\"\r\n" +             //          A="blah>" B="bloo<"
                "  >\r\n" +                                     //        >
                "  </VisualBasic>\r\n" +                        //        </VisualBasic>
                "\r\n" +                                        //
                "</VisualStudioProject>\r\n";                   //      </VisualStudioProject>

            // Create a temp file on disk with the above contents.
            string projectFilename;

            this.CreateTemporaryProjectFile(projectFileContents, out projectFilename);

            // Instantiate our class with the project file.
            OldVSProjectFileReader reader = new OldVSProjectFileReader(projectFilename);

            // Create a buffer to hold 30 characters.
            char[] characterBuffer = new char[30];
            int    charactersRead  = 0;

            // Read the first 30 characters into our buffer.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 30);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("<VisualStudioProject>\r\n\r\n  <Vi", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the next 30 characters into our buffer.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 30);
            Assert.AreEqual(30, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("sualBasic\r\n    ProjectType = \"", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer starting at position 10.
            // Confirm that the < and > characters within an attribute value got translated correctly.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 10, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("sualBasic\rLo&lt;cal\"\r\n    Prod", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the next 20 characters into our buffer.  Confirm that the < and > characters within
            // an attribute value got translated correctly.
            charactersRead = reader.Read(characterBuffer, 0, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(20, charactersRead);
            Assert.AreEqual("uctVersion = \"7&lt;.\r\n    Prod", new string(characterBuffer));

            // Read the remainder of the file.  Confirm that the < and > characters within
            // an attribute value got translated correctly.
            string restOfFile = reader.ReadToEnd();

            Assert.AreEqual("10.&gt;3022\"\r\n    A=\"blah&gt;\" B=\"bloo&lt;\"\r\n  >\r\n  </VisualBasic>\r\n\r\n</VisualStudioProject>\r\n",

            // Clean up.