/// <summary>
        ///     The test file manager.
        /// </summary>
        private static void TestFileManager()
            string sql    = "SELECT * FROM Buildings WHERE gid < 50";
            int    handle = Map.AddLayerFromDatabase(CONNECTION_STRING, sql, true);

            if (handle == -1)
                Debug.Print("Failed to open layer: " + Map.FileManager.get_ErrorMsg(Map.FileManager.LastErrorCode));

                // in case the reason of failure is still unclear, let's ask GDAL for details
                var gs = new GlobalSettings();
                Debug.Print("Last GDAL error: " + gs.GdalLastErrorMsg);
                OgrLayer l = Map.get_OgrLayer(handle);
                if (l != null)
                    Debug.Print("Number of features: " + l.FeatureCount);

                    // now access the data
                    Shapefile sf = l.GetBuffer();
                    Debug.Print("Number of shapes: " + sf.NumShapes);
        /// <summary>
        ///     The display underlying data.
        /// </summary>
        private static void DisplayUnderlyingData()
            string layerName = "fields";

            var layer = new OgrLayer();

            if (layer.OpenFromDatabase(CONNECTION_STRING, layerName, false))
                // let's frist try to extract some info without loading the data locally
                Extents ext = null;
                if (layer.get_Extents(out ext))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Extents w/o loading the data: " + ext.ToDebugString());

                Debug.WriteLine("Feature count: " + layer.FeatureCount);

                // now load the data locally and display the same info
                Shapefile shapefile = layer.GetBuffer();
                if (shapefile != null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Extents from the loaded data: " + shapefile.Extents.ToDebugString());

                    Debug.WriteLine("Shape count: " + shapefile.NumShapes);

                    Debug.WriteLine("Layer fields: ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < shapefile.NumFields; i++)
        public void ReadAttributesFromPostGISLayer()
            var ogrDatasource = new OgrDatasource();

                var result = ogrDatasource.Open("PG:host= port=5432 dbname=mw_test user=mapwindow password=test123");
                Assert.IsTrue(result, "Cannot open PostGIS Connectie: " + ogrDatasource.GdalLastErrorMsg);
                Assert.IsTrue(ogrDatasource.LayerCount > 1, "No layers found");

                OgrLayer attributeLayer = null;
                for (var i = 0; i < ogrDatasource.LayerCount; i++)
                    var layer = ogrDatasource.GetLayer(i);
                    if (layer.Name == "attributes")
                        attributeLayer = layer;

                Assert.IsNotNull(attributeLayer, "Couldn't find the attribute layer");
                Console.WriteLine("Working with attributes layer");

                var sf = attributeLayer.GetBuffer();
                Assert.IsNotNull(sf, "Could not get buffer");

                var numShapes = sf.NumShapes;
                Assert.AreEqual(3, numShapes);

                var numFields = sf.NumFields;
                Assert.IsTrue(numFields > 0, "No fields found");

                var fidColumn = attributeLayer.FIDColumnName;
                Console.WriteLine("fidColumn: " + fidColumn);

                // First shape has all attributes filled:
                Console.WriteLine("Testing first shape, all filled");
                for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numFields; fieldIndex++)
                    var value = sf.CellValue[fieldIndex, 0];
                    Console.WriteLine($"{sf.Field[fieldIndex].Name}: {value}");
                    Assert.IsNotNull(value, $"{sf.Field[fieldIndex].Name} should not be null");

                // Second shape has only the geometry filled and the rest default values (which should be NULL):
                Console.WriteLine("Testing second shape, default values");
                var numNonNulls = 0;
                for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numFields; fieldIndex++)
                    var value = sf.CellValue[fieldIndex, 1];
                    Console.WriteLine($"{sf.Field[fieldIndex].Name}: {value}");
                    // Skip FID because it always has a value:
                    if (sf.Field[fieldIndex].Name == fidColumn)
                    if (value != null)
                if (numNonNulls > 0)
                    // No assert, need to check the third shape as well:
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error! Second shape has {numNonNulls} non NULL fields!");

                // Third shape has all fields explicitly NULL:
                Console.WriteLine("Testing third shape, all null");
                numNonNulls = 0;
                for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numFields; fieldIndex++)
                    var value = sf.CellValue[fieldIndex, 2];
                    Console.WriteLine($"{sf.Field[fieldIndex].Name}: {value}");
                    // Skip FID because it always has a value:
                    if (sf.Field[fieldIndex].Name == fidColumn)
                    if (value != null)
                Assert.AreEqual(0, numNonNulls, $"Third shape has {numNonNulls} non NULL fields!");
        /// <summary>
        ///     The test edit layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The <see cref="bool" />.
        /// </returns>
        private static bool TestEditLayer()
            var layer = new OgrLayer();

            layer.GlobalCallback = form;

            if (!layer.OpenFromDatabase(CONNECTION_STRING, "buildings", true))
                Debug.Print("Failed to open layer: " + layer.get_ErrorMsg(layer.LastErrorCode));

            // check if editing is supported for driver
            Debug.Print("Driver supports editing: " + layer.TestCapability(tkOgrLayerCapability.olcRandomWrite));

            // now check if we can actually do it, as there can be other limitations
            if (!layer.get_SupportsEditing(tkOgrSaveType.ostSaveAll))
                Debug.Print("Can't edit a layer: " + layer.get_ErrorMsg(layer.LastErrorCode));


            Shapefile sf = layer.GetBuffer();

            if (sf != null)
                // possible types of editing
                bool editValue   = true;
                bool addShape    = true;
                bool editShape   = true;
                bool removeShape = true;

                if (editValue)
                    int    shapeIndex = 0;
                    int    fieldIndex = 2;
                    object val        = sf.get_CellValue(fieldIndex, shapeIndex);
                    sf.EditCellValue(fieldIndex, shapeIndex, "test_writing");

                    // this flag will notify the driver that changes should saved back to source
                    sf.ShapeModified[shapeIndex] = true;

                if (addShape)
                    int   shapeIndex = sf.NumShapes;
                    Shape shp        = sf.get_Shape(0);
                    shp = shp.Buffer(1, 50);

                    // modified flag is set automatically in this case
                    bool result = sf.EditInsertShape(shp, ref shapeIndex);
                    Debug.Print("Shape was inserted: " + result);

                if (editShape)
                    // since shapefile is in in-memory mode, geometry of shapes can be changed directly;
                    // bear in mind that this won't work for file-based shapefiles, in that case get_Shape will
                    // populate Shape object which will have no futher link with parent shapefile
                    Shape shp = sf.get_Shape(sf.NumShapes - 1);
                    for (int i = 0; i < shp.numPoints; i++)
                        double x = 0.0, y = 0.0;
                        if (shp.get_XY(i, ref x, ref y))
                            shp.put_XY(i, x + 0.01, y + 0.01); // let's move it a little

                if (removeShape)
                    bool result = sf.EditDeleteShape(sf.NumShapes - 1);
                    Debug.Print("Shape was deleted: " + result);

                // saving it
                int             count;
                tkOgrSaveResult saveResults = layer.SaveChanges(out count);

                Debug.Print("Save result: " + saveResults);
                Debug.Print("Number of shapes saved: " + count);

                // displaying info on errors
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.UpdateSourceErrorCount; i++)
                        "Error for shape id {0}: {1}",

