Example #1
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    protected virtual void Start()
        mySeek           = new Seek();
        mySeek.character = this;
        mySeek.target    = target;
        myFlee           = new Flee();
        myFlee.character = this;
        myFlee.target    = target;

        myArrv           = new Arrive();
        myArrv.character = this;
        myArrv.target    = target;

        myAlgn           = new Align();
        myAlgn.character = this;
        myAlgn.target    = target;

        myFace           = new Face();
        myFace.character = this;
        myFace.target    = target;

        myLWYG           = new LookWhereGoing();
        myLWYG.character = this;
        myLWYG.target    = target;

        myFPth           = new FollowPathDemo();
        myFPth.character = this;
        myFPth.path      = waypointList;

        mySepr           = new Separation();
        mySepr.character = this;

        myPrsu           = new Pursue();
        myPrsu.character = this;
        myPrsu.target    = target;

        myClAv           = new CollAvoid();
        myClAv.character = this;
        myClAv.targets   = collAvoidTargets;

        myObAv           = new ObstAvoid();
        myObAv.character = this;

        controlledSteeringUpdate = new SteeringOutput();
    void Start()
        ///Setup behaviours and BlendSteer for general flocking
        #region General Flocking

        ///Start Separation
        //Separate from others and not self
        Separation _separate = new Separation();
        _separate.character = this;
        GameObject[] _goBirds = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("birds");
        relevantBirds = new GameObject[_goBirds.Length - 1];

        int _relevantBirdCount = 0;
        for (int _bird = 0; _bird < _goBirds.Length - 1; _bird++)
            if (_goBirds[_bird] == this)
                //Ignore self for separation
            ///Else separate from them
            relevantBirds[_relevantBirdCount++] = _goBirds[_bird];
        _separate.neighborhood = relevantBirds;
        ///End Separation

        ///Start Cohere
        Arrive _cohere = new Arrive();
        _cohere.character = this;
        _cohere.target    = flockCoMTarget;
        ///End Cohere

        ///Start LWYG
        LookWhereGoing _lWYG = new LookWhereGoing();
        _lWYG.character = this;
        ///End LWYG

        ///Start Blending for general flocking
        _generalFlockSteering            = new BlendedSteering();
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours = new BehaviourAndWeight[3];

        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[0]           = new BehaviourAndWeight();
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[0].behaviour = _separate;
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[0].weight    = 1f; //Weights are still not great, but functional

        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[1]           = new BehaviourAndWeight();
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[1].behaviour = _cohere;
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[1].weight    = .4f;

        //Look Where Going
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[2]           = new BehaviourAndWeight();
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[2].behaviour = _lWYG;
        _generalFlockSteering.behaviours[2].weight    = 20f;
        ///End Blending

        #endregion General Flocking

        #region Obst Avoid
        ///Start ObstAvoid
        ObstAvoid _obstAvoid = new ObstAvoid();
        _obstAvoid.character     = this;
        _obstAvoid.lookAheadDist = 5f;
        //_obstAvoid.target = flockCoMTarget;

        ///End ObstAvoid

        ///Start Blending for obstacle avoidance
        _obstAvoidSteering            = new BlendedSteering();
        _obstAvoidSteering.behaviours = new BehaviourAndWeight[1];

        _obstAvoidSteering.behaviours[0]           = new BehaviourAndWeight();
        _obstAvoidSteering.behaviours[0].behaviour = _obstAvoid;
        _obstAvoidSteering.behaviours[0].weight    = 1f; //Priority handles this
        ///End Blending

        #endregion Obst Avoid

        #region Priority Blending
        ///Start Prioritization
        _prioritySteering        = new PrioritySteering();
        _prioritySteering.blends = new BlendedSteering[2];

        //General Flocking
        _prioritySteering.blends[0] = new BlendedSteering();
        _prioritySteering.blends[0] = _obstAvoidSteering;

        //Obst Avoid
        _prioritySteering.blends[1] = new BlendedSteering();
        _prioritySteering.blends[1] = _generalFlockSteering;
        ///End Prioritization

        #endregion Priority Blending