Example #1
        private async Task <CasHash> AddPathSet(ICacheSession session, params string[] thePaths)
            var pathTable = new PathTable();

            ObservedPathEntry[] paths = new ObservedPathEntry[thePaths.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < thePaths.Length; i++)
                AbsolutePath absPath = AbsolutePath.Create(pathTable, thePaths[i]);
                paths[i] = new ObservedPathEntry(absPath, false, false, false, null, false);

            var emptyObservedAccessFileNames = SortedReadOnlyArray <StringId, CaseInsensitiveStringIdComparer> .FromSortedArrayUnsafe(
                ReadOnlyArray <StringId> .Empty,
                new CaseInsensitiveStringIdComparer(pathTable.StringTable));

            ObservedPathSet pathSet = new ObservedPathSet(
                SortedReadOnlyArray <ObservedPathEntry, ObservedPathEntryExpandedPathComparer> .FromSortedArrayUnsafe(
                    ReadOnlyArray <ObservedPathEntry> .FromWithoutCopy(paths),
                    new ObservedPathEntryExpandedPathComparer(pathTable.ExpandedPathComparer)),

            using (var pathSetBuffer = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BuildXLWriter(stream: pathSetBuffer, debug: false, leaveOpen: true, logStats: false))
                    pathSet.Serialize(pathTable, writer, preserveCasing: false);

                pathSetBuffer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // Must await such that the dispose of the MemoryStream is only after the write completes
                return(await session.AddToCasAsync(pathSetBuffer).SuccessAsync());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a path set to the given buffer.
        /// </summary>
        protected async Task <ContentHash> SerializePathSet(ObservedPathSet pathSet, MemoryStream pathSetBuffer, ContentHash?pathSetHash = null)
            using (var writer = new BuildXLWriter(stream: pathSetBuffer, debug: false, leaveOpen: true, logStats: false))
                pathSet.Serialize(PathTable, writer, m_pathExpander);

                if (pathSetHash == null)
                    pathSetBuffer.Position = 0;
                    pathSetHash            = await ContentHashingUtilities.HashContentStreamAsync(pathSetBuffer);

                pathSetBuffer.Position = 0;

Example #3
        private static void AssertCompressedSizeExpected(PathTable pathTable, ObservedPathSet pathSet, params string[] uncompressedStrings)
            long compressedSize = GetSizeOfSerializedContent(writer => pathSet.Serialize(pathTable, writer));

            int numberOfUniquePaths = ObservedPathSetTestUtilities.RemoveDuplicates(pathSet).Count;

            // This is correct assuming the following:
            // - Each string can be represented with a one byte length prefix, and a one byte reuse-count.
            // - The number of strings can be represented in one byte.
            // - Each character takes one byte when UTF8 encoded.
            long expectedCompressedSize =
                GetSizeOfSerializedContent(writer => pathSet.UnsafeOptions.Serialize(writer)) +
                1 +                         // The number of observed accesses file names (0)
                1 +                         // String count
                (3 * numberOfUniquePaths) + // Length isSearchPath, isDirectoryPath, and reuse
                uncompressedStrings.Sum(s => s.Length);

            XAssert.AreEqual(expectedCompressedSize, compressedSize, "Wrong size for compressed path-set");
Example #4
        private static ObservedPathSet SerializeRoundTripAndAssertEquivalent(PathTable pathTable, ObservedPathSet original, PathExpander pathExpander = null)
            using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BuildXLWriter(stream: mem, debug: true, leaveOpen: true, logStats: true))
                    original.Serialize(pathTable, writer, pathExpander);

                mem.Position = 0;

                ObservedPathSet roundtrip;
                using (var reader = new BuildXLReader(stream: mem, debug: true, leaveOpen: true))
                    var maybeRoundtrip = ObservedPathSet.TryDeserialize(pathTable, reader, pathExpander);
                    XAssert.IsTrue(maybeRoundtrip.Succeeded, "Failed to deserialize a path set unexpectedly");
                    roundtrip = maybeRoundtrip.Result;

                ObservedPathSetTestUtilities.AssertPathSetsEquivalent(original, roundtrip);