public IActionResult UpdateObservation([FromBody] ObservationModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } var accountId = int.Parse(User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "id").Value); var observation = new Observation { Id = model.Id, Description = model.Description, Latitude = model.Latitude, Longitude = model.Longitude, SpeciesId = model.SpeciesId, Date = model.Date, AccountId = model.AccountId }; _context.Entry(observation).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); }
private ValueClass getCorrectValueType(ObservationModel observationModel) { if (observationModel.valueQuantity != null) { return(observationModel.valueQuantity); } if (observationModel.valueBoolean != null) { return(observationModel.valueBoolean); } if (observationModel.valueInteger != null) { return(observationModel.valueInteger); } if (observationModel.valueString != null) { return(observationModel.valueString); } if (observationModel.valueRange != null) { return(observationModel.valueRange); } return(new ValueClass { Value = 0, Unit = "N/A", Code = "Error: Missing type of value from FHIR. Please update parser to include this new type", System = new Uri("N/A") }); }
public IActionResult AddObservation([FromBody] ObservationModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } if (model.Longitude > 180) { model.Longitude = (model.Longitude + 180) % 360 - 180; } else if (model.Longitude < -180) { model.Longitude = (model.Longitude - 180) % 360 + 180; } var accountId = int.Parse(User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "id").Value); var observation = new Observation { Description = model.Description, Latitude = model.Latitude, Longitude = model.Longitude, SpeciesId = model.SpeciesId, Date = model.Date, AccountId = accountId }; _context.Observations.Add(observation); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); }
public void Put(string patientid, string id, [FromBody] ObservationModel model) { var filter = Builders <PatientModel> .Filter.And( Builders <PatientModel> .Filter.Eq("Id", patientid)); var update = Builders <PatientModel> .Update.PopFirst(x => x.Observations.Any(y => y.ObservationId.Equals(id))) .Push(x => x.Observations, model); }
private static bool Validate(ObservationModel model) { var errorList = new List <string>(); using (var repo = _baseRepository.Get <ISequence>()) { var id = repo.SequenceExist(model.Sequence); if (id == null) { errorList.Add("The sequence isn't found"); } var start = repo.GetStartNumber(model.Sequence); if (start == 0 && model.Color == { errorList.Add("There isn't enough data"); } var finished = repo.IsFinished(model.Sequence); if (finished != null) { errorList.Add("The red observation should be the last"); } if (model.Color != && model.Color != { errorList.Add("Invalid color"); } if (model.Color == { if (model.Numbers == null || model.Numbers.Length == 0 || model.Numbers.Length != 2) { errorList.Add("Invalid count of numbers"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(model.Numbers[0], "^[0-1]{7}$") || !Regex.IsMatch(model.Numbers[1], "^[0-1]{7}$")) { errorList.Add("Invalid numbers format"); } } } if (errorList.Count != 0) { throw new DTLException(errorList); } return(true); }
//Helper method used to recursively find observations from bundles private JObject recursiveObservationSearch(List <JObject> observations, JObject sortedObservations, Dictionary <string, int> dateMappings) { for (int i = 0; i < observations.Count; i++) { if ((string)observations[i].SelectToken("resourceType") == "Bundle") { List <JObject> observationSubsearch = new List <JObject>(); int count = observations[i].SelectToken("entry").Count(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { observationSubsearch.Add((JObject)observations[i].SelectToken("entry")[j] .SelectToken("resource")); } recursiveObservationSearch(observationSubsearch, sortedObservations, dateMappings); } else if ((string)observations[i].SelectToken("resourceType") == "Observation") { ObservationModel observationModel = observations[i].ToObject <ObservationModel>(); string date = observationModel.EffectiveDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); int id; if (dateMappings.TryGetValue(date, out id)) { JArray items = (JArray)sortedObservations.SelectToken(date).SelectToken("items"); valueContainer(items, observationModel); } else { int newKey = sortedObservations.Count; JArray items = new JArray(); valueContainer(items, observationModel); JProperty entry = new JProperty(date, new JObject { new JProperty("items", items) } ); sortedObservations.Add(entry); dateMappings.Add(date, newKey); } } } return(sortedObservations); }
private ObservationModel GetMappedObservation(Observation observation) { var resultObservation = new ObservationModel { Id = observation.Id }; resultObservation.VersionId = observation.VersionId ?? ""; resultObservation.Text = observation.Code.Text; resultObservation.SubjectId = observation.Subject.Reference.Split('/')[1]; resultObservation.IssuedDate = observation.Issued; if (observation.Value is Quantity value) { resultObservation.Value = value.Value ?? 0; resultObservation.Unit = value.Unit; } return(resultObservation); }
public ObservationModule() : base("/api") { Get["/observation"] = _ => { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var om = new ObservationModel { UniqueClients = Observation.GetUnique(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1), DateTime.Now, 30), ActiveZones = Observation.GetFloors(DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1), DateTime.Now, 30) }; sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); //return Response.AsJson(o); return NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(om); }; //Get["/observations/stats"] = _ => //{ // var o = Observation.ToList(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Now, 25); // var unique = o.Select(x => x.ClientMac).Distinct(); // foreach (var uq in unique) // { // var ob = Observation.ClientMacList(DateTime.Today, DateTime.Now, uq, 25); // var dwell = new TimeSpan(); // foreach (Observation obi in ob) // { // } // } // var stats = new Statistics // { // UniqueClients = o.Select(x => x.ClientMac).Distinct().Count(), // //AvgDwell = o. // }; // return NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(null); //} }
public IHttpActionResult Post(string patientid, [FromBody] ObservationModel obs) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var filter = Builders <PatientModel> .Filter.Eq("Id", patientid); var update = Builders <PatientModel> .Update.Push(x => x.Observations, obs); var modified = _context.Patients.UpdateOne(filter, update).ModifiedCount; var test = _context.Patients.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault(); _factory = new VMFactory(new UrlHelper(Request)); var viewModel = _factory.Create(test); return(Created(viewModel.Link, viewModel)); } else { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } }
private void valueContainer(JArray values, ObservationModel observation) { //If an observation has more than one value, it stores it as a component of ValueQuantity properties //We loop over them and add them to our array if this is the case if (observation.Component != null) { for (int i = 0; i < observation.Component.Length; i++) { JObject entry = new JObject { new JProperty("type", observation.Code.Text), new JProperty("value", getCorrectValueTypeForComponent(observation.Component[i]).Value), new JProperty("unit", getCorrectValueTypeForComponent(observation.Component[i]).Unit) }; values.Add(entry); } } //The observation may be stored as a valueCodeableConcept, which is just a comment about a topic //e.g. is the patient a smoker- the value stored might be "former smoker" else if (observation.valueCodeableConcept != null) { values.Add(new JObject { new JProperty("type", observation.Code.Text), new JProperty("value", observation.valueCodeableConcept.value) }); } else { values.Add(new JObject { new JProperty("type", observation.Code.Text), new JProperty("value", getCorrectValueType(observation).Value), new JProperty("unit", getCorrectValueType(observation).Unit) }); } }
public IActionResult AddObservation([FromBody] ObservationModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } try { var responce = _dtlManager.GetResponse(model); return(Ok(responce)); } catch (DTLException ex) { var responce = new ErrorModel { Status = "error", Msg = ex.ErrMsg }; return(BadRequest(responce)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, ex.Message)); } }
public ResponseModel GetResponse(ObservationModel model) { if (Validate(model)) { var response = new ResponseModel { Status = "ok" }; int id; using (var repo = _baseRepository.Get <ISequence>()) { id = repo.GetSequenceId(model.Sequence); } if (model.Color == { var first = model.Numbers[0].ToCharArray(); var second = model.Numbers[1].ToCharArray(); var fInd = new List <int>(); var sInd = new List <int>(); var temp = new List <int>(); var fRes = new List <int>(); var sRes = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < first.Length; i++) { if (first[i] == '1') { fInd.Add(i); } if (second[i] == '1') { sInd.Add(i); } } List <int> startNumbers; using (var repo = _baseRepository.Get <ISequence>()) { startNumbers = repo.GetSequenceStartNumbers(id); } if (startNumbers.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _nums.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < _nums[i].ToCharArray().Length; j++) { if (_nums[i][j] == '1') { temp.Add(j); } } if (!fInd.Except(temp).Any()) { fRes.Add(i); } if (!sInd.Except(temp).Any()) { sRes.Add(i); } temp = new List <int>(); } var sNums = Map(fRes, sRes); using (var repo = _baseRepository.Get <ISequence>()) { sNums.ForEach(i => { repo.AddSequenceStartNumber(id, i); }); } response.Response.Start = sNums; } else { response.Response.Start = startNumbers; } var res = DeleteSectors(id, fInd, sInd); response.Response.Missing[0] = ConstructResult(res.Item1); response.Response.Missing[1] = ConstructResult(res.Item2); } else { int start; using (var repo = _baseRepository.Get <ISequence>()) { start = repo.GetStartNumber(model.Sequence); repo.SetFinished(model.Sequence); } response.Response.Start = new List <int> { start - 2 }; using (var repo = _baseRepository.Get <IObservation>()) { response.Response.Missing[0] = ConstructResult(repo.GetFirstSector(id).ToList()); response.Response.Missing[1] = ConstructResult(repo.GetSecondSector(id).ToList()); } } return(response); } return(null); }