Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a MPC record line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Line">A string containing the MPC report. Must be exactly 80 ASCII8 characters long.</param>
        /// <returns>An object observation instance.</returns>
        public static ObsInstance ParseLine(string Line)
            if (Line.Length != 80)
                throw new ArgumentException("The line is too short. Expecting 80-character lines.", nameof(Line));

            ObsInstance instance    = new ObsInstance();
            string      PermanentID = Line.Substring(0, 5);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PermanentID))
                instance.PackedMPN = null;
                instance.PackedMPN = PermanentID;
            string Designation = Line.Substring(5, 7);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Designation))
                instance.ObjectDesignation = null;
                instance.ObjectDesignation = Designation;

            switch (Line[12])
            case '*': instance.DetectionAsterisk = true; break;

            case MPCSpace: instance.DetectionAsterisk = false; break;

            default: throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.DetectionAsterisk);

            byte PubNote = (byte)Line[13];
            byte N2      = (byte)Line[14];

            instance.PubNote = (PublishingNote)PubNote;
            instance.N2      = (Note2)N2;

            string Date = Line.Substring(15, 10);
            string Time = Line.Substring(25, 6);
            var    IC   = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Date) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Time))
                instance.ObsTime = null;
                    DateTime dt   = DateTime.ParseExact(Date, "yyyy MM dd", IC);
                    double   tval = double.Parse(Time, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint);
                    instance.ObsTime = dt.AddDays(tval);
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.ObsTime); }

            string RA  = Line.Substring(32, 12);
            string Dec = Line.Substring(44, 12);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RA) | string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Dec))
                instance.Coordinates = null;
                { EquatorialPoint eqp = ParseFromMPCString(RA + " " + Dec); instance.Coordinates = eqp; }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.Coordinates); }

            string Mag = Line.Substring(65, 4);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Mag))
                instance.Mag = null;
                if (double.TryParse(Mag, out double M))
                    instance.Mag = M;
                    throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.Magnitude);

            byte MagBand = (byte)Line[70];

            instance.MagBand = (MagnitudeBand)MagBand;

            string ObsCode = Line.Substring(77, 3);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ObsCode))
                instance.ObservatoryCode = null;
                instance.ObservatoryCode = ObsCode;

Example #2
#pragma warning restore 1591

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a MPC record line from a given object observation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ObservedObject">The object observation instance for which to create the record.</param>
        /// <returns>A string containing the MPC report. Exactly 80 ASCII8 characters long.</returns>
        public static string GenerateLine(ObsInstance ObservedObject)
            StringBuilder Line = new StringBuilder();

            Line.Length = 80;

            if (ObservedObject.PackedMPN == null)
                ObservedObject.PackedMPN = new string(' ', 5);
                ObservedObject.ObjectDesignation = new string(' ', 7);
            if (ObservedObject.PackedMPN.Length != 5)
                throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.PackedMPN);
            if (ObservedObject.ObjectDesignation == null)
                ObservedObject.ObjectDesignation = new string(' ', 7);
            if (ObservedObject.ObjectDesignation.Length != 7)
                throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.ObjectDesignation);

            Line.Insert(0, ObservedObject.PackedMPN);
            Line.Insert(5, ObservedObject.ObjectDesignation);

            Line[12] = ObservedObject.DetectionAsterisk ? '*' : MPCSpace;
            Line[13] = (char)((byte)ObservedObject.PubNote);
            Line[14] = (char)((byte)ObservedObject.N2);

            string DateString = new string(' ', 16);

            if (ObservedObject.ObsTime.HasValue)
                DateString  = ObservedObject.ObsTime.Value.ToString("yyyy MM dd");
                DateString += ObservedObject.ObsTime.Value.TimeOfDay.TotalDays.ToString(".00000");

            Line.Insert(15, DateString);
            Line.Insert(31, MPCSpace);
            if (ObservedObject.Coordinates.HasValue)
                Line.Insert(32, ObservedObject.Coordinates.Value.FormatToString(Format.MPC_RA));
                Line.Insert(44, ObservedObject.Coordinates.Value.FormatToString(Format.MPC_Dec));
                Line.Insert(32, new string(' ', 24));

            int i;

            for (i = 56; i < 65; i++)
                Line[i] = MPCSpace;

            if (ObservedObject.Mag.HasValue)
                Line.Insert(65, ObservedObject.Mag.Value.ToString("00.0 "));
                Line.Insert(65, new string(' ', 5));

            Line[70] = (char)((byte)ObservedObject.MagBand);
            for (i = 71; i < 77; i++)
                Line[i] = MPCSpace;

            if (ObservedObject.ObservatoryCode == null)
                ObservedObject.ObservatoryCode = new string(' ', 3);
            if (ObservedObject.ObservatoryCode.Length != 3)
                throw new InvalidFieldException(InvalidFieldException.FieldType.ObservatoryCode);
            Line.Insert(77, ObservedObject.ObservatoryCode);

            return(Line.ToString().Substring(0, 80));