Example #1
        ///<summary>Report on the fact that a given line has been executed.</summary>
        public static void ExecutedLine(string className, string methodName, string descriptor, int line)
            //This is done to prevent the SUT keep on executing code after a test case is evaluated
            if (IsKillSwitch())
                // var initClass = Arrays.stream(Thread.CurrentThread..getStackTrace())
                //     .anyMatch(e -> e.getMethodName().equals("<clinit>"));

                 *  must NOT stop the initialization of a class, otherwise the SUT will be left in an
                 *  inconsistent state in the following calls

                // if (!initClass)
                // {
                //     throw new KillSwitchException();
                // }

            //for targets to cover
            var lineId  = ObjectiveNaming.LineObjectiveName(className, line);
            var classId = ObjectiveNaming.ClassObjectiveName(className);

            UpdateObjective(lineId, 1d);
            UpdateObjective(classId, 1d);

            //to calculate last executed line
            var lastLine   = className + "_" + line + "_" + methodName;
            var lastMethod = className + "_" + methodName + "_" + descriptor;

            MarkLastExecutedStatement(lastLine, lastMethod);
Example #2
        //This method is called by the probe inserted after each covered line in the instrumented SUT
        public static void CompletedLine(string className, string methodName, int lineNo)
            ObjectiveRecorder.RegisterTarget(ObjectiveNaming.LineObjectiveName(className, lineNo));

            //TODO: description
            ExecutionTracer.ExecutedLine(className, methodName, "desc", lineNo);