static AutoWalker() { myNexus = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsAlly); enemyNexus = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsEnemy); enemyLazer = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Turret>().FirstOrDefault(tur => tur.IsEnemy && tur.GetLane() == Lane.Spawn); p = ObjectManager.Player; if (p.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Summoner1).Name == "summonerheal") { Heal = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Summoner1); } if (p.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Summoner2).Name == "summonerheal") { Heal = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Summoner2); } if (p.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Summoner1).Name == "summonerhaste") { Ghost = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Summoner1); } if (p.Spellbook.GetSpell(SpellSlot.Summoner2).Name == "summonerhaste") { Ghost = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Summoner2); } target = ObjectManager.Player.Position; Orbwalker.DisableMovement = true; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalker_OnPreAttack; Game.OnTick += OnTick; if (MainMenu.GetMenu("AB").Get<CheckBox>("debuginfo").CurrentValue) Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
private void SelectMostPushedLane() { Obj_HQ nMyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(hq => hq.IsEnemy); Obj_AI_Minion andrzej = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>() .Where(min => min.Name.Contains("Minion") && min.IsAlly && min.Health > 0) .OrderBy(min => min.Distance(nMyNexus)) .First(); status = "selected most pushed lane: " + andrzej.GetLane(); Obj_AI_Base ally = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>() .Where(tur => tur.IsAlly && tur.Health > 0 && tur.GetLane() == andrzej.GetLane()) .OrderBy(tur => tur.Distance(andrzej)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ally == null) { Console.WriteLine("ally 1"); ally = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>() .Where(tur => tur.Health > 0 && tur.IsAlly && tur.GetLane() == Lane.HQ) .OrderBy(tur => tur.Distance(andrzej)) .FirstOrDefault(); } if (ally == null) { Console.WriteLine("ally 2"); ally = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>().FirstOrDefault(tur => tur.IsAlly && tur.GetLane() == Lane.Spawn); } Obj_AI_Base enemy = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>() .Where(tur => tur.IsEnemy && tur.Health > 0 && tur.GetLane() == andrzej.GetLane()) .OrderBy(tur => tur.Distance(andrzej)) .FirstOrDefault(); if (enemy == null) { Console.WriteLine("enemy 1"); enemy = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>() .Where(tur => tur.Health > 0 && tur.IsEnemy && tur.GetLane() == Lane.HQ) .OrderBy(tur => tur.Distance(andrzej)) .FirstOrDefault(); } if (enemy == null) { Console.WriteLine("enemy 2"); enemy = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>().FirstOrDefault(tur => tur.IsEnemy && tur.GetLane() == Lane.Spawn); } currentLogic.pushLogic.Reset(ally, enemy, andrzej.GetLane()); }
static AutoWalker() { GameID = DateTime.Now.Ticks + "" + RandomString(10); newPF = MainMenu.GetMenu("AB").Get <CheckBox>("newPF").CurrentValue; NavGraph = new NavGraph(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "EloBuddy\\AutoBuddyPlus")); PfNodes = new List <Vector3>(); color = new ColorBGRA(79, 219, 50, 255); MyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsAlly); EneMyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsEnemy); EnemyLazer = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>().FirstOrDefault(tur => !tur.IsAlly && tur.GetLane() == Lane.Spawn); myHero = ObjectManager.Player; initSummonerSpells(); Target = ObjectManager.Player.Position; Orbwalker.DisableMovement = false; Orbwalker.DisableAttacking = false; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OverrideOrbwalkPosition = () => Target; if (Orbwalker.HoldRadius > 130 || Orbwalker.HoldRadius < 80) { Chat.Print("=================WARNING=================", Color.Red); Chat.Print("Your hold radius value in orbwalker isn't optimal for AutoBuddy", Color.Aqua); Chat.Print("Please set hold radius through menu=>Orbwalker"); Chat.Print("Recommended values: Hold radius: 80-130, Delay between movements: 100-250"); } Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Core.DelayAction(OnEndGame, 20000); updateItems(); oldOrbwalk(); Game.OnTick += OnTick; }
static AutoWalker() { GameID = DateTime.Now.Ticks + ""+RandomString(10); newPF = MainMenu.GetMenu("AB").Get<CheckBox>("newPF").CurrentValue; NavGraph=new NavGraph(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "EloBuddy\\AutoBuddyPlus")); PfNodes=new List<Vector3>(); color = new ColorBGRA(79, 219, 50, 255); MyNexus = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsAlly); EneMyNexus = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsEnemy); EnemyLazer = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Turret>().FirstOrDefault(tur => !tur.IsAlly && tur.GetLane() == Lane.Spawn); myHero = ObjectManager.Player; initSummonerSpells(); Target = ObjectManager.Player.Position; Orbwalker.DisableMovement = false; Orbwalker.DisableAttacking = false; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OverrideOrbwalkPosition = () => Target; if (Orbwalker.HoldRadius > 130 || Orbwalker.HoldRadius < 80) { Chat.Print("=================WARNING=================", Color.Red); Chat.Print("Your hold radius value in orbwalker isn't optimal for AutoBuddy", Color.Aqua); Chat.Print("Please set hold radius through menu=>Orbwalker"); Chat.Print("Recommended values: Hold radius: 80-130, Delay between movements: 100-250"); } Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Core.DelayAction(OnEndGame, 20000); updateItems(); oldOrbwalk(); Game.OnTick += OnTick; }
public static void setupARMASimulator() { GameObject.OnCreate += TowerAttackOnCreate; GameObject.OnDelete += onDelete; foreach (var tur in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>()) { if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos) { fromNex = tur; } if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order) { toNex = tur; } if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order) { fromNex = tur; } if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos) { toNex = tur; } } if (fromNex == null) { return; } float sep = fromNex.Position.Distance(toNex.Position) / 40; Vector2 lastPos = fromNex.Position.To2D(); //Setup sectors for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { Vector2 end = lastPos.Extend(toNex.Position.To2D(), sep); sectors.Add(new Sector(lastPos, end, 750)); lastPos = end; } MapControl.setupMapControl(); AutoLevelChamp.setAutoLevel(); AutoShopper.init(); setUpItems(); setChamp(); AutoShopper.setBuild(champBuild); //checkItems(); sSpells = new SummonerSpells(); if (champ != null) { champ.setUpSpells(); } DeathWalker.CustomRunCS = (player.IsMelee) ? 250 : 150; DeathWalker.CustomMoveDelay = 324; DeathWalker.BottingMode = true; }
static AutoWalker() { GameID = DateTime.Now.Ticks + "" + RandomString(10); newPF = MainMenu.GetMenu("AB").Get <CheckBox>("newPF").CurrentValue; NavGraph = new NavGraph(Path.Combine(SandboxConfig.DataDirectory, "AutoBuddy")); PfNodes = new List <Vector3>(); color = new ColorBGRA(79, 219, 50, 255); MyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsAlly); EneMyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsEnemy); EnemyLazer = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Turret>().FirstOrDefault(tur => !tur.IsAlly && tur.GetLane() == Lane.Spawn); p = ObjectManager.Player; initSummonerSpells(); Chat.Print("Selecting target position."); Target = ObjectManager.Player.Position; Chat.Print("Made it through the orbwalker..."); Orbwalker.DisableMovement = false; Orbwalker.DisableAttacking = false; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; if (!MainMenu.GetMenu("AB").Get <CheckBox>("disableAutoBuddy").CurrentValue) { Orbwalker.OverrideOrbwalkPosition = () => Target; } if (Orbwalker.HoldRadius > 130 || Orbwalker.HoldRadius < 80) { Chat.Print("=================WARNING=================", Color.Red); Chat.Print("Your hold radius value in orbwalker isn't optimal for AutoBuddy", Color.Aqua); Chat.Print("Please set hold radius through menu=>Orbwalker"); Chat.Print("Recommended values: Hold radius: 80-130, Delay between movements: 100-250"); } if (MainMenu.GetMenu("AB").Get <CheckBox>("debuginfo").CurrentValue) { Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; } Core.DelayAction(OnEndGame, 20000); updateItems(); oldOrbwalk(); Game.OnTick += OnTick; Chat.OnMessage += Chat_OnMessage; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public ObjectiveBase(Vector2 position, ObjectiveBaseTurret turret1, ObjectiveBaseTurret turret2) : base(position) { Object = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_HQ>().First(tower => Math.Abs(tower.Position.X - position.X) < ObjectiveOuterTurret.EstimatedPositionRange && Math.Abs(tower.Position.Y - position.Y) < ObjectiveOuterTurret.EstimatedPositionRange); _turret1 = turret1; _turret2 = turret2; RequiredObjectives.Add(turret1); RequiredObjectives.Add(turret2); }
public ObjectiveBase(Vector2 position, ObjectiveBaseTurret turret1, ObjectiveBaseTurret turret2) : base(position) { Object = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(tower => Math.Abs(tower.Position.X - position.X) < ObjectiveOuterTurret.EstimatedPositionRange && Math.Abs(tower.Position.Y - position.Y) < ObjectiveOuterTurret.EstimatedPositionRange); _turret1 = turret1; _turret2 = turret2; RequiredObjectives.Add(turret1); RequiredObjectives.Add(turret2); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Loading.OnLoadingComplete += delegate { // Get Ally/Enemy Nexus objs AllyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsAlly); EnemyNexus = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>().First(n => n.IsEnemy); Core.DelayAction(OnEndGame, 20000); Chat.Print("AutoCloseGame: By DevAkumetsu"); }; }
private static bool isValidAATarget(this Obj_HQ nexus) { if (nexus.IsDead || nexus.IsAlly) { return(false); } var attackrange = Me.AttackRange + Me.BoundingRadius + nexus.BoundingRadius; if (!nexus.IsValidTarget(attackrange, true)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static void setupARMASimulator() { try { GameObject.OnCreate += TowerAttackOnCreate; if (ObjectManager.Player.Hero != EloBuddy.Champion.Corki) { GameObject.OnDelete += onDelete; } foreach (var tur in ObjectManager.Get <Obj_HQ>()) { if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos) { fromNex = tur; } if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order) { toNex = tur; } if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order) { fromNex = tur; } if (tur.Team == GameObjectTeam.Order && player.Team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos) { toNex = tur; } } if (fromNex == null) { return; } float sep = fromNex.Position.Distance(toNex.Position) / 40; Vector2 lastPos = fromNex.Position.To2D(); //Setup sectors for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { Vector2 end = lastPos.Extend(toNex.Position.To2D(), sep); sectors.Add(new Sector(lastPos, end, 750)); lastPos = end; } MapControl.setupMapControl(); AutoLevelChamp.setAutoLevel(); AutoShopper.init(); setUpItems(); setChamp(); AutoShopper.setBuild(champBuild); sSpells = new SummonerSpells(); if (champ != null) { champ.setUpSpells(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// A function used to update HQs /// </summary> public static void Load() { AllyHQ = ObjectHandler.Get <Obj_HQ>().FirstOrDefault(hq => hq.IsAlly); EnemyHQ = ObjectHandler.Get <Obj_HQ>().FirstOrDefault(hq => !hq.IsAlly); }