Example #1
        void JsonTimeStampHandlesAllFormats()
            string       expectedJson, actualJson;
            DateTime     expectedTime;
            ObjWithTimes actualObj = new ObjWithTimes();

            for (int i = 0; i < _examples.Length; i++)
                // Define the time deserialization expectation
                UUnitAssert.True(DateTime.TryParseExact(_examples[i], Util._defaultDateTimeFormats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out expectedTime), "Index: " + i + "/" + _examples.Length + ", " + _examples[i]);

                // De-serialize the time using json
                expectedJson = "{\"timestamp\":\"" + _examples[i] + "\"}"; // We are provided a json string with every random time format
                actualObj    = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject <ObjWithTimes>(expectedJson, Util.ApiSerializerStrategy);
                actualJson   = SimpleJson.SerializeObject(actualObj, Util.ApiSerializerStrategy);

                if (i == Util.DEFAULT_UTC_OUTPUT_INDEX) // This is the only case where the json input will match the json output
                    UUnitAssert.StringEquals(expectedJson, actualJson);

                // Verify that the times match
                double diff = (expectedTime - actualObj.timestamp).TotalSeconds; // We expect that we have parsed the time correctly according to expectations
                UUnitAssert.True(diff < 1,
                                 "\nActual time: " + actualObj.timestamp + " vs expected time: " + expectedTime + ", diff: " + diff +
                                 "\nActual json: " + actualJson + " vs expected json: " + expectedJson
Example #2
        void JsonTimeStampHandlesAllFormats()
            string expectedJson, actualJson;
            DateTime expectedTime;
            ObjWithTimes actualObj = new ObjWithTimes();

            for (int i = 0; i < examples.Length; i++)
                // Define the time deserialization expectation
                UUnitAssert.True(DateTime.TryParseExact(examples[i], IsoDateTimeConverter._defaultDateTimeFormats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out expectedTime), "Index: " + i + "/" + examples.Length + ", " + examples[i]);

                // De-serialize the time using json
                expectedJson = "{\"timestamp\":\"" + examples[i] + "\"}"; // We are provided a json string with every random time format
                JsonConvert.PopulateObject(expectedJson, actualObj, Util.JsonSettings);
                actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualObj, Util.JsonFormatting, Util.JsonSettings);

                if (i == IsoDateTimeConverter.DEFAULT_UTC_OUTPUT_INDEX) // This is the only case where the json input will match the json output
                    UUnitAssert.Equals(expectedJson, actualJson);

                // Verify that the times match
                double diff = (expectedTime - actualObj.timestamp).TotalSeconds; // We expect that we have parsed the time correctly according to expectations
                UUnitAssert.True(diff < 1,
                    "\nActual time: " + actualObj.timestamp + " vs expected time: " + expectedTime + ", diff: " + diff +
                    "\nActual json: " + actualJson + " vs expected json: " + expectedJson
Example #3
        void JsonTimeStampHandlesAllFormats(UUnitTestContext testContext)
            string expectedJson, actualJson;
            DateTime expectedTime;
            ObjWithTimes actualObj = new ObjWithTimes();

            for (int i = 0; i < _examples.Length; i++)
                // Define the time deserialization expectation
                testContext.True(DateTime.TryParseExact(_examples[i], PlayFabUtil._defaultDateTimeFormats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out expectedTime), "Index: " + i + "/" + _examples.Length + ", " + _examples[i]);

                // De-serialize the time using json
                expectedJson = "{\"timestamp\":\"" + _examples[i] + "\"}"; // We are provided a json string with every random time format
                actualObj = JsonWrapper.DeserializeObject<ObjWithTimes>(expectedJson, PlayFabUtil.ApiSerializerStrategy);
                actualJson = JsonWrapper.SerializeObject(actualObj, PlayFabUtil.ApiSerializerStrategy);

                if (i == PlayFabUtil.DEFAULT_UTC_OUTPUT_INDEX) // This is the only case where the json input will match the json output
                    testContext.StringEquals(expectedJson, actualJson);

                // Verify that the times match
                double diff = (expectedTime - actualObj.timestamp).TotalSeconds; // We expect that we have parsed the time correctly according to expectations
                testContext.True(diff < 1,
                    "\nActual time: " + actualObj.timestamp + " vs Expected time: " + expectedTime + ", diff: " + diff +
                    "\nActual json: " + actualJson + " vs Expected json: " + expectedJson
            testContext.EndTest(UUnitFinishState.PASSED, null);