protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int price = int.Parse(((System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)(sender)).Attributes["priceid"]); if (price > 0) { try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { PriceBO objPrice = new PriceBO(this.ObjContext); objPrice.ID = price; objPrice.GetObject(); objPrice.Remarks = txtAddNote.Text; objPrice.Modifier = LoggedUser.ID; objPrice.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occured while ading/updating note(btnSaveNote_Click()) AddPatternFabricPricePage", ex); } } ViewState["populateaddNewNote"] = false; this.PopulatePatternFabrics(); }
protected void linkSave_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsNotRefresh) { return; } try { using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { foreach (GridDataItem item in this.RadGridProductionCapacities.Items) { var linkSave = (HtmlAnchor)item.FindControl("linkSave"); var txtCapacity = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtCapacity"); var txtHoliydays = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtHoliydays"); var txtNotes = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtNotes"); var txtSalesTarget = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtSalesTarget"); var id = int.Parse(((System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlControl)(linkSave)).Attributes["pcid"].ToString()); if (id <= 0) { continue; } var objProductionCapacity = new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO(ObjContext) { ID = id }; objProductionCapacity.GetObject(); objProductionCapacity.Capacity = int.Parse(txtCapacity.Text.Replace(",", string.Empty)); objProductionCapacity.NoOfHolidays = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHoliydays.Text)) ? int.Parse(txtHoliydays.Text) : 0; objProductionCapacity.Notes = txtNotes.Text; objProductionCapacity.SalesTarget = Convert.ToDecimal(txtSalesTarget.Text); } ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occured while updaing Production Capacities Details in ViewProductionCapacities.aspx", ex); } PopulateDataGrid(); }
protected void OnlnkEditCapacityClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { foreach (GridDataItem item in WeeklyPiecesSummaryRedGrid.Items) { var txtCapacity = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtCapacity"); var txtHolidays = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtHolidays"); var txtSalesTarget = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtSalesTarget"); var linkEditCapacity = (LinkButton)item.FindControl("linkEditCapacity"); var pcid = int.Parse(linkEditCapacity.Attributes["pcid"]); if (pcid <= 0 || txtCapacity == null || txtHolidays == null) { continue; } using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { var objWeeklyProductionCapacity = new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO(ObjContext) { ID = pcid }; objWeeklyProductionCapacity.GetObject(); var capacity = txtCapacity.Text.Replace(",", ""); objWeeklyProductionCapacity.Capacity = int.Parse(capacity); objWeeklyProductionCapacity.NoOfHolidays = int.Parse(txtHolidays.Text); objWeeklyProductionCapacity.SalesTarget = decimal.Parse(txtSalesTarget.Text); ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occurred while editing weekly capacity and weekly holidays in ViewWeeklyCpacities.aspx", ex); } PopulateDataGrid(); }
private void ChangeOrderStatus(int QuoteID) { try { if (QuoteID > 0) { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { QuoteBO objQuote = new QuoteBO(this.ObjContext); objQuote.ID = QuoteID; objQuote.GetObject(); objQuote.Status = 4; ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { IL.log.Error("Error occured while updating quote table in CheckQuote", ex); } }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int invoiceID = int.Parse(hdnSelectedID.Value.Trim()); if (invoiceID > 0) { try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { InvoiceBO objInvoice = new InvoiceBO(ObjContext); objInvoice.ID = invoiceID; objInvoice.GetObject(); List <InvoiceOrderBO> lstInvoiceOrder = (new InvoiceOrderBO()).GetAllObject().Where(o => o.Invoice == objInvoice.ID).ToList(); foreach (InvoiceOrderBO objDelInvoiceOrder in lstInvoiceOrder) { InvoiceOrderBO objInvoiceOrder = new InvoiceOrderBO(ObjContext); objInvoiceOrder.ID = objDelInvoiceOrder.ID; objInvoiceOrder.GetObject(); objInvoiceOrder.Delete(); } objInvoice.Delete(); ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } PopulateDataGrid(); } }
private int ProcessForm() { int distributor = 0; try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { CompanyBO objDistributor = new CompanyBO(this.ObjContext); if (this.QueryID > 0) { objDistributor.ID = this.QueryID; objDistributor.GetObject(); } else { objDistributor.Creator = this.LoggedUser.ID; objDistributor.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; objDistributor.IsActive = true; objDistributor.IsDelete = false; } objDistributor.Modifier = this.LoggedUser.ID; objDistributor.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; objDistributor.Type = 4; //Distributor objDistributor.IsDistributor = true; objDistributor.Name = this.txtName.Text; objDistributor.NickName = this.txtNickName.Text; objDistributor.Number = this.txtCompanyNumber.Text; objDistributor.Address1 = this.txtAddress1.Text; objDistributor.Address2 = this.txtAddress2.Text; objDistributor.City = this.txtCity.Text; objDistributor.State = this.txtState.Text; objDistributor.Postcode = this.txtPostalCode.Text; objDistributor.Country = int.Parse(this.ddlCountry.SelectedValue); objDistributor.Phone1 = this.txtPhoneNo1.Text; objDistributor.Phone2 = this.txtPhoneNo2.Text; objDistributor.Fax = this.txtFaxNo.Text; //objDistributor.Email = this.txtEmailAddress.Text; objDistributor.Coordinator = int.Parse(ddlCoordinator.SelectedValue); //objDistributor.SecondaryCoordinator = int.Parse(this.ddlSecondaryCoordinator.SelectedValue); objDistributor.IsBackOrder = this.chkBackOrder.Checked; objDistributor.IsActive = this.chkIsActive.Checked; ObjContext.SaveChanges(); //distributor = objDistributor.ID; //var objDca = new DistributorClientAddressBO() //{ // CompanyName = "TBA", // Address = "TBA", // Suburb = "TBA", // PostCode = "TBA", // Country = 14, // ContactName = "TBA", // ContactPhone = "TBA", // State = "TBA", // EmailAddress = "TBA", // AddressType = 0, // Distributor = objDistributor.ID, // IsAdelaideWarehouse = false //}; //objDca.Add(); //ObjContext.SaveChanges(); //UserBO objUser = null; //if (this.QueryID == 0) //{ // objUser = new UserBO(this.ObjContext); // objUser.Company = distributor; // objUser.IsDistributor = true; // objUser.Status = 3; //Invited // objUser.Username = this.txtEmailAddress.Text; // objUser.Password = UserBO.GetNewEncryptedRandomPassword(); // objUser.GivenName = this.txtGivenName.Text; // objUser.FamilyName = this.txtFamilyName.Text; // objUser.EmailAddress = this.txtEmailAddress.Text; // objUser.Creator = this.LoggedUser.ID; // objUser.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; // objUser.HomeTelephoneNumber = this.txtPhoneNo1.Text; // objUser.OfficeTelephoneNumber = this.txtPhoneNo2.Text; // objUser.Modifier = this.LoggedUser.ID; // objUser.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; // objUser.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // RoleBO objRole = new RoleBO(this.ObjContext); // objRole.ID = 10; // Distributor Administrator // objRole.GetObject(); // objUser.UserRolesWhereThisIsUser.Add(objRole); // objUser.CompanysWhereThisIsOwner.Add(objDistributor); // this.ObjContext.SaveChanges(); // //Send Invitation Email // string hosturl = IndicoConfiguration.AppConfiguration.SiteHostAddress + "/"; // string emailcontent = String.Format("<p>A new acoount set up for u at <a href =\"http://{0}\">\"http://{0}/</a></p>" + // "<p>To complete your registration simply clik the link below to sign in<br>" + // "<a href=\"http://{0}Welcome.aspx?guid={1}&id={2}\">http://{0}Welcome.aspx?guid={1}&id={2}</a></p>", // hosturl, objUser.Guid, objUser.ID.ToString()); // IndicoEmail.SendMailNotifications(this.LoggedUser, objUser, "Activate Your New Account", emailcontent); //} //else //{ // if (!objDistributor.Name.Contains("BLACKCHROME")) // { // objUser = new UserBO(this.ObjContext); // objUser.ID = (int)objDistributor.Owner; // objUser.GetObject(); // objUser.GivenName = this.txtGivenName.Text; // objUser.FamilyName = this.txtFamilyName.Text; // objUser.EmailAddress = this.txtEmailAddress.Text; // ObjContext.SaveChanges(); // } //} ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occured while send Distributor email", ex); } return(distributor); }
private void AddNextYear() { using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { var currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year; var currentWeeks = new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO(ObjContext).GetAllObject(); if (currentWeeks.Any()) { if (currentWeeks.Count > 1) { var lastWeek = currentWeeks.OrderBy(w => w.WeekendDate).Last().WeekendDate; currentYear = lastWeek.Year == currentWeeks[currentWeeks.Count() - 2].WeekendDate.Year ? lastWeek.AddYears(1).Year : lastWeek.Year; } else { currentYear = currentWeeks.Last().WeekendDate.AddYears(1).Year; } } var currentYearStartDate = new DateTime(currentYear, 1, 1); while (currentYearStartDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Tuesday) { currentYearStartDate = currentYearStartDate.AddDays(1); } var weekNumber = 1; while (currentYearStartDate.Year == currentYear) { var weeklyProductionCapacity = new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO(ObjContext) { WeekNo = weekNumber, WeekendDate = currentYearStartDate, SalesTarget = 0, HoursPerDay = (decimal)10.0, NoOfHolidays = 6, OrderCutOffDate = currentYearStartDate.AddDays(-18), EstimatedDateOfDespatch = currentYearStartDate, EstimatedDateOfArrival = currentYearStartDate.AddDays(3) }; weeklyProductionCapacity.Add(); var polodetails = new WeeklyProductionCapacityDetailsBO(ObjContext) { ItemType = 1, TotalCapacity = 5850, FivePcsCapacity = 100, SampleCapacity = 200, Workers = 65, Efficiency = (decimal)0.45 }; var outerwaredetails = new WeeklyProductionCapacityDetailsBO(ObjContext) { ItemType = 2, TotalCapacity = 450, FivePcsCapacity = 10, SampleCapacity = 20, Workers = 15, Efficiency = (decimal)0.25 }; weeklyProductionCapacity.WeeklyProductionCapacityDetailssWhereThisIsWeeklyProductionCapacity.Add(polodetails); weeklyProductionCapacity.WeeklyProductionCapacityDetailssWhereThisIsWeeklyProductionCapacity.Add(outerwaredetails); currentYearStartDate = currentYearStartDate.AddDays(7); weekNumber++; } ObjContext.SaveChanges(); scope.Complete(); } PopulateDataGrid(); //try //{ // using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) // { // var currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); // bool isLeap = false; // List<WeeklyProductionCapacityBO> lstWeeklyProdCap = (new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO()).SearchObjects(); // if (lstWeeklyProdCap.Count > 0) // { // currentYear = lstWeeklyProdCap.Last().WeekendDate.AddYears(1).Year.ToString(); // } // DateTime dFirst = DateTime.Parse("01 / 01 /" + currentYear); // DateTime dLast = DateTime.Parse("31 / 12 /" + currentYear); // if ((int.Parse(currentYear) % 4 == 0) && (int.Parse(currentYear) % 100 != 0) || (int.Parse(currentYear) % 400 == 0)) // { // isLeap = true; // } // int weekCount = (isLeap == true) ? this.GetWeeksInYear(int.Parse(currentYear), dLast) : int.Parse((dLast.Subtract(dFirst).Days / 7).ToString()); // //int id = this.GetWeeksInYear(int.Parse(currentYear), dLast); // DateTime firstTuesday = dFirst; // while (firstTuesday.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Tuesday) // { // firstTuesday = firstTuesday.AddDays(1); // } // for (int i = 1; i <= weekCount; i++) // { // WeeklyProductionCapacityBO objProductionCapacity = new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO(this.ObjContext); // objProductionCapacity.WeekNo = i; // objProductionCapacity.WeekendDate = firstTuesday; // objProductionCapacity.Capacity = 0; // objProductionCapacity.Add(); // firstTuesday = firstTuesday.AddDays(7); // } // this.ObjContext.SaveChanges(); // ts.Complete(); // } //} //catch (Exception) //{ // //ignored //} }
private void ProcessForm(int queryId, bool isDelete) { try { using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { var objProductionCapacity = new WeeklyProductionCapacityBO(ObjContext); if (queryId > 0) { objProductionCapacity.ID = queryId; objProductionCapacity.GetObject(); } if (isDelete) { objProductionCapacity.Delete(); } else { objProductionCapacity.NoOfHolidays = int.Parse(txtWorkingDays.Text); objProductionCapacity.HoursPerDay = decimal.Parse(txtWorkingHours.Text); objProductionCapacity.OrderCutOffDate = DateTime.Parse(txtOrderCutOffDate.Text); objProductionCapacity.EstimatedDateOfDespatch = DateTime.Parse(txtETD.Text); objProductionCapacity.EstimatedDateOfArrival = DateTime.Parse(txtETA.Text); objProductionCapacity.Notes = txtNotes.Text; objProductionCapacity.SalesTarget = decimal.Parse(txtSalesTaget.Text); foreach (RepeaterItem rptItem in rptItemTypes.Items) { var hdnProdCapDetailID = (HiddenField)rptItem.FindControl("hdnProdCapDetailID"); var hdnItemTypeID = (HiddenField)rptItem.FindControl("hdnItemTypeID"); var txtTotalCapacity = (TextBox)rptItem.FindControl("txtTotalCapacity"); var txt5PcsCapacity = (TextBox)rptItem.FindControl("txt5PcsCapacity"); var txtSampleCapacity = (TextBox)rptItem.FindControl("txtSampleCapacity"); var txtWorkers = (TextBox)rptItem.FindControl("txtWorkers"); var txtEfficiency = (TextBox)rptItem.FindControl("txtEfficiency"); var objProdCapDetailBO = new WeeklyProductionCapacityDetailsBO(ObjContext); if (int.Parse(hdnProdCapDetailID.Value) > 0) { objProdCapDetailBO.ID = int.Parse(hdnProdCapDetailID.Value); objProdCapDetailBO.GetObject(); } else { objProdCapDetailBO.WeeklyProductionCapacity = queryId; objProdCapDetailBO.ItemType = int.Parse(hdnItemTypeID.Value); } objProdCapDetailBO.TotalCapacity = int.Parse(txtTotalCapacity.Text) * objProductionCapacity.NoOfHolidays; objProdCapDetailBO.FivePcsCapacity = int.Parse(txt5PcsCapacity.Text) * objProductionCapacity.NoOfHolidays; objProdCapDetailBO.SampleCapacity = int.Parse(txtSampleCapacity.Text) * objProductionCapacity.NoOfHolidays; objProdCapDetailBO.Workers = int.Parse(txtWorkers.Text); objProdCapDetailBO.Efficiency = decimal.Parse(txtEfficiency.Text); } if (queryId == 0) { objProductionCapacity.Add(); } } ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occurred while Adding or Editing or Deleting the details in Production Capacity", ex); } }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = int.Parse(hdnSelectedID.Value); string type = this.hdnType.Value; if (type == "distributor") { PriceListDownloadsBO objPriceListDownload = new PriceListDownloadsBO(this.ObjContext); objPriceListDownload.ID = id; objPriceListDownload.GetObject(); string filePath = String.Format("{0}{1}", (IndicoConfiguration.AppConfiguration.PathToDataFolder + @"\PriceLists\"), objPriceListDownload.FileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { objPriceListDownload.Delete(); ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occured while deleting distrinutor price list", ex); } } } if (type == "label") { LabelPriceListDownloadsBO objLabelPriceListDownload = new LabelPriceListDownloadsBO(this.ObjContext); objLabelPriceListDownload.ID = id; objLabelPriceListDownload.GetObject(); string filePath = String.Format("{0}{1}", (IndicoConfiguration.AppConfiguration.PathToDataFolder + @"\PriceLists\"), objLabelPriceListDownload.FileName); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { File.Delete(filePath); try { using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { objLabelPriceListDownload.Delete(); ObjContext.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } } catch (Exception ex) { IndicoLogging.log.Error("Error occured while deleting label price list", ex); } } } this.PopulateControls(); }