/// <summary> /// <P>Create's empty service file for the user with the given filename. /// Also, it populates <code>accountPageNumber</code> with the page /// that the service file is stored on.</P> /// </summary> /// <param name="owc"> the 1-wire device where the service file will be created. </param> /// <param name="filename"> the filename of the service file. </param> /// <param name="formatDevice"> if <code>true</code>, the device is formatted /// before creating the service file. </param> protected internal virtual bool createServiceFile(OneWireContainer owc, string filename, bool formatDevice) { bool bRetVal = false; OWFile owf = new OWFile(owc, strServiceFilename); try { if (formatDevice) { owf.format(); } if (!owf.exists()) { owf.createNewFile(); } //save reference to page number for service file this.accountPageNumber = owf.PageList[0]; bRetVal = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { bRetVal = false; OneWireEventSource.Log.Debug(ioe.ToString()); OneWireEventSource.Log.Debug(ioe.StackTrace); } try { owf.close(); return(bRetVal); } catch (IOException ioe) { OneWireEventSource.Log.Debug(ioe.ToString()); OneWireEventSource.Log.Debug(ioe.StackTrace); /*well, at least I tried!*/ return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Main for 1-Wire File Shell (OWFish) /// </summary> public static void Main1(string[] args) { List <OneWireContainer> owd_vect = new List <OneWireContainer>(5); OneWireContainer[] owd = null; DSPortAdapter adapter = null; int selection, len; long start_time, end_time; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); FileStream fos; Stream fis; // FileDescriptor fd; OWFileOutputStream owfos; OWFileInputStream owfis; OWFileDescriptor owfd; OWFile owfile, new_owfile; byte[] block = new byte[32]; Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("1-Wire File Shell (OWFish): Version 0.00"); Debug.WriteLine(""); // load the simulated console input stream Stream stream = loadResourceFile("OWFish.input.txt"); dis = new StreamReader(stream); stopWatch.Start(); try { // get the default adapter adapter = OneWireAccessProvider.DefaultAdapter; // adapter driver info Debug.WriteLine("========================================================================="); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter Name: " + adapter.AdapterName); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter Port description: " + adapter.PortTypeDescription); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter Version: " + adapter.AdapterVersion); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter support overdrive: " + adapter.canOverdrive()); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter support hyperdrive: " + adapter.canHyperdrive()); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter support EPROM programming: " + adapter.canProgram()); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter support power: " + adapter.canDeliverPower()); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter support smart power: " + adapter.canDeliverSmartPower()); Debug.WriteLine("== Adapter Class Version: " + adapter.ClassVersion); // get exclusive use of adapter adapter.beginExclusive(true); // loop to do menu selection = MAIN_SELECT_DEVICE; do { start_time = 0; try { switch (selection) { case MAIN_SELECT_DEVICE: // find all parts owd_vect = findAllDevices(adapter); // select a device owd = selectDevice(owd_vect); // check for quite if (owd == null) { selection = MAIN_QUIT; } else { // display device info Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine(" Device(s) selected: "); printDeviceInfo(owd, false); } break; case MAIN_FORMAT: if (menuSelect(verifyMenu) == VERIFY_YES) { // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // create a 1-Wire file at root owfile = new OWFile(owd, ""); // format Filesystem owfile.format(); // get 1-Wire File descriptor to flush to device owfd = owfile.FD; syncFileDescriptor(owfd); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); } break; case MAIN_LIST: Debug.Write("Enter the directory to list on (/ for root): "); // get the directory and create a file on it owfile = new OWFile(owd, getString(1)); Debug.WriteLine(""); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // list the files without recursion listDir(owfile, 1, false); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); break; case MAIN_RLIST: // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // get the directory and create a file on it owfile = new OWFile(owd, ""); Debug.WriteLine(""); // recursive list listDir(owfile, 1, true); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); break; case MAIN_MKDIR: Debug.Write("Enter the directory to create (from root): "); // get the directory and create a file on it owfile = new OWFile(owd, getString(1)); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // make the directories if (owfile.mkdirs()) { Debug.WriteLine("Success!"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine("Could not create directories, out of memory or invalid directory/file"); Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); } // get 1-Wire File descriptor to flush to device owfd = owfile.FD; syncFileDescriptor(owfd); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); break; case MAIN_COPYTO: // system SOURCE file Debug.Write("Enter the path/file of the SOURCE file on the system: "); //TODO fis = new FileStream(getString(1), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); fis = loadResourceFile(getString(1)); // 1-Wire DESTINATION file Debug.Write("Enter the path/file of the DESTINATION on 1-Wire device: "); owfos = new OWFileOutputStream(owd, getString(1)); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // loop to copy block from SOURCE to DESTINATION do { len = fis.Read(block, 0, block.Length); if (len > 0) { owfos.write(block, 0, len); } } while (len > 0); // get 1-Wire File descriptor to flush to device owfd = owfos.FD; syncFileDescriptor(owfd); // close the files owfos.Close(); fis.Dispose(); break; case MAIN_COPYFROM: // 1-Wire SOURCE file Debug.Write("Enter the path/file of the SOURCE file on 1-Wire device: "); owfis = new OWFileInputStream(owd, getString(1)); // system DESTINATION file Debug.Write("Enter the path/file of the DESTINATION on system: "); StorageFolder localFolder = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; string outp = localFolder.Path + "\\" + getString(1); fos = new FileStream(outp, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // loop to copy block from SOURCE to DESTINATION do { len = owfis.read(block); if (len > 0) { fos.Write(block, 0, len); } } while (len > 0); // get 1-Wire File descriptor to flush to device fos.Flush(); // close the files owfis.close(); fos.Dispose(); break; case MAIN_CAT: // 1-Wire file Debug.Write("Enter the path/file of the file to display: "); owfis = new OWFileInputStream(owd, getString(1)); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("---FILE START---"); // loop to read and display file do { len = owfis.read(block); if (len > 0) { Debug.Write(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(block)); com.dalsemi.onewire.debug.Debug.debug("file cat", block, 0, len); } } while (len > 0); Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("---FILE END---"); // close the file owfis.close(); break; case MAIN_DELETE: Debug.Write("Enter the directory/file delete: "); // get the directory and create a file on it owfile = new OWFile(owd, getString(1)); Debug.WriteLine(""); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // delete the directory/file if (owfile.delete()) { Debug.WriteLine("Success!"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine("Could not delete, if it is a directory make sure it is empty"); Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); } // get 1-Wire File descriptor to flush to device owfd = owfile.FD; syncFileDescriptor(owfd); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); break; case MAIN_RENAME: Debug.Write("Enter the OLD directory/file name: "); // get the directory and create a file on it owfile = new OWFile(owd, getString(1)); Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.Write("Enter the NEW directory/file name: "); // get the directory and create a file on it new_owfile = new OWFile(owd, getString(1)); Debug.WriteLine(""); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // rename the directory/file if (owfile.renameTo(new_owfile)) { Debug.WriteLine("Success!"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine("Could not rename, make sure parents of new directory exist"); Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); } // get 1-Wire File descriptor to flush to device owfd = owfile.FD; syncFileDescriptor(owfd); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); new_owfile.close(); break; case MAIN_DETAILS: Debug.Write("Enter the directory/file to view details: "); // get the directory and create a file on it owfile = new OWFile(owd, getString(1)); Debug.WriteLine(""); // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // show the file details showDetails(owfile); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); break; case MAIN_FREEMEM: // start time of operation start_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // create a 1-Wire file at root owfile = new OWFile(owd, ""); // get free memory Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine(" free memory: " + owfile.FreeMemory + " (bytes)"); // get the devices participating owd = owfile.OneWireContainers; Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine(" Filesystem consists of: "); printDeviceInfo(owd, true); // close the 1-Wire file to release owfile.close(); break; } ; } catch (IOException e) { Debug.WriteLine(""); Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine(e); Debug.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); } end_time = stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Debug.WriteLine(""); if (start_time > 0) { Debug.WriteLine((end_time - start_time) + "ms"); } Debug.WriteLine(""); if (selection != MAIN_QUIT) { selection = menuSelect(mainMenu); } Debug.WriteLine(""); } while (selection != MAIN_QUIT); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); } finally { if (adapter != null) { // end exclusive use of adapter adapter.endExclusive(); // free the port used by the adapter Debug.WriteLine("Releasing adapter port"); try { adapter.freePort(); } catch (OneWireException e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); } } } Debug.WriteLine(""); return; }