Example #1
    private bool SubmitLayer(bool overlay, bool headLocked, bool noDepthBufferTesting, OVRPose pose, Vector3 scale, int frameIndex)
        int  rightEyeIndex    = (texturesPerStage >= 2) ? 1 : 0;
        bool isOverlayVisible = OVRPlugin.EnqueueSubmitLayer(overlay, headLocked, noDepthBufferTesting,
                                                             isExternalSurface ? System.IntPtr.Zero : layerTextures[0].appTexturePtr,
                                                             isExternalSurface ? System.IntPtr.Zero : layerTextures[rightEyeIndex].appTexturePtr,
                                                             layerId, frameIndex, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f(), layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape);

        prevOverlayShape = currentOverlayShape;

Example #2
    private bool SubmitLayer(bool overlay, bool headLocked, bool noDepthBufferTesting, OVRPose pose, Vector3 scale, int frameIndex)
        int rightEyeIndex = (texturesPerStage >= 2) ? 1 : 0;

        if (overrideTextureRectMatrix)
        bool isOverlayVisible = OVRPlugin.EnqueueSubmitLayer(overlay, headLocked, noDepthBufferTesting,
                                                             isExternalSurface ? System.IntPtr.Zero : layerTextures[0].appTexturePtr,
                                                             isExternalSurface ? System.IntPtr.Zero : layerTextures[rightEyeIndex].appTexturePtr,
                                                             layerId, frameIndex, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f(), layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape,
                                                             overrideTextureRectMatrix, textureRectMatrix, overridePerLayerColorScaleAndOffset, colorScale, colorOffset, useExpensiveSuperSample);

        prevOverlayShape = currentOverlayShape;

Example #3
    private bool SubmitLayer(bool overlay, bool headLocked, OVRPose pose, Vector3 scale)
        int  num    = (this.texturesPerStage < 2) ? 0 : 1;
        bool result = OVRPlugin.EnqueueSubmitLayer(overlay, headLocked, this.layerTextures[0].appTexturePtr, this.layerTextures[num].appTexturePtr, this.layerId, this.frameIndex, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f(), this.layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape) this.currentOverlayShape);

        if (this.isDynamic)
        this.prevOverlayShape = this.currentOverlayShape;
Example #4
    void OnRenderObject()
        // The overlay must be specified every eye frame, because it is positioned relative to the
        // current head location.  If frames are dropped, it will be time warped appropriately,
        // just like the eye buffers.

        if (currentOverlayType == OverlayType.None)
            GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = true;                   // use normal renderer

        bool overlay = (currentOverlayType == OverlayType.Overlay);

        bool headLocked = false;

        for (var t = transform; t != null && !headLocked; t = t.parent)
            headLocked |= (t == Camera.current.transform);

        OVRPose pose = (headLocked) ? transform.ToHeadSpacePose() : transform.ToTrackingSpacePose();

        Vector3 scale = transform.lossyScale;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            scale[i] /= Camera.current.transform.lossyScale[i];

        // render with the overlay plane instead of the normal renderer
        GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = !OVRPlugin.SetOverlayQuad(overlay, headLocked, texId, IntPtr.Zero, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f());
    void Awake()
        Debug.Log("Overlay Awake");

        if (premultiplyMaterial == null)
            premultiplyMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Oculus/Alpha Premultiply"));

        rend = GetComponent <Renderer>();

        if (textures.Length == 0)
            textures = new Texture[] { null }

        // Backward compatibility
        if (rend != null && textures[0] == null)
            textures[0] = rend.material.mainTexture;

        if (textures[0] != null)
            cachedTextures[0] = textures[0];
            texNativePtrs[0]  = textures[0].GetNativeTexturePtr();

        if (textures.Length == 2 && textures[1] != null)
            layout = (isMultiviewEnabled) ? OVRPlugin.LayerLayout.Array : OVRPlugin.LayerLayout.Stereo;
        texturesPerStage = (layout == OVRPlugin.LayerLayout.Stereo) ? 2 : 1;

    void OnEnable()
        if (!OVRManager.isHmdPresent)
            enabled = false;


        for (int i = 0; i < maxInstances; ++i)
            if (instances[i] == null || instances[i] == this)
                layerIndex   = i;
                instances[i] = this;

        layerIdHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(layerId, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        layerIdPtr    = layerIdHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

    void OnDisable()
        if (layerIndex != -1)
            // Turn off the overlay if it was on.
            OVRPlugin.EnqueueSubmitLayer(true, false, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, -1, 0, OVRPose.identity.ToPosef(), Vector3.one.ToVector3f(), layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)_prevOverlayShape);
            instances[layerIndex] = null;

        if (layerIdPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
            layerIdPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

        layerIndex = -1;

    int prevFrameIndex = -1;

    void OnRenderObject()
        // The overlay must be specified every eye frame, because it is positioned relative to the
        // current head location.  If frames are dropped, it will be time warped appropriately,
        // just like the eye buffers.
        if (!Camera.current.CompareTag("MainCamera") || Camera.current.cameraType != CameraType.Game || layerIndex == -1 || currentOverlayType == OverlayType.None || textures.Length < texturesPerStage)

        // Don't submit the same frame twice.
        if (Time.frameCount <= prevFrameIndex)
        prevFrameIndex = Time.frameCount;

        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.OffcenterCubemap)
            Debug.LogWarning("Overlay shape " + currentOverlayShape + " is not supported on current platform");

        for (int i = 0; i < texturesPerStage; ++i)
            if (textures[i] != cachedTextures[i])
                cachedTextures[i] = textures[i];
                if (cachedTextures[i] != null)
                    texNativePtrs[i] = cachedTextures[i].GetNativeTexturePtr();

            if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cubemap)
                if (textures[i] != null && textures[i].GetType() != typeof(Cubemap))
                    Debug.LogError("Need Cubemap texture for cube map overlay");

        if (cachedTextures[0] == null || texNativePtrs[0] == IntPtr.Zero)

        bool overlay    = (currentOverlayType == OverlayType.Overlay);
        bool headLocked = false;
        for (var t = transform; t != null && !headLocked; t = t.parent)
            headLocked |= (t == Camera.current.transform);

        OVRPose pose  = (headLocked) ? transform.ToHeadSpacePose() : transform.ToTrackingSpacePose();
        Vector3 scale = transform.lossyScale;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            scale[i] /= Camera.current.transform.lossyScale[i];
        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cubemap)
            pose.position = Camera.current.transform.position;
        // Pack the offsetCenter directly into pose.position for offcenterCubemap
        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.OffcenterCubemap)
            pose.position = transform.position;
            if (pose.position.magnitude > 1.0f)
                Debug.LogWarning("your cube map center offset's magnitude is greater than 1, which will cause some cube map pixel always invisible .");
        // Cylinder overlay sanity checking
        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cylinder)
            float arcAngle = scale.x / scale.z / (float)Math.PI * 180.0f;
            if (arcAngle > 180.0f)
                Debug.LogError("Cylinder overlay's arc angle has to be below 180 degree, current arc angle is " + arcAngle + " degree.");

        OVRPlugin.Sizei size = new OVRPlugin.Sizei()
            w = textures[0].width, h = textures[0].height
        int           flags                 = (int)OVRPlugin.LayerFlags.TextureOriginAtBottomLeft;
        int           mipLevels             = 1;
        int           sampleCount           = 1;
        TextureFormat txFormat              = TextureFormat.BGRA32;
        OVRPlugin.EyeTextureFormat etFormat = OVRPlugin.EyeTextureFormat.B8G8R8A8_sRGB;
        RenderTextureFormat        rtFormat = RenderTextureFormat.BGRA32;

        var tex2D = textures[0] as Texture2D;
        if (tex2D != null)
            if (tex2D.format == TextureFormat.RGBAHalf || tex2D.format == TextureFormat.RGBAFloat)
                txFormat = TextureFormat.RGBAHalf;
                etFormat = OVRPlugin.EyeTextureFormat.R16G16B16A16_FP;
                rtFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf;

        var rt = textures[0] as RenderTexture;
        if (rt != null)
            sampleCount = rt.antiAliasing;

            if (rt.format == RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf)
                txFormat = TextureFormat.RGBAHalf;
                etFormat = OVRPlugin.EyeTextureFormat.R16G16B16A16_FP;
                rtFormat = RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf;

        bool needsSetup = (
            !layerDesc.TextureSize.Equals(size) ||
            layerDesc.SampleCount != sampleCount ||
            layerDesc.LayerFlags != flags ||
            layerDesc.Shape != (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape ||
            layerDesc.Layout != layout ||
            layerDesc.Format != etFormat);

        OVRPlugin.LayerDesc desc = new OVRPlugin.LayerDesc();

        if (layerIdPtr != IntPtr.Zero && needsSetup)
            if ((int)layerIdHandle.Target != 0)

            desc = OVRPlugin.CalculateLayerDesc((OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape, layout, size, mipLevels, sampleCount, etFormat, flags);
            OVRPlugin.EnqueueSetupLayer(desc, layerIdPtr);
            layerId = (int)layerIdHandle.Target;

            if (layerId > 0)
                layerDesc = desc;

        if (layerId > 0)
            // For newer SDKs, blit directly to the surface that will be used in compositing.

            int stageCount = OVRPlugin.GetLayerTextureStageCount(layerId);

            if (externalTextures == null)
                frameIndex       = 0;
                externalTextures = new Texture[texturesPerStage][];

            for (int eyeId = 0; eyeId < texturesPerStage; ++eyeId)
                if (externalTextures[eyeId] == null)
                    externalTextures[eyeId] = new Texture[stageCount];

                int stage = frameIndex % stageCount;

                IntPtr externalTex = OVRPlugin.GetLayerTexture(layerId, stage, (OVRPlugin.Eye)eyeId);

                if (externalTex == IntPtr.Zero)

                bool needsCopy = isDynamic;

                Texture et = externalTextures[eyeId][stage];
                if (et == null)
                    bool isSrgb = (etFormat == OVRPlugin.EyeTextureFormat.B8G8R8A8_sRGB || etFormat == OVRPlugin.EyeTextureFormat.R8G8B8A8_sRGB);

                    if (currentOverlayShape != OverlayShape.Cubemap && currentOverlayShape != OverlayShape.OffcenterCubemap)
                        et = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture(size.w, size.h, txFormat, mipLevels > 1, isSrgb, externalTex);
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
                        //et = Cubemap.CreateExternalTexture(size.w, size.h, txFormat, mipLevels > 1, isSrgb, externalTex);
                        et = Cubemap.CreateExternalTexture(size.w, txFormat, isSrgb, externalTex);

                    externalTextures[eyeId][stage] = et;
                    needsCopy = true;

                if (needsCopy)
                    // The compositor uses premultiplied alpha, so multiply it here.
                    if (currentOverlayShape != OverlayShape.Cubemap && currentOverlayShape != OverlayShape.OffcenterCubemap)
                        var tempRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(size.w, size.h, 0, rtFormat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, sampleCount);
                        Graphics.Blit(textures[eyeId], tempRT);                         //Resolve, decompress, swizzle, etc not handled by simple CopyTexture.
                        Graphics.Blit(textures[eyeId], tempRT, premultiplyMaterial);
                        Graphics.CopyTexture(tempRT, 0, 0, et, 0, 0);
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
                        var tempRTSrc = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(size.w, size.h, 0, rtFormat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, sampleCount);
                        var tempRTDst = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(size.w, size.h, 0, rtFormat, RenderTextureReadWrite.Default, sampleCount);

                        for (int face = 0; face < 6; ++face)
                            //HACK: It would be much more efficient to blit directly from textures[eyeId] to et, but Unity's API doesn't support that.
                            //Suggest using a native plugin to render directly to a cubemap layer for 360 video, etc.
                            Graphics.CopyTexture(textures[eyeId], face, 0, tempRTSrc, 0, 0);
                            Graphics.Blit(tempRTSrc, tempRTDst, premultiplyMaterial);
                            Graphics.CopyTexture(tempRTDst, 0, 0, et, face, 0);

            bool isOverlayVisible = OVRPlugin.EnqueueSubmitLayer(overlay, headLocked, texNativePtrs[0], texNativePtrs[1], layerId, frameIndex, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f(), layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape);
            if (isDynamic)
            _prevOverlayShape = currentOverlayShape;
            if (rend)
                rend.enabled = !isOverlayVisible;
Example #6
    void OnRenderObject()
        // The overlay must be specified every eye frame, because it is positioned relative to the
        // current head location.  If frames are dropped, it will be time warped appropriately,
        // just like the eye buffers.
        if (!Camera.current.CompareTag("MainCamera") || Camera.current.cameraType != CameraType.Game || layerIndex == -1 || currentOverlayType == OverlayType.None)

        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cylinder)
            Debug.LogWarning("Overlay shape " + currentOverlayShape + " is not supported on current platform");

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
            if (i >= textures.Length)

            if (textures[i] != cachedTextures[i])
                cachedTextures[i] = textures[i];
                if (cachedTextures[i] != null)
                    texNativePtrs[i] = cachedTextures[i].GetNativeTexturePtr();

            if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cubemap)
                if (textures[i] != null && textures[i].GetType() != typeof(Cubemap))
                    Debug.LogError("Need Cubemap texture for cube map overlay");

        if (cachedTextures[0] == null || texNativePtrs[0] == IntPtr.Zero)

        bool overlay    = (currentOverlayType == OverlayType.Overlay);
        bool headLocked = false;
        for (var t = transform; t != null && !headLocked; t = t.parent)
            headLocked |= (t == Camera.current.transform);

        OVRPose pose  = (headLocked) ? transform.ToHeadSpacePose() : transform.ToTrackingSpacePose();
        Vector3 scale = transform.lossyScale;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            scale[i] /= Camera.current.transform.lossyScale[i];

        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cubemap)
            pose.position = Camera.current.transform.position;

        // Cylinder overlay sanity checking
        if (currentOverlayShape == OverlayShape.Cylinder)
            float arcAngle = scale.x / scale.z / (float)Math.PI * 180.0f;
            if (arcAngle > 180.0f)
                Debug.LogError("Cylinder overlay's arc angle has to be below 180 degree, current arc angle is " + arcAngle + " degree.");

        bool isOverlayVisible = OVRPlugin.SetOverlayQuad(overlay, headLocked, texNativePtrs[0], texNativePtrs[1], IntPtr.Zero, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f(), layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape);
        if (rend)
            rend.enabled = !isOverlayVisible;
Example #7
    private bool SubmitLayer(bool overlay, bool headLocked, OVRPose pose, Vector3 scale)
        int  rightEyeIndex    = (texturesPerStage >= 2) ? 1 : 0;
        bool isOverlayVisible = OVRPlugin.EnqueueSubmitLayer(overlay, headLocked, layerTextures[0].appTexturePtr, layerTextures[rightEyeIndex].appTexturePtr, layerId, frameIndex, pose.flipZ().ToPosef(), scale.ToVector3f(), layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape)currentOverlayShape);

        if (isDynamic)

        prevOverlayShape = currentOverlayShape;

Example #8
    // Token: 0x060038F1 RID: 14577 RVA: 0x001225BC File Offset: 0x001209BC
    private void OnRenderObject()
        if (!Camera.current.CompareTag("MainCamera") || Camera.current.cameraType != CameraType.Game || this.layerIndex == -1 || this.currentOverlayType == OVROverlay.OverlayType.None)
        if (this.currentOverlayShape == OVROverlay.OverlayShape.Cubemap || this.currentOverlayShape == OVROverlay.OverlayShape.Cylinder)
            Debug.LogWarning("Overlay shape " + this.currentOverlayShape + " is not supported on current platform");
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (i < this.textures.Length)
                if (this.textures[i] != this.cachedTextures[i])
                    this.cachedTextures[i] = this.textures[i];
                    if (this.cachedTextures[i] != null)
                        this.texNativePtrs[i] = this.cachedTextures[i].GetNativeTexturePtr();
                if (this.currentOverlayShape == OVROverlay.OverlayShape.Cubemap && this.textures[i] != null && this.textures[i].GetType() != typeof(Cubemap))
                    Debug.LogError("Need Cubemap texture for cube map overlay");
        if (this.cachedTextures[0] == null || this.texNativePtrs[0] == IntPtr.Zero)
        bool      onTop     = this.currentOverlayType == OVROverlay.OverlayType.Overlay;
        bool      flag      = false;
        Transform transform = base.transform;

        while (transform != null && !flag)
            flag     |= (transform == Camera.current.transform);
            transform = transform.parent;
        OVRPose ovrpose    = (!flag) ? base.transform.ToTrackingSpacePose() : base.transform.ToHeadSpacePose();
        Vector3 lossyScale = base.transform.lossyScale;

        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            int index;
            lossyScale[index = j] = lossyScale[index] / Camera.current.transform.lossyScale[j];
        if (this.currentOverlayShape == OVROverlay.OverlayShape.Cylinder)
            float num = lossyScale.x / lossyScale.z / 3.14159274f * 180f;
            if (num > 180f)
                Debug.LogError("Cylinder overlay's arc angle has to be below 180 degree, current arc angle is " + num + " degree.");
        bool flag2 = OVRPlugin.SetOverlayQuad(onTop, flag, this.texNativePtrs[0], this.texNativePtrs[1], IntPtr.Zero, ovrpose.flipZ().ToPosef(), lossyScale.ToVector3f(), this.layerIndex, (OVRPlugin.OverlayShape) this.currentOverlayShape);

        if (this.rend)
            this.rend.enabled = !flag2;