public Criterion(LOP logicOperation, String name, OP operation, Object value) { this.LogicOperation = logicOperation; Name = name; Operation = operation; Value = value; }
public Criterion(String name, OP operation, Object value) { //Criterion(LOP.AND, name, operation, value); this.LogicOperation = LOP.AND; Name = name; Operation = operation; Value = value; }
public IrCJump(AstRelop.OP o, IrExp l, IrExp r, IrName t) { left = l; right = r; target = t; switch (o) { case AstRelop.OP.EQ: op = OP.EQ; break; case AstRelop.OP.NE: op = OP.NE; break; case AstRelop.OP.LT: op = OP.LT; break; case AstRelop.OP.LE: op = OP.LE; break; case AstRelop.OP.GT: op = OP.GT; break; case AstRelop.OP.GE: op = OP.GE; break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered unknown binary operator: value = " + o.ToString()); break; } }
public IrBinop(AstBinop.OP b, IrExp l, IrExp r) { left = l; right = r; switch (b) { case AstBinop.OP.ADD: op = OP.ADD; break; case AstBinop.OP.SUB: op = OP.SUB; break; case AstBinop.OP.MUL: op = OP.MUL; break; case AstBinop.OP.DIV: op = OP.DIV; break; case AstBinop.OP.AND: op = OP.AND; break; case AstBinop.OP.OR: op = OP.OR; break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered unknown binary operator: value = " + b.ToString()); break; } }
public void EnemyTurn() { foreach (AutonomousCharacter e in enemiesInPlay) { e.NewTurn(); } whoseTurn = WHOSETURN.enemy; op = OP.neutral; }
public Stsfld() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Stsfld); }
private void Append(OP op) { switch (op) { case OP.ADD: Append("+"); break; case OP.SUB: Append("-"); break; case OP.MUL: Append("*"); break; case OP.DIV: Append("/"); break; case OP.AND: Append("&&"); break; case OP.OR: Append("||"); break; default: Append("?"); break; } }
public int AddOp4Int(OP op, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4) { int addr = AddOp3(op, p1, p2, p3); ChangeP4(addr, new P4_t { I = p4 }, Vdbe.P4T.INT32); return addr; }
public AstUnop(OP o, AstExp ae) { op=o; e=ae; }
private unsafe static int EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { Interop.SspiCli.SecBufferDesc sdcInOut = new Interop.SspiCli.SecBufferDesc(input.Length); var unmanagedBuffer = new Interop.SspiCli.SecBuffer[input.Length]; fixed(Interop.SspiCli.SecBuffer *unmanagedBufferPtr = unmanagedBuffer) { sdcInOut.pBuffers = unmanagedBufferPtr; GCHandle[] pinnedBuffers = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] buffers = new byte[input.Length][]; try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; unmanagedBuffer[i].cbBuffer = iBuffer.size; unmanagedBuffer[i].BufferType = iBuffer.type; if (iBuffer.token == null || iBuffer.token.Length == 0) { unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedBuffers[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(iBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(iBuffer.token, iBuffer.offset); buffers[i] = iBuffer.token; } } // The result is written in the input Buffer passed as type=BufferType.Data. int errorCode; switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: errorCode = secModule.EncryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: errorCode = secModule.DecryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.MakeSignature: errorCode = secModule.MakeSignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.VerifySignature: errorCode = secModule.VerifySignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; default: if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Unknown OP: " + op); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Unknown OP: " + op); throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); } // Marshalling back returned sizes / data. for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; iBuffer.size = unmanagedBuffer[i].cbBuffer; iBuffer.type = unmanagedBuffer[i].BufferType; if (iBuffer.size == 0) { iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } else { checked { // Find the buffer this is inside of. Usually they all point inside buffer 0. int j; for (j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { if (buffers[j] == null) { continue; } byte *bufferAddress = (byte *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffers[j], 0); if ((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer >= bufferAddress && (byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer + iBuffer.size <= bufferAddress + buffers[j].Length) { iBuffer.offset = (int)((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer - bufferAddress); iBuffer.token = buffers[j]; break; } } if (j >= input.Length) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Output buffer out of range."); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Output buffer out of range."); iBuffer.size = 0; iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } } } // Backup validate the new sizes. if (iBuffer.offset < 0 || iBuffer.offset > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length)) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.AssertFormat("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.offset); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' out of range. [" + iBuffer.offset + "]"); } if (iBuffer.size < 0 || iBuffer.size > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length - iBuffer.offset)) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.AssertFormat("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.size); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' out of range. [" + iBuffer.size + "]"); } } if (errorCode != 0 && NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { if (errorCode == Interop.SspiCli.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE) { NetEventSource.PrintError(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Security, SR.Format(SR.event_OperationReturnedSomething, op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE")); } else { NetEventSource.PrintError(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Security, SR.Format(SR.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, op, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "0X{0:X}", errorCode))); } } return(errorCode); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pinnedBuffers.Length; ++i) { if (pinnedBuffers[i].IsAllocated) { pinnedBuffers[i].Free(); } } } } }
private unsafe static int EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { Interop.SspiCli.SecBufferDesc sdcInOut = new Interop.SspiCli.SecBufferDesc(input.Length); var unmanagedBuffer = new Interop.SspiCli.SecBuffer[input.Length]; fixed (Interop.SspiCli.SecBuffer* unmanagedBufferPtr = unmanagedBuffer) { sdcInOut.pBuffers = unmanagedBufferPtr; GCHandle[] pinnedBuffers = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] buffers = new byte[input.Length][]; try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; unmanagedBuffer[i].cbBuffer = iBuffer.size; unmanagedBuffer[i].BufferType = iBuffer.type; if (iBuffer.token == null || iBuffer.token.Length == 0) { unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedBuffers[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(iBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(iBuffer.token, iBuffer.offset); buffers[i] = iBuffer.token; } } // The result is written in the input Buffer passed as type=BufferType.Data. int errorCode; switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: errorCode = secModule.EncryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: errorCode = secModule.DecryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.MakeSignature: errorCode = secModule.MakeSignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.VerifySignature: errorCode = secModule.VerifySignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; default: NetEventSource.Fail(null, $"Unknown OP: {op}"); throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); } // Marshalling back returned sizes / data. for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; iBuffer.size = unmanagedBuffer[i].cbBuffer; iBuffer.type = unmanagedBuffer[i].BufferType; if (iBuffer.size == 0) { iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } else { checked { // Find the buffer this is inside of. Usually they all point inside buffer 0. int j; for (j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { if (buffers[j] == null) { continue; } byte* bufferAddress = (byte*)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffers[j], 0); if ((byte*)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer >= bufferAddress && (byte*)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer + iBuffer.size <= bufferAddress + buffers[j].Length) { iBuffer.offset = (int)((byte*)unmanagedBuffer[i].pvBuffer - bufferAddress); iBuffer.token = buffers[j]; break; } } if (j >= input.Length) { NetEventSource.Fail(null, "Output buffer out of range."); iBuffer.size = 0; iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } } } // Backup validate the new sizes. if (iBuffer.offset < 0 || iBuffer.offset > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length)) { NetEventSource.Fail(null, $"'offset' out of range. [{iBuffer.offset}]"); } if (iBuffer.size < 0 || iBuffer.size > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length - iBuffer.offset)) { NetEventSource.Fail(null, $"'size' out of range. [{iBuffer.size}]"); } } if (NetEventSource.IsEnabled && errorCode != 0) { if (errorCode == Interop.SspiCli.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE) { NetEventSource.Error(null, SR.Format(SR.event_OperationReturnedSomething, op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE")); } else { NetEventSource.Error(null, SR.Format(SR.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, op, $"0x{0:X}")); } } return errorCode; } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pinnedBuffers.Length; ++i) { if (pinnedBuffers[i].IsAllocated) { pinnedBuffers[i].Free(); } } } } }
private String decompileOpcode(OP op) { bool inCodeSegPrev = inCodeSeg; String str = ""; switch (op) { case OP.DONE: return(opDONE()); case OP.MAIN: str = opMAIN(); break; case OP.AMEM: str = opAMEM(); break; case OP.CLNE: str = opCLNE(); break; case OP.SWP: str = opSWP(); break; case OP.POP: str = opPOP(); break; case OP.JMP: str = opJMP(); break; case OP.JMPZ: str = opJMPZ(); break; case OP.JMPNZ: str = opJMPNZ(); break; case OP.BRZ: str = opBRZ(); break; case OP.BRNZ: str = opBRNZ(); break; case OP.BRT: str = opBRT(); break; case OP.CMB: str = opCMB(); break; case OP.CMBZ: str = opCMBZ(); break; case OP.CBW: str = opCBW(); break; case OP.CBWE: str = opCBWE(); break; case OP.CBWS: str = opCBWS(); break; case OP.CBCR: str = opCBCR(); break; case OP.CBCW: str = opCBCW(); break; case OP.CALL: str = opCALL(); break; case OP.RET: str = opRET(); break; case OP.VRET: str = opVRET(); break; case OP.LCB: str = opLCB(); break; case OP.LCW: str = opLCW(); break; case OP.LPTR: str = opLPTR(); break; case OP.LCD: str = opLCD(); break; case OP.LDBX: case OP.LDB: case OP.LDW: case OP.LDWX: case OP.LDD: str = opLDD(); break; case OP.LDBI: case OP.LDBIX: case OP.LDWI: case OP.LDDI: str = opLDDI(); break; case OP.MSET: str = opMSET(); break; case OP.MCPY: str = opMCPY(); break; case OP.STB: case OP.STW: case OP.STD: str = opSTD(); break; case OP.STBI: case OP.STWI: case OP.STDI: str = opSTDI(); break; case OP.STWR: str = opSTWR(); break; case OP.INCB: case OP.INCW: case OP.INCF: // test case OP.INCD: str = opINCD(); break; case OP.DECB: case OP.DECW: case OP.DECF: // test case OP.DECD: str = opDECD(); break; case OP.UTOB: str = opUTOB(); break; case OP.UTOW: str = opUTOW(); break; case OP.ITOB: str = opITOB(); break; case OP.ITOW: str = opITOW(); break; case OP.DIV: str = opDIV(); break; case OP.MOD: str = opMOD(); break; case OP.NEG: str = opNEG(); break; case OP.COMP: str = opCOMP(); break; case OP.INV: str = opINV(); break; case OP.ITOF: str = opITOF(); break; case OP.FTOI: str = opFTOI(); break; case OP.DIVF: str = opDIVF(); break; case OP.MUL: str = opMUL(); break; case OP.MULF: str = opMULF(); break; case OP.SUB: str = opSUB(); break; case OP.ADD: str = opADD(); break; case OP.SRX: case OP.SR: str = opSR(); break; case OP.SL: str = opSL(); break; case OP.GT: str = opGT(); break; case OP.GE: str = opGE(); break; case OP.LT: str = opLT(); break; case OP.LEX: case OP.LE: str = opLE(); break; case OP.EQ: str = opEQ(); break; case OP.NE: str = opNE(); break; case OP.ANDB: str = opANDB(); break; case OP.XORB: str = opXORB(); break; case OP.ORB: str = opORB(); break; case OP.AND: str = opAND(); break; case OP.XOR: str = opXOR(); break; case OP.OR: str = opOR(); break; case OP.ABS: str = opABS(); break; case OP.RAND: str = opRAND(); break; case OP.FLOOR: str = opFLOOR(); break; case OP.CEIL: str = opCEIL(); break; case OP.ROUND: str = opROUND(); break; case OP.MIN: str = opMIN(); break; case OP.MAX: str = opMAX(); break; case OP.CLAMP: str = opCLAMP(); break; case OP.MODF: str = opMODF(); break; case OP.LERP: str = opLERP(); break; case OP.SIN: str = opSIN(); break; case OP.COS: str = opCOS(); break; case OP.TAN: str = opTAN(); break; case OP.ASIN: str = opASIN(); break; case OP.ACOS: str = opACOS(); break; case OP.ATAN: str = opATAN(); break; case OP.ATAN2: str = opATAN2(); break; case OP.R2D: str = opR2D(); break; case OP.D2R: str = opD2R(); break; case OP.SQRT: str = opSQRT(); break; case OP.SQ: str = opSQ(); break; case OP.EXP: str = opEXP(); break; case OP.LOG: str = opLOG(); break; case OP.LOG2: str = opLOG2(); break; case OP.POW: str = opPOW(); break; case OP.POWF: str = opPOWF(); break; case OP.CRUN: str = opCRUN(); break; case OP.CRST: str = opCRST(); break; case OP.CPSE: str = opCPSE(); break; case OP.CSTP: str = opCSTP(); break; case OP.MXYH: str = opMXYH(); break; case OP.MXYV: str = opMXYV(); break; case OP.MXYC: str = opMXYC(); break; case OP.MXYR: str = opMXYR(); break; case OP.RMAP: str = opRMAP(); break; case OP.RSWP: str = opRSWP(); break; case OP.RRST: str = opRRST(); break; case OP.KMAP: str = opKMAP(); break; case OP.KRST: str = opKRST(); break; case OP.MMAP: str = opMMAP(); break; case OP.MRST: str = opMRST(); break; case OP.RMSK: str = opRMSK(); break; case OP.SVAL: str = opSVAL(); break; case OP.SVALI: str = opSVALI(); break; case OP.GVAL: str = opGVAL(); break; case OP.GVALA: str = opGVALA(); break; case OP.GPRV: str = opGPRV(); break; case OP.ISACT: str = opISACT(); break; case OP.ISRES: str = opISRES(); break; case OP.TMACT: str = opTMACT(); break; case OP.TMRES: str = opTMRES(); break; case OP.EVACT: str = opEVACT(); break; case OP.EVRES: str = opEVRES(); break; case OP.CKACT: str = opCKACT(); break; case OP.CKRES: str = opCKRES(); break; case OP.INHB: str = opINHB(); break; case OP.BATS: str = opBATS(); break; case OP.BATG: str = opBATG(); break; case OP.BATGA: str = opBATGA(); break; case OP.BATR: str = opBATR(); break; case OP.LEDS: str = opLEDS(); break; case OP.LEDG: str = opLEDG(); break; case OP.LEDGA: str = opLEDGA(); break; case OP.LEDVS: str = opLEDVS(); break; case OP.LEDVG: str = opLEDVG(); break; case OP.LEDR: str = opLEDR(); break; case OP.FFBS: str = opFFBS(); break; case OP.FFBG: str = opFFBG(); break; case OP.FFBGA: str = opFFBGA(); break; case OP.FFBR: str = opFFBR(); break; case OP.KSTS: str = opKSTS(); break; case OP.KCHK: str = opKCHK(); break; case OP.MSTS: str = opMSTS(); break; case OP.KSST: str = opKSST(); break; case OP.KPTU: str = opKPTU(); break; case OP.MSST: str = opMSST(); break; case OP.MPTU: str = opMPTU(); break; case OP.KSGT: str = opKSGT(); break; case OP.MSGT: str = opMSGT(); break; case OP.MRUN: str = opMRUN(); break; case OP.MRTM: str = opMRTM(); break; case OP.MSTP: str = opMSTP(); break; case OP.MREC: str = opMREC(); break; case OP.PMSN: str = opPMSN(); break; case OP.PMLN: str = opPMLN(); break; case OP.PMLD: str = opPMLD(); break; case OP.PMSV: str = opPMSV(); break; case OP.PMR: str = opPMR(); break; case OP.PMRB: case OP.PMRW: case OP.PMRD: str = opPMRD(); break; case OP.PMWB: case OP.PMWW: case OP.PMWD: str = opPMWD(); break; case OP.SCPL: str = opSCPL(); break; case OP.MSLG: str = opMSLG(); break; case OP.MSLL: str = opMSLL(); break; case OP.MSLC: str = opMSLC(); break; case OP.SYSTM: str = opSYSTM(); break; case OP.ELPTM: str = opELPTM(); break; case OP.PWSRC: str = opPWSRC(); break; case OP.PSTS: str = opPSTS(); break; case OP.PCONN: str = opPCONN(); break; case OP.PCONX: str = opPCONX(); break; case OP.PDIS: str = opPDIS(); break; case OP.PIFFB: str = opPIFFB(); break; case OP.PPFFB: str = opPPFFB(); break; case OP.PTOFF: str = opPTOFF(); break; case OP.PUON: str = opPUON(); break; case OP.PUOFF: str = opPUOFF(); break; case OP.DOVR: str = opDOVR(); break; case OP.PRTF: str = opPRTF(); break; default: Console.Write("\r\nUknown OP: 0x" + ((byte)op).ToString("X") + " at " + (reader.BaseStream.Position - 1).ToString("X") + "\r\n"); break; } if (!inCodeSegPrev && !inCodeSeg) { str = "\r\nmain {\r\n" + str; inCodeSeg = true; } if (inCodeSegPrev && !inCodeSeg) { str = "}\r\n" + str; } return(str); }
public void Parse(IEnumerator <HtmlChunk> htmlChunks, int viewportWidth, string id = null, HtFont font = null, HtColor color = default(HtColor), TextAlign align = TextAlign.Left, VertAlign valign = VertAlign.Bottom) { this.Clear(); var defaultFont = HtEngine.Device.LoadFont(HtEngine.DefaultFontFace, HtEngine.DefaultFontSize, false, false); font = font == null ? defaultFont : font; color = (color.R == 0 && color.G == 0 && color.B == 0 && color.A == 0) ? HtEngine.DefaultColor : color; //string id = null; //var align = TextAlign.Left; //var valign = VertAlign.Bottom; DrawTextDeco deco = DrawTextDeco.None; DrawTextEffect effect = DrawTextEffect.None; HtColor effectColor = HtEngine.DefaultColor; int effectAmount = 1; string currentLink = null; bool prevIsWord = false; DeviceChunkLine currLine = null; DeviceChunkDrawText lastTextChunk = null; //for (int i = 0; i < htmlChunks.Count; i++) while (htmlChunks.MoveNext()) { HtmlChunk htmlChunk = htmlChunks.Current; var word = htmlChunk as HtmlChunkWord; if (word != null) { if (currLine == null) { currLine = this.NewLine(null, viewportWidth, align, valign); } if (effect == DrawTextEffect.None) { lastTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawText( id, word.Text, font, color, deco, lastTextChunk != null && lastTextChunk.Deco != deco, prevIsWord); } else { lastTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawTextEffect( id, word.Text, font, color, deco, lastTextChunk != null && lastTextChunk.Deco != deco, effect, effectAmount, effectColor, prevIsWord); } if (currentLink != null && !this.Links.ContainsKey(lastTextChunk)) { this.Links.Add(lastTextChunk, currentLink); } if (!currLine.AddChunk(lastTextChunk, prevIsWord)) { prevIsWord = true; //currLine.IsFull = true; string lastText = lastTextChunk.Text; lastTextChunk.Dispose(); lastTextChunk = null; bool decoStop = lastTextChunk != null && lastTextChunk.Deco != deco; // find prefix ascii string. //string prefixAsciiText = null; int pos = 0; //for (pos = 0; pos < lastText.Length; ++pos) { // char ch = lastText[pos]; // if (ch > 255 || ch == ' ') { // prefixAsciiText = lastText.Substring(0, pos); // break; // } //} //if (prefixAsciiText != null) { // DeviceChunkDrawText prefixAsciiTextChunk; // if (effect == DrawTextEffect.None) { // prefixAsciiTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawText( // id, // prefixAsciiText, // font, // color, // deco, // decoStop, // prevIsWord); // } else { // prefixAsciiTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawTextEffect( // id, // prefixAsciiText, // font, // color, // deco, // decoStop, // effect, // effectAmount, // effectColor, // prevIsWord); // } // if (currLine.AddChunk(prefixAsciiTextChunk, prevIsWord)) { // if (currentLink != null && !this.Links.ContainsKey(prefixAsciiTextChunk)) // this.Links.Add(prefixAsciiTextChunk, currentLink); // lastText = lastText.Substring(pos); // decoStop = false; // } //} //// reset the pos. //pos = 0; // add multi-lines. int remainingWidth = viewportWidth; for (; pos < lastText.Length;) { char ch = lastText[pos]; remainingWidth -= font.Measure(ch.ToString()).Width; if (remainingWidth < 0) { string tmpText = lastText.Substring(0, pos); DeviceChunkDrawText tmpTextChunk; if (effect == DrawTextEffect.None) { tmpTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawText( id, tmpText, font, color, deco, decoStop, prevIsWord); } else { tmpTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawTextEffect( id, tmpText, font, color, deco, decoStop, effect, effectAmount, effectColor, prevIsWord); } currLine = this.NewLine(currLine, viewportWidth, align, valign); currLine.AddChunk(tmpTextChunk, prevIsWord); if (currentLink != null && !this.Links.ContainsKey(tmpTextChunk)) { this.Links.Add(tmpTextChunk, currentLink); } lastText = lastText.Substring(pos); pos = 0; remainingWidth = viewportWidth; } else { ++pos; } } // add last line. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastText)) { if (effect == DrawTextEffect.None) { lastTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawText( id, lastText, font, color, deco, decoStop, prevIsWord); } else { lastTextChunk = AcquireDeviceChunkDrawTextEffect( id, lastText, font, color, deco, decoStop, effect, effectAmount, effectColor, prevIsWord); } currLine = this.NewLine(currLine, viewportWidth, align, valign); currLine.AddChunk(lastTextChunk, prevIsWord); if (currentLink != null && !this.Links.ContainsKey(lastTextChunk)) { this.Links.Add(lastTextChunk, currentLink); } } } prevIsWord = true; } else { prevIsWord = false; } var tag = htmlChunk as HtmlChunkTag; if (tag != null) { switch (tag.Tag) { case "spin": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { id = null; this.FinishLine(currLine, align, valign); return; // return control to parent } else { id = tag.GetAttr("id"); ExctractAligns(tag, ref align, ref valign); var compiled = OP <DeviceChunkDrawCompiled> .Acquire(); compiled.Font = font; var scompiledWidth = tag.GetAttr("width") ?? "0"; var compiledWidth = 0; if (!int.TryParse(scompiledWidth, out compiledWidth)) { compiledWidth = 0; } if (compiledWidth == 0) { compiledWidth = currLine == null ? viewportWidth : currLine.AvailWidth - font.WhiteSize; } if (compiledWidth > 0) { if (compiledWidth > viewportWidth) { compiledWidth = viewportWidth; } compiled.Parse(htmlChunks, compiledWidth, id, font, color, align, valign); compiled.MeasureSize(); if (currLine == null) { currLine = this.NewLine(null, viewportWidth, align, valign); } if (!currLine.AddChunk(compiled, prevIsWord)) { currLine.IsFull = true; currLine = this.NewLine(currLine, viewportWidth, align, valign); if (!currLine.AddChunk(compiled, prevIsWord)) { HtEngine.Log(HtLogLevel.Error, "Could not fit spin into line. Word is too big: {0}", lastTextChunk); compiled.Dispose(); compiled = null; } } } else { HtEngine.Log(HtLogLevel.Warning, "spin width is not given"); } } break; case "effect": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { effect = DrawTextEffect.None; } else { var name = tag.GetAttr("name") ?? "outline"; switch (name) { case "shadow": effect = DrawTextEffect.Shadow; effectAmount = 1; effectColor = HtColor.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 80); break; case "outline": effect = DrawTextEffect.Outline; effectAmount = 1; effectColor = HtColor.RGBA(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 80); break; } var amount = tag.GetAttr("amount"); if (amount != null) { if (!int.TryParse(amount, out effectAmount)) { HtEngine.Log(HtLogLevel.Error, "Invalid numeric value: " + amount); } } var colors = tag.GetAttr("color"); if (colors != null) { effectColor = HtColor.Parse(colors); } } break; case "u": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { deco &= ~DrawTextDeco.Underline; } else { deco |= DrawTextDeco.Underline; } break; case "s": case "strike": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { deco &= ~DrawTextDeco.Strike; } else { deco |= DrawTextDeco.Strike; } break; case "code": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { font = this.fontStack.Count > 0 ? this.fontStack.Pop() : defaultFont; } else { this.fontStack.Push(font); const string fontName = "code"; int fontSize = font.Size; bool fontBold = font.Bold; bool fontItal = font.Italic; font = HtEngine.Device.LoadFont(fontName, fontSize, fontBold, fontItal); } break; case "b": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { font = this.fontStack.Count > 0 ? this.fontStack.Pop() : defaultFont; } else { this.fontStack.Push(font); string fontName = font.Face; int fontSize = font.Size; const bool fontBold = true; bool fontItal = font.Italic; font = HtEngine.Device.LoadFont(fontName, fontSize, fontBold, fontItal); } break; case "i": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { font = this.fontStack.Count > 0 ? this.fontStack.Pop() : defaultFont; } else { this.fontStack.Push(font); string fontName = font.Face; int fontSize = font.Size; bool fontBold = font.Bold; const bool fontItal = true; font = HtEngine.Device.LoadFont(fontName, fontSize, fontBold, fontItal); } break; case "a": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { id = null; if (this.colorStack.Count > 0) { color = this.colorStack.Pop(); } currentLink = null; } else { id = tag.GetAttr("id"); currentLink = tag.GetAttr("href"); this.colorStack.Push(color); color = HtEngine.DefaultLinkColor; } break; case "font": if (tag.IsSingle) { // do nothing } else if (tag.IsClosing) { font = this.fontStack.Count > 0 ? this.fontStack.Pop() : defaultFont; color = this.colorStack.Count > 0 ? this.colorStack.Pop() : HtEngine.DefaultColor; } else { this.fontStack.Push(font); this.colorStack.Push(color); string fontName = tag.GetAttr("face") ?? font.Face; string fontSizeS = tag.GetAttr("size"); int fontSize; if (fontSizeS == null || !int.TryParse(fontSizeS, out fontSize)) { fontSize = font.Size; } bool fontBold = font.Bold; bool fontItal = font.Italic; font = HtEngine.Device.LoadFont(fontName, fontSize, fontBold, fontItal); color = HtColor.Parse(tag.GetAttr("color"), color); } break; case "br": currLine = this.NewLine(currLine, viewportWidth, align, valign); currLine.Height = font.LineSpacing; break; case "img": if (tag.IsClosing) { // ignore closing tags } else { var src = tag.GetAttr("src"); var widthS = tag.GetAttr("width"); var heightS = tag.GetAttr("height"); var fpsS = tag.GetAttr("fps"); var imgId = tag.GetAttr("id"); int w, h, fps; if (widthS == null || !int.TryParse(widthS, out w)) { w = -1; } if (heightS == null || !int.TryParse(heightS, out h)) { h = -1; } if (fpsS == null || !int.TryParse(fpsS, out fps)) { fps = -1; } var img = HtEngine.Device.LoadImage(src, fps); if (w < 0) { w = img.Width; } if (h < 0) { h = img.Height; } var dChunk = OP <DeviceChunkDrawImage> .Acquire(); if (currLine == null) { currLine = this.NewLine(null, viewportWidth, align, valign); } dChunk.Image = img; dChunk.Rect.Width = w; dChunk.Rect.Height = h; dChunk.Font = font; // for whitespace measure dChunk.Id = imgId; //HtEngine.Log(HtLogLevel.Debug, "Adding image w={0} h={1}",dChunk.Width,dChunk.Height); if (currentLink != null && !this.Links.ContainsKey(dChunk)) { this.Links.Add(dChunk, currentLink); } if (!currLine.AddChunk(dChunk, prevIsWord)) { currLine.IsFull = true; currLine = this.NewLine(currLine, viewportWidth, align, valign); if (!currLine.AddChunk(dChunk, prevIsWord)) { HtEngine.Log(HtLogLevel.Error, "Could not fit image into line. Image is too big: {0}", dChunk); dChunk.Dispose(); } } } break; case "p": if (tag.IsClosing) { id = null; } else { id = tag.GetAttr("id"); currLine = this.NewLine(currLine, viewportWidth, align, valign); ExctractAligns(tag, ref align, ref valign); } break; default: HtEngine.Log(HtLogLevel.Error, "Unsupported html tag {0}", tag); break; } } } // align last line this.FinishLine(currLine, align, valign); }
public int AddOp3(OP op, int p1, int p2, int p3) { int i = Ops.length; Debug.Assert(Magic == VDBE_MAGIC_INIT); Debug.Assert((int)op > 0 && (int)op < 0xff); if (OpsAlloc <= i) if (GrowOps(this) != RC.OK) return 1; Ops.length++; if (Ops[i] == null) Ops[i] = new VdbeOp(); VdbeOp opAsObj = Ops[i]; opAsObj.Opcode = op; opAsObj.P5 = 0; opAsObj.P1 = p1; opAsObj.P2 = p2; opAsObj.P3 = p3; opAsObj.P4.P = null; opAsObj.P4Type = Vdbe.P4T.NOTUSED; #if DEBUG opAsObj.Comment = null; if ((Ctx.Flags & BContext.FLAG.VdbeAddopTrace) != 0) PrintOp(null, i, Ops[i]); #endif #if VDBE_PROFILE opAsObj.Cycles = 0; opAsObj.Cnt = 0; #endif return i; }
public void Constructor_FromOpNum_ExceptionTest(OP val) { Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => new PushDataOp(val)); }
private static unsafe int EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SSPIInterface SecModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { SecurityBufferDescriptor inputOutput = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(input.Length); SecurityBufferStruct[] structArray = new SecurityBufferStruct[input.Length]; fixed (SecurityBufferStruct* structRef = structArray) { int num6; inputOutput.UnmanagedPointer = (void*) structRef; GCHandle[] handleArray = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] bufferArray = new byte[input.Length][]; try { int num2; for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer buffer = input[i]; structArray[i].count = buffer.size; structArray[i].type = buffer.type; if ((buffer.token == null) || (buffer.token.Length == 0)) { structArray[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { handleArray[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); structArray[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffer.token, buffer.offset); bufferArray[i] = buffer.token; } } switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: num2 = SecModule.EncryptMessage(context, inputOutput, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: num2 = SecModule.DecryptMessage(context, inputOutput, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.MakeSignature: num2 = SecModule.MakeSignature(context, inputOutput, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.VerifySignature: num2 = SecModule.VerifySignature(context, inputOutput, sequenceNumber); break; default: throw ExceptionHelper.MethodNotImplementedException; } for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { SecurityBuffer buffer2 = input[j]; buffer2.size = structArray[j].count; buffer2.type = structArray[j].type; if (buffer2.size == 0) { buffer2.offset = 0; buffer2.token = null; } else { int index = 0; while (index < input.Length) { if (bufferArray[index] != null) { byte* numPtr = (byte*) Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(bufferArray[index], 0); if ((((void*) structArray[j].token) >= numPtr) && ((((void*) structArray[j].token) + buffer2.size) <= (numPtr + bufferArray[index].Length))) { buffer2.offset = (int) ((long) ((((void*) structArray[j].token) - numPtr) / 1)); buffer2.token = bufferArray[index]; break; } } index++; } if (index >= input.Length) { buffer2.size = 0; buffer2.offset = 0; buffer2.token = null; } } } if ((num2 != 0) && Logging.On) { if (num2 == 0x90321) { Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_operation_returned_something", new object[] { op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE" })); } else { Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_operation_failed_with_error", new object[] { op, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "0X{0:X}", new object[] { num2 }) })); } } num6 = num2; } finally { for (int k = 0; k < handleArray.Length; k++) { if (handleArray[k].IsAllocated) { handleArray[k].Free(); } } } return num6; } }
public Criteria Add(LOP logicOperation, String name, OP operation, Object value) { this.AddCriterion(new Criterion(logicOperation, name, operation, value)); return this; }
public Criteria(String name, OP operation, Object value) { CriterionList = new List<Criterion>(); AddCriterion(new Criterion(name, operation, value)); }
private void dumpOp(OP op) { switch (op) { case OP.EQ: Append("=="); break; case OP.NE: Append("!="); break; case OP.LT: Append("<"); break; case OP.LE: Append("<="); break; case OP.GT: Append(">"); break; case OP.GE: Append(">="); break; //default: DUMP("??"); } }
public IrCJump(OP o, IrExp l, IrExp r, IrName t) { op = o; left = l; right = r; target = t; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvDataEntryOP.Items.Count > 0) { float total = float.Parse(lbTotal.Text); if (total > 0 && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbFirstname.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbLastname.Text))) { OrderOfPayment OP = null; StudentAccount SAccount = new StudentAccount(); Dictionary <string, float> amountPerParticular = SAccount.getAmountPerParticular(lvDataEntryOP, 2); string payor = tbFirstname.Text.Replace("'", "''") + " " + tbMiddlename.Text + " " + tbLastname.Text; int orderOfPaymentType = 0; try { orderOfPaymentType = int.Parse((mrbUndergrad.Checked) ? mrbUndergrad.Tag.ToString() : (mrbMasteral.Checked) ? mrbMasteral.Tag.ToString() : (mrbFiduciary.Checked) ? mrbFiduciary.Tag.ToString() : (mrbBtr.Checked) ? mrbBtr.Tag.ToString() : (mrbIGD.Checked) ? mrbIGD.Tag.ToString() : "0"); paymentType = (mtrbCash.Checked) ? mtrbCash.Tag.ToString() : (mtrbCheck.Checked) ? mtrbCheck.Tag.ToString() : "0"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } // check payment type // check if has student ID int studentID = 0; if (lbStudID.Text != "[ Student ID ]") { studentID = int.Parse(lbStudID.Text); } string purpose = "Other Fees"; // Purpose if (isTuitionFee) { purpose = "Tuition Fee/Misc"; } // has check details if (Payor.validateCheckDetails(mtbBankName.Text, mtbCheckNo.Text, mtdCheckDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), mtbCheckAmount.Text) && mtrbCheck.Checked) { OP = new OrderOfPayment(float.Parse(tAmount.Text), int.Parse(tPaymentOrNo.Text), dtOrDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), purpose, payor, studentID, tbRemarks.Text, mtbBankName.Text, mtbCheckNo.Text, mtdCheckDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), float.Parse(mtbCheckAmount.Text), int.Parse(paymentType)); } else if (mtrbCash.Checked) { OP = new OrderOfPayment(float.Parse(tAmount.Text), int.Parse(tPaymentOrNo.Text), dtOrDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), purpose, payor, studentID, tbRemarks.Text, null, null, null, 0, int.Parse(paymentType)); } else { MessageBox.Show("There are some fields missing!"); } // final validation if (OP != null) { if (OP.createOP()) { OP.addOPItem(int.Parse(tPaymentOrNo.Text), amountPerParticular, orderOfPaymentType); MessageBox.Show("Successful! \n \t Please Proceed to Payment"); Dictionary <string, string> OPData = OP.getOPDataWOOR(int.Parse(tPaymentOrNo.Text)); ePrinting print = new ePrinting(OPData); print.ePrint("OP"); this.Dispose(); frmOrPayDataEntry temp = new frmOrPayDataEntry(); temp.ShowDialog(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Input / Missing Field"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please add an item"); } }
/* function SpawnEnemyInMap(e : Character, p : Tile) { var deo = Instantiate(dungeonEntity, p.GetWorldPos(), Quaternion.identity); var de = deo.AddComponent(DungeonEnemy); de.mState = this; de.Initialize(e); de.MoveTo(p); enemiesInPlay.Add(de); var ds = de.GetComponentInChildren(EntitySprite); ds.Initialize(e.spriteData, gState.charLSManager); //canUndo = false; } function SpawnItemInMap(i : Item, p : Tile) { var dio = Instantiate(dungeonEntity, p.GetWorldPos(), Quaternion.identity); var di = dio.AddComponent(DungeonItem); di.mState = this; di.Initialize(i); di.MoveTo(p); itemsInPlay.Add(di); var ds = dio.GetComponentInChildren(EntitySprite); ds.Initialize(i.spriteData, gState.itemLSManager); } function LinkMechInMap(m : Mechanism) { m.Initialize(this); Debug.Log(m); Debug.Log(m.GetTile().GetGridPos()); m.GetTile().mechs.Add(m); mechs.Add(m); } function SetDAction(a : DAction) { action = a; op = OP.plan; } function SetTurn(index : int) { for (c in charsInPlay) { c.SetTurn(index); } for (i in itemsInPlay) { i.SetTurn(index); } for (k in enemiesInPlay) { k.SetTurn(index); } for (m in mechs) { m.SetTurn(index); } turnIndex = index; op = OP.neutral; //if (turnIndex == (turnHist.Count - 1)) { } */ public void PlayerTurn() { foreach (DungeonCharacter c in charsInPlay) { c.NewTurn(); } whoseTurn = WHOSETURN.player; op = OP.neutral; }
protected virtual void DoOperation(OP oper) { }
public void Reset() { charsInPlay = new List<DungeonCharacter>(); enemiesInPlay = new List<AutonomousCharacter>(); execQueue = new List<Executable>(); triggers = new List<Triggerable>(); stateables = new List<Stateable>(); op = OP.neutral; turnIndex = 0; maxTurnIndex = 0; turnChanged = false; }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OP.DeleteTabels(); }
public void SetAction(CharAction a) { if (a != null) { action = a; op = OP.plan; } }
protected override string CreateWhereFieldStringForParameter(string field, string paramName, OP whereOperator) { return($"{GetAliasForType()}.{field} {SqlBuilderHelper.GetStringForOperator(whereOperator)} {DbConfig.WithParameters(paramName)}"); }
public void StartProc(Executable exe) { proc = gameObject.AddComponent("GameProc") as GameProc; DungeonCharacter[] dchars = charsInPlay.ToArray(); proc.Initialize(exe, EndProc); op = OP.execute; proc.BeginProc(); }
private unsafe static int EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferDescriptor sdcInOut = new Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferDescriptor(input.Length); var unmanagedBuffer = new Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferStruct[input.Length]; fixed (Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferStruct* unmanagedBufferPtr = unmanagedBuffer) { sdcInOut.UnmanagedPointer = unmanagedBufferPtr; GCHandle[] pinnedBuffers = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] buffers = new byte[input.Length][]; try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; unmanagedBuffer[i].count = iBuffer.size; unmanagedBuffer[i].type = iBuffer.type; if (iBuffer.token == null || iBuffer.token.Length == 0) { unmanagedBuffer[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedBuffers[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(iBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); unmanagedBuffer[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(iBuffer.token, iBuffer.offset); buffers[i] = iBuffer.token; } } // The result is written in the input Buffer passed as type=BufferType.Data. int errorCode; switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: errorCode = secModule.EncryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: errorCode = secModule.DecryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.MakeSignature: errorCode = secModule.MakeSignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.VerifySignature: errorCode = secModule.VerifySignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; default: GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Unknown OP: " + op); throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); } // Marshalling back returned sizes / data. for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; iBuffer.size = unmanagedBuffer[i].count; iBuffer.type = unmanagedBuffer[i].type; if (iBuffer.size == 0) { iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } else { checked { // Find the buffer this is inside of. Usually they all point inside buffer 0. int j; for (j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { if (buffers[j] == null) { continue; } byte* bufferAddress = (byte*)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffers[j], 0); if ((byte*)unmanagedBuffer[i].token >= bufferAddress && (byte*)unmanagedBuffer[i].token + iBuffer.size <= bufferAddress + buffers[j].Length) { iBuffer.offset = (int)((byte*)unmanagedBuffer[i].token - bufferAddress); iBuffer.token = buffers[j]; break; } } if (j >= input.Length) { GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Output buffer out of range."); iBuffer.size = 0; iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } } } // Backup validate the new sizes. GlobalLog.Assert(iBuffer.offset >= 0 && iBuffer.offset <= (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length), "SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.offset); GlobalLog.Assert(iBuffer.size >= 0 && iBuffer.size <= (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length - iBuffer.offset), "SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.size); } if (errorCode != 0 && NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { if (errorCode == Interop.Secur32.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE) { NetEventSource.PrintError(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Security, SR.Format(SR.event_OperationReturnedSomething, op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE")); } else { NetEventSource.PrintError(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Security, SR.Format(SR.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, op, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "0X{0:X}", errorCode))); } } return errorCode; } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pinnedBuffers.Length; ++i) { if (pinnedBuffers[i].IsAllocated) { pinnedBuffers[i].Free(); } } } } }
public void Update() { if (op == OP.neutral && execQueue.Count > 0) { StartProc(execQueue[execQueue.Count - 1]); execQueue.RemoveAt(execQueue.Count - 1); } else if (whoseTurn == WHOSETURN.player) { if (op == OP.neutral) { MoveCursor(); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Select")) { DungeonCharacter bchar = cursorTile.GetBottomChar(); if (bchar != null && bchar.alignment == ALIGNMENT.player && !bchar.IsDone()) { string[] opts = CharSelect.OptionsFor(bchar); if (opts.Length > 0) { StartCoroutine(StartCharSelect(bchar)); op =;"audio/se/select") as AudioClip); } } } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Cancel")) { DungeonCharacter dchar = cursorTile.GetBottomChar(); if (dchar) { if (dchar.TryUndo()) {"audio/se/cancel") as AudioClip); } } } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Finish")) { EnemyTurn(); } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Undo")) { if (turnChanged) { SetTurn(turnIndex); } else { SetTurn(Mathf.Max(0, turnIndex - 1)); } } else if (Input.GetButtonDown("Redo")) { SetTurn(turnIndex + 1); } } else if (op == OP.plan) { Executable exe = action.UpdateConfig(); if (exe != null) { turnChanged = true; StartProc(exe); } } } else if (whoseTurn == WHOSETURN.enemy) { if (op == OP.neutral) { AutonomousCharacter ne = enemiesInPlay.Find(e => !e.planned || e.execQueue.Count > 0); if (ne != null) { if (!ne.planned) { ne.DecideActions(); } if (ne.execQueue != null && ne.execQueue.Count > 0) { Executable exec = ne.execQueue.Dequeue(); StartProc(exec); } } else { EndTurn(); PlayerTurn(); } } } }
public Cgt_Un() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Cgt_Un); }
public void Cancel() { op = OP.neutral; }
public string opName(OP op) { switch (op) { case OP.NEG : return "-"; case OP.NOT : return "!"; default: return "?"; } }
public void EndProc(GameProc eproc, Executable[] next) { Destroy(eproc); execQueue.AddRange(next); GameState.camCtrl.Focus(transform.parent.Find("cursor")); op = OP.neutral; }
public Cgt() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Cgt); }
static void dCROSS(float[] a, OP op, float[] b, float[] c) { if (op == OP.EQ) { a[0] = ((b)[1] * (c)[2] - (b)[2] * (c)[1]); a[1] = ((b)[2] * (c)[0] - (b)[0] * (c)[2]); a[2] = ((b)[0] * (c)[1] - (b)[1] * (c)[0]); } else if (op == OP.ADD_EQ) { a[0] += ((b)[1] * (c)[2] - (b)[2] * (c)[1]); a[1] += ((b)[2] * (c)[0] - (b)[0] * (c)[2]); a[2] += ((b)[0] * (c)[1] - (b)[1] * (c)[0]); } else if (op == OP.SUB_EQ) { a[0] -= ((b)[1] * (c)[2] - (b)[2] * (c)[1]); a[1] -= ((b)[2] * (c)[0] - (b)[0] * (c)[2]); a[2] -= ((b)[0] * (c)[1] - (b)[1] * (c)[0]); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(op.ToString()); } }
public IrBinop(OP b, IrExp l, IrExp r) { op = b; left = l; right = r; }
private unsafe SecurityStatus EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferDescriptor sdcInOut = new Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferDescriptor(input.Length); var unmanagedBuffer = new Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferStruct[input.Length]; fixed(Interop.Secur32.SecurityBufferStruct *unmanagedBufferPtr = unmanagedBuffer) { sdcInOut.UnmanagedPointer = unmanagedBufferPtr; GCHandle[] pinnedBuffers = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] buffers = new byte[input.Length][]; try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; unmanagedBuffer[i].count = iBuffer.size; unmanagedBuffer[i].type = iBuffer.type; if (iBuffer.token == null || iBuffer.token.Length == 0) { unmanagedBuffer[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedBuffers[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(iBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); unmanagedBuffer[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(iBuffer.token, iBuffer.offset); buffers[i] = iBuffer.token; } } // The result is written in the input Buffer passed as type=BufferType.Data. int errorCode; switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: errorCode = EncryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: errorCode = DecryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; default: throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); } // Marshalling back returned sizes / data. for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; iBuffer.size = unmanagedBuffer[i].count; iBuffer.type = unmanagedBuffer[i].type; if (iBuffer.size == 0) { iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } else { checked { // Find the buffer this is inside of. Usually they all point inside buffer 0. int j; for (j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { if (buffers[j] == null) { continue; } byte *bufferAddress = (byte *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffers[j], 0); if ((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].token >= bufferAddress && (byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].token + iBuffer.size <= bufferAddress + buffers[j].Length) { iBuffer.offset = (int)((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].token - bufferAddress); iBuffer.token = buffers[j]; break; } } if (j >= input.Length) { GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Output buffer out of range."); iBuffer.size = 0; iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } } } // Backup validate the new sizes. GlobalLog.Assert(iBuffer.offset >= 0 && iBuffer.offset <= (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length), "SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.offset); GlobalLog.Assert(iBuffer.size >= 0 && iBuffer.size <= (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length - iBuffer.offset), "SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.size); } if (errorCode != 0 && Logging.On) { if (errorCode == 0x90321) { Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.Format(SR.net_log_operation_returned_something, op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE")); } else { Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.Format(SR.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, op, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "0X{0:X}", errorCode))); } } return(MapToSecurityStatus((Interop.SecurityStatus)errorCode)); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pinnedBuffers.Length; ++i) { if (pinnedBuffers[i].IsAllocated) { pinnedBuffers[i].Free(); } } } } }
public void Constructor_FromOpNumTest(OP val) { PushDataOp op = new PushDataOp(val); Assert.Equal(val, op.OpValue); }
void DoAttackSwing(OP code, PlayerConnection c) { }
public void Constructor_FromInt_HasOpNum_Test(int i, OP expected) { PushDataOp op = new PushDataOp(i); Assert.Equal(expected, op.OpValue); }
void DoAttackStop(OP code, PlayerConnection c) { }
public Stind_I1() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Stind_I1); }
public Call() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Call); }
public Brtrue_S() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Brtrue_S); OP.Add(OpCodes.Brtrue); }
/// <summary> /// 得到指定角色下,某些部门内的所有授权人员 /// </summary> /// <param name="roles">角色集合。</param> /// <param name="depts">组织机构集合。</param> /// <param name="recursively">是否递归。</param> /// <returns></returns> public OP.OguObjectCollection<OP.IOguObject> GetRolesObjects(OP.RoleCollection roles, OP.OguObjectCollection<OP.IOrganization> depts, bool recursively) { var items = PC.Adapters.SCSnapshotAdapter.Instance.QueryRolesContainsUsers(new string[] { "Roles" },(from r in roles select r.ID).ToArray(), Util.GetContextIncludeDeleted(), DateTime.MinValue); return new BridgedOrganizationMechanism().GetObjects<IOguObject>(SearchOUIDType.Guid, items.ToIDArray()); //忽略depts参数 }
public Ret() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Ret); }
public Lldind_I4() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Ldind_I4); }
public Or() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Or); }
public Add() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Add); }
public Clt() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Clt); }
/// <summary> /// 私有构造 /// </summary> /// <param name="op"></param> /// <param name="propertyName"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> private Expression(OP op, string propertyName, object value) { m_PropertyName = propertyName; m_value = value; m_OP = op; }
public Callvirt() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Callvirt); }
private Expression(OP op, string propertyName) { m_PropertyName = propertyName; m_OP = op; }
public Lldind_U1() { OP.Add(OpCodes.Ldind_U1); }
private void btCadastrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (cbPrioridade.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Escolha uma Prioridade", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cbPrioridade.Focus(); } else if (cbFabrica.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Escolha uma Fábrica", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cbFabrica.Focus(); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.ImpressoraRoteiro == "" && Properties.Settings.Default.ImpressoraRoteiro == "") { MessageBox.Show("Por favor, configure as impressoras", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbQtde.Text) && Convert.ToInt32(tbQtde.Text) > 0) { float LoteFabResto = 0; int LoteFabDiv = 0; LoteFabResto = Convert.ToInt32(tbQtde.Text) % LoteIdeal; LoteFabDiv = Convert.ToInt32(tbQtde.Text) / LoteIdeal; OP op = new OP() { CodProduto = Convert.ToInt32(tbCodProd.Text), Prioridade = cbPrioridade.SelectedItem.ToString(), IdFabrica = Convert.ToInt32(cbFabrica.SelectedItem.ToString()), Qtde = LoteIdeal, Estampo = ListProduto[0].Estampo, MateriaPrima = ListProduto[0].MateriaPrima, Obs = tbOpObs.Text, Usuario = usuario }; if (LoteFabDiv > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < LoteFabDiv; i++) { GravaOP(op); DeletaImagens(); } } if (LoteFabResto > 0) { op.Qtde = (int)LoteFabResto; GravaOP(op); DeletaImagens(); } MessageBox.Show(Msg, "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Msg = ""; btCadastrar.Enabled = false; Imprimir = false; ImprimirAviso = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("Preencha o campo quantidade", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); tbQtde.Focus(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Tipo = "Erro"; log.Local = this.GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Login = usuario; log.Computador = Environment.MachineName.ToString(); log.Mensagem = ex.Message; ListLog.Add(log); log.GravaLog(ListLog); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public string opName(OP op) { switch (op) { case AstBinop.OP.ADD: return "+"; case AstBinop.OP.SUB: return "-"; case AstBinop.OP.MUL: return "*"; case AstBinop.OP.DIV: return "/"; case AstBinop.OP.AND: return "&&"; case AstBinop.OP.OR: return "||"; default: return "?"; } }
private void GravaOP(OP op) { try { List <string> ListResultadoRoteiro = new List <string>(); List <string> ListResultadoOP = new List <string>(); List <RoteiroSQL> ListRoteiro = new List <RoteiroSQL>(); RoteiroSQL roteiroSQL = new RoteiroSQL(); ListRoteiroSQL.Clear(); ListCadastrarOP.Clear(); ListCadastrarOP.Add(op); ListResultadoOP = op.CadastrarOP(ListCadastrarOP); #region GravaLog log.Tipo = "Informação"; log.Local = this.GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Login = usuario; log.Computador = Environment.MachineName.ToString(); log.Mensagem = "Criou OP " + ListResultadoOP[0]; ListLog.Add(log); log.GravaLog(ListLog); #endregion if (Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoOP[0]) > 0) { GeraEtiquetaOP(Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoOP[0])); for (var i = 0; i < ListRoteiroFireBird.Count; i++) { RoteiroSQL rot = new RoteiroSQL() { IdOP = Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoOP[0]), IdFabrica = Convert.ToInt32(ListRoteiroFireBird[i].Fabrica), CodSetor = ListRoteiroFireBird[i].CodSetor, NomeSetor = ListRoteiroFireBird[i].NomeSetor, CodAtividade = ListRoteiroFireBird[i].CodAtividade, DescricaoAtividade = ListRoteiroFireBird[i].DescricaoAtividade, Sequencia = ListRoteiroFireBird[i].Sequencia }; ListRoteiroSQL.Add(rot); ListRoteiro.Add(rot); ListResultadoRoteiro = roteiroSQL.CadastrarRoteiro(ListRoteiro, Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoOP[0])); if (Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoRoteiro[0]) > 0) { ListRoteiroSQL[i].IdRoteiro = Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoRoteiro[0]); GeraEtiquetaRoteiro(Convert.ToInt32(ListResultadoRoteiro[0])); } else { MessageBox.Show(ListResultadoOP[0].ToString() + " - " + ListResultadoOP[1].ToString(), "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } ListRoteiro.Clear(); } if (Imprimir) { pdOpRoteiro.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.ImpressoraRoteiro; pdOpRoteiro.PrintPage += pdOpRoteiro_PrintPage; pdOpRoteiro.Print(); pdOpEtiqueta.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.ImpressoraEtiqueta; pdOpEtiqueta.PrintPage += pdOpEtiqueta_PrintPage; pdOpEtiqueta.Print(); } else { if (!ImprimirAviso) { DialogResult dialogResultOp = MessageBox.Show("Deseja imprimir a OP agora?", "Impressão da OP", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResultOp == DialogResult.Yes) { pdOpRoteiro.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.ImpressoraRoteiro; pdOpRoteiro.PrintPage += pdOpRoteiro_PrintPage; pdOpRoteiro.Print(); Imprimir = true; } else { Imprimir = false; ImprimirAviso = true; } DialogResult dialogResultEtiqueta = MessageBox.Show("Deseja imprimir a Etiqueta agora?", "Impressão da Etiqueta", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dialogResultEtiqueta == DialogResult.Yes) { pdOpEtiqueta.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = Properties.Settings.Default.ImpressoraEtiqueta; pdOpEtiqueta.PrintPage += pdOpEtiqueta_PrintPage; pdOpEtiqueta.Print(); Imprimir = true; } else { Imprimir = false; ImprimirAviso = true; } } } Msg = Msg + "OP: " + ListResultadoOP[0].ToString() + " (Qtde: " + op.Qtde + ") - " + ListResultadoOP[1].ToString() + "\n"; tbCodProd.Text = ""; tbCodProd.Focus(); lbDescProd.Text = ""; tbQtde.Text = ""; lbEstampo.Text = ""; lbMateriaPrima.Text = ""; tbOpObs.Text = ""; ListResultadoOP.Clear(); } else { MessageBox.Show(ListResultadoOP[0].ToString() + " - " + ListResultadoOP[1].ToString(), "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Tipo = "Erro"; log.Local = this.GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Login = usuario; log.Computador = Environment.MachineName.ToString(); log.Mensagem = ex.Message; ListLog.Add(log); log.GravaLog(ListLog); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public AstRelop(OP o, AstExp ae1, AstExp ae2) { op = o; e1 = ae1; e2 = ae2; }
public int AddOp4(OP op, int p1, int p2, int p3, VTable p4, Vdbe.P4T p4t) // VTable { Debug.Assert(p4 != null); int addr = AddOp3(op, p1, p2, p3); ChangeP4(p, addr, new P4_t { VTable = p4 }, p4t); return addr; }