Example #1
        public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_WavyLinesSpanMultipleLines()
            //Make a skinny text box (50 pixels wide and 500 pixels tall) and put a long misspelled word that wraps multiple lines inside.
            string text = "verylongmispeltwerdzthatshouldwrapmultiplelinesdown and then anotherreallylongwerdthatismispeltonpurposeaswell";

            using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(text, 50, 500)) {
                ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
                //This particular test should always have 2 misspelled words, 4 visible words, 14 visible line heights, 14 wavy line rects, 13 wavy lines
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 4);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 14);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 14);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 13);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 109);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 0);
                //There should be two misspelled words that wrap several times.
                for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++)           //There are 13 lines in total.
                //The first word should be broken up onto 7 separate lines.
                    if (i <= 7)
                        //PointEnd will always be the same for every single line.
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointEnd.X, 7);
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointEnd.Y, 92);
                        //PointStart will change each line by 13 pixels (because each line height is 13 tall).  This would be dynamic if the font changed.
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointStart.X, 1);
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointStart.Y, 1 + (i * 13));
                        //The first 6 wavy lines should have the same amount of points.
                        if (i < 7)
                            Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].ListPoints.Count, 24);
                        else                          //The last wavy line will have less points because it isn't that long of a wavy line.
                            Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].ListPoints.Count, 4);
                    else                      //The second word should be broken up onto 6 separate lines.
                                              //PointEnd will always be the same for every single line.
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointEnd.X, 36);
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointEnd.Y, 183);
                        //PointStart will change each line by 13 pixels (because each line height is 13 tall).  This would be dynamic if the font changed.
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointStart.X, 1);
                        //Start the Y at 14 due to a line inbetween the two misspelled words (line height of 13 so 13 + 1 = 14).
                        Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].PointStart.Y, 14 + (i * 13));
                        //The first 6 wavy lines should have the same amount of points.
                        if (i < 13)
                            Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].ListPoints.Count, 24);
                        else                          //The last wavy line will have less points because it isn't that long of a wavy line.
                            Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines[i - 1].ListPoints.Count, 18);
Example #2
        public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_DifferentLineHeights()
            //Create a text box of 3 lines of text where the FIRST misspelled word is on the second line of text.
            //Each line of text should have a different font size thus making each line have a different height.
            string rtf = @"{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs30 Large Font\fs17\par
Normal Fontz\par
\fs40 Enormous Fontz\fs17\par

            using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(rtf: rtf)) {
                ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 6);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 3);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 37);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 0);
                //There should be three visible line heights (with line 2 and 3 having font misspelled as fontz) and they should be:
                //Line 1: Large Font (height=25)
                //Line 2: Normal Fontz (height=13)
                //Line 3: Enormous Fontz (height=31)
                List <int> listExpectedLineHeights = new List <int>()
                    25, 13, 31
                for (int i = 0; i < listExpectedLineHeights.Count; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights[i], listExpectedLineHeights[i]);
Example #3
 public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_WavyLinesEnd()
     //Make a tiny text box (100 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall) and put a decent amount of misspelled text inside.
     using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(LoremIpsum, 100, 50)) {
         //Make sure that the end of the text box has focus.
         textBox.Select((LoremIpsum.Length - 1), 0);
         ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
         //This particular test should always have 7 misspelled words, 9 visible words, 4 visible line heights, 4 wavy line rects, 4 wavy lines
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 7);
         //The misspelled words should be exactly "culpa", "qui", "officia", "deserunt", "mollit", "anim", "laborum"
         List <ODtextBox.MatchOD> listMisspelledWords = new List <ODtextBox.MatchOD>()
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 391, Value = "culpa"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 397, Value = "qui"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 401, Value = "officia"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 409, Value = "deserunt"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 418, Value = "mollit"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 425, Value = "anim"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 437, Value = "laborum"
         for (int i = 0; i < listMisspelledWords.Count; i++)
             Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords[i].Value, listMisspelledWords[i].Value);
             Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords[i].StartCharIndex, listMisspelledWords[i].StartCharIndex);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 9);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 4);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 4);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 4);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 444);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 391);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 28);
Example #4
 public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_WavyLinesMiddle()
     //Make a tiny text box (100 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall) and put a decent amount of misspelled text inside.
     using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(LoremIpsum, 100, 50)) {
         //Make sure that the middle of the text box has focus.
         textBox.Select((LoremIpsum.Length / 2), 0);
         ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
         //This particular test should always have 6 misspelled words, 10 visible words, 6 visible line heights, 4 wavy line rects, 4 wavy lines
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 6);
         //The misspelled words should be exactly "commodo", "consequat", "Duis", "aute", "irure", "reprehenderit"
         List <ODtextBox.MatchOD> listMisspelledWords = new List <ODtextBox.MatchOD>()
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 213, Value = "commodo"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 221, Value = "consequat"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 232, Value = "Duis"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 237, Value = "aute"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 242, Value = "irure"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 257, Value = "reprehenderit"
         for (int i = 0; i < listMisspelledWords.Count; i++)
             Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords[i].Value, listMisspelledWords[i].Value);
             Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords[i].StartCharIndex, listMisspelledWords[i].StartCharIndex);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 10);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 6);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 4);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 4);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 274);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 210);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 15);
Example #5
 public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_WavyLinesBeginning()
     //Make a tiny text box (100 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall) and put a decent amount of misspelled text inside.
     using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(LoremIpsum, 100, 50)) {
         //Make sure that the beginning of the text box has focus.
         textBox.Select(0, 0);
         ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
         //This particular test should always have 6 misspelled words, 8 visible words, 5 visible line heights, 3 wavy line rects, 4 wavy lines
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 6);
         //The misspelled words should be exactly "Lorem", "ipsum", "amet", "consectetur", "adipiscing", "elit"
         List <ODtextBox.MatchOD> listMisspelledWords = new List <ODtextBox.MatchOD>()
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 0, Value = "Lorem"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 6, Value = "ipsum"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 22, Value = "amet"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 28, Value = "consectetur"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 40, Value = "adipiscing"
             new ODtextBox.MatchOD()
                 StartCharIndex = 51, Value = "elit"
         for (int i = 0; i < listMisspelledWords.Count; i++)
             Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords[i].Value, listMisspelledWords[i].Value);
             Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords[i].StartCharIndex, listMisspelledWords[i].StartCharIndex);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 8);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 5);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 3);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 4);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 57);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 0);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 0);
Example #6
 public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_WavyLinesNone()
     //There should not be a single word misspelled.
     using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(LoremIpsumEnglish)) {
         ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
         //This particular test should always have 0 misspelled words, 159 visible words, 17 visible line heights, 17 wavy line rects, null wavy lines
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 0);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 159);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 17);
         Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 17);
Example #7
        public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_SpellingDisabled()
            string text = @"Misspelt Werdz";

            using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(text, isSpellCheckEnabled: false)) {
                ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
                //This particular test should always have everything be null.
Example #8
        public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_LotsOfText()
            //Create a text box of 30 lines of misspelled words with lots of text.
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
            using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(stringBuilder.ToString())) {
                ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 161);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 201);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 24);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 22);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 154);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 1301);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 0);
Example #9
        public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_LotsOfLines()
            //Create a text box of 300 lines of misspelled words (not a lot text though).
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("Misspelt Werdz");
            using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(stringBuilder.ToString())) {
                ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
                //This particular test should always have 46 misspelled words, 46 visible words, 23 visible line heights, 22 wavy line rects, 44 wavy lines.
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListMisspelledWords.Count, 46);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 46);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 23);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 22);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLines.Count, 44);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 344);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 0);
Example #10
        public void ODtextBox_SpellCheck_LotsOfWhitespace()
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            //Create a text box of 300 lines of whitespace (no actual text).
            for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t  \t  \t");
            stringBuilder.Append("\r\n\t");            //Just because.
            using (ODtextBox textBox = GetTextBox(stringBuilder.ToString())) {
                ODtextBox.SpellCheckResult spellCheckResult = textBox.SpellCheck();
                //This particular test should always have null misspelled words, 0 visible words, 23 visible line heights, 22 wavy line rects, null wavy lines
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleWords.Count, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.ListVisibleLineHeights.Count, 23);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.ListWavyLineRects.Count, 22);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.endCharIndex, 183);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startCharIndex, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(spellCheckResult.WavyLineArea.startLineIndex, 0);