static void Main()
        container[container.MinIndex]     = mat1;
        container[container.MinIndex + 1] = mat2;

        int     NTasks = 2;
        Barrier b      = new Barrier(NTasks);

        Task[] tasks = new Task[NTasks];
        for (int i = 0; i < NTasks; i++)
            int index = i;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} ", index);

            tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                // Fill each matrix, then wait.

        // Everyone waits here
        ComputeSum(); // sequential code

        Console.WriteLine("Press a key to exit");
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Jagged arrays

            // Lower triangular matrix
            int NR = 10;
            int NC = 10;

            double[][] lowerTriangular = new double[NR][];
            for (int j = 0; j < NC; j++)
                lowerTriangular[j] = new double[j + 1];

            // Generic arrays for starters
            NR = 4;
            NC = 4;
            //MatrixTwoArrayImpl<double> myMatrixStructure = new MatrixTwoArrayImpl<double>(NR, NC);
            UpperTriangularImpl <double> myMatrixStructure = new UpperTriangularImpl <double>(NR, NC);
            GenericMatrix <double, MatrixTwoArrayImpl <double> > myMatrix = new GenericMatrix <double, MatrixTwoArrayImpl <double> >(NR, NC);


            for (int i = myMatrix.MinRowIndex; i <= myMatrix.MaxRowIndex; i++)
                for (int j = myMatrix.MinColumnIndex; j <= myMatrix.MaxColumnIndex; j++)
                    myMatrix[i, j] = -1;

            MatrixOneArrayImpl <double> myMatrixStructure2 = new MatrixOneArrayImpl <double>(NR, NC);
            GenericMatrix <double, MatrixOneArrayImpl <double> > myMatrix2 = new GenericMatrix <double, MatrixOneArrayImpl <double> >(NR, NC);


            for (int i = myMatrix2.MinRowIndex; i <= myMatrix2.MaxRowIndex; i++)
                for (int j = myMatrix2.MinColumnIndex; j <= myMatrix2.MaxColumnIndex; j++)
                    myMatrix2[i, j] = 2;
            myMatrix2[myMatrix2.MinRowIndex, myMatrix2.MinColumnIndex] = 99;
            myMatrix2[myMatrix2.MaxRowIndex, myMatrix2.MaxColumnIndex] = 98;


            // Algebra and matrix manipulation
            int J = 3;

            Vector <double> a = new Vector <double>(J, 1, 1.0);
            Vector <double> b = new Vector <double>(J, 1, 2.0);
            Vector <double> c = new Vector <double>(J, 1, 1.0);
            Vector <double> r = new Vector <double>(J, 1, 0.0);                                 // Right-hand side

            for (int i = r.MinIndex; i <= r.MaxIndex; i++)
                r[i] = 1.0;

            r[2] = -1.0;

            /*   r[1] = 4.0;
             *  r[2] = 10.0;
             *  r[3] = 8.0;*/

            Console.WriteLine("LU stuff");
            LUTridiagonalSolver mySolver = new LUTridiagonalSolver(a, b, c, r);
            Vector <double>     result   = mySolver.solve();


            // Array
            int            startIndex = -1;
            Array <double> arr        = new Array <double>(10, startIndex);

            for (int j = arr.MinIndex; j <= arr.MaxIndex; j++)
                arr[j] = (double)(j);

            arr[arr.MinIndex] = 99.98;

            //  arr.extendedPrint();

            // Matrix
            Matrix <int> mat = new Matrix <int>(4, 4, 2, 1);

            mat[mat.MinRowIndex, mat.MinColumnIndex] = 99;
            mat[mat.MinRowIndex, mat.MinColumnIndex] = 98;

            for (int i = mat.MinRowIndex; i <= mat.MaxRowIndex; i++)
                for (int j = mat.MinColumnIndex; j <= mat.MaxColumnIndex; j++)
                    mat[i, j] = i * j;
            mat[mat.MinRowIndex, mat.MinColumnIndex] = 98;

            // Vectors
            Vector <double> vec = new Vector <double>(10);

            for (int j = vec.MinIndex; j <= vec.MaxIndex; j++)
                vec[j] = (double)(vec.MaxIndex - j);

            Vector <double> vec2 = vec + vec;


            vec2 = vec - vec;

            vec2 = vec - 3.0;

            vec2 = 2.0 + vec;

            // Numeric Matrices, initial tests
            NumericMatrix <double> mat2 = new NumericMatrix <double>(4, 4);

            for (int i = mat2.MinRowIndex; i <= mat2.MaxRowIndex; i++)
                for (int j = mat2.MinColumnIndex; j <= mat2.MaxColumnIndex; j++)
                    mat2[i, j] = i * j;
            Console.WriteLine("Matrix multiplication...");
            Vector <double> vec3 = new Vector <double>(4, 1, 2.0);

            Vector <double> vec4 = mat2 * vec3;


            NumericMatrix <double> mat4 = mat2 * mat2;


            // Numeric Matrices, testing accuracy

            /*       int rows = 10;
             *     int columns = 10;
             *     int startRow = 1;
             *     int startColumn = 1;
             *     NumericMatrix<double>  A = new NumericMatrix<double>(rows, columns, startRow, startColumn);
             *     A[A.MinRowIndex, A.MinColumnIndex] = 1.0; A[A.MinRowIndex, A.MinColumnIndex + 1] = 2.0;
             *     A[A.MinRowIndex + 1, A.MinColumnIndex] = 3.0; A[A.MinRowIndex + 1, A.MinColumnIndex + 1] = 4.0;
             * //       A.extendedPrint();
             *     int si = 1; // Start index
             *     Vector<double> x = new Vector<double>(10, si);
             *     x[si] = 1.0;
             *     x[si + 1] = 2.0;
             *     Vector<double> y = A * x;
             *  //   y.extendedPrint();
             *     NumericMatrix<double> B = A * A;
             *  //   B.extendedPrint();
             *     B = B * B;
             *     B = B * B;
             * //     B.extendedPrint();
             *     // Modify rows and columns of matrices
             *     Vector<double> r1 = new Vector<double>(10, 1, 3.3);
             *     //r1.extendedPrint();
             *  //   A.Row(A.MinRowIndex, r1);
             *  //   A.Column(A.MaxColumnIndex, r1);
             *     A[A.MinRowIndex, A.MinColumnIndex] = 00.0001;
             *     A[A.MaxRowIndex, A.MaxColumnIndex] = -99.99;
             *     A[A.MaxRowIndex, A.MinColumnIndex] = 88.88;
             *     A.extendedPrint();
             *     // Slices
             *     Vector<double> vecSlice = A.getRow(A.MaxRowIndex);
             *     vecSlice.extendedPrint();
             *     vecSlice = A.getColumn(A.MinColumnIndex);
             *     vecSlice.extendedPrint();
             *     int[, ,] tensor = new int[3, 3, 3];
             *         for (int i = 0; i < tensor.GetLength(0); i++)
             *             for (int j = 0; j < tensor.GetLength(1); j++)
             *                 for (int k = 0; k < tensor.GetLength(2); k++)
             *                         tensor[i, j, k] = i * j * k;
             *  /*   for (int i = 0; i < td.GetLength(0); i++)
             *         for (int j = 0; j < td.GetLength(0); j++)
             *             for (int k = 0; k < td.GetLength(0); k++)
             *                 Console.Write(td[i, j, k]); Console.Write(", ");*/
            //A.Column(2, r1);
            // Tensors
            int             nrows    = 2;
            int             ncols    = 2;
            int             ndepth   = 10;
            Tensor <double> myTensor = new Tensor <double>(nrows, ncols, ndepth);

            // myTensor[myTensor.MinThirdIndex] = B;

            for (int j = myTensor.MinThirdIndex + 1; j <= myTensor.MaxThirdIndex; j++)
                //       myTensor[j] = A*A;

            for (int j = myTensor.MinThirdIndex + 1; j <= myTensor.MaxThirdIndex; j++)
                //  myTensor[j].extendedPrint();