/// <summary> /// Numbering properties added to the given paragraph /// </summary> /// <param name="properties"></param> /// <param name="p"></param> private void AddNumberingProperties(List <string> properties, Paragraph p) { if (properties.Contains("numbering") && m_ResetNumbering) { m_LastNumberId++; if (m_LastNumberId == 3) { m_LastNumberId++; } m_ResetNumbering = false; } NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = GetNumberingLevel(properties) }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = properties.Contains("bullet") ? 3 : m_LastNumberId }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); p.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); p.ParagraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties1); }
public ParagraphProperties CreateParagraphProperties(int lvReference) { ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = lvReference }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; //hardcode numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(paragraphStyleId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); paragraphProperties1.SpacingBetweenLines = new SpacingBetweenLines(); paragraphProperties1.SpacingBetweenLines.Before = "1"; paragraphProperties1.SpacingBetweenLines.After = "1"; return(paragraphProperties1); }
private ParagraphProperties GetListProperties(int id) { var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); var paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; var numbering = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId() { Val = id }); var spacing = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Before = "0" }; paragraphProperties.AppendChild(numbering); paragraphProperties.AppendChild(spacing); paragraphProperties.AppendChild(paragraphStyleId); return(paragraphProperties); }
/// <summary> /// Pushes a new paragraph onto the <see cref="OpenXmlCompositeElement"/> stack, /// applying the paragraph styles elements that are currently on the paragraph format stack. /// If a matching paragraph style could not be found in the OpenXML document, an empty style is created. /// This leaves the user the chance to modify the paragraph style afterwards in the document. /// </summary> /// <returns>The newly created paragraph, with the paragraph style already appended.</returns> public Paragraph PushNewParagraph() { var paragraph = new Paragraph(); if (_currentParagraphFormatStack.Count == 0) { // there is no need to add paragraph properties here, because the "Normal" style is assumed in this case } else { var paragraphStyleId = GetOrCreateNewParagraphStyleRecursivelyFromParagraphStack(); var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties { ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = paragraphStyleId } }; if (null != NumberingProperties) { paragraphProperties.AppendChild(NumberingProperties); NumberingProperties = null; } paragraph.AppendChild(paragraphProperties); } Push(paragraph); return(paragraph); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a OpenXMl paragraph representing formatted listItem. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">listItem object</param> /// <param name="numStyleId">style id to use</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Paragraph GetListItem(Model.ListItem item, int numStyleId) { Paragraph listItemPara = new Paragraph(); ParagraphProperties paraProps = new ParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProps = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = numStyleId }; numberingProps.Append(numberingLevelReference); numberingProps.Append(numberingId); paraProps.Append(numberingProps); Run listRun = new Run(); Text listItemText = new Text() { Text = item.Body }; listRun.Append(listItemText); listItemPara.Append(paraProps); listItemPara.Append(listRun); return listItemPara; }
private bool OpenXmlElementIsBulleted(OpenXmlElement element, out int level, out int number) { level = number = 0; Paragraph para = element as Paragraph; if (para == null || para.ParagraphProperties == null || para.ParagraphProperties.NumberingProperties == null) { return(false); } NumberingProperties numProp = para.ParagraphProperties.NumberingProperties; if (numProp.NumberingId == null || numProp.NumberingId.Val == null) { return(false); } if (numProp.NumberingLevelReference == null || numProp.NumberingLevelReference.Val == null) { return(false); } level = numProp.NumberingLevelReference.Val.Value; number = numProp.NumberingId.Val.Value; return(true); }
/// <summary> /// TODO : Problem to fix, all lists are represented as Numbered... /// Process an array of markdown items of a list (with spaces to define the item level) /// The pattern can be detected as a CodeBlock pattern, so fix it with the try catch. /// I should probably not let defining a CodeBlock with spaces and tabulations, /// but only with tabulations... (WIP) /// </summary> /// <param name="core"></param> /// <param name="bulletedItems">Items of a list, split in an array by break lines</param> /// <param name="paragraphStyle"></param> public void MarkdownList(Md2MlEngine core, string[] bulletedItems, string paragraphStyle = "ParagraphList") { foreach (var item in bulletedItems) { // Detect if item is ordered or not var matchedPattern = PatternMatcher.GetMarkdownMatch(item); if (matchedPattern.Key != ParaPattern.OrderedList && matchedPattern.Key != ParaPattern.UnorderedList) { try { matchedPattern = PatternMatcher.GetMatchFromPattern(item, ParaPattern.OrderedList); } catch (Exception e) { matchedPattern = PatternMatcher.GetMatchFromPattern(item, ParaPattern.UnorderedList); } } // Then count spaces 3 by 3 to define the level of the item var nbSpaces = matchedPattern.Value.Groups[0].Value.TakeWhile(Char.IsWhiteSpace).Count();; var itemLvl = nbSpaces / 3; // Then Create paragraph, properties and format the text Paragraph paragraph1 = CreateParagraph(paragraphStyle); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = itemLvl }; NumberingId numberingId1 = GetListType(matchedPattern.Key); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraph1.ParagraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties1); MarkdownStringParser.FormatText(core, paragraph1, matchedPattern.Value.Groups[2].Value, new StyleProperties()); } }
// Creates an Style instance and adds its children. public static DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Style GenerateStyle() { DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Style style1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "ImportedStyle1", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Imported Style 1" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine1 = new AutoRedefine(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(autoRedefine1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); return(style1); }
// Creates an Style instance and adds its children. public static DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Style GenerateListBulletsStyle() { DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Style style1 = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "ListBullets", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "ListBullets" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "0042570B" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 7 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); return(style1); }
public override void ToWordDocument(WordprocessingDocument wordDocument) { Paragraph paragraph = base.CreateParagraph(); if (_numbering) { // Create items for paragraph properties var numberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = _numberingLevel }; var numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = _numberingId }; // var c = new NumberingRestart() { Val = RestartNumberValues.EachPage }; var numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(numberingLevelReference, numberingId); // create paragraph properties var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(numberingProperties); paragraph.Append(paragraphProperties); } foreach (OpenXmlElement element in _runList) { paragraph.AppendChild(element); } wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.AppendChild(paragraph); }
public static Paragraph AsBulletedList(this Paragraph paragraph, int level, int id) { NumberingProperties properties = new NumberingProperties(); properties.NumberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; properties.NumberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; paragraph.Append(properties); return paragraph; }
public void UlWithH1() { using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(mem); doc.Process(new HtmlParser("<ul><li><h1>test</h1></li></ul>")); Assert.IsNotNull(doc.Document.Body); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.Document.Body.ChildElements.Count); Paragraph para = doc.Document.Body.ChildElements[0] as Paragraph; Assert.IsNotNull(para); Assert.AreEqual(2, para.ChildElements.Count); ParagraphProperties properties = para.ChildElements[0] as ParagraphProperties; Assert.IsNotNull(properties); Assert.AreEqual(2, properties.ChildElements.Count); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId = properties.ChildElements[0] as ParagraphStyleId; Assert.IsNotNull(paragraphStyleId); Assert.AreEqual("ListParagraph", paragraphStyleId.Val.Value); NumberingProperties numberingProperties = properties.ChildElements[1] as NumberingProperties; Assert.IsNotNull(numberingProperties); Assert.AreEqual(2, numberingProperties.ChildElements.Count); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference = numberingProperties.ChildElements[0] as NumberingLevelReference; Assert.IsNotNull(numberingLevelReference); Assert.AreEqual(0, numberingLevelReference.Val.Value); NumberingId numberingId = numberingProperties.ChildElements[1] as NumberingId; Assert.IsNotNull(numberingId); Assert.AreEqual(1, numberingId.Val.Value); Run run = para.ChildElements[1] as Run; Assert.IsNotNull(run); Assert.AreEqual(2, run.ChildElements.Count); RunProperties runProperties = run.ChildElements[0] as RunProperties; Assert.IsNotNull(runProperties); Bold bold = runProperties.ChildElements[0] as Bold; Assert.IsNotNull(bold); FontSize fontSize = runProperties.ChildElements[1] as FontSize; Assert.IsNotNull(fontSize); Assert.AreEqual("48", fontSize.Val.Value); Word.Text text = run.ChildElements[1] as Word.Text; Assert.IsNotNull(text); Assert.AreEqual("test", text.InnerText); OpenXmlValidator validator = new OpenXmlValidator(); var errors = validator.Validate(doc.WordprocessingDocument); Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); } }
public void TestSingle() { using MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(mem); doc.Process(new HtmlParser("<ol><li>One</li></ol>")); Assert.IsNotNull(doc.Document.Body); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.Document.Body.ChildElements.Count); Paragraph para = doc.Document.Body.ChildElements[0] as Paragraph; Assert.IsNotNull(para); Assert.AreEqual(2, para.ChildElements.Count); ParagraphProperties properties = para.ChildElements[0] as ParagraphProperties; Assert.IsNotNull(properties); Assert.AreEqual(2, properties.ChildElements.Count); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId = properties.ChildElements[0] as ParagraphStyleId; Assert.IsNotNull(paragraphStyleId); Assert.AreEqual("ListParagraph", paragraphStyleId.Val.Value); NumberingProperties numberingProperties = properties.ChildElements[1] as NumberingProperties; Assert.IsNotNull(numberingProperties); Assert.AreEqual(2, numberingProperties.ChildElements.Count); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference = numberingProperties.ChildElements[0] as NumberingLevelReference; Assert.IsNotNull(numberingLevelReference); Assert.AreEqual(0, numberingLevelReference.Val.Value); NumberingId numberingId = numberingProperties.ChildElements[1] as NumberingId; Assert.IsNotNull(numberingId); Assert.AreEqual(1, numberingId.Val.Value); Run run = para.ChildElements[1] as Run; Assert.IsNotNull(run); Assert.AreEqual(1, run.ChildElements.Count); Word.Text text = run.ChildElements[0] as Word.Text; Assert.IsNotNull(text); Assert.AreEqual("One", text.InnerText); OpenXmlValidator validator = new OpenXmlValidator(); var errors = validator.Validate(doc.WordprocessingDocument); Assert.AreEqual(0, errors.Count()); }
public override IEnumerable<OpenXmlElement> ToOpenXmlElements(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart) { var result = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Paragraph(); var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); var numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(); var numberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId; ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId; if (Parent is OrderedListFormattedElement) { paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "NumberedList" }; numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = ((OrderedListFormattedElement)Parent).NumberingInstanceId }; var indentation = new Indentation() { Left = "1440", Hanging = "720" }; paragraphProperties.Append(indentation); } else { paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "UnorderedListStyle" }; numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = 3 }; } numberingProperties.Append(numberingLevelReference); numberingProperties.Append(numberingId); var spacingBetweenLines= new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", AfterAutoSpacing = true }; paragraphProperties.Append(paragraphStyleId); paragraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties); paragraphProperties.Append(spacingBetweenLines); result.Append(paragraphProperties); ForEachChild(x => { if (x is TextFormattedElement) { result.Append( new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.Run(x.ToOpenXmlElements(mainDocumentPart)) ); } else { result.Append(x.ToOpenXmlElements(mainDocumentPart)); } }); return new List<OpenXmlElement> { result }; }
private void SetListProperties(NumberFormatValues numberFormat, ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties) { ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = ((Int32)numberFormat) + 1 }; numberingProperties.Append(numberingLevelReference); numberingProperties.Append(numberingId); paragraphProperties.Append(paragraphStyleId); paragraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties); }
private List <Paragraph> createNumberedList() { List <Paragraph> retVal = new List <Paragraph>(); SpacingBetweenLines sbl = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Indentation indent = new Indentation() { Left = "100", Hanging = "240" }; NumberingProperties np = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 1 }, new NumberingId() { Val = 2 } ); ParagraphProperties ppOrdered = new ParagraphProperties(np, sbl, indent); ppOrdered.ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; // Pargraph Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(); p1.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(ppOrdered.OuterXml); p1.Append(new Run(new Text("First elementttt"))); retVal.Add(p1); Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(); p2.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(ppOrdered.OuterXml); p2.Append(new Run(new Text("Second Element"))); retVal.Add(p2); Paragraph p3 = new Paragraph(); p3.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(ppOrdered.OuterXml); p3.Append(new Run(new Text("Third Element"))); retVal.Add(p3); return(retVal); }
public static void CreateBulletOrNumberedList(int indentLeft, int indentHanging, List <Paragraph> paragraphs, int numberOfParagraph, string[] texts, bool isBullet = true) { int numberingLevelReference, numberingId; if (isBullet) { numberingLevelReference = 0; numberingId = 1; } else { numberingLevelReference = 1; numberingId = 2; } SpacingBetweenLines sbl = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Indentation indent = new Indentation() { Left = indentLeft.ToString(), Hanging = indentHanging.ToString() }; NumberingProperties np = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = numberingLevelReference }, new NumberingId() { Val = numberingId } ); ParagraphProperties ppUnordered = new ParagraphProperties(np, sbl, indent) { ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" } }; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfParagraph; i++) { InsertParagraphInList(paragraphs, ppUnordered, texts[i]); } }
//..................................................................... /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="txtline"></param> /// <param name="styleID"></param> /// <param name="numroot"></param> /// <param name="numleve"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Paragraph MontageParagraphTitle(string txtline, int styleID, int numroot, int numleve = 1) { // heading ParagraphStyleId paraStyleID = new ParagraphStyleId( ); paraStyleID.Val = styleID.ToString( ); //............................................. NumberingLevelReference numrefer = new NumberingLevelReference( ) { Val = numroot }; NumberingId numID = new NumberingId( ) { Val = numleve }; NumberingProperties numProperties = new NumberingProperties( ); numProperties.Append(numrefer); numProperties.Append(numID); //............................................. ParagraphProperties paraProperties = new ParagraphProperties( ); paraProperties.Append(paraStyleID); paraProperties.Append(numProperties); //............................................. Run txtrun = new Run( ); txtrun.Append(new Text( ) { Text = txtline }); //............................................. Paragraph docpara = new Paragraph( ); docpara.Append(paraProperties); docpara.Append(txtrun); return(docpara); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list in OOXMLFormat. /// This is returned as a list as an object may have multiple paragraphs. /// </summary> /// <param name="listId">The id of the listvin the numbering.</param> /// <returns>List of lisr in OOXML Format.</returns> public virtual List <OOXMLParagraph> GetOOXMLList(int listId) { List <OOXMLParagraph> list = new List <OOXMLParagraph>(); foreach (var item in Items) { var element = new OOXMLParagraph(); ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = item.Level }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = listId }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(paragraphStyleId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); Run run1 = new Run(); Text text = new Text(); text.Text = item.Text; run1.Append(text); element.Append(paragraphProperties1); element.Append(run1); list.Add(element); } return(list); }
public void MarkdownBulletedList(Md2MlEngine core, List <string> bulletedItems, string paragraphStyle) { foreach (var item in bulletedItems) { Paragraph paragraph1 = CreateParagraph(paragraphStyle); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraph1.ParagraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties1); MarkdownStringParser.FormatText(core, paragraph1, item, new FontProperties()); } }
// Creates an Paragraph instance and adds its children. public static Paragraph GenerateParagraph(int numberingLevel, string innerText, bool skip = false) { Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00D14869", RsidParagraphProperties = "00D14869", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00D14869" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = numberingLevel }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = (skip) ? 0 : 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(paragraphStyleId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); Run run1 = new Run(); Text text1 = new Text(); text1.Text = innerText; run1.Append(text1); paragraph1.Append(paragraphProperties1); paragraph1.Append(run1); return(paragraph1); }
private NumberingProperties ExtractNumberingProps(ParagraphPropertiesExtended extended) { var numPr = new NumberingProperties(); if (extended.NumberingProperties.NumberingId?.Val?.Value != null) { numPr.NumberingId = new NumberingId { Val = extended.NumberingProperties.NumberingId.Val.Value }; } if (extended.NumberingProperties.NumberingLevelReference?.Val?.Value != null) { numPr.NumberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference { Val = extended.NumberingProperties.NumberingLevelReference.Val.Value }; } return(numPr); }
public static List <Paragraph> createBulletList(string[] v) { List <Paragraph> retVal = new List <Paragraph>(); SpacingBetweenLines sbl = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Indentation indent = new Indentation() { Left = "100", Hanging = "200" }; NumberingProperties np = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId() { Val = 1 } ); ParagraphProperties ppUnordered = new ParagraphProperties(np, sbl, indent); ppUnordered.ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++) { // Pargraph Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(); p1.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(ppUnordered.OuterXml); p1.Append(new Run(new Text(v[i]))); retVal.Add(p1); } return(retVal); }
public static List <Paragraph> createList(int nRighe, string txt, string typeList, string spacingBetweenLines, string leftIndentation, string hangingIndentation) { int val1 = typeList == "bullet" ? 0 : 1; int val2 = typeList == "bullet" ? 1 : 2; List <Paragraph> retVal = new List <Paragraph>(); SpacingBetweenLines sbl = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = spacingBetweenLines }; Indentation indent = new Indentation() { Left = leftIndentation, Hanging = hangingIndentation }; NumberingProperties np = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = val1 }, new NumberingId() { Val = val2 } ); ParagraphProperties pp = new ParagraphProperties(np, sbl, indent); pp.ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; for (int i = 0; i < nRighe; i++) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(pp.OuterXml); p.Append(new Run(new Text(txt))); retVal.Add(p); } return(retVal); }
private void DoNumberedLists() { Match numberedList = Regex.Match(current, @"^\\d\\."); // Set Paragraph Styles if (numberedList.Success) { // Doesnt work currently, needs NumberingDefinitions adding in filecreation.cs current = current.Substring(2); NumberingProperties nPr = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId() { Val = 1 } ); prop.Append(nPr); } }
private void SetListProperties(ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties) { ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = numberId }; numberingProperties.Append(numberingLevelReference); numberingProperties.Append(numberingId); paragraphProperties.Append(paragraphStyleId); paragraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties); }
public void BulletedList(List <string> bulletedItems, string paragraphStyle) { foreach (var item in bulletedItems) { Paragraph paragraph1 = CreateParagraph(paragraphStyle); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraph1.ParagraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties1); Run run1 = new Run(); Text text1 = new Text(); text1.Text = item; run1.Append(text1); paragraph1.Append(run1); } }
/// <summary> /// получить свойства списка /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private ParagraphProperties GetListProperties() { ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "StyleWithoutIndentation" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(paragraphStyleId1); paragraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); return paragraphProperties1; }
public static void AddBulletList(WordprocessingDocument document, IEnumerable <Run> runList) { var numberingPart = document.MainDocumentPart.NumberingDefinitionsPart; if (numberingPart == null) { numberingPart = document.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart <NumberingDefinitionsPart>( "NumberingDefinitionsPart001"); var element = new Numbering(); element.Save(numberingPart); } // Insert an AbstractNum into the numbering part numbering list. The order seems to matter or it will not pass the // Open XML SDK Productivity Tools validation test. AbstractNum comes first and then NumberingInstance and we want to // insert this AFTER the last AbstractNum and BEFORE the first NumberingInstance or we will get a validation error. var abstractNumberId = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <AbstractNum>().Count() + 1; var abstractLevel = new Level(new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.Bullet }, new LevelText() { Val = "·" }) { LevelIndex = 0 }; var abstractNum1 = new AbstractNum(abstractLevel) { AbstractNumberId = abstractNumberId }; if (abstractNumberId == 1) { numberingPart.Numbering.Append(abstractNum1); } else { var lastAbstractNum = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <AbstractNum>().Last(); numberingPart.Numbering.InsertAfter(abstractNum1, lastAbstractNum); } // Insert an NumberingInstance into the numbering part numbering list. The order seems to matter or it will not pass the // Open XML SDK Productivity Tools validation test. AbstractNum comes first and then NumberingInstance and we want to // insert this AFTER the last NumberingInstance and AFTER all the AbstractNum entries or we will get a validation error. var numberId = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <NumberingInstance>().Count() + 1; var numberingInstance1 = new NumberingInstance() { NumberID = numberId }; var abstractNumId1 = new AbstractNumId() { Val = abstractNumberId }; numberingInstance1.Append(abstractNumId1); if (numberId == 1) { numberingPart.Numbering.Append(numberingInstance1); } else { var lastNumberingInstance = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <NumberingInstance>().Last(); numberingPart.Numbering.InsertAfter(numberingInstance1, lastNumberingInstance); } var body = document.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body; foreach (var runItem in runList) { // Create items for paragraph properties var numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId() { Val = numberId }); var spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; // Get rid of space between bullets var indentation = new Indentation() { Left = "720", Hanging = "360" }; // correct indentation var paragraphMarkRunProperties1 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); var runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Symbol", HighAnsi = "Symbol" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); // create paragraph properties var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(numberingProperties, spacingBetweenLines1, indentation, paragraphMarkRunProperties1); // Create paragraph var newPara = new Paragraph(paragraphProperties); // Add run to the paragraph newPara.AppendChild(runItem); // Add one bullet item to the body body.AppendChild(newPara); } }
public PlatformNumberingProperties(NumberingProperties numberingProp) : base(numberingProp) { this.xmlElement = numberingProp; }
private void GenerateChapterFive() { Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties(); Indentation indentation1 = new Indentation() { FirstLine = "567" }; Justification justification1 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties1 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(languages1); paragraphProperties1.Append(indentation1); paragraphProperties1.Append(justification1); paragraphProperties1.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties1); BookmarkStart bookmarkStart1 = new BookmarkStart() { Name = "_GoBack", Id = "0" }; BookmarkEnd bookmarkEnd1 = new BookmarkEnd() { Id = "0" }; Run run1 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages2 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties1.Append(runFonts2); runProperties1.Append(fontSize2); runProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); runProperties1.Append(languages2); Text text1 = new Text(); text1.Text = "При чтении лекционного материала занятия могут проходить как с использованием:"; run1.Append(runProperties1); run1.Append(text1); paragraph1.Append(paragraphProperties1); paragraph1.Append(bookmarkStart1); paragraph1.Append(bookmarkEnd1); paragraph1.Append(run1); Paragraph paragraph2 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties2 = new ParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 6 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); Indentation indentation2 = new Indentation() { Left = "641", Hanging = "357" }; Justification justification2 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties2 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript3 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages3 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties2.Append(runFonts3); paragraphMarkRunProperties2.Append(fontSize3); paragraphMarkRunProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript3); paragraphMarkRunProperties2.Append(languages3); paragraphProperties2.Append(numberingProperties1); paragraphProperties2.Append(indentation2); paragraphProperties2.Append(justification2); paragraphProperties2.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties2); ProofError proofError1 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarStart }; Run run2 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties2 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript4 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages4 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties2.Append(runFonts4); runProperties2.Append(bold1); runProperties2.Append(fontSize4); runProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript4); runProperties2.Append(languages4); Text text2 = new Text(); text2.Text = "информационно"; run2.Append(runProperties2); run2.Append(text2); ProofError proofError2 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarEnd }; Run run3 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties3 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold2 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize5 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript5 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages5 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties3.Append(runFonts5); runProperties3.Append(bold2); runProperties3.Append(fontSize5); runProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript5); runProperties3.Append(languages5); Text text3 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text3.Text = "-коммуникационных образовательных технологий: "; run3.Append(runProperties3); run3.Append(text3); Run run4 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties4 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold3 = new Bold(); Italic italic1 = new Italic(); FontSize fontSize6 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript6 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages6 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties4.Append(runFonts6); runProperties4.Append(bold3); runProperties4.Append(italic1); runProperties4.Append(fontSize6); runProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript6); runProperties4.Append(languages6); Text text4 = new Text(); text4.Text = "лекция-визуализация"; run4.Append(runProperties4); run4.Append(text4); Run run5 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties5 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize7 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript7 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages7 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties5.Append(runFonts7); runProperties5.Append(fontSize7); runProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript7); runProperties5.Append(languages7); Text text5 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text5.Text = " – изложение содержания каждой темы сопровождается презентацией (демонстрацией учебных материалов, представленных в среде программы "; run5.Append(runProperties5); run5.Append(text5); Run run6 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties6 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize8 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript8 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; runProperties6.Append(runFonts8); runProperties6.Append(fontSize8); runProperties6.Append(fontSizeComplexScript8); Text text6 = new Text(); text6.Text = "Microsoft"; run6.Append(runProperties6); run6.Append(text6); Run run7 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties7 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize9 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript9 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages8 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties7.Append(runFonts9); runProperties7.Append(fontSize9); runProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript9); runProperties7.Append(languages8); Text text7 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text7.Text = " "; run7.Append(runProperties7); run7.Append(text7); ProofError proofError3 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; Run run8 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties8 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize10 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript10 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; runProperties8.Append(runFonts10); runProperties8.Append(fontSize10); runProperties8.Append(fontSizeComplexScript10); Text text8 = new Text(); text8.Text = "Powerpoint"; run8.Append(runProperties8); run8.Append(text8); ProofError proofError4 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; Run run9 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties9 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize11 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript11 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages9 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties9.Append(runFonts11); runProperties9.Append(fontSize11); runProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript11); runProperties9.Append(languages9); Text text9 = new Text(); text9.Text = ")"; run9.Append(runProperties9); run9.Append(text9); paragraph2.Append(paragraphProperties2); paragraph2.Append(proofError1); paragraph2.Append(run2); paragraph2.Append(proofError2); paragraph2.Append(run3); paragraph2.Append(run4); paragraph2.Append(run5); paragraph2.Append(run6); paragraph2.Append(run7); paragraph2.Append(proofError3); paragraph2.Append(run8); paragraph2.Append(proofError4); paragraph2.Append(run9); Paragraph paragraph3 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties3 = new ParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties2 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference2 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId2 = new NumberingId() { Val = 6 }; numberingProperties2.Append(numberingLevelReference2); numberingProperties2.Append(numberingId2); Indentation indentation3 = new Indentation() { Left = "641", Hanging = "357" }; Justification justification3 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties3 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize12 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript12 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages10 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(runFonts12); paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(fontSize12); paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript12); paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(languages10); paragraphProperties3.Append(numberingProperties2); paragraphProperties3.Append(indentation3); paragraphProperties3.Append(justification3); paragraphProperties3.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties3); ProofError proofError5 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarStart }; Run run10 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties10 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize13 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript13 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages11 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties10.Append(runFonts13); runProperties10.Append(fontSize13); runProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript13); runProperties10.Append(languages11); Text text10 = new Text(); text10.Text = "так"; run10.Append(runProperties10); run10.Append(text10); ProofError proofError6 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarEnd }; Run run11 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties11 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts14 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize14 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript14 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages12 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties11.Append(runFonts14); runProperties11.Append(fontSize14); runProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript14); runProperties11.Append(languages12); Text text11 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text11.Text = " и с помощью специализированных "; run11.Append(runProperties11); run11.Append(text11); Run run12 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties12 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts15 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold4 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize15 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript15 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages13 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties12.Append(runFonts15); runProperties12.Append(bold4); runProperties12.Append(fontSize15); runProperties12.Append(fontSizeComplexScript15); runProperties12.Append(languages13); Text text12 = new Text(); text12.Text = "интерактивных технологий"; run12.Append(runProperties12); run12.Append(text12); Run run13 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties13 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts16 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize16 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript16 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages14 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties13.Append(runFonts16); runProperties13.Append(fontSize16); runProperties13.Append(fontSizeComplexScript16); runProperties13.Append(languages14); Text text13 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text13.Text = " ("; run13.Append(runProperties13); run13.Append(text13); Run run14 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties14 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts17 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold5 = new Bold(); Italic italic2 = new Italic(); FontSize fontSize17 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript17 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages15 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties14.Append(runFonts17); runProperties14.Append(bold5); runProperties14.Append(italic2); runProperties14.Append(fontSize17); runProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript17); runProperties14.Append(languages15); Text text14 = new Text(); text14.Text = "лекция «обратной связи»"; run14.Append(runProperties14); run14.Append(text14); Run run15 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties15 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts18 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize18 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript18 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages16 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties15.Append(runFonts18); runProperties15.Append(fontSize18); runProperties15.Append(fontSizeComplexScript18); runProperties15.Append(languages16); Text text15 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text15.Text = " – лекция–провокация, в которой часть материала приводится с заранее запланированными ошибками, после чего завязывается лекция-беседа, лекция-дискуссия)."; run15.Append(runProperties15); run15.Append(text15); paragraph3.Append(paragraphProperties3); paragraph3.Append(proofError5); paragraph3.Append(run10); paragraph3.Append(proofError6); paragraph3.Append(run11); paragraph3.Append(run12); paragraph3.Append(run13); paragraph3.Append(run14); paragraph3.Append(run15); Paragraph paragraph4 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties4 = new ParagraphProperties(); Indentation indentation4 = new Indentation() { FirstLine = "567" }; Justification justification4 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties4 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts19 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize19 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript19 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages17 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties4.Append(runFonts19); paragraphMarkRunProperties4.Append(fontSize19); paragraphMarkRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript19); paragraphMarkRunProperties4.Append(languages17); paragraphProperties4.Append(indentation4); paragraphProperties4.Append(justification4); paragraphProperties4.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties4); Run run16 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties16 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts20 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize20 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript20 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages18 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties16.Append(runFonts20); runProperties16.Append(fontSize20); runProperties16.Append(fontSizeComplexScript20); runProperties16.Append(languages18); Text text16 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text16.Text = "На всех практических занятиях студенты выполняют задания на рабочем месте за персональным компьютером, пользуясь консультацией преподавателя на индивидуальном уровне. "; run16.Append(runProperties16); run16.Append(text16); paragraph4.Append(paragraphProperties4); paragraph4.Append(run16); Paragraph paragraph5 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties5 = new ParagraphProperties(); Indentation indentation5 = new Indentation() { FirstLine = "567" }; Justification justification5 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties5 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts21 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize21 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript21 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages19 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties5.Append(runFonts21); paragraphMarkRunProperties5.Append(fontSize21); paragraphMarkRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript21); paragraphMarkRunProperties5.Append(languages19); paragraphProperties5.Append(indentation5); paragraphProperties5.Append(justification5); paragraphProperties5.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties5); Run run17 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties17 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts22 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize22 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript22 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages20 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties17.Append(runFonts22); runProperties17.Append(fontSize22); runProperties17.Append(fontSizeComplexScript22); runProperties17.Append(languages20); Text text17 = new Text(); text17.Text = "В качестве домашних заданий студенты заканчивают работу, выданную на практических занятиях, а также выполняют индивидуальные задания, выдаваемые преподавателем, с проверкой и обсуждением результата выполнения на следующем занятии."; run17.Append(runProperties17); run17.Append(text17); paragraph5.Append(paragraphProperties5); paragraph5.Append(run17); Paragraph paragraph6 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties6 = new ParagraphProperties(); Indentation indentation6 = new Indentation() { FirstLine = "567" }; Justification justification6 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties6 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts23 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize23 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript23 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages21 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties6.Append(runFonts23); paragraphMarkRunProperties6.Append(fontSize23); paragraphMarkRunProperties6.Append(fontSizeComplexScript23); paragraphMarkRunProperties6.Append(languages21); paragraphProperties6.Append(indentation6); paragraphProperties6.Append(justification6); paragraphProperties6.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties6); Run run18 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties18 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize24 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript24 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages22 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties18.Append(runFonts24); runProperties18.Append(fontSize24); runProperties18.Append(fontSizeComplexScript24); runProperties18.Append(languages22); Text text18 = new Text(); text18.Text = "С целью повышения эффективности учебного процесса, в ходе практических занятий используются:"; run18.Append(runProperties18); run18.Append(text18); paragraph6.Append(paragraphProperties6); paragraph6.Append(run18); Paragraph paragraph7 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties7 = new ParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl1 = new WidowControl() { Val = false }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties3 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference3 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId3 = new NumberingId() { Val = 5 }; numberingProperties3.Append(numberingLevelReference3); numberingProperties3.Append(numberingId3); Indentation indentation7 = new Indentation() { Left = "641", Hanging = "357" }; Justification justification7 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties7 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts25 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize25 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript25 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages23 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties7.Append(runFonts25); paragraphMarkRunProperties7.Append(fontSize25); paragraphMarkRunProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript25); paragraphMarkRunProperties7.Append(languages23); paragraphProperties7.Append(widowControl1); paragraphProperties7.Append(numberingProperties3); paragraphProperties7.Append(indentation7); paragraphProperties7.Append(justification7); paragraphProperties7.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties7); Run run19 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties19 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts26 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold6 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize26 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript26 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages24 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties19.Append(runFonts26); runProperties19.Append(bold6); runProperties19.Append(fontSize26); runProperties19.Append(fontSizeComplexScript26); runProperties19.Append(languages24); Text text19 = new Text(); text19.Text = "Интерактивные технологии"; run19.Append(runProperties19); run19.Append(text19); Run run20 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties20 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts27 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize27 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript27 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages25 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties20.Append(runFonts27); runProperties20.Append(fontSize27); runProperties20.Append(fontSizeComplexScript27); runProperties20.Append(languages25); Text text20 = new Text(); text20.Text = ", например, семинар-дискуссия – коллективное обсуждение какого-либо спорного вопроса, проблемы, выявление мнений в группе."; run20.Append(runProperties20); run20.Append(text20); paragraph7.Append(paragraphProperties7); paragraph7.Append(run19); paragraph7.Append(run20); Paragraph paragraph8 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties8 = new ParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl2 = new WidowControl() { Val = false }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties4 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference4 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId4 = new NumberingId() { Val = 5 }; numberingProperties4.Append(numberingLevelReference4); numberingProperties4.Append(numberingId4); Indentation indentation8 = new Indentation() { Left = "641", Hanging = "357" }; Justification justification8 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties8 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts28 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize28 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript28 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages26 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties8.Append(runFonts28); paragraphMarkRunProperties8.Append(fontSize28); paragraphMarkRunProperties8.Append(fontSizeComplexScript28); paragraphMarkRunProperties8.Append(languages26); paragraphProperties8.Append(widowControl2); paragraphProperties8.Append(numberingProperties4); paragraphProperties8.Append(indentation8); paragraphProperties8.Append(justification8); paragraphProperties8.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties8); Run run21 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties21 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts29 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold7 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize29 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript29 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages27 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties21.Append(runFonts29); runProperties21.Append(bold7); runProperties21.Append(fontSize29); runProperties21.Append(fontSizeComplexScript29); runProperties21.Append(languages27); Text text21 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text21.Text = "Информационно-коммуникационные образовательные технологии: "; run21.Append(runProperties21); run21.Append(text21); Run run22 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties22 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts30 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize30 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript30 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages28 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties22.Append(runFonts30); runProperties22.Append(fontSize30); runProperties22.Append(fontSizeComplexScript30); runProperties22.Append(languages28); Text text22 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text22.Text = "практическое занятие в форме презентации (представление результатов исследовательской деятельности с использованием специализированных программных сред). "; run22.Append(runProperties22); run22.Append(text22); paragraph8.Append(paragraphProperties8); paragraph8.Append(run21); paragraph8.Append(run22); Paragraph paragraph9 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties9 = new ParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl3 = new WidowControl() { Val = false }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties5 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference5 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId5 = new NumberingId() { Val = 5 }; numberingProperties5.Append(numberingLevelReference5); numberingProperties5.Append(numberingId5); Indentation indentation9 = new Indentation() { Left = "641", Hanging = "357" }; Justification justification9 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties9 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts31 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize31 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript31 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages29 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties9.Append(runFonts31); paragraphMarkRunProperties9.Append(fontSize31); paragraphMarkRunProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript31); paragraphMarkRunProperties9.Append(languages29); paragraphProperties9.Append(widowControl3); paragraphProperties9.Append(numberingProperties5); paragraphProperties9.Append(indentation9); paragraphProperties9.Append(justification9); paragraphProperties9.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties9); Run run23 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties23 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts32 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold8 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize32 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript32 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages30 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties23.Append(runFonts32); runProperties23.Append(bold8); runProperties23.Append(fontSize32); runProperties23.Append(fontSizeComplexScript32); runProperties23.Append(languages30); Text text23 = new Text(); text23.Text = "Инновационные методы"; run23.Append(runProperties23); run23.Append(text23); Run run24 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties24 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts33 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize33 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript33 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages31 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties24.Append(runFonts33); runProperties24.Append(fontSize33); runProperties24.Append(fontSizeComplexScript33); runProperties24.Append(languages31); Text text24 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text24.Text = ": использование мультимедийных учебников, электронных версий эксклюзивных курсов в преподавании дисциплины; использование "; run24.Append(runProperties24); run24.Append(text24); ProofError proofError7 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; Run run25 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties25 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts34 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize34 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript34 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages32 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties25.Append(runFonts34); runProperties25.Append(fontSize34); runProperties25.Append(fontSizeComplexScript34); runProperties25.Append(languages32); Text text25 = new Text(); text25.Text = "медиаресурсов"; run25.Append(runProperties25); run25.Append(text25); ProofError proofError8 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; Run run26 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties26 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts35 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize35 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript35 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages33 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties26.Append(runFonts35); runProperties26.Append(fontSize35); runProperties26.Append(fontSizeComplexScript35); runProperties26.Append(languages33); Text text26 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; text26.Text = ", энциклопедий, электронных библиотек "; run26.Append(runProperties26); run26.Append(text26); ProofError proofError9 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarStart }; Run run27 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties27 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts36 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize36 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript36 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages34 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties27.Append(runFonts36); runProperties27.Append(fontSize36); runProperties27.Append(fontSizeComplexScript36); runProperties27.Append(languages34); Text text27 = new Text(); text27.Text = "и Интернет"; run27.Append(runProperties27); run27.Append(text27); ProofError proofError10 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarEnd }; Run run28 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties28 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts37 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize37 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript37 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages35 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties28.Append(runFonts37); runProperties28.Append(fontSize37); runProperties28.Append(fontSizeComplexScript37); runProperties28.Append(languages35); Text text28 = new Text(); text28.Text = "; использование программно-педагогических тестовых заданий для проверки знаний студентов и т.д."; run28.Append(runProperties28); run28.Append(text28); paragraph9.Append(paragraphProperties9); paragraph9.Append(run23); paragraph9.Append(run24); paragraph9.Append(proofError7); paragraph9.Append(run25); paragraph9.Append(proofError8); paragraph9.Append(run26); paragraph9.Append(proofError9); paragraph9.Append(run27); paragraph9.Append(proofError10); paragraph9.Append(run28); Paragraph paragraph10 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005B1369", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005B1369" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties10 = new ParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl4 = new WidowControl() { Val = false }; Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1080 }; tabs1.Append(tabStop1); Indentation indentation10 = new Indentation() { Left = "851", FirstLine = "567" }; Justification justification10 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties10 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts38 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize38 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript38 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages36 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties10.Append(runFonts38); paragraphMarkRunProperties10.Append(fontSize38); paragraphMarkRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript38); paragraphMarkRunProperties10.Append(languages36); paragraphProperties10.Append(widowControl4); paragraphProperties10.Append(tabs1); paragraphProperties10.Append(indentation10); paragraphProperties10.Append(justification10); paragraphProperties10.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties10); Run run29 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "005B1369" }; RunProperties runProperties29 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts39 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize39 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript39 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; Languages languages37 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; runProperties29.Append(runFonts39); runProperties29.Append(fontSize39); runProperties29.Append(fontSizeComplexScript39); runProperties29.Append(languages37); Text text29 = new Text(); text29.Text = "Кроме того, инновационные методы также предполагают и применение методов активного обучения: интерактивные методы обучения: («метод кейсов», метод проектов), модульно-рейтинговые технологии организации учебного процесса и др."; run29.Append(runProperties29); run29.Append(text29); paragraph10.Append(paragraphProperties10); paragraph10.Append(run29); Paragraph paragraph11 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "005B1369", RsidParagraphAddition = "005E7445", RsidParagraphProperties = "005B1369", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005E7445" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties11 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties11 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); Languages languages38 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties11.Append(languages38); paragraphProperties11.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties11); paragraph11.Append(paragraphProperties11); SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidRPr = "005B1369", RsidR = "005E7445" }; PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)11906U, Height = (UInt32Value)16838U }; PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1134, Right = (UInt32Value)850U, Bottom = 1134, Left = (UInt32Value)1701U, Header = (UInt32Value)708U, Footer = (UInt32Value)708U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U }; Columns columns1 = new Columns() { Space = "708" }; DocGrid docGrid1 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 }; sectionProperties1.Append(pageSize1); sectionProperties1.Append(pageMargin1); sectionProperties1.Append(columns1); sectionProperties1.Append(docGrid1); var paraProp = new ParagraphProperties(); var paragraph0 = new Paragraph(); var runProp = new RunProperties(); var run = new Run(); paraProp = GetParagraphProperties("StyleWithoutIndentation"); var paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Header1" }; paraProp.Append(paragraphStyleId); run.Append(new Text("5. Образовательные технологии")); paragraph0.Append(paraProp); paragraph0.Append(run); var paragraph00 = new Paragraph(); paraProp = GetParagraphProperties("StyleWithoutIndentation"); run = new Run(); runProp = new RunProperties { Color = new Color { Val = "FF0000" } }; run.Append(runProp); run.Append(new Text("Данный раздел генерируется в стандартной форме. Возможно его требуется изменить.")); paragraph00.Append(paraProp); paragraph00.Append(run); _body.Append(paragraph0); _body.Append(paragraph00); _body.Append(paragraph1); _body.Append(paragraph2); _body.Append(paragraph3); _body.Append(paragraph4); _body.Append(paragraph5); _body.Append(paragraph6); _body.Append(paragraph7); _body.Append(paragraph8); _body.Append(paragraph9); _body.Append(paragraph10); _body.Append(paragraph11); _body.Append(sectionProperties1); }
private static ParagraphProperties GenerateParagraphProperties(string lookahead) { ParagraphProperties pPr = new ParagraphProperties(); int headerLevel = Buffer.TakeWhile((x) => x == '#').Count(); if (headerLevel > 0) Buffer = Buffer.TrimStart('#').TrimEnd('#').Trim(); else { String sTest = Regex.Replace(lookahead, @"\w", ""); Match isSetextHeader1 = Regex.Match(sTest, @"[=]{2,}"); if (Regex.Match(sTest, @"[=]{2,}").Success) { headerLevel = 1; SkipNextLine = true; } if (Regex.Match(sTest, @"[-]{2,}").Success) { headerLevel = 2; SkipNextLine = true; } } if (headerLevel > 0) pPr.Append(new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Heading" + headerLevel }); Dictionary<JustificationValues, Match> Alignment = new Dictionary<JustificationValues, Match>(); Alignment.Add(JustificationValues.Center, Regex.Match(Buffer, @"^><")); Alignment.Add(JustificationValues.Left, Regex.Match(Buffer, @"^<<")); Alignment.Add(JustificationValues.Right, Regex.Match(Buffer, @"^>>")); Alignment.Add(JustificationValues.Distribute, Regex.Match(Buffer, @"^<>")); foreach (KeyValuePair<JustificationValues, Match> match in Alignment) { if (match.Value.Success) { pPr.Append(new Justification() { Val = match.Key }); Buffer = Buffer.Substring(2); break; } } Match numberedList = Regex.Match(Buffer, @"^\\d\\."); // Set Paragraph Styles if (numberedList.Success) { // Doesnt work currently, needs NumberingDefinitions adding in filecreation.cs Buffer = Buffer.Substring(2); NumberingProperties nPr = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId() { Val = 1 } ); pPr.Append(nPr); } return pPr; }
// Creates an Style instance and adds its children. public static Style GenerateStyle() { Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BodyTextIndent3" }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Body Text Indent 3" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BodyTextIndent3Char" }; Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00666B91" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl1 = new WidowControl(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = -1440 }; TabStop tabStop2 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = -720 }; TabStop tabStop3 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 0 }; TabStop tabStop4 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 426 }; TabStop tabStop5 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 720 }; TabStop tabStop6 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 798 }; TabStop tabStop7 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1140 }; TabStop tabStop8 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 2160 }; TabStop tabStop9 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 2880 }; TabStop tabStop10 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3600 }; TabStop tabStop11 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 4320 }; TabStop tabStop12 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5040 }; TabStop tabStop13 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5760 }; TabStop tabStop14 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6480 }; TabStop tabStop15 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7200 }; TabStop tabStop16 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7920 }; TabStop tabStop17 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 8640 }; TabStop tabStop18 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 9360 }; TabStop tabStop19 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 10080 }; TabStop tabStop20 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 10800 }; tabs1.Append(tabStop1); tabs1.Append(tabStop2); tabs1.Append(tabStop3); tabs1.Append(tabStop4); tabs1.Append(tabStop5); tabs1.Append(tabStop6); tabs1.Append(tabStop7); tabs1.Append(tabStop8); tabs1.Append(tabStop9); tabs1.Append(tabStop10); tabs1.Append(tabStop11); tabs1.Append(tabStop12); tabs1.Append(tabStop13); tabs1.Append(tabStop14); tabs1.Append(tabStop15); tabs1.Append(tabStop16); tabs1.Append(tabStop17); tabs1.Append(tabStop18); tabs1.Append(tabStop19); tabs1.Append(tabStop20); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240" }; Indentation indentation1 = new Indentation() { Left = "360" }; Justification justification1 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(widowControl1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(tabs1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(indentation1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(justification1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers (W1)", HighAnsi = "Univers (W1)" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(linkedStyle1); style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); return(style1); }
// Creates an Body instance and adds its children. public static Body GenerateBody() { Body body1 = new Body(); Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00666B91", RsidParagraphProperties = "00666B91", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00666B91", ParagraphId = "26C28E44", TextId = "77830183" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties1 = new ParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference1 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingLevelReference1); numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120" }; Indentation indentation1 = new Indentation() { Hanging = "360" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties1 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers", HighAnsi = "Univers" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); paragraphMarkRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); paragraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); paragraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphProperties1.Append(indentation1); paragraphProperties1.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties1); Run run1 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers", HighAnsi = "Univers" }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties1.Append(runFonts2); runProperties1.Append(fontSize2); Text text1 = new Text(); text1.Text = "C"; run1.Append(runProperties1); run1.Append(text1); BookmarkStart bookmarkStart1 = new BookmarkStart() { Name = "_GoBack", Id = "0" }; BookmarkEnd bookmarkEnd1 = new BookmarkEnd() { Id = "0" }; paragraph1.Append(paragraphProperties1); paragraph1.Append(run1); paragraph1.Append(bookmarkStart1); paragraph1.Append(bookmarkEnd1); Paragraph paragraph2 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00666B91", RsidParagraphProperties = "00666B91", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00666B91", ParagraphId = "662046FC", TextId = "3923F88E" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties2 = new ParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties2 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference2 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId2 = new NumberingId() { Val = 2 }; numberingProperties2.Append(numberingLevelReference2); numberingProperties2.Append(numberingId2); Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Clear, Position = 1440 }; TabStop tabStop2 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 1080 }; tabs1.Append(tabStop1); tabs1.Append(tabStop2); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120" }; Indentation indentation2 = new Indentation() { Left = "1080", Hanging = "360" }; Justification justification1 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Both }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties2 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers", HighAnsi = "Univers" }; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties2.Append(runFonts3); paragraphMarkRunProperties2.Append(fontSize3); paragraphProperties2.Append(numberingProperties2); paragraphProperties2.Append(tabs1); paragraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); paragraphProperties2.Append(indentation2); paragraphProperties2.Append(justification1); paragraphProperties2.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties2); Run run2 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties2 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers", HighAnsi = "Univers" }; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties2.Append(runFonts4); runProperties2.Append(fontSize4); Text text2 = new Text(); text2.Text = "I"; run2.Append(runProperties2); run2.Append(text2); paragraph2.Append(paragraphProperties2); paragraph2.Append(run2); Paragraph paragraph3 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00666B91", RsidParagraphProperties = "00666B91", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00666B91", ParagraphId = "7F5019C5", TextId = "2DC1CED1" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties3 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId1 = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "BodyTextIndent3" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties3 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference3 = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId3 = new NumberingId() { Val = 2 }; numberingProperties3.Append(numberingLevelReference3); numberingProperties3.Append(numberingId3); Tabs tabs2 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop3 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Clear, Position = 1440 }; TabStop tabStop4 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 1080 }; tabs2.Append(tabStop3); tabs2.Append(tabStop4); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0" }; Indentation indentation3 = new Indentation() { Left = "1080", Hanging = "360" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties3 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers", HighAnsi = "Univers" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(runFonts5); paragraphProperties3.Append(paragraphStyleId1); paragraphProperties3.Append(numberingProperties3); paragraphProperties3.Append(tabs2); paragraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); paragraphProperties3.Append(indentation3); paragraphProperties3.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties3); Run run3 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties3 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Univers", HighAnsi = "Univers" }; runProperties3.Append(runFonts6); Text text3 = new Text(); text3.Text = "ii"; run3.Append(runProperties3); run3.Append(text3); paragraph3.Append(paragraphProperties3); paragraph3.Append(run3); Paragraph paragraph4 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00666B91", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00666B91", ParagraphId = "4B318AA2", TextId = "77777777" }; SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = "00666B91" }; PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)12240U, Height = (UInt32Value)15840U }; PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)720U, Footer = (UInt32Value)720U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U }; Columns columns1 = new Columns() { Space = "720" }; DocGrid docGrid1 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 }; sectionProperties1.Append(pageSize1); sectionProperties1.Append(pageMargin1); sectionProperties1.Append(columns1); sectionProperties1.Append(docGrid1); body1.Append(paragraph1); body1.Append(paragraph2); body1.Append(paragraph3); body1.Append(paragraph4); body1.Append(sectionProperties1); return(body1); }
private void AppendList( WordprocessingDocument wordDoc, IEnumerable <MarkGeneralDataPoint> markGeneralDataPoints, MarkOperatingConditions markOperatingConditions) { NumberingDefinitionsPart numberingPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.NumberingDefinitionsPart; if (numberingPart == null) { numberingPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart <NumberingDefinitionsPart>( "NumberingDefinitionsPart1"); Numbering element = new Numbering(); element.Save(numberingPart); } var abstractNumberId = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <AbstractNum>().Count() + 1; var abstractLevel = new Level( new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.Decimal }, new LevelText() { Val = "%1" }, new StartNumberingValue() { Val = 1, }, new RunProperties() { RunFonts = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "GOST type B", HighAnsi = "GOST type B", ComplexScript = "GOST type B" }, Italic = new Italic() { Val = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true) }, FontSize = new FontSize() { Val = 26.ToString(), } }) { LevelIndex = 0 }; var abstractLevel2 = new Level( new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.Decimal }, new LevelText() { Val = "%1.%2" }, new StartNumberingValue() { Val = 1, }, new RunProperties() { RunFonts = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "GOST type B", HighAnsi = "GOST type B", ComplexScript = "GOST type B" }, Italic = new Italic() { Val = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true) }, FontSize = new FontSize() { Val = 26.ToString(), } }) { LevelIndex = 1 }; var abstractLevel3 = new Level( new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.Bullet }, new LevelText() { Val = "–" }, new RunProperties() { RunFonts = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri", ComplexScript = "Calibri" }, }) { LevelIndex = 2 }; var abstractLevel4 = new Level( new LevelSuffix() { Val = LevelSuffixValues.Space }) { LevelIndex = 3 }; var abstractNum = new AbstractNum( abstractLevel, abstractLevel2, abstractLevel3, abstractLevel4) { AbstractNumberId = abstractNumberId }; if (abstractNumberId == 1) { numberingPart.Numbering.Append(abstractNum); } else { AbstractNum lastAbstractNum = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <AbstractNum>().Last(); numberingPart.Numbering.InsertAfter(abstractNum, lastAbstractNum); } var numberId = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <NumberingInstance>().Count() + 1; NumberingInstance numberingInstance = new NumberingInstance() { NumberID = numberId }; AbstractNumId abstractNumId = new AbstractNumId() { Val = abstractNumberId }; numberingInstance.Append(abstractNumId); if (numberId == 1) { numberingPart.Numbering.Append(numberingInstance); } else { var lastNumberingInstance = numberingPart.Numbering.Elements <NumberingInstance>().Last(); numberingPart.Numbering.InsertAfter(numberingInstance, lastNumberingInstance); } Body body = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body; var markGeneralDataPointsList = markGeneralDataPoints.ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < markGeneralDataPoints.Count(); i++) { var item = markGeneralDataPointsList[i]; var spacingBetweenLines = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120", Line = "240" }; var indentation = new Indentation() { Left = "360", Right = "360", FirstLine = "720" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties; var pointText = item.Text; if (item.OrderNum == 1) { numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId() { Val = numberId }); } else if (item.Text[0] == '#' && item.Text[1] == ' ') { numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 1 }, new NumberingId() { Val = numberId }); pointText = pointText.Substring(2) + "."; } else if (item.Text[0] == '-' && item.Text[1] == ' ') { numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 2 }, new NumberingId() { Val = numberId }); if (i == 0) { pointText = pointText.Substring(2) + "."; } else if (markGeneralDataPointsList[i - 1].OrderNum == 1) { pointText = pointText.Substring(2) + "."; } else if (markGeneralDataPointsList[i - 1].Text[0] == '#' && markGeneralDataPointsList[i - 1].Text[1] == ' ') { pointText = pointText.Substring(2) + "."; } else { pointText = pointText.Substring(2) + ";"; } } else { numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties( new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 3 }, new NumberingId() { Val = numberId }); pointText = pointText + "."; indentation = new Indentation() { Left = "360", Right = "360", FirstLine = "640" }; } var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties( numberingProperties, spacingBetweenLines, indentation); var newPara = new Paragraph(paragraphProperties); if (item.Section.Id == 7) { if (pointText.Contains("коэффициент надежности по ответственности")) { pointText = pointText.Replace("{}", markOperatingConditions.SafetyCoeff.ToString()); } else if (pointText.Contains("степень агрессивного воздействия среды")) { pointText = pointText.Replace("{}", markOperatingConditions.EnvAggressiveness.Name); } else if (pointText.Contains("расчетная температура эксплуатации")) { pointText = pointText.Replace("{}", $"{(markOperatingConditions.Temperature < 0 ? ("минус " + -markOperatingConditions.Temperature) : markOperatingConditions.Temperature)}"); } } if (pointText.Contains('^')) { var split = pointText.Split('^'); if (split.Count() > 1) { for (int k = 0; k < split.Count(); k++) { if (k > 0) { newPara.AppendChild(Word.GetTextElement(split[k][0].ToString(), 26, false, true)); } if (k == 0) { newPara.AppendChild(Word.GetTextElement(split[k], 26)); } else if (split[k].Length > 1) { newPara.AppendChild(Word.GetTextElement(split[k].Substring(1), 26)); } } } else { newPara.AppendChild(Word.GetTextElement(pointText, 26)); } } else { newPara.AppendChild(Word.GetTextElement(pointText, 26)); } body.PrependChild(newPara); } }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", EastAsia = "MS Mincho", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Languages languages13 = new Languages() { Val = "fr-CA", EastAsia = "fr-CA", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts6); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages13); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 0, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException1 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Normal", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException2 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 1", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException3 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 2", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException4 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 3", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException5 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException6 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException7 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException8 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException9 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException10 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 9", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException11 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "caption", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException12 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Title", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException13 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtitle", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException14 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Strong", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException15 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Emphasis", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException16 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Placeholder Text", UiPriority = 99, SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException17 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException18 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException19 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException20 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException21 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException22 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException23 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException24 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException25 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException26 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException27 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException28 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException29 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException30 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException31 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException32 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException33 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException34 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException35 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException36 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException37 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException38 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Revision", UiPriority = 99, SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException39 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException40 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException41 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException42 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException43 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException44 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException45 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException46 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException47 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException48 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException49 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException50 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException51 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException52 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException53 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException54 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException55 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException56 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException57 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException58 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException59 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException60 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException61 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException62 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException63 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException64 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException65 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException66 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException67 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException68 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException69 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException70 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException71 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException72 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException73 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException74 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException75 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException76 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException77 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException78 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException79 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException80 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException81 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException82 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException83 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException84 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException85 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException86 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException87 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException88 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException89 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException90 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException91 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException92 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException93 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException94 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException95 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException96 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException97 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException98 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException99 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException100 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException101 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException102 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException103 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException104 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException105 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException106 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException107 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException108 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException109 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException110 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException111 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException112 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException113 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException114 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException115 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException116 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException117 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException118 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException119 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException120 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException121 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException122 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException123 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException124 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException125 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException126 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException126); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid615 = new Rsid() { Val = "006F57DE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines24 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines24); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize13 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; 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SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines25 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepNext3); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines25); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold13 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); Caps caps2 = new Caps(); Kern kern2 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)20U }; Languages languages15 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(runFonts8); styleRunProperties2.Append(bold13); styleRunProperties2.Append(boldComplexScript2); styleRunProperties2.Append(caps2); styleRunProperties2.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties2.Append(languages15); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid616); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Titre2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid617 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext4 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines26 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepNext4); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines26); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); 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style3.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); style3.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Titre3" }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 3" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Titre2" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle3 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid618 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 2 }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold15 = new Bold() { Val = false }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript4 = new BoldComplexScript() { Val = false }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript24 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(bold15); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties4.Append(italic1); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript24); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn1); style4.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style4.Append(primaryStyle4); style4.Append(rsid618); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Policepardfaut", Default = true }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority1); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableauNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault3 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin3 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin3 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellLeftMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellRightMargin3); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault3); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority2); style6.Append(semiHidden1); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style6.Append(primaryStyle5); style6.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "Aucuneliste", Default = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(uIPriority3); style7.Append(semiHidden2); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "En-tte" }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "header" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "En-tteCar" }; Rsid rsid619 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); 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styleRunProperties5.Append(caps3); styleRunProperties5.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize15); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript25); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn2); style8.Append(linkedStyle2); style8.Append(rsid619); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Pieddepage" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "footer" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid620 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines28 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification4 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines28); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(justification4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize16 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSize16); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn3); style9.Append(rsid620); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style9.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "Grilledutableau" }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableauNormal" }; Rsid rsid621 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines29 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines29); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts10); 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tableBorders4.Append(topBorder6); tableBorders4.Append(leftBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(bottomBorder7); tableBorders4.Append(rightBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(insideVerticalBorder4); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders4); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn4); style10.Append(rsid621); style10.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style10.Append(styleRunProperties7); style10.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style11 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Numrodepage" }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() { Val = "page number" }; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; Rsid rsid622 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; styleRunProperties8.Append(runFonts11); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn5); style11.Append(rsid622); style11.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style12 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Listepuces" }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() { Val = "List Bullet" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; 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OutlineLevel outlineLevel4 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(justification5); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(outlineLevel4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "264C73" }; Kern kern4 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize17 = new FontSize() { Val = "46" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript26 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages17 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties9.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties9.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties9.Append(color1); styleRunProperties9.Append(kern4); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSize17); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript26); styleRunProperties9.Append(languages17); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(linkedStyle3); style13.Append(primaryStyle6); style13.Append(rsid624); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style13.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ManagerName", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Manager Name" }; Rsid rsid625 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines30 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "40" }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines30); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold16 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize18 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript27 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages18 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts13); styleRunProperties10.Append(bold16); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize18); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript27); styleRunProperties10.Append(languages18); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(rsid625); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style14.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableText", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Text" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; Rsid rsid626 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines31 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines31); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize19 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize19); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn7); style15.Append(linkedStyle4); style15.Append(rsid626); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); style15.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ProductsReviewedHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Products Reviewed Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeadingChar" }; Rsid rsid627 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders6 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder7 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "808080", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)7U }; paragraphBorders6.Append(topBorder7); 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StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines33 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification6 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines33); styleParagraphProperties13.Append(justification6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Caps caps5 = new Caps(); Color color2 = new Color() { Val = "5C5C5C" }; Kern kern5 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)22U }; styleRunProperties13.Append(caps5); styleRunProperties13.Append(color2); styleRunProperties13.Append(kern5); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn9); style17.Append(nextParagraphStyle5); style17.Append(linkedStyle6); style17.Append(rsid628); style17.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style17.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style18 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header2", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() { Val = "Header 2" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "En-tte" }; Rsid rsid629 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties14 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders7 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder8 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; paragraphBorders7.Append(bottomBorder8); styleParagraphProperties14.Append(paragraphBorders7); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize20 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript28 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize20); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript28); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn10); style18.Append(rsid629); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties14); style18.Append(styleRunProperties14); 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styleRunProperties27.Append(runFonts21); styleRunProperties27.Append(fontSize29); styleRunProperties27.Append(fontSizeComplexScript36); styleRunProperties27.Append(languages25); style33.Append(styleName33); style33.Append(basedOn23); style33.Append(linkedStyle15); style33.Append(rsid644); style33.Append(styleRunProperties27); Style style34 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TableHeadingChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName34 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading Char" }; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableHeading" }; Rsid rsid645 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties28 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts22 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold23 = new Bold(); Caps caps10 = new Caps(); Kern kern12 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; FontSize fontSize30 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript37 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; 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style35.Append(styleName35); style35.Append(basedOn25); style35.Append(rsid646); style35.Append(styleParagraphProperties22); Style style36 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Listepuces2" }; StyleName styleName36 = new StyleName() { Val = "List Bullet 2" }; BasedOn basedOn26 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid647 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties23 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs5 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop5 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 360 }; tabs5.Append(tabStop5); styleParagraphProperties23.Append(tabs5); style36.Append(styleName36); style36.Append(basedOn26); style36.Append(rsid647); style36.Append(styleParagraphProperties23); Style style37 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "En-tteCar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName37 = new StyleName() { Val = "En-tête Car" }; BasedOn basedOn27 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle17 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "En-tte" }; Rsid rsid648 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties29 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts23 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Caps caps11 = new Caps(); Kern kern13 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; Languages languages27 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties29.Append(runFonts23); styleRunProperties29.Append(caps11); styleRunProperties29.Append(kern13); styleRunProperties29.Append(languages27); style37.Append(styleName37); style37.Append(basedOn27); style37.Append(linkedStyle17); style37.Append(rsid648); style37.Append(styleRunProperties29); Style style38 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "RankStatement", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName38 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Statement" }; BasedOn basedOn28 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "RankStatementChar" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid649 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties30 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold24 = new Bold(); Color color8 = new Color() { Val = "DD6600" }; styleRunProperties30.Append(bold24); styleRunProperties30.Append(color8); style38.Append(styleName38); style38.Append(basedOn28); style38.Append(linkedStyle18); style38.Append(autoRedefine3); style38.Append(rsid649); style38.Append(styleRunProperties30); Style style39 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "RankStatementChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName39 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Statement Char" }; BasedOn basedOn29 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle19 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "RankStatement" }; Rsid rsid650 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties31 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold25 = new Bold(); Color color9 = new Color() { Val = "DD6600" }; 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style41.Append(basedOn31); style41.Append(rsid652); style41.Append(styleRunProperties32); Style style42 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "FooterRankLegend", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName42 = new StyleName() { Val = "Footer Rank Legend" }; BasedOn basedOn32 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid653 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F2779" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties25 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines41 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360" }; styleParagraphProperties25.Append(spacingBetweenLines41); style42.Append(styleName42); style42.Append(basedOn32); style42.Append(rsid653); style42.Append(styleParagraphProperties25); Style style43 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DisclaimerChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName43 = new StyleName() { Val = "Disclaimer Char" }; BasedOn basedOn33 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle20 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; 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BasedOn basedOn34 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DisclaimerChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle21 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "DislaimerHeading" }; Rsid rsid655 = new Rsid() { Val = "00782598" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties34 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts27 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold26 = new Bold(); Color color11 = new Color() { Val = "808080" }; FontSize fontSize33 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript40 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages30 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties34.Append(runFonts27); styleRunProperties34.Append(bold26); styleRunProperties34.Append(color11); styleRunProperties34.Append(fontSize33); styleRunProperties34.Append(fontSizeComplexScript40); styleRunProperties34.Append(languages30); style44.Append(styleName44); style44.Append(basedOn34); style44.Append(linkedStyle21); style44.Append(rsid655); 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styleRunProperties37.Append(runFonts29); styleRunProperties37.Append(italicComplexScript2); styleRunProperties37.Append(fontSizeComplexScript43); style47.Append(styleName47); style47.Append(basedOn37); style47.Append(rsid658); style47.Append(styleParagraphProperties27); style47.Append(styleRunProperties37); Style style48 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleProductsReviewedHeadingBefore12pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName48 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Products Reviewed Heading + Before: 12 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn38 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeading" }; Rsid rsid659 = new Rsid() { Val = "009F7E7F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties28 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines44 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360" }; styleParagraphProperties28.Append(spacingBetweenLines44); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties38 = new StyleRunProperties(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript9 = new BoldComplexScript(); 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style52.Append(basedOn42); style52.Append(autoRedefine4); style52.Append(rsid663); style52.Append(styleParagraphProperties31); style52.Append(styleRunProperties41); Style style53 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "StyleBodoniMT", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName53 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Bodoni MT" }; BasedOn basedOn43 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; Rsid rsid664 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties42 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts32 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; styleRunProperties42.Append(runFonts32); style53.Append(styleName53); style53.Append(basedOn43); style53.Append(rsid664); style53.Append(styleRunProperties42); Style style54 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "StyleCategoryRankGraphic10pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName54 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Category Rank Graphic + 10 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn44 = new BasedOn() { Val = "CategoryRankGraphic" }; 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style57.Append(autoRedefine7); style57.Append(rsid668); style57.Append(styleParagraphProperties34); style57.Append(styleRunProperties46); Style styleUnorderedList = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "UnorderedListStyle", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleNameUnorderedList = new StyleName() { Val = "UnorderedList Style" }; BasedOn basedOnUnorderedList = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLinesUnorderedList = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList.Append(spacingBetweenLinesUnorderedList); StyleRunProperties styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScriptUnorderedList = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList.Append(fontSizeComplexScriptUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(styleNameUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(basedOnUnorderedList); 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tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable.Append(bottomMarginSimpleTable); tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable.Append(tableCellRightMarginSimpleTable); styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable.Append(tableIndentationSimpleTable); styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable.Append(tableBordersSimpleTable); styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable.Append(tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(styleNameSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(basedOnSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(uIPrioritySimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(styleParagraphPropertiesSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); styles1.Append(style17); styles1.Append(style18); styles1.Append(style19); styles1.Append(style20); styles1.Append(style21); styles1.Append(style22); styles1.Append(style23); styles1.Append(style24); styles1.Append(style25); styles1.Append(style26); styles1.Append(style27); styles1.Append(style28); styles1.Append(style29); styles1.Append(style30); styles1.Append(style31); styles1.Append(style32); styles1.Append(style33); styles1.Append(style34); styles1.Append(style35); styles1.Append(style36); styles1.Append(style37); styles1.Append(style38); styles1.Append(style39); styles1.Append(style40); styles1.Append(style41); styles1.Append(style42); styles1.Append(style43); styles1.Append(style44); styles1.Append(style45); styles1.Append(style46); styles1.Append(style47); styles1.Append(style48); styles1.Append(style49); styles1.Append(style50); styles1.Append(style51); styles1.Append(style52); styles1.Append(style53); styles1.Append(style54); styles1.Append(style55); styles1.Append(style56); styles1.Append(style57); styles1.Append(styleUnorderedList); styles1.Append(styleSimpleTable); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
private void GenerarExamen(int cantidadExamenes = 1, int cantidadCopias = 1) { string resultPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments).ToString(cultureInfo) + "\\Test.docx"; using (WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Create(resultPath, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document)) { var diccionarioBloqueCuestionarioCopy = new Dictionary <string, BloqueCuestionario>(); var listBloqueCuestionarioCopy = new List <BloqueCuestionario>(); // listaBloqueCuestionarioCopy = listaBloqueCuestionario; diccionarioBloqueCuestionarioCopy = diccionarioBloqueCuestionarioEstructurado; listBloqueCuestionarioCopy = diccionarioBloqueCuestionarioCopy.Values.ToList(); MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.AddMainDocumentPart(); mainPart.Document = new Document(); Body body = mainPart.Document.AppendChild(new Body()); int contadorNumberingId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cantidadExamenes; i++) { if (true) { Random rnd = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); listBloqueCuestionarioCopy.Shuffle(rnd); } for (int j = 0; j < cantidadCopias; j++) { if (i > 0 || j > 0) { InsertarSaltoDePagina(body); } contadorNumberingId++; foreach (var item in diccionarioBloqueCuestionarioCopy.Values) { ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphStyleId paragraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "ListParagraph" }; NumberingProperties numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingLevelReference numberingLevelReference = new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 }; NumberingId numberingId = new NumberingId() { Val = contadorNumberingId }; //Val is 1, 2, 3 etc based on your numberingid in your numbering element NumberingFormat numberingFormat = new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.UpperLetter }; numberingProperties.Append(numberingLevelReference); numberingProperties.Append(numberingFormat); numberingProperties.Append(numberingId); paragraphProperties.Append(paragraphStyleId); paragraphProperties.Append(numberingProperties); Paragraph para = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); para.Append(paragraphProperties); Run run = para.AppendChild(new Run()); run.AppendChild(new Text(item.Pregunta.InnerText.Substring(1).Trim(' '))); } } } } if (diccionarioBloqueCuestionarioEstructurado.Count > 0) { if (MessageBox.Show(Mensajes.AbrirArchivoGenerado + "\n" + resultPath, Mensajes.ArchivoGeneradoCorrectamenteTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "WINWORD.EXE"; startInfo.Arguments = resultPath; Process.Start(startInfo); } } else { Mensajes.NoExistenDatosParaEstructurar(); } }