public double GetAttributeF(string attr, double def) { if (Attributes.TryGetValue(attr, out TemplateObject outp)) { return(NumberTag.TryFor(outp).Internal); } return(def); }
/// <summary>Converts a script object type to a specific raw type (if possible) for the ConfigSet command.</summary> public static object ConvertForType(Type fieldType, TemplateObject input, CommandQueue queue) { if (fieldType == typeof(string)) { return(input.ToString()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(bool)) { return(BooleanTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(long)) { return(IntegerTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(int)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((int)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(short)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((short)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(byte)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((byte)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(double)) { return(NumberTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(float)) { NumberTag number = NumberTag.TryFor(input); if (number is not null) { return((float)number.Internal); } } else { queue.HandleError($"Cannot convert script objects to config type {TextStyle.SeparateVal(fieldType.Name)}"); } return(null); }
public double JetpackHoverStrength() { double baseHover = GetMass(); ItemStack its = Items.GetItemForSlot(Items.cItem); if (its.SharedAttributes.TryGetValue("jetpack_hovermod", out TemplateObject mod)) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(mod); if (nt != null) { return(baseHover * nt.Internal); } } return(baseHover); }
public override void ReleaseClick(Entity entity, ItemStack item) { if (!(entity is PlayerEntity)) { // TODO: non-player support return; } PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity)entity; player.ItemDoSpeedMod = false; if (player.ItemStartClickTime < 0) { player.ItemStartClickTime = -1; return; } double drawRate = DrawRate; TemplateObject dw2; if (item.SharedAttributes.TryGetValue("drawrate", out dw2)) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(dw2); if (nt != null) { drawRate = (double)nt.Internal; } } double drawMin = DrawMinimum; TemplateObject dm2; if (item.SharedAttributes.TryGetValue("drawmin", out dm2)) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(dm2); if (nt != null) { drawMin = (double)nt.Internal; } } double timeStretched = Math.Min((player.TheRegion.GlobalTickTime - player.ItemStartClickTime) * drawRate, 3) + drawMin; player.ItemStartClickTime = -1; if (timeStretched < DrawMinimum + 0.25) { return; } SpawnArrow(player, item, timeStretched); }
public double JetpackBoostRate(out double max) { const double baseBoost = 1500.0; const double baseMax = 2000.0f; max = baseMax; // TODO: Own mod ItemStack its = Items.GetItemForSlot(Items.cItem); if (its.SharedAttributes.TryGetValue("jetpack_boostmod", out TemplateObject mod)) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(mod); if (nt != null) { return(baseBoost * nt.Internal); } } return(baseBoost); }
public override void SwitchTo(Entity entity, ItemStack item) { if (!(entity is PlayerEntity)) { // TODO: non-player support return; } PlayerEntity player = (PlayerEntity)entity; double speedm = 1f; if (item.SharedAttributes.ContainsKey("cspeedm")) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(item.SharedAttributes["cspeedm"]); if (nt != null) { speedm = (double)nt.Internal; } } player.ItemSpeedMod = speedm; player.ItemDoSpeedMod = false; }
public static TemplateObject TOFor(Server tserver, string type, string content) { switch (type) { case "text": return(new TextTag(content)); //case "item": // return ItemTag.For(tserver, content); case "numb": return(NumberTag.TryFor(content)); case "inte": return(IntegerTag.TryFor(content)); case "bool": return(BooleanTag.TryFor(content)); default: return(new TextTag(content)); // Disregard errors and just make it text anyway. Probably just bad user input. } }
/// <summary>Executes the command.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { NumberTag delay = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0)); if (delay is null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid delay value - not a number!"); return; } if (queue.Delayable) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Delaying for " + TextStyle.Separate + delay.Internal + TextStyle.Base + " seconds."); } queue.Wait = delay.Internal; } else { queue.HandleError(entry, "Cannot delay, inside an instant queue!"); } }
public void SetMoveSpeed(CharacterController cc, UserInputSet uis) { float speedmod = (float)new Vector2(uis.XMove, uis.YMove).Length() * 2; speedmod *= (1f + uis.SprintOrWalk * 0.5f); if (Click) { ItemStack item = TheClient.GetItemForSlot(TheClient.QuickBarPos); bool has = item.SharedAttributes.ContainsKey("charge"); BooleanTag bt = has ? BooleanTag.TryFor(item.SharedAttributes["charge"]) : null; if (bt != null && bt.Internal && item.SharedAttributes.ContainsKey("cspeedm")) { NumberTag nt = NumberTag.TryFor(item.SharedAttributes["cspeedm"]); if (nt != null) { speedmod *= (float)nt.Internal; } } } RigidTransform transf = new RigidTransform(Vector3.Zero, Body.Orientation); BoundingBox box; cc.Body.CollisionInformation.Shape.GetBoundingBox(ref transf, out box); Location pos = new Location(cc.Body.Position) + new Location(0, 0, box.Min.Z); Material mat = TheRegion.GetBlockMaterial(pos + new Location(0, 0, -0.05f)); speedmod *= (float)mat.GetSpeedMod(); cc.StandingSpeed = CBStandSpeed * speedmod; cc.CrouchingSpeed = CBCrouchSpeed * speedmod; float frictionmod = 1f; frictionmod *= (float)mat.GetFrictionMod(); cc.SlidingForce = CBSlideForce * frictionmod * Mass; cc.AirForce = CBAirForce * frictionmod * Mass; cc.TractionForce = CBTractionForce * frictionmod * Mass; cc.VerticalMotionConstraint.MaximumGlueForce = CBGlueForce * Mass; }
public override void UpdateVariables(Dictionary <string, TemplateObject> vars) { Amount = NumberTag.TryFor(vars["amount"]); base.UpdateVariables(vars); }
public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 1) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } Client TheClient = (entry.Command as CdevelCommand).TheClient; switch (entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)) { case "lightDebug": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition(); pos.Z = pos.Z + 1; int XP = (int)Math.Floor(pos.X / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE); int YP = (int)Math.Floor(pos.Y / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE); int ZP = (int)Math.Floor(pos.Z / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE); int x = (int)(Math.Floor(pos.X) - (XP * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)); int y = (int)(Math.Floor(pos.Y) - (YP * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)); int z = (int)(Math.Floor(pos.Z) - (ZP * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)); while (true) { Chunk ch = TheClient.TheRegion.GetChunk(new Vector3i(XP, YP, ZP)); if (ch == null) { entry.Good(queue, "Passed with flying light sources!"); goto end; } while (z < Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE) { if (ch.GetBlockAt((int)x, (int)y, (int)z).IsOpaque()) { entry.Info(queue, "Died: " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + " -- " + XP + ", " + YP + ", " + ZP); goto end; } z++; } ZP++; z = 0; } end: break; } case "vramUsage": { long c = 0; foreach (Tuple <string, long> val in TheClient.CalculateVRAMUsage()) { entry.Info(queue, "-> " + val.Item1 + ": " + val.Item2 + " (" + (val.Item2 / 1024 / 1024) + "MB)"); c += val.Item2; } entry.Info(queue, "-> Total: " + c + " (" + (c / 1024 / 1024) + "MB)"); break; } case "speakText": { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 3) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); break; } bool male = !entry.GetArgument(queue, 1).ToString().ToLowerFast().StartsWith("f"); TextToSpeech.Speak(entry.GetArgument(queue, 2), male, entry.Arguments.Count > 3 ? (int)IntegerTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 3)).Internal : 0); break; } case "chunkInfo": { Chunk ch = TheClient.TheRegion.GetChunk(TheClient.TheRegion.ChunkLocFor(TheClient.Player.GetPosition())); if (ch == null) { entry.Info(queue, "Chunk is null!"); break; } Vector3i chunk_pos = ch.WorldPosition; ChunkSLODHelper slod = TheClient.TheRegion.GetSLODHelp(ch.WorldPosition, false); if (slod == null) { entry.Info(queue, "No SLOD."); } else { bool isgen = slod._VBO != null && slod._VBO.generated; entry.Info(queue, "SLOD: " + slod.Coordinate + ", live chunks contained: " + slod.Users + ", verts: " + slod.FullBlock.Vertices.Count + ", generated: " + isgen); foreach (KeyValuePair <Vector3i, Chunk> entryx in TheClient.TheRegion.LoadedChunks) { if (entryx.Value.PosMultiplier < 5) { continue; } Vector3i slodposser = new Vector3i((int)Math.Floor(entryx.Key.X / (float)Constants.CHUNKS_PER_SLOD), (int)Math.Floor(entryx.Key.Y / (float)Constants.CHUNKS_PER_SLOD), (int)Math.Floor(entryx.Key.Z / (float)Constants.CHUNKS_PER_SLOD)); if (slodposser == slod.Coordinate) { entry.Info(queue, "Chunk at " + entryx.Key + " is held"); } } } entry.Info(queue, "Plants: " + ch.Plant_C + ", generated as ID: " + ch.Plant_VAO); int c = 0; long verts = 0; long verts_transp = 0; int total = 0; int total_rendered = 0; int total_rendered_transp = 0; foreach (Chunk chunk in TheClient.TheRegion.LoadedChunks.Values) { total++; if (chunk._VBOSolid != null && ch._VBOSolid != null && chunk._VBOSolid._VAO == ch._VBOSolid._VAO) { c++; } if (chunk._VBOSolid != null && chunk._VBOSolid.generated) { verts += chunk._VBOSolid.vC; total_rendered++; } if (chunk._VBOTransp != null && chunk._VBOTransp.generated) { verts_transp += chunk._VBOTransp.vC; total_rendered_transp++; } } entry.Info(queue, "Chunk rendering as " + (ch._VBOSolid == null ? "{NULL}" : ch._VBOSolid._VAO.ToString()) + ", which is seen in " + c + " chunks!"); entry.Info(queue, "Chunks: " + total + ", rendering " + verts + " solid verts and " + verts_transp + " transparent verts, with " + total_rendered + " solid-existent chunks, and " + total_rendered_transp + " transparent-existent chunks!"); break; } case "blockInfo": { BlockInternal bi = TheClient.TheRegion.GetBlockInternal(TheClient.Player.GetPosition()); entry.Info(queue, "BLOCK: Material=" + bi.Material + ", Shape=" + bi.BlockData + ", Damage=" + bi.Damage + ", Paint=" + bi.BlockPaint + ",Light=" + bi.BlockLocalData); break; } case "igniteBlock": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition().GetUpperBlockBorder(); FireEntity fe = new FireEntity(pos, null, TheClient.TheRegion); TheClient.TheRegion.SpawnEntity(fe); break; } case "torchBlocks": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition().GetUpperBlockBorder(); for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = -3; y <= 3; y++) { FireEntity fe = new FireEntity(pos + new Location(x, y, 0), null, TheClient.TheRegion); TheClient.TheRegion.SpawnEntity(fe); } } break; } case "lateVR": { if (!VRSupport.Available()) { entry.Info(queue, "Can't load VR. Not available!"); break; } if (TheClient.VR != null) { entry.Info(queue, "Can't load VR. Already loaded!"); break; } TheClient.VR = VRSupport.TryInit(TheClient.CWindow); TheClient.CWindow.VR = TheClient.VR; if (TheClient.VR != null) { TheClient.VR.VRScale = 1.5f; // TODO: VR Scale CVar? } break; } case "debugVR": { if (TheClient.VR == null) { entry.Info(queue, "VR not running!"); break; } entry.Info(queue, "Left: " + TheClient.VR.Left?.ToString() + " ||| Right: " + TheClient.VR.Right?.ToString()); break; } case "fogEnhance": { double time = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; double fogVal = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 2)).Internal; TheClient.FogEnhanceStrength = (float)fogVal; TheClient.FogEnhanceTime = time; break; } case "flashBang": { double time = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; TheClient.MainWorldView.Flashbang(time); break; } case "earRing": { double time = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; // TODO: Fix! //TheClient.Sounds.Deafen(time); break; } case "topInfo": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition().GetBlockLocation(); Vector3i chunkLoc = TheClient.TheRegion.ChunkLocFor(pos); Vector2i buaPos = new Vector2i(chunkLoc.X, chunkLoc.Y); if (!TheClient.TheRegion.UpperAreas.TryGetValue(buaPos, out BlockUpperArea bua)) { entry.Info(queue, "Failed to grab Top data: Out of map?"); } else { entry.Info(queue, pos + ": " + bua.Blocks[bua.BlockIndex((int)pos.X - chunkLoc.X * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, (int)pos.Y - chunkLoc.Y * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)]); } break; } case "testDecal": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition() + new Location(0, 0, BEPUphysics.Settings.CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration); TheClient.AddDecal(pos, new Location(0, 0, 1), Vector4.One, 1f, "white", 15); break; } case "traceDecal": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetEyePosition(); Location forw = TheClient.Player.ForwardVector(); if (TheClient.TheRegion.SpecialCaseRayTrace(pos, forw, 50.0f, MaterialSolidity.FULLSOLID, TheClient.Player.IgnoreThis, out RayCastResult rcr)) { Location nrm = new Location(rcr.HitData.Normal).Normalize(); TheClient.AddDecal(new Location(rcr.HitData.Location) + nrm * 0.005, nrm, Vector4.One, 1f, "white", 15); entry.Info(queue, "Marked at normal " + nrm); } break; } case "traceDecalTarg": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetEyePosition(); Location forw = TheClient.Player.ForwardVector(); if (TheClient.TheRegion.SpecialCaseRayTrace(pos, forw, 50.0f, MaterialSolidity.FULLSOLID, TheClient.Player.IgnoreThis, out RayCastResult rcr)) { Location nrm = new Location(rcr.HitData.Normal).Normalize(); TheClient.AddDecal(new Location(rcr.HitData.Location) + nrm * 0.005, nrm, Vector4.One, 1f, "decal_target", 15); entry.Info(queue, "Marked at normal " + nrm); } break; } case "soundCount": { entry.Info(queue, "Sound effects: " + TheClient.Sounds.Effects.Count + ", playing now: " + TheClient.Sounds.PlayingNow.Count); break; } case "testCompute": { Chunk ch = TheClient.TheRegion.GetChunk(TheClient.TheRegion.ChunkLocFor(TheClient.Player.GetPosition())); if (ch == null) { throw new Exception("Chunk is null!"); } TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1a.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw2.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw3.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.Calc(ch); entry.Good(queue, "Took: " + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds + " (" + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1a.ElapsedMilliseconds + ") / " + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + " / " + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw3.ElapsedMilliseconds); break; } case "testComputeAll": { TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1a.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw2.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw3.Reset(); TheClient.VoxelComputer.Calc(TheClient.TheRegion.LoadedChunks.Values.ToArray()); entry.Good(queue, "Took: " + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds + " (" + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw1a.ElapsedMilliseconds + ") / " + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw2.ElapsedMilliseconds + " / " + TheClient.VoxelComputer.sw3.ElapsedMilliseconds); break; } default: ShowUsage(queue, entry); break; } }
public override void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 1) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); return; } switch (entry.GetArgument(queue, 0)) { case "lightDebug": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition(); pos.Z = pos.Z + 1; int XP = (int)Math.Floor(pos.X / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE); int YP = (int)Math.Floor(pos.Y / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE); int ZP = (int)Math.Floor(pos.Z / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE); int x = (int)(Math.Floor(pos.X) - (XP * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)); int y = (int)(Math.Floor(pos.Y) - (YP * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)); int z = (int)(Math.Floor(pos.Z) - (ZP * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)); while (true) { Chunk ch = TheClient.TheRegion.GetChunk(new Vector3i(XP, YP, ZP)); if (ch == null) { entry.Good(queue, "Passed with flying light sources!"); goto end; } while (z < Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE) { if (ch.GetBlockAt((int)x, (int)y, (int)z).IsOpaque()) { entry.Info(queue, "Died: " + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + " -- " + XP + ", " + YP + ", " + ZP); goto end; } z++; } ZP++; z = 0; } end: break; } case "vramUsage": { long c = 0; foreach (Tuple <string, long> val in TheClient.CalculateVRAMUsage()) { entry.Info(queue, "-> " + val.Item1 + ": " + val.Item2 + " (" + (val.Item2 / 1024 / 1024) + "MB)"); c += val.Item2; } entry.Info(queue, "-> Total: " + c + " (" + (c / 1024 / 1024) + "MB)"); break; } case "speakText": { if (entry.Arguments.Count < 3) { ShowUsage(queue, entry); break; } bool male = !entry.GetArgument(queue, 1).ToString().ToLowerFast().StartsWith("f"); TextToSpeech.Speak(entry.GetArgument(queue, 2), male, entry.Arguments.Count > 3 ? (int)IntegerTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 3)).Internal : 0); break; } case "chunkInfo": { Chunk ch = TheClient.TheRegion.GetChunk(TheClient.TheRegion.ChunkLocFor(TheClient.Player.GetPosition())); if (ch == null) { entry.Info(queue, "Chunk is null!"); break; } entry.Info(queue, "Plants: " + ch.Plant_C + ", generated as ID: " + ch.Plant_VAO); int c = 0; long verts = 0; long verts_transp = 0; int total = 0; int total_rendered = 0; int total_rendered_transp = 0; foreach (Chunk chunk in TheClient.TheRegion.LoadedChunks.Values) { total++; if (chunk._VBOSolid != null && ch._VBOSolid != null && chunk._VBOSolid._VAO == ch._VBOSolid._VAO) { c++; } if (chunk._VBOSolid != null && chunk._VBOSolid.generated) { verts += chunk._VBOSolid.vC; total_rendered++; } if (chunk._VBOTransp != null && chunk._VBOTransp.generated) { verts_transp += chunk._VBOTransp.vC; total_rendered_transp++; } } entry.Info(queue, "Chunk rendering as " + (ch._VBOSolid == null ? "{NULL}" : ch._VBOSolid._VAO.ToString()) + ", which is seen in " + c + " chunks!"); entry.Info(queue, "Chunks: " + total + ", rendering " + verts + " solid verts and " + verts_transp + " transparent verts, with " + total_rendered + " solid-existent chunks, and " + total_rendered_transp + " transparent-existent chunks!"); break; } case "blockInfo": { BlockInternal bi = TheClient.TheRegion.GetBlockInternal(TheClient.Player.GetPosition()); entry.Info(queue, "BLOCK: Material=" + bi.Material + ", Shape=" + bi.BlockData + ", Damage=" + bi.Damage + ", Paint=" + bi.BlockPaint + ",Light=" + bi.BlockLocalData); break; } case "igniteBlock": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition().GetUpperBlockBorder(); FireEntity fe = new FireEntity(pos, null, TheClient.TheRegion); TheClient.TheRegion.SpawnEntity(fe); break; } case "torchBlocks": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition().GetUpperBlockBorder(); for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) { for (int y = -3; y <= 3; y++) { FireEntity fe = new FireEntity(pos + new Location(x, y, 0), null, TheClient.TheRegion); TheClient.TheRegion.SpawnEntity(fe); } } break; } case "lateVR": { if (!VRSupport.Available()) { entry.Info(queue, "Can't load VR. Not available!"); break; } if (TheClient.VR != null) { entry.Info(queue, "Can't load VR. Already loaded!"); break; } TheClient.VR = VRSupport.TryInit(TheClient); break; } case "fogEnhance": { double time = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; double fogVal = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 2)).Internal; TheClient.FogEnhanceStrength = (float)fogVal; TheClient.FogEnhanceTime = time; break; } case "flashBang": { double time = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; TheClient.MainWorldView.Flashbang(time); break; } case "earRing": { double time = NumberTag.TryFor(entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 1)).Internal; TheClient.Sounds.Deafen(time); break; } case "topInfo": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition().GetBlockLocation(); Vector3i chunkLoc = TheClient.TheRegion.ChunkLocFor(pos); Vector2i buaPos = new Vector2i(chunkLoc.X, chunkLoc.Y); if (!TheClient.TheRegion.UpperAreas.TryGetValue(buaPos, out BlockUpperArea bua)) { entry.Info(queue, "Failed to grab Top data: Out of map?"); } else { entry.Info(queue, pos + ": " + bua.Blocks[bua.BlockIndex((int)pos.X - chunkLoc.X * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, (int)pos.Y - chunkLoc.Y * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)]); } break; } case "testDecal": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetPosition() + new Location(0, 0, BEPUphysics.Settings.CollisionDetectionSettings.AllowedPenetration); TheClient.AddDecal(pos, new Location(0, 0, 1), Vector4.One, 1f, "white", 15); break; } case "traceDecal": { Location pos = TheClient.Player.GetEyePosition(); Location forw = TheClient.Player.ForwardVector(); if (TheClient.TheRegion.SpecialCaseRayTrace(pos, forw, 50.0f, MaterialSolidity.FULLSOLID, TheClient.Player.IgnoreThis, out RayCastResult rcr)) { Location nrm = new Location(rcr.HitData.Normal).Normalize(); TheClient.AddDecal(new Location(rcr.HitData.Location) + nrm * 0.005, nrm, Vector4.One, 1f, "white", 15); entry.Info(queue, "Marked at normal " + nrm); } break; } case "soundCount": { entry.Info(queue, "Sound effects: " + TheClient.Sounds.Effects.Count + ", playing now: " + TheClient.Sounds.PlayingNow.Count); break; } default: ShowUsage(queue, entry); break; } }