public void PublishersTasksListCloneTest( ) { PublishersTasksList tasks = new PublishersTasksList("tasks"); NullTask t = new NullTask( ); tasks.Add(t); PublishersTasksList tasksClone = tasks.Clone( ) as PublishersTasksList; Assert.IsNotNull(tasksClone, "Tasks Clone is Null"); Assert.IsNotEmpty(tasksClone, "Tasks Clone is Empty"); }
private void OnLockDatabase() { //app tasks are assumed to be finished/cancelled when the database is locked AppTask = new NullTask(); //in case we are the foreground activity, we won't get OnResume (in contrast to having other activities on top of us on the stack). //Call it to ensure we switch to QuickUnlock/fileselect if (_isForeground) { OnResume(); } }
public void PrebuildsListCloneTest( ) { PrebuildsList tasks = new PrebuildsList( ); NullTask t = new NullTask( ); tasks.Add(t); PrebuildsList tasksClone = tasks.Clone( ) as PrebuildsList; Assert.IsNotNull(tasksClone, "Tasks Clone is Null"); Assert.IsNotEmpty(tasksClone, "Tasks Clone is Empty"); Console.WriteLine("Task Clone Count = {0}", tasksClone.Count); }
public void CloneableListCloneTest( ) { CloneableList <PublisherTask> tasks = new CloneableList <PublisherTask> ( ); NullTask t = new NullTask(); tasks.Add(t); CloneableList <PublisherTask> tasksClone = tasks.Clone( ); tasks.Remove(t); Assert.IsNotNull(tasksClone, "Tasks Clone is Null"); Assert.IsNotEmpty(tasksClone, "Tasks Clone is Empty"); Console.WriteLine("Task Clone Count = {0}", tasksClone.Count); }
public void CheckRequiredTest( ) { NullTask task = new NullTask( ); // check alienbrain try { Assert.IsNotNull(Util.CheckRequired(task, "alienbrainUri", new AlienbrainUri("ab://"))); Assert.IsNotNull(Util.CheckRequired(task, "alienbrainUri", new AlienbrainUri("alienbrain://"))); } catch (Exception exception) { Assert.Fail(exception.Message); } try { Util.CheckRequired(task, "alienbrainUri", new AlienbrainUri("")); Assert.Fail("http scheme not allowed. Should have failed."); } catch (Exception exception) { Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(UriFormatException), exception); } // check valid values try { Assert.IsNotNull(Util.CheckRequired(task, "object", new object( ))); Assert.IsNotEmpty(Util.CheckRequired(task, "string", "some string")); Assert.Greater(Util.CheckRequired(task, "DateTime", DateTime.Now), DateTime.MinValue); HiddenPassword hp = new HiddenPassword( ); hp.Password = "******"; Assert.IsNotNull(Util.CheckRequired(task, "HiddenPassword", hp)); } catch (Exception exception) { Assert.Fail(exception.Message); } //check invalid values try { Assert.IsNull(Util.CheckRequired(task, "NotificationType", (Core.Enums.NotificationType? )null)); Assert.LessOrEqual(Util.CheckRequired(task, "CloneableList", new CloneableList <string> ( )).Count, 0); } catch { } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.open_db_selection); var toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.mytoolbar); SetSupportActionBar(toolbar); SupportActionBar.Title = GetString(Resource.String.select_database); //only load the AppTask if this is the "first" OnCreate (not because of kill/resume, i.e. savedInstanceState==null) // and if the activity is not launched from history (i.e. recent tasks) because this would mean that // the Activity was closed already (user cancelling the task or task complete) but is restarted due recent tasks. // Don't re-start the task (especially bad if tak was complete already) if (Intent.Flags.HasFlag(ActivityFlags.LaunchedFromHistory)) { AppTask = new NullTask(); } else { AppTask = AppTask.GetTaskInOnCreate(savedInstanceState, Intent); } _adapter = new OpenDatabaseAdapter(this); var gridView = FindViewById <GridView>(Resource.Id.gridview); gridView.Adapter = _adapter; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Intent.GetStringExtra(Util.KeyFilename))) { //forward to password activity Intent i = new Intent(this, typeof(PasswordActivity)); IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo(); Util.SetIoConnectionFromIntent(ioc, Intent); Util.PutIoConnectionToIntent(ioc, i); i.PutExtra(PasswordActivity.KeyKeyfile, i.GetStringExtra(PasswordActivity.KeyKeyfile)); i.PutExtra(PasswordActivity.KeyPassword, i.GetStringExtra(PasswordActivity.KeyPassword)); LaunchingOther = true; StartActivityForResult(i, ReqCodeOpenNewDb); } else { if (Intent.Action == Intent.ActionView) { GetIocFromViewIntent(Intent); } else if (Intent.Action == Intent.ActionSend) { AppTask = new SearchUrlTask { UrlToSearchFor = Intent.GetStringExtra(Intent.ExtraText) }; } } _intentReceiver = new MyBroadcastReceiver(this); IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.AddAction(Intents.DatabaseLocked); RegisterReceiver(_intentReceiver, filter); }
public override Task Clone() { var result = new NullTask(); return(result); }
public void Setup() { task = new NullTask(); }