Example #1
    public void InstallJsonTest()

        var json608 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Newtonsoft.Json", "6.0.8");

        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(json608), "The package is at least partially installed before we installed it: {0} {1}", json608.Id, json608.Version);

        var json701 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Newtonsoft.Json", "7.0.1");

        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(json701), "The package is at least partially installed before we installed it: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);

        // install a specific version
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(json608), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json608.Id, json608.Version);

        // install a newer version
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(json701), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);

        // The previous version should have been removed.
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(json608), "The package is STILL at least partially installed: {0} {1}", json608.Id, json608.Version);

        // try to install an old version while a newer is already installed
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(json701), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(json608), "The package is installed and should not have been: {0} {1}", json608.Id, json608.Version);

        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(json701), "The package is STILL at least partially installed: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);
Example #2
    private void InstallIdentifier(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
        Type       type = typeof(NugetHelper);
        MethodInfo info = type.GetMethod(
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

        info.Invoke(null, new object[] { package, false });
Example #3
    private bool IsInstalled(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
        Type       type = typeof(NugetHelper);
        MethodInfo info = type.GetMethod(
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

        object isInstalled = info.Invoke(null, new object[] { package });

Example #4
    public void InstallProtobufTest()
        var id = new NugetPackageIdentifier("protobuf-net", "");


        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(id), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", id.Id, id.Version);

        NugetHelper.Uninstall(id, false);

        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(id), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", id.Id, id.Version);
Example #5
    public void InstallProtobufTest()
        var protobuf = new NugetPackageIdentifier("protobuf-net", "");

        // install the package
        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(protobuf), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);

        // uninstall the package
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(protobuf), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);
Example #6
    public void InstallSharpConfigTest()
        var packageIdentifier = new NugetPackageIdentifier("sharpconfig", "3.2.8");

        // install the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(packageIdentifier), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", packageIdentifier.Id, packageIdentifier.Version);

        // uninstall the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(packageIdentifier), "The package is STILL at least partially installed: {0} {1}", packageIdentifier.Id, packageIdentifier.Version);
Example #7
    public void SimplerInstallJsonTest()
        var json = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Newtonsoft.Json", "11.0.2");

        // install the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(json), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json.Id, json.Version);

        // uninstall the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(json), "The package is STILL at least partially installed: {0} {1}", json.Id, json.Version);
Example #8
    public void InstallProtobufTest()
        var protobuf = new NugetPackageIdentifier("protobuf-net", "");

        // install the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(protobuf), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);

        // uninstall the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(protobuf), "The package is STILL at least partially installed: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);
Example #9
    public void InstallProtobufViaConfigFileModificationsTest()
        var protobuf = new NugetPackageIdentifier("protobuf-net", "");


        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(protobuf), "The package is installed before we installed it: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);


        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(protobuf), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);

        // uninstall the package
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsFullyUninstalled(protobuf), "The package is STILL at least partially installed: {0} {1}", protobuf.Id, protobuf.Version);
Example #10
    public void InstallStyleCopTest()
        var styleCopPlusId = new NugetPackageIdentifier("StyleCopPlus.MSBuild", "");
        var styleCopId     = new NugetPackageIdentifier("StyleCop.MSBuild", "");


        // StyleCopPlus depends on StyleCop, so they should both be installed
        // it depends on version, so ensure it is also installed
        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(styleCopPlusId), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", styleCopPlusId.Id, styleCopPlusId.Version);
        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(styleCopId), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", styleCopId.Id, styleCopId.Version);

        // cleanup and uninstall everything

        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(styleCopPlusId), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", styleCopPlusId.Id, styleCopPlusId.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(styleCopId), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", styleCopId.Id, styleCopId.Version);
Example #11
    public void InstallJsonTest()
        var id = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Newtonsoft.Json", "6.0.8");

        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(id), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", id.Id, id.Version);

        // install a newer version
        id.Version = "7.0.1";
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(id), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", id.Id, id.Version);

        // try to install an old version while a newer is already installed
        id.Version = "6.0.8";
        id.Version = "7.0.1";
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(id), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", id.Id, id.Version);

        NugetHelper.Uninstall(id, false);
        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(id), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", id.Id, id.Version);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a package to the packages.config file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="package">The NugetPackage to add to the packages.config file.</param>
 public void AddPackage(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
     NugetPackageIdentifier existingPackage = Packages.Find(p => p.Id == package.Id);
     if (existingPackage != null)
         if (existingPackage < package)
             Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} {1} is already listed in the packages.config file.  Updating to {2}", existingPackage.Id, existingPackage.Version, package.Version);
         else if (existingPackage > package)
             Debug.LogWarningFormat("Trying to add {0} {1} to the packages.config file.  {2} is already listed, so using that.", package.Id, package.Version, existingPackage.Version);
Example #13
    public void InstallBootstrapCSSTest()
        // disable the cache for now to force getting the lowest version of the dependency
        NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.InstallFromCache = false;

        var bootstrap337 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("bootstrap", "3.3.7");

        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(bootstrap337), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", bootstrap337.Id, bootstrap337.Version);

        // Bootstrap CSS 3.3.7 has a dependency on jQuery [1.9.1, 4.0.0) ... 1.9.1 <= x < 4.0.0
        // Therefore it should install 1.9.1 since that is the lowest compatible version available
        var jQuery191 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("jQuery", "1.9.1");

        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(jQuery191), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", jQuery191.Id, jQuery191.Version);

        // now upgrade jQuery to 3.1.1
        var jQuery311 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("jQuery", "3.1.1");

        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(jQuery311), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", jQuery311.Id, jQuery311.Version);

        // reinstall bootstrap, which should use the currently installed jQuery 3.1.1
        NugetHelper.Uninstall(bootstrap337, false);

        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(jQuery191), "The package IS installed: {0} {1}", jQuery191.Id, jQuery191.Version);
        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(jQuery311), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", jQuery311.Id, jQuery311.Version);

        // cleanup and uninstall everything

        // confirm they are uninstalled
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(bootstrap337), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", bootstrap337.Id, bootstrap337.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(jQuery191), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", jQuery191.Id, jQuery191.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(jQuery311), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", jQuery311.Id, jQuery311.Version);

        // turn cache back on
        NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.InstallFromCache = true;
Example #14
    public void InstallJsonTest()
        // install a specific version
        var json608 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Newtonsoft.Json", "6.0.8");

        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(json608), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json608.Id, json608.Version);

        // install a newer version
        var json701 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Newtonsoft.Json", "7.0.1");

        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(json701), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);

        // try to install an old version while a newer is already installed
        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(json701), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);

        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(json608), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", json608.Id, json608.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(json701), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", json701.Id, json701.Version);
Example #15
    public void InstallBootstrapCSSTest()
        // disable the cache for now to force getting the lowest version of the dependency
        NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.InstallFromCache = false;

        var bootstrap337 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("bootstrap", "3.3.7");

        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(bootstrap337), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", bootstrap337.Id, bootstrap337.Version);

        // Bootstrap CSS 3.3.7 has a dependency on jQuery [1.9.1, 4.0.0) ... 1.9.1 <= x < 4.0.0
        // Therefore it should install 1.9.1 since that is the lowest compatible version available
        var jQuery191 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("jQuery", "1.9.1");
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(jQuery191), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", jQuery191.Id, jQuery191.Version);

        // now upgrade jQuery to 3.1.1
        var jQuery311 = new NugetPackageIdentifier("jQuery", "3.1.1");
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(jQuery311), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", jQuery311.Id, jQuery311.Version);

        // reinstall bootstrap, which should use the currently installed jQuery 3.1.1
        NugetHelper.Uninstall(bootstrap337, false);

        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(jQuery191), "The package IS installed: {0} {1}", jQuery191.Id, jQuery191.Version);
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(jQuery311), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", jQuery311.Id, jQuery311.Version);

        // cleanup and uninstall everything
        NugetHelper.Uninstall(bootstrap337, false);
        NugetHelper.Uninstall(jQuery311, false);

        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(bootstrap337), "The package IS installed: {0} {1}", bootstrap337.Id, bootstrap337.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(jQuery191), "The package IS installed: {0} {1}", jQuery191.Id, jQuery191.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(jQuery311), "The package IS installed: {0} {1}", jQuery311.Id, jQuery311.Version);

        // turn cache back on
        NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.InstallFromCache = true;
    public void InstallSignalRClientTest()
        var signalRClient = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client", "2.2.2");

        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsPackageInstalled(signalRClient), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", signalRClient.Id, signalRClient.Version);

        var directory45 = Path.Combine(NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.RepositoryPath, $"{signalRClient.Id}.{signalRClient.Version}\\lib\\net45");

        // SignalR 2.2.2 only contains .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 libraries, so it should install .NET 4.5 when using .NET 4.6 in Unity, and be empty in other cases
        if ((int)NugetHelper.DotNetVersion == 3) // 3 = NET_4_6
            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(directory45), "The directory does NOT exist: {0}", directory45);
        else // it must be using .NET 2.0 (actually 3.5 in Unity)
            Assert.IsTrue(!Directory.Exists(directory45), "The directory DOES exist: {0}", directory45);

        // cleanup and uninstall everything
        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsPackageInstalled(signalRClient), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", signalRClient.Id, signalRClient.Version);
Example #17
    public void InstallSignalRClientTest()
        var signalRClient = new NugetPackageIdentifier("Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client", "2.2.2");

        Assert.IsTrue(IsInstalled(signalRClient), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", signalRClient.Id, signalRClient.Version);

        var directory45 = Path.Combine(NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.RepositoryPath, string.Format("{0}.{1}\\lib\\net45", signalRClient.Id, signalRClient.Version));

        // SignalR 2.2.2 only contains .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 libraries, so it should install .NET 4.5 when using .NET 4.6 in Unity, and be empty in other cases
        if (PlayerSettings.GetApiCompatibilityLevel(EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup) == ApiCompatibilityLevel.NET_4_6) // 3 = NET_4_6
            Assert.IsTrue(Directory.Exists(directory45), "The directory does NOT exist: {0}", directory45);
        else // it must be using .NET 2.0 (actually 3.5 in Unity)
            Assert.IsTrue(!Directory.Exists(directory45), "The directory DOES exist: {0}", directory45);

        // cleanup and uninstall everything
        Assert.IsFalse(IsInstalled(signalRClient), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", signalRClient.Id, signalRClient.Version);
Example #18
    public void VersionOutOfRangeTest(string versionRange, string version)
        var id = new NugetPackageIdentifier("TestPackage", versionRange);

        Assert.IsFalse(id.InRange(version), "{0} WAS in range of {1}!", version, versionRange);
Example #19
    public void VersionInRangeTest(string versionRange, string version)
        var id = new NugetPackageIdentifier("TestPackage", versionRange);

        Assert.IsTrue(id.InRange(version), "{0} was NOT in range of {1}!", version, versionRange);
Example #20
    public void VersionInRangeTest(string versionRange, string version)
        var id = new NugetPackageIdentifier("TestPackage", versionRange);

        Assert.IsTrue(id.InRange(version), "{0} was NOT in range of {1}!", version, versionRange);
Example #21
    public void VersionOutOfRangeTest(string versionRange, string version)
        var id = new NugetPackageIdentifier("TestPackage", versionRange);

        Assert.IsFalse(id.InRange(version), "{0} WAS in range of {1}!", version, versionRange);
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// "Uninstalls" the given package by simply deleting its folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The NugetPackage to uninstall.</param>
        /// <param name="refreshAssets">True to force Unity to refesh its Assets folder.  False to temporarily ignore the change.  Defaults to true.</param>
        public static void Uninstall(NugetPackageIdentifier package, bool refreshAssets = true)
            LogVerbose("Uninstalling: {0} {1}", package.Id, package.Version);

            // update the package.config file

            string packageInstallDirectory = Path.Combine(NugetConfigFile.RepositoryPath, string.Format("{0}.{1}", package.Id, package.Version));

            string metaFile = Path.Combine(NugetConfigFile.RepositoryPath, string.Format("{0}.{1}.meta", package.Id, package.Version));

            installedPackages.RemoveAll(x => x.Id == package.Id && x.Version == package.Version);

            if (refreshAssets)
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a .nuspec file inside the given <see cref="XDocument"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nuspecDocument">The .nuspec file as an <see cref="XDocument"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly loaded <see cref="NuspecFile"/>.</returns>
        public static NuspecFile Load(XDocument nuspecDocument)
            NuspecFile nuspec = new NuspecFile();

            string nuspecNamespace = nuspecDocument.Root.GetDefaultNamespace().ToString();

            XElement package = nuspecDocument.Element(XName.Get("package", nuspecNamespace));
            XElement metadata = package.Element(XName.Get("metadata", nuspecNamespace));

            nuspec.Id = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("id", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.Version = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("version", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.Title = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("title", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.Authors = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("authors", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.Owners = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("owners", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.LicenseUrl = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("licenseUrl", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.ProjectUrl = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("projectUrl", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.IconUrl = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("iconUrl", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.RequireLicenseAcceptance = bool.Parse((string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("requireLicenseAcceptance", nuspecNamespace)) ?? "False");
            nuspec.Description = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("description", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.ReleaseNotes = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("releaseNotes", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;
            nuspec.Copyright = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("copyright", nuspecNamespace));
            nuspec.Tags = (string)metadata.Element(XName.Get("tags", nuspecNamespace)) ?? string.Empty;

            nuspec.Dependencies = new List<NugetPackageIdentifier>();
            var dependenciesElement = metadata.Element(XName.Get("dependencies", nuspecNamespace));
            if (dependenciesElement != null)
                foreach (var dependencyElement in dependenciesElement.Elements(XName.Get("dependency", nuspecNamespace)))
                    NugetPackageIdentifier dependency = new NugetPackageIdentifier();
                    dependency.Id = (string)dependencyElement.Attribute("id") ?? string.Empty;
                    dependency.Version = (string)dependencyElement.Attribute("version") ?? string.Empty;

            return nuspec;
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes a package from the packages.config file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="package">The NugetPackage to remove from the packages.config file.</param>
 public void RemovePackage(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to find an already installed package that matches (or is in the range of) the given package ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageId">The <see cref="NugetPackageIdentifier"/> of the <see cref="NugetPackage"/> to find.</param>
        /// <returns>The best <see cref="NugetPackage"/> match, if there is one, otherwise null.</returns>
        private static NugetPackage GetInstalledPackage(NugetPackageIdentifier packageId)
            NugetPackage package = null;

            foreach (var installedPackage in installedPackages)
                if (packageId.Id == installedPackage.Id)
                    if (packageId.InRange(installedPackage.Version))
                        if (packageId.Version != installedPackage.Version)
                            LogVerbose("Requested {0} {1}, but {2} is already installed, so using that.", packageId.Id, packageId.Version, installedPackage.Version);

                        package = installedPackage;

            return package;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans up a package after it has been installed.
        /// Since we are in Unity, we can make certain assumptions on which files will NOT be used, so we can delete them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The NugetPackage to clean.</param>
        private static void Clean(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
            string packageInstallDirectory = Path.Combine(NugetConfigFile.RepositoryPath, string.Format("{0}.{1}", package.Id, package.Version));

            LogVerbose("Cleaning {0}", packageInstallDirectory);


            // delete a remnant .meta file that may exist from packages created by Unity
            DeleteFile(packageInstallDirectory + "/" + package.Id + ".nuspec.meta");

            // delete directories & files that NuGet normally deletes, but since we are installing "manually" they exist
            DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/_rels");
            DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/package");
            DeleteFile(packageInstallDirectory + "/" + package.Id + ".nuspec");
            DeleteFile(packageInstallDirectory + "/[Content_Types].xml");

            // Unity has no use for the build directory
            DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/build");

            // For now, delete Content.  We may use it later...
            DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/Content");

            // For now, delete src.  We may use it later...
            DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/src");

            // Delete documentation folders since they sometimes have HTML docs with JavaScript, which Unity tried to parse as "UnityScript"
            DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/docs");

            // Unity can only use .NET 3.5 or lower, so delete everything else
            if (Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/lib"))
                //bool has20 = Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/lib/net20");
                bool has30 = Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/lib/net30");
                bool has35 = Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/lib/net35");

                // See here: https://docs.nuget.org/ndocs/schema/target-frameworks
                List<string> directoriesToDelete = new List<string>
                    // .NET Framework
                    // .NET Core
                    // .NET MicroFramework
                    // Windows
                    "win", // windows store
                    // Silverlight
                    // Windows Phone
                    // Universal Windows Platform
                    // .NET Standard
                    // See here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2016/09/26/introducing-net-standard/
                    // .NET Core App
                    "cf", // compact framework

                string[] libDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(packageInstallDirectory + "/lib");
                foreach (var directory in libDirectories)
                    string directoryName = new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name.ToLower();
                    if (directoriesToDelete.Any(directoryName.Contains))
                        LogVerbose("Deleting unused directory: {0}", directory);
                    else if (directoryName.Contains("net20") && (has30 || has35))
                        // if .NET 2.0 exists, keep it, unless there is also a .NET 3.0 or 3.5 version as well
                        LogVerbose("Deleting net20: {0}", directory);
                    else if (directoryName.Contains("net30") && has35)
                        // if .NET 3.0 exists, keep it, unless there is also a .NET 3.5 version as well
                        LogVerbose("Deleting net30: {0}", directory);

            if (Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/tools"))
                // Delete all JavaScript in the tools directory since Unity will think it's "UnityScript"
                DeleteAllFiles(packageInstallDirectory + "/tools", "*.js");

                // Delete all DLLs in the tools directory since we can't tell which .NET version they target
                DeleteAllFiles(packageInstallDirectory + "/tools", "*.dll");

            // delete all PDB files since Unity uses Mono and requires MDB files, which causes it to output "missing MDB" errors
            DeleteAllFiles(packageInstallDirectory, "*.pdb");

            // if there are native DLLs, copy them to the Unity project root (1 up from Assets)
            if (Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/output"))
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(packageInstallDirectory + "/output");
                foreach (string file in files)
                    string newFilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + Path.GetFileName(file);
                    LogVerbose("Moving {0} to {1}", file, newFilePath);
                    File.Move(file, newFilePath);

                LogVerbose("Deleting {0}", packageInstallDirectory + "/output");

                DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/output");

            // if there are Unity plugin DLLs, copy them to the Unity Plugins folder (Assets/Plugins)
            if (Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/unityplugin"))
                string pluginsDirectory = Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/";

                if (!Directory.Exists(pluginsDirectory))

                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(packageInstallDirectory + "/unityplugin");
                foreach (string file in files)
                    string newFilePath = pluginsDirectory + Path.GetFileName(file);

                        LogVerbose("Moving {0} to {1}", file, newFilePath);
                        File.Move(file, newFilePath);
                    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} couldn't be overwritten. It may be a native plugin already locked by Unity. Please close Unity and manually delete it.", newFilePath);

                LogVerbose("Deleting {0}", packageInstallDirectory + "/unityplugin");

                DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/unityplugin");

            // if there are Unity StreamingAssets, copy them to the Unity StreamingAssets folder (Assets/StreamingAssets)
            if (Directory.Exists(packageInstallDirectory + "/StreamingAssets"))
                string streamingAssetsDirectory = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/";

                if (!Directory.Exists(streamingAssetsDirectory))

                // move the files
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(packageInstallDirectory + "/StreamingAssets");
                foreach (string file in files)
                    string newFilePath = streamingAssetsDirectory + Path.GetFileName(file);

                        LogVerbose("Moving {0} to {1}", file, newFilePath);
                        File.Move(file, newFilePath);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} couldn't be moved. \n{1}", newFilePath, e.ToString());

                // move the directories
                string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(packageInstallDirectory + "/StreamingAssets");
                foreach (string directory in directories)
                    string newDirectoryPath = streamingAssetsDirectory + new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name;

                        LogVerbose("Moving {0} to {1}", directory, newDirectoryPath);
                        if (Directory.Exists(newDirectoryPath))
                        Directory.Move(directory, newDirectoryPath);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} couldn't be moved. \n{1}", newDirectoryPath, e.ToString());

                // delete the package's StreamingAssets folder and .meta file
                LogVerbose("Deleting {0}", packageInstallDirectory + "/StreamingAssets");
                DeleteDirectory(packageInstallDirectory + "/StreamingAssets");
                DeleteFile(packageInstallDirectory + "/StreamingAssets.meta");
 private void DrawDepencency(NugetPackageIdentifier dependency)
     NugetPackage fullDependency = installedPackages.Find(p => p.Id == dependency.Id);
     if (fullDependency != null)
         Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} {1} is not installed!", dependency.Id, dependency.Version);
Example #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a given package is installed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="package">The package to check if is installed.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the given package is installed.  False if it is not.</returns>
 internal static bool IsInstalled(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
     return installedPackages.Any(x => x.Id == package.Id && x.Version == package.Version);
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Installs the package given by the identifer.  It fetches the appropriate full package from the installed packages, package cache, or package sources and installs it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The identifer of the package to install.</param>
        internal static void InstallIdentifier(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
            NugetPackage foundPackage = GetSpecificPackage(package);

            if (foundPackage != null)
                Install(foundPackage, false);
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Could not find {0} {1} or greater.", package.Id, package.Version);
Example #30
    public void InstallStyleCopTest()
        var styleCopPlusId = new NugetPackageIdentifier("StyleCopPlus.MSBuild", "");
        var styleCopId = new NugetPackageIdentifier("StyleCop.MSBuild", "");


        // StyleCopPlus depends on StyleCop, so they should both be installed
        // it depends on version, but that version doesn't exist. the next closest is
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(styleCopPlusId), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", styleCopPlusId.Id, styleCopPlusId.Version);
        Assert.IsTrue(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(styleCopId), "The package was NOT installed: {0} {1}", styleCopId.Id, styleCopId.Version);

        NugetHelper.Uninstall(styleCopPlusId, false);
        NugetHelper.Uninstall(styleCopId, false);

        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(styleCopPlusId), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", styleCopPlusId.Id, styleCopPlusId.Version);
        Assert.IsFalse(NugetHelper.IsInstalled(styleCopId), "The package is STILL installed: {0} {1}", styleCopId.Id, styleCopId.Version);
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to find an "online" (in the package sources - which could be local) package that matches (or is in the range of) the given package ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageId">The <see cref="NugetPackageIdentifier"/> of the <see cref="NugetPackage"/> to find.</param>
        /// <returns>The best <see cref="NugetPackage"/> match, if there is one, otherwise null.</returns>
        private static NugetPackage GetOnlinePackage(NugetPackageIdentifier packageId)
            NugetPackage package = null;

            // Loop through all active sources and stop once the package is found
            foreach (var source in packageSources.Where(s => s.IsEnabled))
                var foundPackage = source.GetSpecificPackage(packageId);
                if (foundPackage != null)
                    if (package == null)
                        // if another package hasn't been found yet, use the current found one
                        LogVerbose("{0} {1} was found in {2}, and wanted {3}", foundPackage.Id, foundPackage.Version, source.Name, packageId.Version);
                        package = foundPackage;
                        // another package has been found previously, but neither match identically
                        if (foundPackage < package)
                            // use the new package if it's closer to the desired version
                            LogVerbose("{0} {1} was found in {2}, but wanted {3}", foundPackage.Id, foundPackage.Version, source.Name, packageId.Version);
                            package = foundPackage;

            return package;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a NugetPackage from the NuGet server that matches (or is in range of) the <see cref="NugetPackageIdentifier"/> given.
        /// If an exact match isn't found, it selects the next closest version available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The <see cref="NugetPackageIdentifier"/> containing the ID and Version of the package to get.</param>
        /// <returns>The retrieved package, if there is one.  Null if no matching package was found.</returns>
        public NugetPackage GetSpecificPackage(NugetPackageIdentifier package)
            NugetPackage foundPackage = null;

            if (IsLocalPath)
                string localPackagePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, string.Format("./{0}.{1}.nupkg", package.Id, package.Version));
                if (File.Exists(localPackagePath))
                    foundPackage = NugetPackage.FromNupkgFile(localPackagePath);
                    // TODO: Sort the local packages?  Currently assuming they are in alphabetical order due to the filesystem.
                    // TODO: Optimize to no longer use GetLocalPackages, since that loads the .nupkg itself

                    // Try to find later versions of the same package
                    var packages = GetLocalPackages(package.Id, true, true);
                    foundPackage = packages.SkipWhile(x => !package.InRange(x.Version)).FirstOrDefault();
                // See here: http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-version-2-0/uri-conventions/
                string url = string.Empty;
                if (!package.HasVersionRange)
                    url = string.Format("{0}FindPackagesById()?$orderby=Version asc&id='{1}'&$filter=Version ge '{2}'", Path, package.Id, package.Version);
                    url = string.Format("{0}FindPackagesById()?$orderby=Version asc&id='{1}'&$filter=", Path, package.Id);

                    bool hasMin = false;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.MinimumVersion))
                        hasMin = true;
                        if (package.IsMinInclusive)
                            url += string.Format("Version ge '{0}'", package.MinimumVersion);
                            url += string.Format("Version gt '{0}'", package.MinimumVersion);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.MaximumVersion))
                        if (hasMin)
                            url += " and ";

                        if (package.IsMaxInclusive)
                            url += string.Format("Version le '{0}'", package.MaximumVersion);
                            url += string.Format("Version lt '{0}'", package.MaximumVersion);
                        if (package.IsMaxInclusive)
                            // if there is no MaxVersion specified, but the Max is Inclusive, then it is an EXACT version match with the stored MINIMUM
                            url += string.Format(" and Version le '{0}'", package.MinimumVersion);

                foundPackage = GetPackagesFromUrl(url).FirstOrDefault();

            if (foundPackage != null)
                foundPackage.PackageSource = this;

            return foundPackage;
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a list of NugetPackages from the XML returned from the HTTP GET request issued at the given URL.
        /// Note that NuGet uses an Atom-feed (XML Syndicaton) superset called OData.
        /// See here http://www.odata.org/documentation/odata-version-2-0/uri-conventions/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<NugetPackage> GetPackagesFromUrl(string url)
            NugetHelper.LogVerbose("Getting packages from: {0}", url);

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            HttpWebRequest getRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            getRequest.Timeout = 5000;
            getRequest.ReadWriteTimeout = 5000;
            Stream responseStream = getRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
            SyndicationFeed atomFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(XmlReader.Create(objReader));

            List<NugetPackage> packages = new List<NugetPackage>();

            foreach (var item in atomFeed.Items)
                var propertiesExtension = item.ElementExtensions.First();
                var reader = propertiesExtension.GetReader();
                var properties = (XElement)XDocument.ReadFrom(reader);

                NugetPackage package = new NugetPackage();
                package.PackageSource = this;
                package.DownloadUrl = ((UrlSyndicationContent)item.Content).Url.ToString();
                package.Id = item.Title.Text;
                package.Title = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("Title", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;
                package.Version = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("Version", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;
                package.Description = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("Description", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;
                package.ReleaseNotes = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("ReleaseNotes", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;
                package.LicenseUrl = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("LicenseUrl", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;

                string iconUrl = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("IconUrl", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconUrl))
                    package.Icon = NugetHelper.DownloadImage(iconUrl);

                // if there is no title, just use the ID as the title
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.Title))
                    package.Title = package.Id;

                // Get dependencies
                package.Dependencies = new List<NugetPackageIdentifier>();
                string rawDependencies = (string)properties.Element(XName.Get("Dependencies", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices")) ?? string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawDependencies))
                    string[] dependencies = rawDependencies.Split('|');
                    foreach (var dependencyString in dependencies)
                        string[] details = dependencyString.Split(':');
                        string id = details[0];
                        string version = details[1];
                        string framework = string.Empty;

                        if (details.Length > 2)
                            framework = details[2];

                        // some packages (ex: FSharp.Data - 2.1.0) have inproper "semi-empty" dependencies such as:
                        // "Zlib.Portable:1.10.0:portable-net40+sl50+wp80+win80|::net40"
                        // so we need to only add valid dependencies and skip invalid ones
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                            // only use the dependency if there is no framework specified, or it is explicitly .NET 3.0
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(framework) || framework == "net30")
                                NugetPackageIdentifier dependency = new NugetPackageIdentifier(id, version);


            NugetHelper.LogVerbose("Retreived {0} packages in {1} ms", packages.Count, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            return packages;
Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a NugetPackage from the NuGet server with the exact ID and Version given.
        /// If an exact match isn't found, it selects the next closest version available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageId">The <see cref="NugetPackageIdentifier"/> containing the ID and Version of the package to get.</param>
        /// <returns>The retrieved package, if there is one.  Null if no matching package was found.</returns>
        private static NugetPackage GetSpecificPackage(NugetPackageIdentifier packageId)
            // First look to see if the package is already installed
            NugetPackage package = GetInstalledPackage(packageId);

            if (package == null)
                // That package isn't installed yet, so look in the cache next
                package = GetCachedPackage(packageId);

            if (package == null)
                // It's not in the cache, so we need to look in the active sources
                package = GetOnlinePackage(packageId);

            return package;
Example #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates a package by uninstalling the currently installed version and installing the "new" version.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentVersion">The current package to uninstall.</param>
 /// <param name="newVersion">The package to install.</param>
 /// <param name="refreshAssets">True to refresh the assets inside Unity.  False to ignore them (for now).  Defaults to true.</param>
 public static void Update(NugetPackageIdentifier currentVersion, NugetPackage newVersion, bool refreshAssets = true)
     LogVerbose("Updating {0} {1} to {2}", currentVersion.Id, currentVersion.Version, newVersion.Version);
     Uninstall(currentVersion, false);
     Install(newVersion, refreshAssets);
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to find an already cached package that matches (or is in the range of) the given package ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageId">The <see cref="NugetPackageIdentifier"/> of the <see cref="NugetPackage"/> to find.</param>
        /// <returns>The best <see cref="NugetPackage"/> match, if there is one, otherwise null.</returns>
        private static NugetPackage GetCachedPackage(NugetPackageIdentifier packageId)
            NugetPackage package = null;

            if (NugetHelper.NugetConfigFile.InstallFromCache)
                // find all .nupkg files in the cache containing the package ID in the filename
                List<string> cachedPackages = Directory.GetFiles(NugetHelper.PackOutputDirectory, string.Format("{0}.*.nupkg", packageId.Id)).OrderBy(x => x).ToList();

                foreach (var cachedPackage in cachedPackages)

                    // read the version string from the filename
                    int startIndex = cachedPackage.IndexOf(packageId.Id) + packageId.Id.Length + 1;
                    int endIndex = cachedPackage.IndexOf(".nupkg");
                    string version = cachedPackage.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);


                    if (packageId.InRange(version))
                        // since the packages were sorted in alphabetical order, we take the lowest (first) package that is in range
                        LogVerbose("Found in local cache: {0}", cachedPackage);
                        package = NugetPackage.FromNupkgFile(cachedPackage);

            return package;