public async Task FiltersOutNotificationsWithTheAlertTypeAlreadyPresent()
            // ARRANGE
            // We will use the birth country alert as a proxy for testing the common path ways of the
            // data quality repository
            // All seeded notifications will be eligible for this alert

            var notification1 = NotificationEligibleForCountryOfBirthDqAlert(NoAlertsName);

            var notification2 = NotificationEligibleForCountryOfBirthDqAlert(BirthCountryAlertName);

            notification2.Alerts = new List <Alert> {
                new DataQualityBirthCountryAlert()

            var notification3 = NotificationEligibleForCountryOfBirthDqAlert(ClinicalDatesAlertName);

            notification3.Alerts = new List <Alert> {
                new DataQualityClinicalDatesAlert()

            await _context.AddRangeAsync(notification1, notification2, notification3);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var repo = new DataQualityRepository(_context);

            // ACT
            // Get all possible ones
            var notifications = await repo.GetNotificationsEligibleForDqBirthCountryAlertsAsync(100, 0);

            // ASSERT
            // Out of the 3 eligible notifications, 1 already has the alert
            Assert.True(notifications.Any(n => n.PatientDetails.FamilyName == NoAlertsName),
                        "Eligible notification with no other alerts not selected");
            Assert.True(notifications.Any(n => n.PatientDetails.FamilyName == ClinicalDatesAlertName),
                        "Eligible notification with only other alerts types not selected");
            Assert.Equal(2, notifications.Count);