// Get possible responses and update response text objects
    private IEnumerator UpdateResponseText(NpcClass npc)
        List <string> responses = npc.GetDialogueResponses(this.currentLineIndex);

        for (int i = 0; i < responses.Count; i++)
            this.responseTexts[i].text = responses[i];

        yield return(null);
    // Controls the flow of the conversation
    public IEnumerator Converse(NpcClass npc)
        Debug.Log("line index: " + this.currentLineIndex);

        // Npc Speaks
        yield return(this.StartCoroutine(this.SayLine(npc)));

        // Update responses
        yield return(this.StartCoroutine(this.UpdateResponseText(npc)));

        // Wait for player input & immediately reset bool for the next question
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => this.isWaitingForResponse == false));

        this.isWaitingForResponse = true;

        // Pick a random corerct answer
        int correctAnswer = Random.Range(0, npc.GetDialogueResponses(this.currentLineIndex).Count);

        // Update player phunk meter if chosen answer matches correct answer
        if (this.currentResponseIndex == correctAnswer)
            Debug.Log("Correct Answer");

        // Increase counter

        // Call converse if there are more dialogue lines
        if (this.currentLineIndex < npc.GetDialogueCount())

        yield return(null);