public void Alert(string message, NotificationType notificationType, int timer) { string bgr = "white"; List <string> backgrounds = new List <string> { "#429cb6", "#54b07d", "#EB5E28", "#F3BB45" }; //info, success, error, warning if (notificationType.Equals( { bgr = backgrounds[0]; } if (notificationType.Equals(NotificationType.success)) { bgr = backgrounds[1]; } if (notificationType.Equals(NotificationType.error)) { bgr = backgrounds[2]; } if (notificationType.Equals(NotificationType.warning)) { bgr = backgrounds[3]; } var msg1 = "{ background: '" + bgr + "', position: 'top', type: '" + notificationType + "', toast: true, title: '" + message + "', showConfirmButton: true, timer: " + timer + " })"; var msg = "{ title: '" + notificationType.ToString().ToUpper() + "', html: '" + message + "', type: '" + notificationType + "', timer: '" + timer + "', icon: '" + notificationType + "' })"; TempData["notification"] = msg; }
public async Task Process() { bool isFriendInvitation = _type.Equals(NotificationType.Invitation); bool isGroupInvitation = _type.Equals(NotificationType.GroupInvitation); string notificationDesc = string.Empty; if (isFriendInvitation || isGroupInvitation) { if (_isAccepted) { notificationDesc = await UpdateOrCreateChat().ConfigureAwait(true); } else { if (isFriendInvitation) { notificationDesc = $"User {_currentUser.Email} rejected your invitation."; } else { string chatName = (await GetChat().ConfigureAwait(true))?.Name; notificationDesc = $"User {_currentUser.Email} rejected your invitation about: {chatName}."; } } InformationNotification = new Notification { Sender = _currentUser, Receiver = _requester, Type = NotificationType.Information, Desc = notificationDesc, ExtraData = string.Empty, Date = DateTime.Now }; } }
public async Task SendNotifications(int FotoId, NotificationType type, string currentUserId) { int notificationType = 1; if (type.Equals(NotificationType.LIKE)) { try { var count = await _likeRepository.GetLikeCount(FotoId); var foto = await _fotoRepository.GetFotoById(FotoId); //var currentUser = await _userRepository.GetCurrentUser(_contextAccessor.HttpContext.User); var notification = new Notification { ApplicationUserIdSend = currentUserId, ApplicationUserId = foto.ApplicationUserId, NotificationType = notificationType }; //await _notificationRepository.SaveNotification(notification); var likeNotification = new { FotoId, count, notificationType }; await Clients.All.SendAsync("Notifications", likeNotification); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } } }
/** * @ Function : Notification Function * * @ Author : Minjung Kim * @ Date : 2020.Jun.07 * @ History : * - 2020.04.03 Euisung Kim: 최초 작성 * - 2020.04.10 Minjung KIM: Modify Function structure and Add disappear message function * - 2020.05.23 Minjung KIM: Add Event Log * - 2020.05.31 Minjung KIM: Add Function Comment * - 2020.06.17 Minjung Kim: Update screen materials * - 2020.06.27 Minjung Kim: Add gameMode check **/ void Update() { GameObject phoneObj = null; try{ phoneObj = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("left_cellphone"); }catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("없으면 재시작해야합니다. 로딩까지 좀 걸리지"); } // This function starts when the hint duration is bigger than 0 if (hintDuration > 0) { hintDuration -= Time.deltaTime; if (hintDuration <= 0) { Debug.Log("[Notification: Finished]"); // cellPhoneCanvas.SetActive(false); screen.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", basic.texture); subtitle.SetActive(false); M_EventLogger.EventLogging(GlobalEnv.ACTOR_SYSTEM, GlobalEnv.EVENT_CATE_SYS_MSG, GlobalEnv.EVENT_TYPE_NOTI, "Call_subtitle", "DISAPPEARS"); } } // ---------------------------------- // 1st phone calling, when the user scans first item // Content: Seding a Discount Code and budget infomation. // ---------------------------------- string v_first_scan_yn = GameObject.Find("v_first_scan_yn").GetComponent <Text>().text; if (notificationType.Equals(NotificationType.First) & v_first_scan_yn.Equals("Y")) { if (gameMode.Equals(GlobalEnv.GAMEMODE_START)) { Debug.Log("[Notification: Phone Calling], [" + gameMode + "]"); CallHapticAction(0, 2, 150, 75, leftHand); SoundManager.instance.PlaySound(GlobalEnv.SOUND_CALL, lang); screen.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", screen_calling1.texture); M_EventLogger.EventLogging(GlobalEnv.ACTOR_SYSTEM, GlobalEnv.EVENT_CATE_SYS_MSG, GlobalEnv.EVENT_TYPE_NOTI, "Phone Calling", "Calling"); Invoke("ChangePhoneScreen", 1.5f); notificationType = NotificationType.Second; hintDuration = time; } } // ---------------------------------- // 2nd text message that when the user does 3 erros to enter a discont code // Content: Sending a full discount code. // ---------------------------------- int v_discount_errors = Int32.Parse(GameObject.Find("v_discount_errors").GetComponent <Text>().text); if (notificationType.Equals(NotificationType.Second) && v_discount_errors >= 3) { Debug.Log("[Notification: Message], [" + gameMode + "]"); CallHapticAction(0, 2, 150, 75, leftHand); SoundManager.instance.PlaySound(GlobalEnv.SOUND_MESSAGE, lang); screen.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", screen_message.texture); M_EventLogger.EventLogging(GlobalEnv.ACTOR_SYSTEM, GlobalEnv.EVENT_CATE_SYS_MSG, GlobalEnv.EVENT_TYPE_NOTI, "Phone Message", "Sent a discount code (User failed to enter the discount code)"); notificationType = NotificationType.Finished; } }