Example #1
        protected void btnCreateEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HelperMethods.ActivityTracker.Track("Created a new Calendar Event", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);
                // Declare instance of calendar
                CalendarEvent calEvent = new CalendarEvent();
                calEvent.CalendarEventName        = txtEventName.Text;
                calEvent.CalendarEventDescription = txtEventDescription.Text;
                calEvent.CalendarEventDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEventDate.Text + " " + txtEventTime.Text);
                calEvent.RoleName = ddlVisibilty.SelectedValue;

                // Assign null if no file is selected
                int?noFileSelected = null;
                calEvent.FileId = (ddlEventFile.SelectedValue == "null") ? noFileSelected : Convert.ToInt32(ddlEventFile.SelectedValue);

                // Add record and save to db

                // Create Notification
                string[] roleNamesArray = { calEvent.RoleName };
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(roleNamesArray, "Event Created", calEvent.CalendarEventName, DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                // Reset the controls
            catch (DataException dx)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("EventManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateEvent_Click", dx, "An Event failed to be created", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #2
        protected void btnDeleteEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HelperMethods.ActivityTracker.Track("Deleted a Calendar Event", (int)UserActionEnum.Deleted);
                // Get the record id from the button
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(btnDeleteEvent.Attributes["data-id"]);

                // Find the record
                CalendarEvent calEvent = db.CalendarEvents.Find(id);

                // Remove the record

                // Save to db

                // Create Notification
                string[] roleNamesArray = { calEvent.RoleName };
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(roleNamesArray, "Event Deleted", calEvent.CalendarEventName, DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                // Reset the modal controls
            catch (DataException dx)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("EventManager.aspx.cs", "btnDeleteEvent_Click", dx, "An Event failed to be deleted", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #3
        // Update Contact & Hours Information
        protected void btnSaveAdminSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Administrator Settings Changed", (int)UserActionEnum.Updated);

            // Clear error label
            lblAdminSettingsErrors.Text = "";

            // Load Administrator Settings Modal Data To Update it
            Contact info = db.Contacts.Find(1);

            // Contact Information
            info.Address   = txtAddress.Text;
            info.Company   = txtCompany.Text;
            info.Email     = txtEmail.Text;
            info.Fax       = txtFax.Text;
            info.Telephone = txtTelephone.Text;

            // Office Hours
            info.Monday    = txtMonday.Text;
            info.Tuesday   = txtTuesday.Text;
            info.Wednesday = txtWednesday.Text;
            info.Thursday  = txtThursday.Text;
            info.Friday    = txtFriday.Text;
            info.Saturday  = txtSaturday.Text;
            info.Sunday    = txtSunday.Text;

            // Banner Message
            info.BannerMessage = txtBanner.Text;
            info.BannerColor   = colorPicker.Attributes["value"];

                // Change the entry state
                db.Entry(info).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                // Save to DB

                // Create a notification for the database
                string[] role = { "Everyone" };
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Information Updated", "Contact Info and Hours Changed", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                // To add new info to page
            catch (DataException dx)
                // Display error to user and log it.
                lblAdminSettingsErrors.Text = "The changes you made failed to save, please try again.\nIf the problem persists contact the administrator.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnSaveAdminSettings_Click", dx, "Admin Settings Information change failed to save in db", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblAdminSettingsErrors.Text = "The changes you made failed to save, please try again.\nIf the problem persists contact the administrator.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnSaveAdminSettings_Click", ex, "Admin Settings Information failed to update", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #4
        protected void btnContactSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Sent Contact Email", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);

            // Create an info object to dynamically set email address
            Contact info = db.Contacts.Find(1);

            using (MailMessage mm =
                       new MailMessage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Email"], info.Email))
                mm.Subject    = txtContactSubject.Text;
                mm.Body       = "Reply Address: " + txtContactEmail.Text + "\n\n" + tarContactMessage.InnerText;
                mm.IsBodyHtml = false;
                SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
                smtp.Host      = "smtp-mail.outlook.com";
                smtp.EnableSsl = true;

                NetworkCredential NetworkCred =
                    new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Email"],

                smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                smtp.Credentials           = NetworkCred;
                smtp.Port = 587;

                    // Clear error label
                    lblContactFormErrors.Text = "";

                    // try sending email

                    // Create a notification for the database
                    string[] role = { "Administrator" };
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Contact Email Sent", "Subject: " + txtContactSubject.Text, DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                    // Alert user of success
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "alert", "alert('Your email has been successfully sent. We will get back to you as soon as possible.');", true);
                catch (SmtpException se)
                    lblContactFormErrors.Text += "Email failed to send try again. You may have reached your daily limit. "
                                                 + "If the problem persists contact your administrator.";

                    LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnContactSend_Click", se, "Contact email failed to send.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblContactFormErrors.Text += " An error occured try again. If the problem persists contact your administrator.<br>";
                    LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnContactSend_Click", ex, "Error caused Contact email to fail.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #5
        protected void btnSaveProgramData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HelperMethods.ActivityTracker.Track("Program Information Updated", (int)UserActionEnum.Updated);

            lblProgramDataSuccess.Text = "";
            lblProgramDataError.Text   = "";

                // Grab program data
                Program prog = db.Programs.Find(Convert.ToInt32(ddlSelectProgramTab.SelectedValue));

                // Update Data
                prog.ProgramCoordinator = txtProgramCoordinator.Text;
                prog.ProgramDescription = txtProgramDescription.Text;
                prog.ProgramEmail       = txtProgramEmail.Text;
                prog.ProgramGoals       = txtProgramGoals.Text;
                prog.ProgramLocation    = txtProgramLocation.Text;
                prog.ProgramPhone       = txtProgramPhone.Text;
                prog.ProgramSchedule    = txtProgramSchedule.Text.Replace("\n", "<br />");
                prog.ProgramMap         = (txtProgramMap.Text.StartsWith("h")) ? txtProgramMap.Text : txtProgramMap.Text.Split('"')[1];

                // Change the entry state
                db.Entry(prog).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                // Save to DB

                // alert user of success
                lblProgramDataSuccess.Text = "Changes Saved.";

                // Create a notification for the database
                string[] role = { "Everyone" };
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Program Updated:", prog.ProgramName, DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);
            catch (DataException dx)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("ProgramManager.aspx.cs", "SaveSlideShow", dx, "An Administrator tried to update Program Information.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                lblProgramDataError.Text = "Changes Failed to Save, try again.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("ProgramManager.aspx.cs", "SaveSlideShow", ex, "An Administrator tried to update Program Information.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                lblProgramDataError.Text = "Changes Failed to Save, try again.";
Example #6
        public string DeleteUser(string id)
            // Find the other half of the user in the aspnetuser table
            AspNetUser deletedUser = db.AspNetUsers.Find(id);

            // Get the user id thats currently logged in
            string userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();
            var    user   = db.HPSUsers.Select(u => u)
                            .Where(uid => uid.UserId == userId)

                // Remove the details from both users

                // Store deleted user name before the saving changes to add to notifcation creator
                string deletedUserName = deletedUser.UserName;

                // Only admins will see the users delete so hard code in the role required for this
                string[] roleArray = { "Administrator" };

                // Save Changes to the database

                // Create a notification for the database
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(roleArray, "User Deleted", user.AspNetUser.UserName + " deleted the user named '" + deletedUserName + "'.", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                return(user.AspNetUser.UserName + " was successfully deleted.");
            catch (DataException dx)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("UserManager.asmx.cs", "DeleteUser", dx, "Webmethod failed to delete user from database", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                return("A data error occurred. " + user.AspNetUser.UserName + " could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("UserManager.asmx.cs", "DeleteUser", ex, "Error when trying to delete user", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                return("An error occurred. " + user.AspNetUser.UserName + " could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.");
Example #7
        protected void btnSaveEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HelperMethods.ActivityTracker.Track("Saved an Edited Calendar Event", (int)UserActionEnum.Updated);
                // Get the record id from the button
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(btnSaveEvent.Attributes["data-id"]);

                // Find the record
                CalendarEvent calEvent = db.CalendarEvents.Find(id);

                // Update the information
                calEvent.CalendarEventName        = txtEventName.Text;
                calEvent.CalendarEventDescription = txtEventDescription.Text;
                calEvent.CalendarEventDate        = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEventDate.Text + " " + txtEventTime.Text);
                calEvent.RoleName = ddlVisibilty.SelectedValue;

                // Assign null if no file is selected
                int?noFileSelected = null;
                calEvent.FileId = (ddlEventFile.SelectedValue == "null") ? noFileSelected : Convert.ToInt32(ddlEventFile.SelectedValue);

                // Change the entry state
                db.Entry(calEvent).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

                // Save to DB

                // Create Notification
                string[] roleNamesArray = { calEvent.RoleName };
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(roleNamesArray, "Event Updated", calEvent.CalendarEventName, DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                // Reset the modal controls
            catch (DataException dx)
                LogFile.WriteToFile("EventManager.aspx.cs", "btnSaveEvent_Click", dx, "An Event failed to be updated", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #8
        protected void btnSavePass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HelperMethods.ActivityTracker.Track("Saved a Password Reset", (int)UserActionEnum.Updated);
                if (isPhone)
                    // Grab user with the phone entered
                    AspNetUser user = db.AspNetUsers.Where(u => u.PhoneNumber == txtInfo.Text).SingleOrDefault();

                    // no need to check if the user exists again

                    // Create UserManager
                    UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager =
                        new UserManager <IdentityUser>(new UserStore <IdentityUser>());

                    // Remove old pass and add new pass
                    userManager.AddPassword(user.Id, txtPass.Text);


                    // Create a notification for the database
                    string[] role = { "Administrator" };
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Password Reset:", user.UserName + " reset their password", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                                                        + "left: '250px',"
                                                        + "opacity: '0',"
                                                        + "width: '384px'"
                                                        + "}, 300, function() {"
                                                        + "$(this).hide();"
                                                        + "$('#recComplete').fadeIn(300);"
                                                        + "});"
                                                        , true);
                else // is Email
                    // Grab user with the email entered
                    AspNetUser user = db.AspNetUsers.Where(u => u.Email == txtInfo.Text).SingleOrDefault();

                    // no need to check if the user exists again

                    // Create UserManager
                    UserManager <IdentityUser> userManager =
                        new UserManager <IdentityUser>(new UserStore <IdentityUser>());

                    // Remove old pass and add new pass
                    userManager.AddPassword(user.Id, txtPass.Text);


                    // Create a notification for the database
                    string[] role = { "Administrator" };
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Password Reset:", user.UserName + " reset their password", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                                                        + "left: '250px',"
                                                        + "opacity: '0',"
                                                        + "width: '384px'"
                                                        + "}, 300, function() {"
                                                        + "$(this).hide();"
                                                        + "$('#recComplete').fadeIn(300);"
                                                        + "});"
                                                        , true);
            catch (DataException dx)
                lblErrors.Text += "An error occured when saving the password. Contact your administrator.<br>";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("AccountRecovery.aspx.cs", "btnSavePass_Click", dx, "Data Error when updating password", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblErrors.Text += "An error occured when saving the password. Contact your administrator.<br>";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("AccountRecovery.aspx.cs", "btnSavePass_Click", ex, "Error when updating password.", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #9
        public static void DeleteFile(int id)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Deleted a File", (int)UserActionEnum.Deleted);
            // Get all files attached to folder
            HPSFile file = db.HPSFiles.Find(id);

            // Hold the folder name in a variable before it gets deleted
            string folderName = file.Folder.FolderName;
            string roles      = file.Folder.RoleName;

            string[] roleNamesArray = new string[1];

            // Check for multiple roles there will always be at least 1 role
            if (roles.Contains(','))
                roleNamesArray = roles.Split(',');
                roleNamesArray[0] = roles;

            // Get the user id thats currently logged in
            string userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();
            var    user   = db.HPSUsers.Select(u => u)
                            .Where(uid => uid.UserId == userId)

                // Remove the file

                // Save Changes to the database

                // Create a notification for the database
                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(roleNamesArray, "File Deleted", user.AspNetUser.UserName + " deleted '" + file.FileName + "' from the " + folderName + " folder.", DateTime.Now, "Info", id, null);

                // Set the delete flag and refresh the page so we can rebuild the folders/files
                deleteClicked = true;

                // Set the notification
                notificationMessage = "'" + file.FileName + "'  was successfully deleted.";
                notificationStyle   = "text-success";
                notification        = true;
            catch (DataException dx)
                // Set the notification
                notificationMessage = "'" + file.FileName + " could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                notificationStyle   = "text-danger";
                notification        = true;

                // Write error to log file Log File Writer
                LogFile.WriteToFile("FileManager.aspx.cs", "DeleteFile", dx, user.AspNetUser.UserName + "tried to delete a File named " + file.FileName, "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Set the notification
                notificationMessage = "'" + file.FileName + " could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                notificationStyle   = "text-danger";
                notification        = true;

                // Write error to log file Log File Writer
                LogFile.WriteToFile("FileManager.aspx.cs", "DeleteFile", ex, user.AspNetUser.UserName + "tried to delete a File named " + file.FileName, "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #10
        protected void btnCreateFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Created a new Folder", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);
            // Check for existing folder to prevent duplicates
            var checkExistingFolder = db.Folders.Where(f => f.FolderName == txtFolderName.Text);

            if (!checkExistingFolder.Any())
                // Create new instance of folder
                Folder folder = new Folder();

                    // Create variable to hold role names for trimming
                    string roleNames = "";

                    // Loop through checkbox list and add roles to rolename in folder
                    for (int i = 0; i < chkFolderPermissions.Items.Count; i++)
                        if (chkFolderPermissions.Items[i].Selected)
                            roleNames += chkFolderPermissions.Items[i].Value + ", ";

                    // Trim the trailing and leading comma's and extra spaces
                    char[] charsToTrim = { ',', ' ' };
                    folder.RoleName   = roleNames.Trim(charsToTrim);
                    folder.FolderName = txtFolderName.Text;

                    // Add userid to folder to see who created it
                    folder.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString();

                    // Add new record to database and save

                    // Hold the folder name in a variable before it gets added
                    string   folderName     = folder.FolderName;
                    string   roles          = folder.RoleName;
                    string[] roleNamesArray = new string[1];

                    // Check for multiple roles there will always be at least 1 role
                    if (roles.Contains(','))
                        roleNamesArray = roles.Split(',');
                        roleNamesArray[0] = roles;

                    // Repopulate the notifications table
                    string userId = HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"].ToString();
                    var    user   = db.HPSUsers.Select(u => u)
                                    .Where(uid => uid.UserId == userId)

                    // Create a notification for the database
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(roleNamesArray, "Folder Created", user.AspNetUser.UserName + " created the " + folderName + " folder.", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                    // Get the table from master page and repopulate
                    Table table = (Table)Master.FindControl("tblNotifications");
                    TableBuilder.BuildNotificationTable(userId, table);

                    // Rebuild folders

                    // Rebuild modals to go with folders for CRUD

                    // Build the drop down lists

                    // Set the notification
                    lblCRUDMessage.Text     = folder.FolderName + " folder was successfully created.";;
                    lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-success";;
                catch (DataException dx)
                    // Set the notification
                    lblCRUDMessage.Text     = folder.FolderName + " folder could not be created at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                    lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-danger";

                    // Write error to log file Log File Writer
                    LogFile.WriteToFile("FileManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateFolder_Click", dx, User.Identity.Name + "tried to create a Folder named " + txtFolderName.Text + ".", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Set the notification
                    lblCRUDMessage.Text     = folder.FolderName + " folder could not be created at this time. Please try again later or inform an Administrator.";
                    lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-danger";

                    // Write error to log file Log File Writer
                    LogFile.WriteToFile("FileManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateFolder_Click", ex, User.Identity.Name + "tried to create a Folder named " + txtFolderName.Text + ".", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
                // Set the error message and repopulate folders
                lblCRUDMessage.Text     = txtFolderName.Text + " already exists. Please choose another name.";
                lblCRUDMessage.CssClass = "text-danger";

                // Build the drop down list for folders in the modal

                // Build folders

                // Build modals to go with folders for CRUD
Example #11
        protected void btnCreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Created a New User", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);
                // Create instance of role manager and store
                RoleStore <IdentityRole>   roleStore = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>();
                RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleMgr   = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(roleStore);

                if (!roleMgr.RoleExists(ddlRole.Text))
                    IdentityResult roleResult = roleMgr.Create(new IdentityRole(ddlRole.Text));

                // Declare UserStore and UserManager
                UserStore <IdentityUser>   userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>();
                UserManager <IdentityUser> manager   = new UserManager <IdentityUser>(userStore);

                // Declare/create new user and store in manager object in the userstore
                IdentityUser user = new IdentityUser(txtUsername.Text);
                user.Email = txtEmail.Text;

                // Store result of user creation
                IdentityResult idResult = manager.Create(user, txtPassword.Text);

                // Check if user was created and added to role
                if (idResult.Succeeded)
                    // Add user to role
                    IdentityResult userResult = manager.AddToRole(user.Id, ddlRole.SelectedValue);
                    lblMessage.Text     = "User " + user.UserName + " was created successfully!";
                    lblMessage.CssClass = "text-success";

                    // Add other user information to separate table
                    HPSUser hpsUser = new HPSUser();
                    hpsUser.FirstName = txtUserFirstName.Text;
                    hpsUser.LastName  = txtUserLastName.Text;
                    hpsUser.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                    hpsUser.UserId    = user.Id;
                    hpsUser.RoleName  = ddlRole.SelectedValue;

                    // Add empty row to db for fitbit to help with update if sign up date is on the same day as a synchronization
                    db.Steps.AddOrUpdate(new Step {
                        StepCount = 0, StepDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), UserId = user.Id
                    db.Distances.AddOrUpdate(new Distance {
                        DistanceCount = 0, DistanceDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), UserId = user.Id
                    db.Minutes.AddOrUpdate(new Minute {
                        MinuteCount = 0, MinuteDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-28), UserId = user.Id

                    // create notification for admin users
                    string[] role = { "Administrator" };
                    NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "User Created", Page.User.Identity.Name + " created the user named '" + user.UserName + "'.", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);

                    // Save changes tgo db
                    lblMessage.Text = idResult.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
            catch (DataException dx)
                lblMessage.Text = "A data error occured. Please try again later or contact your Administrator if this continues to happen.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("UserManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateUser_Click", dx, "Data error when creating user", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblMessage.Text = "An error occured. Please try again later or contact your Administrator if this continues to happen.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("UserManager.aspx.cs", "btnCreateUser_Click", ex, "Error when creating user", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
Example #12
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityTracker.Track("Submitted Feedback", (int)UserActionEnum.Created);

            // Clear error label
            lblFeedbackErrors.Text = "";

                // declare variables
                int    rec = Convert.ToInt32(radRec.SelectedValue);
                int    nav = Convert.ToInt32(radNav.SelectedValue);
                int    app = Convert.ToInt32(radAppear.SelectedValue);
                int    acc = Convert.ToInt32(radAccess.SelectedValue);
                double avg = (Convert.ToDouble(rec) + Convert.ToDouble(nav) + Convert.ToDouble(app) + Convert.ToDouble(acc)) / 4;

                // Create new entry and build it
                var fb = new FeedBack();
                fb.FeedBackAccRating = acc;
                fb.FeedBackAppRating = app;
                fb.FeedBackNavRating = nav;
                fb.FeedBackRecRating = rec;
                fb.FeedBackAvg       = avg;
                fb.FeedBackDate      = DateTime.Now.Date;
                fb.FeedBackComment   = txtComment.InnerText;
                fb.FeedBackArea      = ddlSiteArea.SelectedValue.ToString();

                // Add item to db and save changes

                // Create a notification for the database
                string[] role    = { "Administrator" };
                string   comment = "";
                if (txtComment.InnerText.Length >= 24)
                    comment = txtComment.InnerText.Substring(0, 24);
                    comment = txtComment.InnerText;

                NotificationCreator.CreateNotification(role, "Feedback Submitted", "Comment: " + comment + "...", DateTime.Now, "Info", null, null);
            catch (DataException dx)
                // Display error to user and log it.
                lblFeedbackErrors.Text = "Your feedback failed to submit, please try again.\nIf the problem persists contact the administrator.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnSubmit_Click", dx, "Feedback failed to save in database", "HPSErrorLog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblFeedbackErrors.Text = "Your feedback failed to submit, please try again.\nIf the problem persists contact the administrator.";
                LogFile.WriteToFile("HPFSMaster.Master.cs", "btnSubmit_Click", ex, "Feedback failed to submit", "HPSErrorLog.txt");

            // reset feedback form values
            txtComment.Value        = "";
            radAccess.SelectedValue = "5";
            radAppear.SelectedValue = "5";
            radNav.SelectedValue    = "5";
            radRec.SelectedValue    = "5";