/* Stop tracking the argument note because it was missed
  * Also generates the "miss" effect at the bottom of the screen and penalizes score.
 public void UntrackNote(NoteObject n)
     if (clickableNotes[n.GetLane()] == n)
         clickableNotes[n.GetLane()] = null;
     GenerateHitEffect(0, buttTransforms[n.GetLane()].position.x, 10); // miss effect from bottom of screen
// ============================================================================================ //
    #region Scoring

    /* Track the note by adding it to the clickable notes array
    * Only one note will be tracked per lane at any time.
    *  This will be the last note to enter the button's collider*/
    public void TrackNote(NoteObject n)
        clickableNotes[n.GetLane()] = n;