private void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo nci, int c) { if (data.noteType == NoteType.Bomb || !nci.allIsOK) { StartCoroutine(Missed()); } }
public HitData(NoteData data, bool noteWasCut, NoteCutInfo info = null) { objectTime = data.time; this.noteWasCut = noteWasCut; if (noteWasCut) { isSaberA = info.saberType == Saber.SaberType.SaberA; speedOK = info.speedOK; directionOK = info.directionOK; saberTypeOK = info.saberTypeOK; wasCutTooSoon = info.wasCutTooSoon; } else { isSaberA = false; speedOK = false; directionOK = false; saberTypeOK = false; wasCutTooSoon = false; } reserved1 = reserved2 = false; }
private void OnNoteWasCut(NoteData noteData, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo, int multiplier) { if (noteData.noteType == NoteType.Bomb) { OnBombCut(); return; } if (!noteCutInfo.allIsOK) { OnNoteWasMissed(noteData, 0); } else { var acsbList = _scoreController.GetPrivateField <List <CutScoreBuffer> >("_cutScoreBuffers"); foreach (CutScoreBuffer csb in acsbList) { if (csb.GetPrivateField <NoteCutInfo>("_noteCutInfo") == noteCutInfo) { csb.didFinishEvent += OnNoteWasFullyCut; break; } } OnNoteCut(); } }
private void OnNoteCut(INoteController data, NoteCutInfo info) { if (data.noteData.noteType != NoteType.Bomb) { DecrementCounter(); } }
private void OnNoteCute(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int c) { if (data.noteType == NoteType.Bomb || !info.allIsOK) { AmplifyBloom(); } }
private void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int cutScore) { if (data.noteType != NoteType.Bomb) { DecrementCounter(); } }
private void NoteWasCut(NoteController noteController, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { if (noteController.noteData.colorType == ColorType.None || noteController.noteData.beatmapObjectType != BeatmapObjectType.Note) { return; } AllNotesCountDidChangeEvent(allNotesCount++, cuttableNotes); if (noteCutInfo.allIsOK) { NoteWasCutEvent((int)noteCutInfo.saberType); GoodCutCountDidChangeEvent(goodCutCount++); } else { BadCutCountDidChangeEvent(badCutCount++); } if (Mathf.Approximately(noteController.noteData.time, _lastNoteTime)) { _lastNoteTime = 0f; LevelFinishedEvent(); LevelCompletionResults results = _prepareLevelCompletionResults.FillLevelCompletionResults(LevelCompletionResults.LevelEndStateType.Cleared, LevelCompletionResults.LevelEndAction.None); if (results.modifiedScore > highScore) { NewHighscore(); } } }
private void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int c) { if ( < notesCount && data.noteType != NoteType.Bomb && !info.allIsOK) { Oops(data); } }
static void Postfix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Color ____color, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { float score = RageSaber.RageScore.calculateFromSpeed(noteCutInfo.saberSpeed); RageSaber.RageScore.instance.curScore += score; RageSaber.RageScore.instance.hitCount++; void judge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter) { TextMeshPro text = __instance.getPrivateField <TextMeshPro>("_text"); // enable rich text text.richText = true; // disable word wrap, make sure full text displays text.enableWordWrapping = false; text.overflowMode = TextOverflowModes.Overflow; text.text = score.ToString("n0"); // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it counter.didFinishEvent -= judge; } // Apply judgments a total of twice - once when the effect is created, once when it finishes. judge(noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter); noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += judge; }
static bool Prefix(GameNoteController __instance, Saber saber, Vector3 cutPoint, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 cutDirVec, bool allowBadCut, ref AudioTimeSyncController ____audioTimeSyncController, ref BoxCuttableBySaber ____bigCuttableBySaber, ref BoxCuttableBySaber ____smallCuttableBySaber, NoteBasicCutInfoSO ____noteBasicCutInfo) { if ((int)__instance.noteData.cutDirection >= 2000) { float timeDeviation = __instance.noteData.time - ____audioTimeSyncController.songTime; bool flag; bool flag2; bool flag3; float cutDirDeviation; ____noteBasicCutInfo.GetBasicCutInfo(__instance.noteTransform, __instance.noteData.noteType, NoteCutDirection.Any, saber.saberType, saber.bladeSpeed, cutDirVec, out flag, out flag2, out flag3, out cutDirDeviation); float swingRating = 0f; SaberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter afterCutSwingRatingCounter = null; if (flag && flag2 && flag3) { swingRating = saber.ComputeSwingRating(); afterCutSwingRatingCounter = saber.CreateAfterCutSwingRatingCounter(); } else if (!allowBadCut) { return(false); } Vector3 vector = orientation * Vector3.up; Plane plane = new Plane(vector, cutPoint); float cutDistanceToCenter = Mathf.Abs(plane.GetDistanceToPoint(__instance.noteTransform.position)); NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo = new NoteCutInfo(flag2, flag, flag3, false, saber.bladeSpeed, cutDirVec, saber.saberType, swingRating, timeDeviation, cutDirDeviation, plane.ClosestPointOnPlane(__instance.transform.position), vector, afterCutSwingRatingCounter, cutDistanceToCenter); ____bigCuttableBySaber.canBeCut = false; ____smallCuttableBySaber.canBeCut = false; __instance.SendNoteWasCutEvent(noteCutInfo); return(false); } return(true); }
public void Notehit(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo notecut, int h) { Color a = new Color(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f)); bool flag = data.noteType == NoteData.NoteType.NoteA; if (flag) { this._redSaberMat.SetColor("_Color", a * (notecut.swingRating * 4f)); this._redSaberMat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", a * (notecut.swingRating * 4f)); bool flag2 = !notecut.allIsOK; if (flag2) { this._redSaberMat.SetColor("_Color", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); this._redSaberMat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); } } else { bool flag3 = data.noteType == NoteData.NoteType.NoteB; if (flag3) { this._blueSaberMat.SetColor("_Color", a * (notecut.swingRating * 4f)); this._blueSaberMat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", a * (notecut.swingRating * 4f)); bool flag4 = !notecut.allIsOK; if (flag4) { this._blueSaberMat.SetColor("_Color", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); this._blueSaberMat.SetColor("_EmissionColor", new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); } } } }
public static void NoteDebrisSpawner_SpawnDebris(NoteDebrisSpawner t, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo, NoteController noteController) { if (!Plugin.Instance.Enabled) { _noteDebrisSpawner_SpawnDebris.InvokeOriginal(t, new object[] { noteCutInfo, noteController }); } }
private void NoteWasCutEvent(NoteController data, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { foreach (INoteEventHandler noteEventHandler in EventHandlers) { noteEventHandler?.OnNoteCut(data.noteData, noteCutInfo); } }
private void OnNoteCut(INoteController data, NoteCutInfo info) { if (data.noteData.noteType != NoteType.Bomb) { _totalNotes++; } }
public void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info) { if (data.colorType != ColorType.None && !noteCountProcessor.ShouldIgnoreNote(data)) { DecrementCounter(); } }
void OnNoteHit(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int score) { bool done = false; void addScore(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter) { ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(info, out int beforeCutRawScore, out int afterCutRawScore, out int cutDistanceRawScore); numNotes++; int newScore = beforeCutRawScore + afterCutRawScore + cutDistanceRawScore; totalScore += newScore; if (UI.Settings.instance.isListEnabled) { scoreList[newScore]++; } done = true; info.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent -= addScore; } if (done) { return; } else { noteCutInfo = info; info.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += addScore; } }
public void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info) { if (!info.allIsOK) { t += 30; } }
private void noteWasCutEvent(NoteData arg1, NoteCutInfo arg2, int score) { if (arg2.allIsOK) { localPlayerInfo.playerCutBlocks++; } }
public void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info) { if (Settings.CountBadCuts && !info.allIsOK && data.colorType != ColorType.None) { counter.text = (++notesMissed).ToString(); } }
public static void HandleControlelrNoteWasCut(NoteData noteData, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo, int multiplayer) { if (player == null) { return; } NoteInfo noteInfo = new NoteInfo(noteData.time, (int)noteData.noteType, (int)noteData.cutDirection); noteInfo.ConvertTime2Measure(180f); AudioTimeSyncController audioTimeSync = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <AudioTimeSyncController>().FirstOrDefault(); float diffTime = 0; if (audioTimeSync != null) { diffTime = noteData.time - audioTimeSync.songTime; } if (diffTime > 0) { player.PlayScheduled(noteInfo, diffTime); } else { player.Play(noteInfo); } Logger.Write("NoteCut"); Logger.Write(diffTime.ToString()); Logger.Write(noteData.time.ToString()); Logger.Write(noteInfo.time.ToString()); }
public void Cut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int combo) { notes++; if (!info.allIsOK) { misses++; UpdateText(); return; } bool didDone = false; info.afterCutSwingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += e => { if (didDone) { return; } didDone = true; ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(info, info.afterCutSwingRatingCounter, out int before, out int after, out int distScore); int total = before + after; for (int i = 0; i < scoreRanges.Length; i++) { if (scoreRanges[i] < total) { scoreCount[i]++; UpdateText(); return; } } scoreCount[scoreRanges.Length]++; UpdateText(); }; }
static void Postfix(FlyingScoreEffect __instance, ref Color ____color, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { void earlyJudge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter) { ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, out int before, out int after, out int accuracy); int total = before + 30 + accuracy; Config.judge(__instance, noteCutInfo, counter, total, before, 30, accuracy); // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it counter.didFinishEvent -= judge; } void judge(SaberSwingRatingCounter counter) { ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, out int before, out int after, out int accuracy); int total = before + after + accuracy; Config.judge(__instance, noteCutInfo, counter, total, before, after, accuracy); // If the counter is finished, remove our event from it counter.didFinishEvent -= judge; } // Apply judgments a total of twice - once when the effect is created, once when it finishes. earlyJudge(noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter); noteCutInfo.swingRatingCounter.didFinishEvent += judge; }
private void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int c) { if (data.noteType == NoteType.Bomb || !info.allIsOK) { IncrementCounter(); } }
private void SetNoteCutStatus(NoteData noteData, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { GameStatus gameStatus = statusManager.gameStatus; gameStatus.noteID =; gameStatus.noteType = noteData.noteType.ToString(); gameStatus.noteCutDirection = noteData.cutDirection.ToString(); gameStatus.noteLine = noteData.lineIndex; gameStatus.noteLayer = (int)noteData.noteLineLayer; gameStatus.speedOK = noteCutInfo.speedOK; gameStatus.directionOK = noteCutInfo.directionOK; gameStatus.saberTypeOK = noteCutInfo.saberTypeOK; gameStatus.wasCutTooSoon = noteCutInfo.wasCutTooSoon; gameStatus.saberSpeed = noteCutInfo.saberSpeed; gameStatus.saberDirX = noteCutInfo.saberDir[0]; gameStatus.saberDirY = noteCutInfo.saberDir[1]; gameStatus.saberDirZ = noteCutInfo.saberDir[2]; gameStatus.saberType = noteCutInfo.saberType.ToString(); gameStatus.swingRating = noteCutInfo.swingRating; gameStatus.timeDeviation = noteCutInfo.timeDeviation; gameStatus.cutDirectionDeviation = noteCutInfo.cutDirDeviation; gameStatus.cutPointX = noteCutInfo.cutPoint[0]; gameStatus.cutPointY = noteCutInfo.cutPoint[1]; gameStatus.cutPointZ = noteCutInfo.cutPoint[2]; gameStatus.cutNormalX = noteCutInfo.cutNormal[0]; gameStatus.cutNormalY = noteCutInfo.cutNormal[1]; gameStatus.cutNormalZ = noteCutInfo.cutNormal[2]; gameStatus.cutDistanceToCenter = noteCutInfo.cutDistanceToCenter; }
private async void OnNoteCut(NoteData data, NoteCutInfo info, int c) { if (data.noteType == NoteType.Bomb || !info.allIsOK) { await TiltScene(); } }
public void OnNoteWasFullyCut(AfterCutScoreBuffer acsb) { int score; int afterScore; int cutDistanceScore; NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo = (NoteCutInfo)noteCutInfoField.GetValue(acsb); NoteData noteData = noteCutMapping[noteCutInfo]; noteCutMapping.Remove(noteCutInfo); SetNoteCutStatus(noteData, noteCutInfo); // public ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(NoteCutInfo, SaberAfterCutSwingRatingCounter, out int beforeCutScore, out int afterCutScore, out int cutDistanceScore) ScoreController.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, null, out score, out afterScore, out cutDistanceScore); int multiplier = (int)afterCutScoreBufferMultiplierField.GetValue(acsb); afterScore = (int)afterCutScoreWithMultiplierField.GetValue(acsb) / multiplier; statusManager.gameStatus.initialScore = score; statusManager.gameStatus.finalScore = score + afterScore; statusManager.gameStatus.cutMultiplier = multiplier; statusManager.EmitStatusUpdate(ChangedProperties.PerformanceAndNoteCut, "noteFullyCut"); acsb.didFinishEvent -= OnNoteWasFullyCut; }
public void OnNoteWasFullyCut(CutScoreBuffer acsb) { int beforeCutScore; int afterCutScore; int cutDistanceScore; NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo = (NoteCutInfo)noteCutInfoField.GetValue(acsb); NoteData noteData = noteCutMapping[noteCutInfo]; noteCutMapping.Remove(noteCutInfo); SetNoteCutStatus(noteData, noteCutInfo, false); // public static ScoreModel.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(NoteCutInfo, out int beforeCutRawScore, out int afterCutRawScore, out int cutDistanceRawScore) ScoreModel.RawScoreWithoutMultiplier(noteCutInfo, out beforeCutScore, out afterCutScore, out cutDistanceScore); int multiplier = (int)cutScoreBufferMultiplierField.GetValue(acsb); statusManager.gameStatus.initialScore = beforeCutScore + cutDistanceScore; statusManager.gameStatus.finalScore = beforeCutScore + afterCutScore + cutDistanceScore; statusManager.gameStatus.cutDistanceScore = cutDistanceScore; statusManager.gameStatus.cutMultiplier = multiplier; statusManager.EmitStatusUpdate(ChangedProperties.PerformanceAndNoteCut, "noteFullyCut"); acsb.didFinishEvent -= OnNoteWasFullyCut; }
static bool Prefix(ref NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { if (Quest_SpectatorController.instance.spectating && !noteCutInfo.allIsOK && Quest_SpectatorController.instance.hasFakeMiss()) { return(false); } return(true); }
private static void Prefix(NoteController noteController, NoteCutInfo noteCutInfo) { if (!noteCutInfo.allIsOK || noteController.noteData.colorType == ColorType.None) { return; } NoteCutScoreSpawnerHandleNoteWasCut.isNoteCutEffect = true; }
private void NoteWasCutEvent(NoteData note, NoteCutInfo cut, int score) { if (cut.allIsOK) { PlayerController.Instance.UpdatePlayerScoring("playerCutBlocks", 1); } PlayerController.Instance.UpdatePlayerScoring("playerTotalBlocks", 1); }