Example #1
        public static Entity Map(this PatientPerson patient, IOrganizationService organizationService, Logger logger, VeisConfig config)
            Entity ent = null;

            if (patient != null)
                ent    = new Entity("crme_person");
                ent.Id = new Guid();
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_ssn", patient.SocialSecurityNumber);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_primaryphone", patient.PhoneNumber);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_branchofservice", patient.BranchOfService);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_recordsource", patient.RecordSource);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_gender", patient.GenderCode);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_deceaseddate", patient.DeceasedDate);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_identitytheft", patient.IdentifyTheft);
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_url", "&select=*&$filter=crme_patientmviidentifier eq '" + patient.Identifier + "' and crme_searchtype eq 'SelectedPersonSearch'");
                ent.Attributes.Add("crme_dobstring", patient.BirthDate);

                if (patient.NameList != null)
                    var legalName = patient.NameList.GetName("Legal", true);
                    if (legalName != null)
                if (patient.Address != null)
                    if (!ent.Attributes.Contains("crme_fulladdress"))
                        ent.Attributes.Add("crme_fulladdress", patient.FullAddress);

            TryGetMviQueryParams(patient, ent, logger);
            TryGetCorpInfo(patient, ent, logger);
            ent.Attributes.Add("crme_veteransensitivitylevel", patient.VeteranSensitivityLevel);
            ent.Attributes.Add("crme_edipi", patient.EdiPi);

            string empty = string.Empty;

            if (config.GetSensitiveInfo)
                List <string> strs = new List <string>();
                strs.Add(TryGetICN(patient, logger));
                string        url   = getKVPSetting("sensitive_endpoint", organizationService);
                List <string> list2 = new List <string>();
                list2.Add(TryGetICN(patient, logger));
                string                     keys       = config.VeisConfiguration.SvcConfigInfo.ApimSubscriptionKey;
                NonVetResponse             nvResponse = getVHAVeteranEmployeeFlags(String.Format("{0}{1}", config.VeisConfiguration.SvcConfigInfo.SvcBaseUrl, config.EmployeeEndpoint), keys, strs, logger);
                List <VeteranEmployeeFlag> vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags = new List <VeteranEmployeeFlag>();

                foreach (NVDatum datum in nvResponse.Data)
                    if (datum.NationalId == null)
                        vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags.Add(new VeteranEmployeeFlag()
                            NationalId = "", Value = "NO"
                    else if (!(datum.Veteran == null || datum.Veteran == "" ? false : !(datum.Veteran.ToUpper() == "YES")))
                        vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags.Add(new VeteranEmployeeFlag()
                            NationalId = datum.NationalId, Value = "NO"
                    else if (!(!(datum.Veteran.ToUpper() == "NO") || datum.NewPersonIndicator == null ? true : !(datum.NewPersonIndicator.ToUpper() == "YES")))
                        vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags.Add(new VeteranEmployeeFlag()
                            NationalId = datum.NationalId, Value = "YES"
                    else if ((!(datum.Veteran.ToUpper() == "NO") || datum.PrimaryEligibilityCode == null ? false : datum.PrimaryEligibilityCode.ToUpper() == "EMPLOYEE"))
                        vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags.Add(new VeteranEmployeeFlag()
                            NationalId = datum.NationalId, Value = "YES"

                string isEmp = string.Empty;
                if (vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags.Count > 0)
                    isEmp = isEmployee(ent["crme_icn"].ToString(), vHAVeteranEmployeeFlags);
                HandleSensitivityMasking(config, patient, ent, isEmp);

Example #2
        public static NonVetResponse getVHAVeteranEmployeeFlags(string url, string subKeys, List <string> list, Logger logger)
            NonVetRequest request = new NonVetRequest()
                ClientName  = "VCCM",
                Format      = "JSON",
                NationalIds = list.ToArray()
            string         str            = JsonHelper.Serialize(request);
            HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

            if (subKeys.Length > 0)
                string[] headers = subKeys.Split('|');
                for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i = i + 2)
                    httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(headers[i], headers[i + 1]);
            httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
            httpWebRequest.Method      = "POST";
            using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))

            WebResponse  webResponse    = httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
            Stream       webStream      = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webStream);
            string       responseString = responseReader.ReadToEnd();


            NonVetResponse nvResponse = JsonHelper.Deserialize <NonVetResponse>(responseString);

             * List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> keyValuePairs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
             * try
             * {
             *  foreach (NVDatum datum in nvResponse.Data)
             *  {
             *      if (datum.NationalId == null)
             *      {
             *          // no nationalid
             *          keyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("", "NO"));
             *      }
             *      else if (!(datum.Veteran == null || datum.Veteran == "" ? false : !(datum.Veteran.ToUpper() == "YES")))
             *      {
             *          keyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(datum.NationalId, "NO"));
             *      }
             *      else if (!(!(datum.Veteran.ToUpper() == "NO") || datum.NewPersonIndicator == null ? true : !(datum.NewPersonIndicator.ToUpper() == "YES")))
             *      {
             *          keyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(datum.NationalId, "YES"));
             *      }
             *      else if ((!(datum.Veteran.ToUpper() == "NO") || datum.PrimaryEligibilityCode == null ? false : datum.PrimaryEligibilityCode.ToUpper() == "EMPLOYEE"))
             *      {
             *          keyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(datum.NationalId, "YES"));
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             *  //Exception exception = ex;
             *  //base.Logger.WriteDebugMessage(string.Concat("ERROR::Error pulling NonVet info from HDR with the supplied ICNs.", exception.Message));
             * }
             * return keyValuePairs;*/
