internal void FlashMMOSTask(string MMOSPath)
            NokiaFlashModel Phone = (NokiaFlashModel)PhoneNotifier.CurrentModel;

            if (PhoneNotifier.CurrentInterface == PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Bootloader)

            new Thread(() =>
                bool Result = true;

                ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("Initializing flash..."));

                string ErrorSubMessage = null;

                    FileInfo info = new(MMOSPath);
                    uint length   = uint.Parse(info.Length.ToString());
                    const int maximumbuffersize = 0x00240000;
                    uint totalcounts            = (uint)Math.Truncate((decimal)length / maximumbuffersize);
                    BusyViewModel Busy          = new("Flashing Test Mode package...", MaxProgressValue: totalcounts, UIContext: UIContext);

                    Phone.FlashMMOS(MMOSPath, Busy.ProgressUpdater);

                    ActivateSubContext(new BusyViewModel("And now booting phone to MMOS...", "If the phone stays on the lightning cog screen for a while, you may need to unplug and replug the phone to continue the boot process."));

                    PhoneNotifier.NewDeviceArrived += NewDeviceArrived;
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    if (Ex is WPinternalsException)
                        ErrorSubMessage = ((WPinternalsException)Ex).SubMessage;

                    Result = false;

                if (!Result)
                    ExitFailure("Flash failed!", ErrorSubMessage);
        private void SwitchFromFlashToLabelMode(bool Continuation = false)
            string ProgressText;

            if (Continuation)
                ProgressText = "And now preparing to boot the phone to Label mode...";
                ProgressText = "Preparing to boot the phone to Label mode...";

            NokiaFlashModel FlashModel = (NokiaFlashModel)CurrentModel;

            if (CurrentMode == PhoneInterfaces.Lumia_Bootloader)
                catch { }
            PhoneInfo Info = FlashModel.ReadPhoneInfo(ExtendedInfo: true);

            if (Info.MmosOverUsbSupported)
                new Thread(() =>

                        ModeSwitchProgressWrapper(ProgressText, null);
                        string TempFolder = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + @"\WPInternals";
                        if (Info.Type == "RM-1152")
                            Info.Type = "RM-1151";
                        string ENOSWPackage = LumiaDownloadModel.SearchENOSW(Info.Type, Info.Firmware);
                        SetWorkingStatus("Downloading " + Info.Type + " Test Mode package...", MaxProgressValue: 100);
                        DownloadEntry downloadEntry = new DownloadEntry(ENOSWPackage, TempFolder, null, null, null);

                        downloadEntry.PropertyChanged += (object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) =>
                            if (e.PropertyName == "Progress")
                                int progress = (sender as DownloadEntry).Progress;
                                ulong progressret;
                                ulong.TryParse(progress.ToString(), out progressret);
                                UpdateWorkingStatus(null, CurrentProgressValue: progressret);

                                if (progress == 100)
                                    ModeSwitchProgressWrapper("Initializing Flash...", null);

                                    string MMOSPath = TempFolder + "\\" + (sender as DownloadEntry).Name;

                                    PhoneNotifier.NewDeviceArrived += NewDeviceArrived;
                                    FileInfo info         = new FileInfo(MMOSPath);
                                    uint length           = uint.Parse(info.Length.ToString());
                                    int maximumbuffersize = 0x00240000;
                                    uint totalcounts      = (uint)Math.Truncate((decimal)length / maximumbuffersize);

                                    SetWorkingStatus("Flashing Test Mode package...", MaxProgressValue: 100);

                                    ProgressUpdater progressUpdater = new ProgressUpdater(totalcounts + 1, (int i, TimeSpan? time) => UpdateWorkingStatus(null, CurrentProgressValue: (ulong)i));
                                    FlashModel.FlashMMOS(MMOSPath, progressUpdater);

                                    SetWorkingStatus("And now booting phone to MMOS...", "If the phone stays on the lightning cog screen for a while, you may need to unplug and replug the phone to continue the boot process.");
                    catch (Exception Ex)

                byte[] BootModeFlagCommand = new byte[] { 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x4B, 0x58, 0x46, 0x57, 0x00, 0x55, 0x42, 0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00 }; // NOKFW UBF
                byte[] RebootCommand       = new byte[] { 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x4B, 0x52 };                                                                         // NOKR

                BootModeFlagCommand[0x0F] = 0x59;
                PhoneNotifier.NewDeviceArrived += NewDeviceArrived;
                ModeSwitchProgressWrapper("Rebooting phone to Label mode", null);
                LogFile.Log("Rebooting phone to Label mode", LogType.FileAndConsole);