public void CreateShape()
        if (lod > 0)
            mainFace = transform.parent;

        #region Initalization

        noiseFilter = new NoiseFilter(shapeSettings);
        axisA       = new Vector3(localUp.y, localUp.z, localUp.x);
        axisB       = Vector3.Cross(localUp, axisA);

        mesh           = new Mesh();
        verts          = new Vector3[(shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1) * (shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1)];
        vertsTrees     = new bool[(shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1) * (shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1)];
        uvIndex        = new float[(shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1) * (shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1)];
        elevationPoint = new float[(shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1) * (shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1)];
        uvs            = new Vector2[(shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1) * (shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1)];

        triangles = new int[(shapeSettings.previewResolution) * (shapeSettings.previewResolution) * 6];
        int vert     = 0;
        int triIndex = 0;

        if (planetCore == null)
            if (transform.parent.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>() != null)
                planetCore = transform.parent.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>().planetCore;
                planetCore = transform.parent;


        if (lod >= planetCore.GetComponent <PlanetGenerator>().lodSettings.maxDepth)
            if (GetComponent <foilageSpwaner>() != null)
                GetComponent <foilageSpwaner>().spwanTrees = true;


        for (int x = 0, i = 0; x <= shapeSettings.previewResolution; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z <= shapeSettings.previewResolution; z++)
                #region Adjustment of valuse according to the LOD to implement on vertices.

                float scale = 2f;
                float pos   = -0.5f;
                scale = (2 / (Mathf.Pow(2, lod)));
                pos   = Mathf.Pow(2, lod - 1) - 1;


                Vector2 localVert = (new Vector2(x, z) / shapeSettings.previewResolution);
                if (lod > 0)
                    #region Vertices based on Quad Tree position of the plane
                    if (quad_Location == 0)
                        planerRefrence = new Vector2(0f, 0f) + (transform.parent.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>().planerRefrence * 2);
                    if (quad_Location == 1)
                        planerRefrence = new Vector2(1f, 0f) + (transform.parent.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>().planerRefrence * 2);
                    if (quad_Location == 2)
                        planerRefrence = new Vector2(0f, 1f) + (transform.parent.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>().planerRefrence * 2);
                    if (quad_Location == 3)
                        planerRefrence = new Vector2(1f, 1f) + (transform.parent.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>().planerRefrence * 2);

                    localVert = (new Vector2(x, z) / shapeSettings.previewResolution) - planerRefrence;

                #region Vertices
                float elevaltion = 0;
                verts[i] = (localUp + (localVert.x + pos) * scale * axisA - (localVert.y + pos) * scale * axisB);
                verts[i] = verts[i].normalized;
                uvs[i]   = new Vector2(colorGenerator.biomePercentFromPoint(verts[i], out uvIndex[i]), 0);        // 1. Biome Index to UVs

                verts[i] = noiseFilter.CalculatePointOnPlanet(verts[i], this.transform.position, out elevaltion); // 2. Vertice height to elevation

                if (lod == 0)
                    #region Explanation

                     * This for the lower LODs to use the highest lod as
                     * the base because the lower lod might spwan on the
                     * hill and its lowest point might be something differnt.


                    transform.parent.GetComponent <PlanetGenerator>().elevationMinMax.AddValue(elevaltion);

                //if (elevaltion > 1.3f * planetCore.GetComponent<PlanetGenerator>().shapeSettings.planetRadius && elevaltion < 1.4f * planetCore.GetComponent<PlanetGenerator>().shapeSettings.planetRadius)// elevation spwan
                if (lod >= planetCore.GetComponent <PlanetGenerator>().lodSettings.maxDepth)
                    vertsTrees[i]     = true;
                    elevationPoint[i] = elevaltion / planetCore.GetComponent <PlanetGenerator>().shapeSettings.planetRadius;
                    //    //biometype.Add(index);
                    //    //elevationValues.Add(elevaltion);
                    //    //spwanAblepoints.Add(i);
                    //    //spwanablePosition.Add(verts[i]);
                #region Old foliage Implimentation
                //if (uvs[i].x < colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes[colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes.Length - 1].startHeight)// culling top biome
                //if (lod >= planetCore.GetComponent<PlanetGenerator>().lodSettings.maxDepth)
                //    if (colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes.Length > 1)
                //    {
                //        for (int a = 0; a < colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes.Length; a++)
                //        {
                //            if (a < colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes.Length - 1)
                //            {
                //                if (uvs[i].x > colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes[a].startHeight && uvs[i].x < colorGenerator.settings.biomeColorSettings.biomes[a + 1].startHeight)
                //                {
                //                    biometype.Add(a);
                //                }
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                biometype.Add(a);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        biometype.Add(0);
                //    }

                 *  1.  Biome index can be extracted from that point for which type of object to spwan and change its values accordingly
                 *  2.  Based on the elevation and elevation minmax values,
                 *      we can extract vertice's height position from the planet for
                 *      spwaning different objects at different heights.
                 *  CAUTION : if you are spwaning the trees when the chunks are loading as they are getting instanciated ...
                 *            well better store all the chosen vertice's positions into a seperate save file or somewhere and better
                 *            read from that from next time as it shuld be the same the next time the player comes there ....
                 *            which might just be a huge problem    ... mainly should be used for resources and structures that can be big like tress and things
                 *            (not for the foilage like grass) which can quite be randomized.
                 *            or
                 *            do not randomly choose ... right a formula which can store just the seed and randomly place the objects based on the seed which can be quite
                 *            ... i think thats how it supposed to be done ...... like the planets as they are same everytime they are generated.



                if (x != shapeSettings.previewResolution && z != shapeSettings.previewResolution)
                    #region Triagnles

                    triangles[triIndex + 0] = vert + shapeSettings.previewResolution + 2;
                    triangles[triIndex + 1] = vert + shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1;
                    triangles[triIndex + 2] = vert + 1;
                    triangles[triIndex + 3] = vert + 1;
                    triangles[triIndex + 4] = vert + shapeSettings.previewResolution + 1;
                    triangles[triIndex + 5] = vert + 0;


                    triIndex += 6;

            if (x != shapeSettings.previewResolution)