void ScanNodeType(AddinDescription config, ExtensionNodeType nt, ArrayList assemblies, Hashtable internalNodeSets)
            if (nt.TypeName.Length == 0)
                nt.TypeName = "Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode";

            Type ntype = FindAddinType(nt.TypeName, assemblies);

            if (ntype == null)

            // Add type information declared with attributes in the code
            ExtensionNodeAttribute nodeAtt = (ExtensionNodeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(ntype, typeof(ExtensionNodeAttribute), true);

            if (nodeAtt != null)
                if (nt.Id.Length == 0 && nodeAtt.NodeName.Length > 0)
                    nt.Id = nodeAtt.NodeName;
                if (nt.Description.Length == 0 && nodeAtt.Description.Length > 0)
                    nt.Description = nodeAtt.Description;
                // Use the node type name as default name
                if (nt.Id.Length == 0)
                    nt.Id = ntype.Name;

            // Add information about attributes
            object[] fieldAtts = ntype.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute), true);
            foreach (NodeAttributeAttribute fatt in fieldAtts)
                NodeTypeAttribute natt = new NodeTypeAttribute();
                natt.Name     = fatt.Name;
                natt.Required = fatt.Required;
                if (fatt.Type != null)
                    natt.Type = fatt.Type.FullName;
                if (fatt.Description.Length > 0)
                    natt.Description = fatt.Description;

            // Check if the type has NodeAttribute attributes applied to fields.
            foreach (FieldInfo field in ntype.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                NodeAttributeAttribute fatt = (NodeAttributeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(NodeAttributeAttribute));
                if (fatt != null)
                    NodeTypeAttribute natt = new NodeTypeAttribute();
                    if (fatt.Name.Length > 0)
                        natt.Name = fatt.Name;
                        natt.Name = field.Name;
                    if (fatt.Description.Length > 0)
                        natt.Description = fatt.Description;
                    natt.Type     = field.FieldType.FullName;
                    natt.Required = fatt.Required;

            // Check if the extension type allows children by looking for [ExtensionNodeChild] attributes.
            // First of all, look in the internalNodeSets hashtable, which is being used as cache

            string childSet = (string)internalNodeSets [nt.TypeName];

            if (childSet == null)
                object[] ats = ntype.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ExtensionNodeChildAttribute), true);
                if (ats.Length > 0)
                    // Create a new node set for this type. It is necessary to create a new node set
                    // instead of just adding child ExtensionNodeType objects to the this node type
                    // because child types references can be recursive.
                    ExtensionNodeSet internalSet = new ExtensionNodeSet();
                    internalSet.Id = ntype.Name + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    foreach (ExtensionNodeChildAttribute at in ats)
                        ExtensionNodeType internalType = new ExtensionNodeType();
                        internalType.Id       = at.NodeName;
                        internalType.TypeName = at.ExtensionNodeType.FullName;

                    // Register the new set in a hashtable, to allow recursive references to the
                    // same internal set.
                    internalNodeSets [nt.TypeName] = internalSet.Id;
                    internalNodeSets [ntype.AssemblyQualifiedName] = internalSet.Id;
                    ScanNodeSet(config, internalSet, assemblies, internalNodeSets);
                if (childSet.Length == 0)
                    // The extension type does not declare children.
                // The extension type can have children. The allowed children are
                // defined in this extension set.

            ScanNodeSet(config, nt, assemblies, internalNodeSets);
 public NodeTypeAttributeCompletionData(NodeTypeAttribute att)
     this.att = att;