Example #1
        protected override void Initialize()
            quad = new Quad[6];
            quad[0] = new Quad(Vector3.Backward, Vector3.Backward, Vector3.Up, 2, 2);
            quad[1] = new Quad(Vector3.Left, Vector3.Left, Vector3.Up, 2, 2);
            quad[2] = new Quad(Vector3.Right, Vector3.Right, Vector3.Up, 2, 2);
            quad[3] = new Quad(Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up, 2, 2);
            quad[4] = new Quad(Vector3.Down, Vector3.Down, Vector3.Right, 2, 2);
            quad[5] = new Quad(Vector3.Up, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Left, 2, 2);
            nh = new NodeHandle();
            imgSub = nh.subscribe<Messages.sensor_msgs.Image>("/camera/rgb/image_rect_color", 1, (img) =>
                                                                        if (padlock.WaitOne(10))
                                                                            if (next_texture == null)
                                                                                next_texture = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, (int) img.width, (int) img.height);
                                                                            util.UpdateImage(GraphicsDevice, img.data, new Size((int)img.width, (int)img.height), ref next_texture, img.encoding.data);

Example #2
 private static void Main(string[] args)
     ROS.Init(args, "Listener");
     NodeHandle node = new NodeHandle();
     Subscriber<m.String> Subscriber = node.subscribe<m.String>("/chatter", 1, chatterCallback);
Example #3
 public void startListening(NodeHandle nh)
     updater = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100) };
     updater.Tick += Link;
     sub = nh.subscribe<m.Int32>("/camera1/tilt_info", 1, callback);
     pub = nh.advertise<m.Int32>("/camera1/tilt", 1);
Example #4
        public MainWindow()

            ROS.Init(new string[0], "wpf_listener");
            nh = new NodeHandle();

            sub = nh.subscribe<Messages.std_msgs.String>("/chatter", 10, subCallback);
Example #5
        public void startListening(NodeHandle node)

            tilt_min = -600;
            tilt_max = 600;
            pan_min = 0;
            pan_max = 5100;

            sub = node.subscribe<am.ArmStatus>("/arm/status", 1000, callbackMonitor);
            //pub = node.advertise<am.ArmMovement>("/arm/movement", 1000);
Example #6
 public SimTime()
     new Thread(() =>
                        while (!ROS.isStarted() && !ROS.shutting_down)
                        nh = new NodeHandle();
                        if (!ROS.shutting_down)
                            simTimeSubscriber = nh.subscribe<Clock>("/clock", 1, SimTimeCallback);
Example #7
        public static void start()
            ROS.Init(new string[0], "rosout");

            nh = new NodeHandle();
            sub = nh.subscribe<Messages.rosgraph_msgs.Log>("/rosout", 10, rosoutCallback);
            pub = nh.advertise<Messages.rosgraph_msgs.Log>("/rosout_agg", 1000, true);

            new Thread(() =>
                while (!ROS.ok)

Example #8
 public SimTime()
     new Thread(() =>
                        while (!ROS.isStarted() && !ROS.shutting_down)
                        if (!ROS.shutting_down)
                            nh = new NodeHandle();
                            simTimeSubscriber = nh.subscribe<Messages.rosgraph_msgs.Clock>("/clock", 1, SimTimeCallback);
Example #9
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            ROS.Init(args, "Talker");
            NodeHandle            node       = new NodeHandle();
            Publisher <m.String>  Talker     = node.advertise <m.String>("/Chatter", 1);
            Subscriber <m.String> Subscriber = node.subscribe <m.String>("/Chatter", 1, chatterCallback);
            int count = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("PRESS ENTER TO QUIT!");
            new Thread(() =>
                while (ROS.ok)
                    ROS.Info("Publishing a chatter message:    \"Blah blah blah " + count + "\"");
                    String pow = new String("Blah blah blah " + (count++));

 private void SetupTopic(string TopicName)
     if (Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName == "devenv")
     if (imagehandle == null)
         imagehandle = new NodeHandle();
     if (imgsub != null && imgsub.topic != TopicName)
         imgsub = null;
     Console.WriteLine("IMG TOPIC " + TopicName);
     if (imgsub != null)
     imgsub = imagehandle.subscribe(new SubscribeOptions <sm.CompressedImage>(TopicName, 1, i => Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
         UpdateImage(ref i.data);
         foreach (SlaveImage si in _slaves)
             si.UpdateImage(ref i.data);
         if (ImageReceivedEvent != null)
         allow_concurrent_callbacks = true
		public ImuSubscriberHelper (NodeHandle nh, string topic, Imu imu)
			imu_ = imu;
			imu_sub_ = nh.subscribe<Imu> ( topic, 1, imuCallback );
		public PoseSubscriberHelper (NodeHandle nh, string topic)
			pose_sub_ = nh.subscribe<PoseStamped> ( topic, 1, poseCallback );
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 订阅更新话题
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        public void SubscribeToPath(string topic)
            lock (this)
                if (pathhandle == null)
                    pathhandle = new NodeHandle();
                if (pathSub != null && pathSub.topic != topic)
                    pathSub = null;
                if (pathSub != null)
                if (tfer == null)
                    tfer = new Transformer(false);

                Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to path at:= " + topic);
                pathSub = pathhandle.subscribe <nm.Path>(topic, 1, i => owner.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    //if (i.polygon.points.Length == 0) return;

                    //if (!tfer.waitForTransform("/map", "/base", i.header.stamp, new m.Duration(new Messages.TimeData(1, 0)), null))
                    //    return ;

                    //emTransform ret = new emTransform();
                    //if (tfer.lookupTransform("/map", "/base", i.header.stamp, out ret))

                    int length = i.poses.Length;
                    for (int index = 0; index < i.poses.Length; index++)
                        Point worldPoint = owner.Map2World(new PointF((float)i.poses[index].pose.position.x, (float)i.poses[index].pose.position.y));
                    //int length = i.polygon.points.Length;
                    //for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
                    //    gm.Point32 p = i.polygon.points[index];

                    //    //Stamped<emVector3> stampVector_in = new Stamped<emVector3>(i.header.stamp, i.header.frame_id, new emVector3(p.x,p.y,p.z));
                    //    //Stamped<emVector3> stamVector_out = new Stamped<emVector3>();
                    //    //tfer.transformVector("map", stampVector_in, ref stamVector_out);

                    //    Point worldPoint = owner.Map2World(new PointF(p.x, p.y));
                    //    pointArray.Add(worldPoint);

                    if (length > 0)
                        startPoint = (Point)pointArray[0];
                        endPoint   = (Point)pointArray[length - 1];
                    owner.LastDataUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
Example #14
        private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            new Thread(() =>
                while (!ROS.isStarted())
                node = new NodeHandle();

                //setup up temporary arrays to make setup clean
                Slider[][] sliders = new[]
                { new [] { MC1_Brigh_Sl, MC1_Cont_Sl, MC1_Exp_Sl, MC1_Gain_Sl, MC1_Sat_Sl, MC1_WBT_Sl, MC1_Foc_Sl },
                  new [] { RC_Brigh_Sl, RC_Cont_Sl, RC_Exp_Sl, RC_Gain_Sl, RC_Sat_Sl, RC_WBT_Sl, RC_Foc_Sl },
                  new [] { MC3_Brigh_Sl, MC3_Cont_Sl, MC3_Exp_Sl, MC3_Gain_Sl, MC3_Sat_Sl, MC3_WBT_Sl, MC3_Foc_Sl },
                  new [] { MC4_Brigh_Sl, MC4_Cont_Sl, MC4_Exp_Sl, MC4_Gain_Sl, MC4_Sat_Sl, MC4_WBT_Sl, MC4_Foc_Sl } };
                Label[][] labels = new[]
                { new[] { MC1_Brigh_Lvl, MC1_Cont_Lvl, MC1_Exp_Lvl, MC1_Gain_Lvl, MC1_Sat_Lvl, MC1_WBT_Lvl, MC1_Foc_Lvl },
                  new[] { RC_Brigh_Lvl, RC_Cont_Lvl, RC_Exp_Lvl, RC_Gain_Lvl, RC_Sat_Lvl, RC_WBT_Lvl, RC_Foc_Lvl },
                  new[] { MC3_Brigh_Lvl, MC3_Cont_Lvl, MC3_Exp_Lvl, MC3_Gain_Lvl, MC3_Sat_Lvl, MC3_WBT_Lvl, MC3_Foc_Lvl },
                  new[] { MC4_Brigh_Lvl, MC4_Cont_Lvl, MC4_Exp_Lvl, MC4_Gain_Lvl, MC4_Sat_Lvl, MC4_WBT_Lvl, MC4_Foc_Lvl } };

                int[] defaults = new int[] { 128, 33, 100, 64, 32, 5315, 16 };

                string[] info = new[] { "camera0", "camera1", "camera2", "camera3" };
                //end setup

                //setup persistent array of slider stuff for storage
                SUBS     = new[] { new SliderStuff[6], new SliderStuff[6], new SliderStuff[6], new SliderStuff[6] };
                initials = new[] { new cm[6], new cm[6], new cm[6], new cm[6] };

                pub_exposureauto = new Publisher <m.Int32> [4];
                //pub_wbtauto = new Publisher<m.Int32>[4];
                pub_focusauto = new Publisher <m.Int32> [4];

                ////// INITIALIZE THIS CAMS PUB AND SUB
                pub = new Publisher <cm> [4];
                sub = new Subscriber <cm>[] { node.subscribe <cm>("/camera0/sliders_info", 1, cb0),
                                              node.subscribe <cm>("/camera1/sliders_info", 1, cb1),
                                              node.subscribe <cm>("/camera2/sliders_info", 1, cb2),
                                              node.subscribe <cm>("/camera3/sliders_info", 1, cb3) };

                for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; i++)
                    //pub_exposureauto[i] = node.advertise<m.Int32>("camera" + i + "/exposureauto", 1);
                    //pub_wbtauto[i] = node.advertise<m.Int32>("camera" + i + "/wbtauto", 1);
                    //pub_focusauto[i] = node.advertise<m.Int32>("camera" + i + "/focusauto", 1);

                    pub[i] = node.advertise <cm>(info[i] + "/sliders", 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                        Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                            SUBS[i][j] = new SliderStuff(node, j, info[i], sliders[i][j], labels[i][j]);
                            SUBS[i][j].Value = defaults[j];
                            if (initials[i][j] != null)
Example #15
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()

            TfTreeManager.Instance.AddListener(vis =>
                //Debug.LogWarning("LaserMeshView has a tfvisualizer now!");
                tfvisualizer = vis;
            if (is_static)
                theCloud = new mesh_pcloud[1];
                GameObject theCloudObject = new GameObject("pointCloudContainer");
                theCloudObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                theCloudObject.AddComponent <mesh_pcloud>();
                theCloud[0] = theCloudObject.GetComponent <mesh_pcloud>();
                print("Starting to load static cloud from " + Mesh_File.name);
                string[] pointLocations = Mesh_File.text.Split('\n');
                string   Version        = pointLocations[1].Split(' ')[1];
                string[] Fields         = pointLocations[2].Split(' ');
                string[] Sizes          = pointLocations[3].Split(' ');
                string[] Type           = pointLocations[4].Split(' ');
                string[] Count          = pointLocations[5].Split(' ');
                int      Width          = Int32.Parse(pointLocations[6].Split(' ')[1]);
                int      Height         = Int32.Parse(pointLocations[7].Split(' ')[1]);
                string[] Viewpoint      = pointLocations[8].Split(' ');
                int      Points         = Int32.Parse(pointLocations[9].Split(' ')[1]);
                string   Data           = pointLocations[10].Split(' ')[1];
                if (Data != "ascii")
                    print("Only ascii pcd format is supported...");
                //theCloud.vertexBuffers[theCloud.whichBuffer] = new Vector3[10 * vertexCount[pointShape]];//[(pointLocations.Length / 6) * vertexCount[pointShape]];
                //theCloud.colorBuffers[theCloud.whichBuffer] = new Color[10 * vertexCount[pointShape]];//[(pointLocations.Length / 6) * vertexCount[pointShape]];
                //theCloud.recalculateTriangles(10, indices[pointShape], vertexCount[pointShape]);

                theCloud[0].vertexBuffers[theCloud[0].whichBuffer] = new Vector3[Points * vertexCount[pointShape]];
                theCloud[0].colorBuffers[theCloud[0].whichBuffer]  = new Color[Points * vertexCount[pointShape]];
                theCloud[0].recalculateTriangles(Points, indices[pointShape], vertexCount[pointShape]);
                for (int i = 11; i < Points + 11; i++)
                        string[] thisPoint = pointLocations[i].Split(' ');
                        float    x         = float.Parse(thisPoint[0]);
                        float    y         = float.Parse(thisPoint[1]);
                        float    z         = float.Parse(thisPoint[2]);
                        Color    c;
                        if (thisPoint[3][0] != 'n')
                            byte[] color = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(float.Parse(thisPoint[3]));
                            c = new Color(color[2] * 0.00392156862F, color[1] * 0.00392156862F, color[0] * 0.00392156862F, 1);
                            c = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
                        addPoint(x, y, z, c);
                    catch (Exception e)
                print("number of points loaded: " + pointNum);
                theCloud[0].whichBuffer        = (theCloud[0].whichBuffer + 1) % 2;
                theCloud[0].updateVertexData   = true;
                theCloud[0].updateColorData    = true;
                theCloud[0].updateTriangleData = true;
                ROS.ROS_HOSTNAME   = "asgard";
                ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = "http://thor:11311";
                ROS.Init(new String[0], "mesh_pcloud_renderer");
                nh = new NodeHandle();
                //nh= rosmaster.getNodeHandle();
                theCloud = new mesh_pcloud[accumulate_data && max_acc_frames > 0 ? max_acc_frames : 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < theCloud.Length; i++)
                    GameObject theCloudObject = new GameObject("pointCloudContainer" + i);
                    theCloudObject.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
                    theCloudObject.AddComponent <mesh_pcloud>();
                    theCloud[i] = theCloudObject.GetComponent <mesh_pcloud>();
                sub                          = nh.subscribe <Messages.sensor_msgs.PointCloud2>(topic_name, 2, subCallback);
                unity_tf_msg                 = new Messages.geometry_msgs.PolygonStamped();
                unity_tf_msg.header          = new Messages.std_msgs.Header();
                unity_tf_msg.polygon         = new Messages.geometry_msgs.Polygon();
                unity_tf_msg.header.frame_id = (is_static ? Mesh_File.name : topic_name);
                unity_tf_msg.polygon.points  = new Messages.geometry_msgs.Point32[3];
                unity_tf_pub                 = nh.advertise <Messages.geometry_msgs.PolygonStamped>("/unity_tf", 10);
                ThreadStart pub_thread_start = new ThreadStart(UnityTFPublisher);
                pub_thread = new Thread(pub_thread_start);
 /// <summary>
 /// subscribe status
 /// </summary>
 void subscribe()
     Subscriber <jp> Listener = node.subscribe <jp>("status", 10, subCallback);
Example #17
    void OnRosInit()
        nh = ROS.GlobalNodeHandle;
//		NodeHandle privateNH = new NodeHandle("~");
        // TODO dynamic reconfig
        string control_mode = "";

        nh.param <string>("control_mode", ref control_mode, "wrench");

//		NodeHandle robot_nh = new NodeHandle ("~");

        // TODO factor out
//		nh.param<string>("base_link_frame", ref baseLinkFrame, "base_link");
//		nh.param<string>("world_frame", ref worldFrame, "world");
//		nh.param<string>("base_stabilized_frame", ref baseStabilizedFrame, "base_stabilized");

        if (control_mode == "wrench")
            wrenchPub         = nh.advertise <Wrench> ("quad_rotor/cmd_force", 10);
            poseSub           = nh.subscribe <PoseStamped> ("quad_rotor/pose", 10, PoseCallback);
            imuSub            = nh.subscribe <Imu> ("quad_rotor/imu", 10, ImuCallback);
            velocityPublisher = nh.advertise <Twist> ("quad_rotor/cmd_vel", 10);

/*		else if (control_mode == "attitude")
 *              {
 * //			nh.param<double>("pitch_max", ref sAxes.x.factor, 30.0);
 * //			nh.param<double>("roll_max", ref sAxes.y.factor, 30.0);
 * //			nh.param<double>("thrust_max", ref sAxes.thrust.factor, 10.0);
 * //			nh.param<double>("thrust_offset", ref sAxes.thrust.offset, 10.0);
 *                      attitudePublisher = nh.advertise<AttitudeCommand> ( "command/attitude", 10 );
 *                      yawRatePublisher = nh.advertise<YawRateCommand> ( "command/yawrate", 10 );
 *                      thrustPublisher = nh.advertise<ThrustCommand> ( "command/thrust", 10 );
 *              }
 *              else if (control_mode == "velocity" || control_mode == "twist")
 *              {
 *                      // Gazebo uses Y=forward and Z=up
 *                      nh.param<double>("x_velocity_max", ref xVelocityMax, 2.0);
 *                      nh.param<double>("y_velocity_max", ref zVelocityMax, 2.0);
 *                      nh.param<double>("z_velocity_max", ref yVelocityMax, 2.0);
 *                      velocityPublisher = nh.advertise<Twist> ( "command/twist", 10 );
 *              }
 *              else if (control_mode == "position")
 *              {
 *                      // Gazebo uses Y=forward and Z=up
 *                      nh.param<double>("x_velocity_max", ref xVelocityMax, 2.0);
 *                      nh.param<double>("y_velocity_max", ref zVelocityMax, 2.0);
 *                      nh.param<double>("z_velocity_max", ref yVelocityMax, 2.0);
 *                      pose.pose.position.x = 0;
 *                      pose.pose.position.y = 0;
 *                      pose.pose.position.z = 0;
 *                      pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
 *                      pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
 *                      pose.pose.orientation.z = 0;
 *                      pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;
 *              }*/
            ROS.Error("Unsupported control mode: " + control_mode);

        motorEnableService = nh.serviceClient <EnableMotors> ("enable_motors");
        resetService       = nh.serviceClient <SetBool.Request, SetBool.Response> ("quad_rotor/reset_orientation");
        gravityService     = nh.serviceClient <SetBool.Request, SetBool.Response> ("quad_rotor/gravity");
//		takeoffClient = new TakeoffClient ( nh, "action/takeoff" );
//		landingClient = new LandingClient ( nh, "action/landing" );
//		poseClient = new PoseClient ( nh, "action/pose" );

        init = true;
Example #18
 public void startListening(NodeHandle node)
     sub = node.subscribe <m.Float32>("/Voltage", 1000, callbackVoltMonitor);
Example #19
 public void startListening(NodeHandle node)
     telemsub[0] = node.subscribe <m.String>("/mc1/telemetry", 1, cb0);
     telemsub[1] = node.subscribe <m.String>("/mc2/telemetry", 1, cb1);
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// 订阅更新话题
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        public void SubscribeToPostion(string topic)
            lock (this)
                if (foothandle == null)
                    foothandle = new NodeHandle();
                if (footSub != null && footSub.topic != topic)
                    footSub = null;
                if (footSub != null)
                if (tfer == null)
                    tfer = new Transformer(false);

                Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to robot_baselink at:= " + topic);
                footSub = foothandle.subscribe <gm.PoseStamped>(topic, 1, i => owner.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    //if (i.polygon.points.Length == 0) return;

                    //if (!tfer.waitForTransform("/map", "/base", i.header.stamp, new m.Duration(new Messages.TimeData(1, 0)), null))
                    //    return ;

                    //emTransform ret = new emTransform();
                    //if (tfer.lookupTransform("/map", "/base", i.header.stamp, out ret))

                    PointF[] vecs = new PointF[3];

                    emVector3 orien = (new emQuaternion(i.pose.orientation)).getRPY();
                    double d1       = 0.3, d2 = 0.1;
                    vecs[0]         = new PointF((float)(i.pose.position.x + d1 * Math.Cos(orien.z)), (float)(i.pose.position.y + d1 * Math.Sin(orien.z)));
                    vecs[1]         = new PointF((float)(i.pose.position.x + d2 * Math.Cos(orien.z + Math.PI / 2)), (float)(i.pose.position.y + d2 * Math.Sin(orien.z + Math.PI / 2)));

                    vecs[2] = new PointF((float)(i.pose.position.x + d2 * Math.Cos(orien.z - Math.PI / 2)), (float)(i.pose.position.y + d2 * Math.Sin(orien.z - Math.PI / 2)));

                    int length = vecs.Length;
                    for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
                        //Stamped<emVector3> stampVector_in = new Stamped<emVector3>(i.header.stamp, i.header.frame_id, new emVector3(p.x,p.y,p.z));
                        //Stamped<emVector3> stamVector_out = new Stamped<emVector3>();
                        //tfer.transformVector("map", stampVector_in, ref stamVector_out);

                        Point worldPoint = owner.Map2World(vecs[index]);
                    if (length > 0)
                        startPoint = (Point)pointArray[0];
                        endPoint   = (Point)pointArray[length - 1];
                    owner.LastDataUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
Example #21
        public void SubscribeToLaserScan(string topic)
            if (laserhandle == null)
                laserhandle = new NodeHandle();
            while (!laserhandle.ok)
            if (laserSub != null && laserSub.topic != topic)
                laserSub = null;
            if (laserSub != null)
            if (tfer == null)
                tfer = new Transformer(false);

            Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to laser_pointCloud at:= " + topic);
            laserSub = laserhandle.subscribe <sm.PointCloud>(topic, 1, i => owner.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    for (int j = 0; j < i.points.Length; j++)
                        Point worldPoint = owner.Map2World(new PointF((float)i.points[j].x, (float)i.points[j].y));

                    //if (!tfer.waitForTransform("map", "base_laser", i.header.stamp, new m.Duration(new Messages.TimeData(1, 0)), null))
                    //    Console.WriteLine("drawLaserScan:wait for tf timeout");
                    //    return;
                    //emTransform ret = new emTransform();
                    //if (tfer.lookupTransform("map", i.header.frame_id, i.header.stamp, out ret))
                    //    pointList.Clear();
                    //    int index = 0;
                    //    double angle = i.angle_min;
                    //    if (i.angle_min >= i.angle_max) return;
                    //    do
                    //    {
                    //        angle += i.angle_increment;
                    //        if (i.ranges[index] >= i.range_min && i.ranges[index] <= i.range_max)
                    //        {
                    //            emVector3 vector = new emVector3(i.ranges[index] * Math.Cos(angle), i.ranges[index] * Math.Sin(angle), 0.0);

                    //            emVector3 origin = new emVector3(0, 0, 0);
                    //            emVector3 output = (ret * vector) - (ret * origin);
                    //            //emVector3 output = ret * vector;

                    //            Point worldPoint = owner.Map2World(new PointF((float)output.x, (float)output.y));
                    //            pointList.Add(worldPoint);
                    //            //pointList.Add(new Point((int)vector.x*,(int)vector.y*10));
                    //        }
                    //        index++;
                    //    } while (angle < i.range_max && index < i.ranges.Length);
                    owner.LastDataUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
                catch (Exception ex)
Example #22
 public void startListening(NodeHandle nh, string TopicName)
     imusub = nh.subscribe<sm.Imu>(TopicName, 1, imu_callback);
Example #23
 public DetectionHelper(NodeHandle node, int cameraNumber, MainWindow w)
     sub = node.subscribe<imgDataArray>("/camera" + cameraNumber + "/detects", 1000, detectCallback);
     this.cameraNumber = cameraNumber;
     primary = w.mainImages[cameraNumber];
     secondary = w.subImages[cameraNumber];
Example #24
 public void startListening(NodeHandle nh, string TopicName)
     imusub = nh.subscribe <sm.Imu>(TopicName, 1, imu_callback);
 public void Resubscribe()
     imgSub = imagehandle.subscribe <sm.Image>(Topic, 1, updateImage);
Example #26
 public void startListening(NodeHandle node)
     telemsub[0] = node.subscribe<m.String>("/mc1/telemetry", 1, cb0);
     telemsub[1] = node.subscribe<m.String>("/mc2/telemetry", 1, cb1);
Example #27
 public void startListening(NodeHandle node)
     sub = node.subscribe <m.Bool>("/estopState", 1000, callbackEStop);
     pub = node.advertise <m.Bool>("/setEstop", 1000);
Example #28
 public void startListening(NodeHandle node)
     sub = node.subscribe<m.Bool>("/estopState", 1000, callbackEStop);
     pub = node.advertise<m.Bool>("/setEstop", 1000);
Example #29
    void OnRosInit()
        nh = ROS.GlobalNodeHandle;
//		NodeHandle privateNH = new NodeHandle("~");

        nh.param <int>("x_axis", ref sAxes.x.axis, 5);
        nh.param <int>("y_axis", ref sAxes.y.axis, 4);
        nh.param <int>("z_axis", ref sAxes.z.axis, 2);
        nh.param <int>("thrust_axis", ref sAxes.thrust.axis, -3);
        nh.param <int>("yaw_axis", ref sAxes.yaw.axis, 1);

        nh.param <double>("yaw_velocity_max", ref sAxes.yaw.factor, 90.0);

        nh.param <int>("slow_button", ref sButtons.slow.button, 4);
        nh.param <int>("go_button", ref sButtons.go.button, 1);
        nh.param <int>("stop_button", ref sButtons.stop.button, 2);
        nh.param <int>("interrupt_button", ref sButtons.interrupt.button, 3);
        nh.param <double>("slow_factor", ref slowFactor, 0.2);

        // TODO dynamic reconfig
        string control_mode = "";

        nh.param <string>("control_mode", ref control_mode, "twist");

        NodeHandle robot_nh = ROS.GlobalNodeHandle;

//		NodeHandle robot_nh = new NodeHandle ();

        // TODO factor out
        robot_nh.param <string>("base_link_frame", ref baseLinkFrame, "base_link");
        robot_nh.param <string>("world_frame", ref worldFrame, "world");
        robot_nh.param <string>("base_stabilized_frame", ref baseStabilizedFrame, "base_stabilized");

        if (control_mode == "attitude")
            nh.param <double>("pitch_max", ref sAxes.x.factor, 30.0);
            nh.param <double>("roll_max", ref sAxes.y.factor, 30.0);
            nh.param <double>("thrust_max", ref sAxes.thrust.factor, 10.0);
            nh.param <double>("thrust_offset", ref sAxes.thrust.offset, 10.0);
            joySubscriber     = nh.subscribe <Joy> ("joy", 1, joyAttitudeCallback);
            attitudePublisher = robot_nh.advertise <AttitudeCommand> ("command/attitude", 10);
            yawRatePublisher  = robot_nh.advertise <YawRateCommand> ("command/yawrate", 10);
            thrustPublisher   = robot_nh.advertise <ThrustCommand> ("command/thrust", 10);
        else if (control_mode == "velocity")
            nh.param <double>("x_velocity_max", ref sAxes.x.factor, 2.0);
            nh.param <double>("y_velocity_max", ref sAxes.y.factor, 2.0);
            nh.param <double>("z_velocity_max", ref sAxes.z.factor, 2.0);

            joySubscriber     = nh.subscribe <Joy> ("joy", 1, joyTwistCallback);
            velocityPublisher = robot_nh.advertise <TwistStamped> ("command/twist", 10);
        else if (control_mode == "position")
            nh.param <double>("x_velocity_max", ref sAxes.x.factor, 2.0);
            nh.param <double>("y_velocity_max", ref sAxes.y.factor, 2.0);
            nh.param <double>("z_velocity_max", ref sAxes.z.factor, 2.0);

            joySubscriber = nh.subscribe <Joy> ("joy", 1, joyPoseCallback);

            pose.pose.position.x    = 0;
            pose.pose.position.y    = 0;
            pose.pose.position.z    = 0;
            pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
            pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
            pose.pose.orientation.z = 0;
            pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;
            ROS.Error("Unsupported control mode: " + control_mode);

        motorEnableService = robot_nh.serviceClient <EnableMotors> ("enable_motors");
        takeoffClient      = new TakeoffClient(robot_nh, "action/takeoff");
        landingClient      = new LandingClient(robot_nh, "action/landing");
        poseClient         = new PoseClient(robot_nh, "action/pose");
 void Start()
     nh  = rosmaster.getNodeHandle();
     sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.std_msgs.String>(topic_name, 1, callback);
Example #31
 public void startListening(NodeHandle nh)
     sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.rosgraph_msgs.Log>("/rosout_agg", 100, callback);
Example #32
 private void InitNodeHandle()
     nh = new NodeHandle();
     nh.subscribe <tfMessage>("/tf", 0, Update);
     nh.subscribe <tfMessage>("/tf_static", 0, Update);
        private void InitNH()
            nh = ROS.GlobalNodeHandle;
//            nh = new NodeHandle();
            nh.subscribe <tfMessage>("/tf", 0, Update);
Example #34
        public void startListening(NodeHandle node)
            sub = node.subscribe<m.Float32>("/Voltage", 1000, callbackVoltMonitor);

Example #35
        /// <summary>
        /// 订阅更新话题
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        public void SubscribeToMap(string topic)
            lock (this)
                if (imagehandle == null)
                    imagehandle = new NodeHandle();
                if (mapSub != null && mapSub.topic != topic)
                    mapSub = null;
                if (mapSub != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to map at:= " + topic);

                lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;

                mapSub = imagehandle.subscribe <nm.OccupancyGrid>(topic, 1, i => owner.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    //if (lastUpdateTime.AddMilliseconds(1000) > DateTime.Now) return;
                    lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;

                    mapResolution       = i.info.resolution;
                    owner.MapResolution = mapResolution;

                    mapHeight = i.info.height;
                    mapWidth  = i.info.width;

                    origin = new PointF((float)i.info.origin.position.x, (float)i.info.origin.position.y);
                    Point left_bottomPoint = owner.Map2World(origin);
                    left_bottomPoint.Offset(-(int)MapHeight, -(int)mapWidth);
                    SetRectangle(left_bottomPoint.X, left_bottomPoint.Y, (int)mapHeight, (int)MapWidth);

                    //if (Width != 0)
                    //    actualResolution = (mapWidth / (float)Width) * mapResolution;
                    //    actualResolution = (mapWidth / (float)ActualWidth) * mapResolution;
                    //if (float.IsNaN(actualResolution) || float.IsInfinity(actualResolution))
                    //    actualResolution = 0;
                    //    MatchAspectRatio();

                    Size size   = new Size((int)i.info.width, (int)i.info.height);
                    byte[] data = createRGBA(i.data);
                    UpdateImage(data, size, false);

                    _originalImage = _image;

                    data = null;
                    if (occupancyGrid == null)
                        owner.PanX = owner.Width / 2 - (rectangle.Width / 2 + rectangle.Left);
                        owner.PanY = owner.Height / 2 - (rectangle.Height / 2 + rectangle.Top);
                    this.occupancyGrid = i;
                    owner.LastDataUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;