public async Task <Object> Report(Int32 id, String token) { var node = DecodeToken(token, Setting.Current.TokenSecret); if (node == null) { throw new ApiException(402, "节点未登录"); } var cmd = NodeCommand.FindByID(id); if (cmd != null && cmd.NodeID == node.ID) { var ms = Request.Body; if (Request.ContentLength > 0) { var rs = cmd.Command switch { "截屏" => await SaveFileAsync(cmd, ms, "png"), "抓日志" => await SaveFileAsync(cmd, ms, "log"), _ => await SaveFileAsync(cmd, ms, "bin"), }; if (!rs.IsNullOrEmpty()) { cmd.Status = CommandStatus.已完成; cmd.Result = rs; cmd.Save(); WriteHistory(node, cmd.Command, true, rs); } } } return(null); }
public override bool VisitNodeCommand(NodeCommand command) { NodeStore nodeStore = _neoStores.NodeStore; Track(nodeStore, command); Track(nodeStore.DynamicLabelStore, command.After.DynamicLabelRecords); return(false); }
public Task <Byte[]> Send(byte nodeID, Command command, byte responseCommandID) { if (nodeID == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(nodeID), nodeID, "nodeID can not be 0"); } if (command == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command)); } return(Exchange(async() => { var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <Command>(); EventHandler <NodeEventArgs> onNodeEventReceived = (_, e) => { if (e.NodeID == nodeID && e.Command.ClassID == command.ClassID && e.Command.CommandID == responseCommandID) { // BugFix: // Task.Run(() => completionSource.TrySetResult(e.Command)); } }; var request = new NodeCommand(nodeID, command); _transmitQueue.Add(request); NodeEventReceived += onNodeEventReceived; try { await WaitForResponse((message) => { return (message is NodeCommandCompleted && ((NodeCommandCompleted)message).CallbackID == request.CallbackID); }).ConfigureAwait(false); try { using (var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()) { cancellationTokenSource.CancelAfter(ResponseTimeout); cancellationTokenSource.Token.Register(() => completionSource.TrySetCanceled(), useSynchronizationContext: false); var response = await completionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); return response.Payload; } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { throw new TimeoutException(); } } finally { NodeEventReceived -= onNodeEventReceived; } }, $"NodeID:{nodeID:D3}, Command:[{command}], Reponse:{responseCommandID}")); }
public async Async.Task SendMessage(Node node, NodeCommand message) { var r = await _context.NodeMessageOperations.Replace(new NodeMessage(node.MachineId, message)); if (!r.IsOk) { _logTracer.WithHttpStatus(r.ErrorV).Error($"failed to replace NodeMessge record for machine_id: {node.MachineId}"); } }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to add or remove a node from the addnode list. ///Or try a connection to a node once. ///Nodes added using addnode (or -connect) are protected from DoS disconnection and are not required to be ///full nodes/support SegWit as other outbound peers are(though such peers will not be synced from). /// </summary> /// <param name="node">The node.</param> /// <param name="command">'add' to add a node to the list, 'remove' to remove a node from the list, 'onetry' to try a connection to the node once.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <string> AddNode(string node, NodeCommand command) { AddNode addNode = new AddNode() { Node = node, NodeCommand = command }; string response = await httpRequest.SendReq(MethodName.addnode, addNode); return(response); }
public Int32 SendCommand(CommandInModel model, String token) { if (model.NodeCode.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model.NodeCode), "必须指定节点"); } if (model.Command.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model.Command)); } var node = Node.FindByCode(model.NodeCode); if (node == null) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(model.NodeCode), "无效节点"); } var app = _tokenService.DecodeToken(token, Setting.Current); if (app == null || app.AllowControlNodes.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("无权操作!"); } if (app.AllowControlNodes != "*" && !node.Code.EqualIgnoreCase(app.AllowControlNodes.Split(","))) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"[{app}]无权操作节点[{node}]!"); } var cmd = new NodeCommand { NodeID = node.ID, Command = model.Command, Argument = model.Argument, //Expire = model.Expire, Times = 1, CreateUser = app.Name, }; if (model.Expire > 0) { cmd.Expire = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(model.Expire); } cmd.Insert(); var queue = _queue.GetQueue <String>($"cmd:{node.Code}"); queue.Add(cmd.ToModel().ToJson()); return(cmd.ID); }
private async Task <String> SaveFileAsync(NodeCommand cmd, Stream ms, String ext) { var file = $"../{cmd.Command}/{DateTime.Today:yyyyMMdd}/{cmd.NodeID}_{cmd.ID}.{ext}"; file.EnsureDirectory(true); using var fs = file.AsFile().OpenWrite(); await ms.CopyToAsync(fs); await ms.FlushAsync(); return(file); }
public PingResponse Ping(PingInfo inf) { var rs = new PingResponse { Time = inf.Time, ServerTime = DateTime.UtcNow, }; var node = Session["Node"] as Node; if (node != null) { var code = node.Code; FixArea(node); node.SaveAsync(); var olt = GetOnline(code, node); if (olt == null) { olt = CreateOnline(code, node); } Fill(olt, inf); olt.Token = Token; olt.PingCount++; olt.SaveAsync(); // 拉取命令 var cmds = NodeCommand.AcquireCommands(node.ID, 100); if (cmds != null) { rs.Commands = cmds.Select(e => new CommandModel { Id = e.ID, Command = e.Command, Argument = e.Argument, }).ToArray(); foreach (var item in cmds) { item.Finished = true; item.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } cmds.Update(true); } } return(rs); }
public async Task <Object> Report(Int32 id) { var node = Session["Node"] as Node; if (node == null) { throw new ApiException(402, "节点未登录"); } var cmd = NodeCommand.FindByID(id); if (cmd != null && cmd.NodeID == node.ID) { var ms = Request.Body; if (Request.ContentLength > 0) { var rs = ""; switch (cmd.Command) { case "截屏": rs = await SaveFileAsync(cmd, ms, "png"); break; case "抓日志": rs = await SaveFileAsync(cmd, ms, "log"); break; default: rs = await SaveFileAsync(cmd, ms, "bin"); break; } if (!rs.IsNullOrEmpty()) { cmd.Result = rs; cmd.Save(); WriteHistory(node, cmd.Command, true, rs); } } } return(null); }
private static CommandModel[] AcquireCommands(Int32 nodeId) { // 缓存最近1000个未执行命令,用于快速过滤,避免大量节点在线时频繁查询命令表 if (_nextTime < DateTime.Now) { _commands = NodeCommand.AcquireCommands(-1, 1000); _nextTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); } // 是否有本节点 if (!_commands.Any(e => e.NodeID == nodeId)) { return(null); } var cmds = NodeCommand.AcquireCommands(nodeId, 100); if (cmds == null) { return(null); } var rs = new List <CommandModel>(); foreach (var item in cmds) { if (item.Times > 10 || item.Expire.Year > 2000 && item.Expire < DateTime.Now) { item.Status = CommandStatus.取消; } else { if (item.Status == CommandStatus.处理中 && item.UpdateTime.AddMinutes(10) < DateTime.Now) { continue; } item.Times++; item.Status = CommandStatus.处理中; rs.Add(item.ToModel()); } item.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } cmds.Update(false); return(rs.ToArray()); }
private static CommandModel[] AcquireCommands(Int32 nodeId) { // 缓存最近1000个未执行命令,用于快速过滤,避免大量节点在线时频繁查询命令表 if (_nextTime < DateTime.Now) { _commands = NodeCommand.AcquireCommands(-1, 1000); _nextTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1); } // 是否有本节点 if (!_commands.Any(e => e.NodeID == nodeId)) { return(null); } var cmds = NodeCommand.AcquireCommands(nodeId, 100); if (cmds == null) { return(null); } var rs = cmds.Select(e => new CommandModel { Id = e.ID, Command = e.Command, Argument = e.Argument, Expire = e.Expire, }).ToArray(); foreach (var item in cmds) { item.Finished = true; item.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; } cmds.Update(false); return(rs); }
public Task Send(byte nodeID, Command command, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (nodeID == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(nodeID), nodeID, "nodeID can not be 0"); } if (command == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command)); } return(Exchange(async() => { var request = new NodeCommand(nodeID, command); _transmitQueue.Add(request); await WaitForResponse((message) => { return (message is NodeCommandCompleted && ((NodeCommandCompleted)message).CallbackID == request.CallbackID); }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return null; }, $"NodeID:{nodeID:D3}, Command:{command}", cancellationToken)); }
public async Async.Task SendMessage(Guid machineId, NodeCommand message, string?messageId = null) { messageId = messageId ?? DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds().ToString(); await Insert(new NodeMessage(machineId, messageId, message)); }
public bool NodeCommand(NodeCommand e) { return(Test(e)); }
private double GetSuccess(NodeCommand command) { int success; if (_successCounter.TryGetValue(command.Description, out success)) { return success; } return _random.NextDouble(); }