public DelegateInfo GetDelegate(NodeClient client, string hash, string addr, bool forceUpdate = false, bool enqueue = false) { try { if (_tzKtUrl == null) { return(client.GetDelegateInfo(addr, hash)); } var str = client.Download(_tzKtUrl + "v1/accounts/" + addr); var @delegate = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TzKt.Account>(str); if (@delegate.type != "delegate") { return(null); } var str_d = client.Download(_tzKtUrl + "v1/accounts/" + addr + "/delegators"); return(new DelegateInfo { balance = @delegate.balance - @delegate.frozenDeposits - @delegate.frozenRewards - @delegate.frozenFees, deactivated = [email protected], staking_balance = @delegate.stakingBalance, bond = @delegate.balance, //@delegate.balance , Hash = hash, delegated_contracts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TzKt.Delegator[]>(str_d).Select(d => d.address).ToList(), NumDelegators = @delegate.numDelegators }); } catch { var di = client.GetDelegateInfo(addr, hash); di.Hash = hash; di.NumDelegators = di.delegated_contracts.Count; return(di ?? new DelegateInfo()); } }
public ContractInfo GetContract(NodeClient client, string hash, string addr, bool enqueue = false) { try { if (_tzKtUrl == null) { return(client.GetContractInfo(hash, addr)); } var str = client.Download(_tzKtUrl + "v1/accounts/" + addr); var contract = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TzKt.Account>(str); return(new ContractInfo { balance = contract.balance - contract.frozenDeposits - contract.frozenRewards - contract.frozenFees, @delegate = contract.@delegate?.address, manager = contract.manager?.address, Hash = hash }); } catch { var ci = client.GetContractInfo(hash, addr); ci.Hash = hash; return(ci ?? new ContractInfo()); } }
public NodeManager(Node[] nodes, HttpClient http, ILogger <Node> logger) { _http = http; _logger = logger; Nodes = nodes; Active = Nodes[0]; Client = new NodeClient(Active.Url, http, logger); }
public static void StartNodeClient() { NodeClientConnection = new Thread(delegate() { Thread.Sleep(1000); NodeClient.Connect(Config.SeedNodes[0]); }); NodeClientConnection.Start(); }
public async Task Connect(NodeInfo nodeInfo, Uri endPoint = null) { if (_node.HasQuit) { return; } if (nodeInfo == null) { return; } var accept = false; lock (_lock) accept = _outgoingConnections.Count <= _maxOutgoingConnections; if (!accept) { return; } if (IsConnected(nodeInfo, true)) { return; } if (endPoint == null) { endPoint = nodeInfo.PublicEndPoint; } var client = new NodeClient(endPoint); var connection = await client.OpenNodeConnection(); if (connection.Connected) { if (Log.LogTrace) { Log.Trace($"NodeServer ({_kademlia.LocalNodeInfo.PublicEndPoint}) connecting {nodeInfo.PublicEndPoint}"); } connection.NodeInfo = nodeInfo; connection.OutgoingConnection = true; connection.ConnectionClosedEvent = ConnectionClosed; connection.ConnectionList = _pendingConnections; lock (_lock) _pendingConnections.Add(connection); TaskRunner.Run(() => connection.Receive(this)); await connection.Send(new NodeInfoMessage(_kademlia.NodeConfiguration, nodeInfo.NodeId) { SignKey = _kademlia.LocalKey }); } }
public void TestMethod1() { Debug.Flush(); var server = new NodeServer(new MessageEncoding(new MessageFactory())); var client = new NodeClient(new MessageEncoding(new MessageFactory())); server.Start(); client.SendMessage(); Thread.Sleep(1000); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize chatbot client /// </summary> /// <returns>chatbot client instance</returns> public AsyncDuplexStreamingCall <ClientMsg, ServerMsg> InitClient() { channel = new Channel(ServerHost, ChannelCredentials.Insecure); var stub = new NodeClient(channel); var stream = stub.MessageLoop(cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token); ClientPost(Hello()); ClientPost(Login(CookieFile, Schema, Secret)); ClientPost(Subscribe("me")); return(stream); }
public BlockHeader GetNodeHeader(Node node) { var client = new NodeClient(node.Url, _http, _logger); try { return(client.GetBlockHeader("head")); } catch (Exception e) { return(null); } }
void AddValidNode(NodeInfo nodeInfo) { if (!nodeInfo.IsPublicEndPoint) { return; } if (nodeInfo.NodeId == LocalId) { return; } if (!_bucket.Contains(nodeInfo.NodeId)) { Log.Trace($"Adding new node {nodeInfo.PublicEndPoint}.", this); } var evictNode = _bucket.AddOrUpdate(nodeInfo); if (evictNode != null) { lock (_lock) { if (_evictionsCount > 8) { return; } _evictionsCount++; } TaskRunner.Run(async() => { var client = new NodeClient(evictNode.PublicEndPoint); var ni = await client.DownloadNodeInfo(); if (ni.ResultType == DownloadResultTypes.Ok) { _bucket.AddOrUpdate(evictNode); } else { _bucket.Remove(evictNode.NodeId); _bucket.AddOrUpdate(nodeInfo); } lock (_lock) { _evictionsCount--; } }); } }
// TODO: For refactoring public string GetStatus(Node node) { var client = new NodeClient(node.Url, _http, _logger); try { var bh = client.GetBlockHeader("head"); return($"{bh.level} ({bh.timestamp}) 🆗"); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.Message); } }
async Task OnBlockData(NodeBlockDataMessage message, NodeConnection connection) { var chainType = message.ChainType; var blockId = message.BlockId; var chainId = message.ChainId; var chainIndex = message.ChainIndex; var chain = _chainManager.GetChain(chainType, chainId, chainIndex); if (chain == null || blockId <= chain.BlockStorage.LastStoredBlockId) { return; } if (message.BlockData != null) { await _node.SyncManager.HandleBlockData(message.BlockData, new HashSet <NodeConnection> { connection }); } else { if (connection.NodeInfo.IsPublicEndPoint || connection.AutoConnect != null) { var client = new NodeClient(connection.NodeInfo.IsPublicEndPoint ? connection.NodeInfo.PublicEndPoint : connection.AutoConnect.EndPoint); var blockData = (await client.DownloadBlockData(chainType, chainId, chainIndex, blockId)).Data; if (blockData != null) { await _node.SyncManager.HandleBlockData(blockData, new HashSet <NodeConnection> { connection }); return; } } _ = connection.Send(new NodeBlockDataRequestMessage(chainType, blockId, chain.ChainId, chainIndex) { SignKey = _node.NodeConfiguration.LocaleNodePrivateKey }); } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize chatbot client /// </summary> /// <returns>chatbot client instance</returns> public AsyncDuplexStreamingCall <ClientMsg, ServerMsg> InitClient() { //ping / 2s and timeout 2s var options = new List <ChannelOption> { new ChannelOption("grpc.keepalive_time_ms", 2000), new ChannelOption("grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms", 2000) }; channel = new Channel(ServerHost, ChannelCredentials.Insecure, options); var stub = new NodeClient(channel); var stream = stub.MessageLoop(cancellationToken: cancellationTokenSource.Token); ClientPost(Hello()); ClientPost(Login(CookieFile, Schema, Secret)); ClientPost(Subscribe("me")); return(stream); }
private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { string nodeBaseUrl = "http://localhost:64149"; INodeClient nodeClient = new NodeClient(nodeBaseUrl); CreateTransactionRequest request = CreateAndSignTransaction( "7e4670ae70c98d24f3662c172dc510a085578b9ccc717e6c2f4e547edd960a34", "f51362b7351ef62253a227a77751ad9b2302f911", "2018-02-10T17:53:48.972Z", 25000, 10, "funds"); Response <Transaction> resposne = await nodeClient.CreateTransaction(request).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine(resposne.Status); VerifyTransaction(request); }
public ClientExampleTest(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) { var all = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); string whisperRpcUrl = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WHISPER_RPC_URL"); string ethereumRpcUrl = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ETHEREUM_RPC_URL"); this._fakeEnsProvider = new FakeEnsProvider(); this._testOutputHelper = testOutputHelper; this._signService = new WhisperSignService(); this._whisperRpc = new WhisperRpc(new Web3(whisperRpcUrl), new WhisperMessageFormatter()); NodeClient = new NodeClient() { EthereumRpc = new EthereumRpc(new Web3(ethereumRpcUrl)), WhisperRpc = _whisperRpc, TransportClient = new TransportClient(_whisperRpc, _signService, new WhisperMessageFormatter()) }; Settings = new VaspTestSettings() { PersonHandshakePrivateKeyHex = "0xe7578145d518e5272d660ccfdeceedf2d55b90867f2b7a6e54dc726662aebac2", PersonSignaturePrivateKeyHex = "0x790a3437381e0ca44a71123d56dc64a6209542ddd58e5a56ecdb13134e86f7c6", VaspSmartContractAddressPerson = "0x6befaf0656b953b188a0ee3bf3db03d07dface61", VaspSmartContractAddressJuridical = "0x08FDa931D64b17c3aCFfb35C1B3902e0BBB4eE5C", VaspSmartContractAddressBank = "0x4Dd7E1E2d5640a06ed81f155f171012F1CD48DAA", JuridicalSignaturePrivateKeyHex = "0x6854a4e4f8945d9fa215646a820fe9a866b5635ffc7cfdac29711541f7b913f9", JuridicalHandshakePrivateKeyHex = "0x502eb0b1a40d5b788b2395394bc6ae47adae61e9f0a9584c4700132914a8ed04", BankHandshakePrivateKeyHex = "0x909aa47d973d34adf9bc44d6e1d755f89b9ca2972da77966336972a602a243db", BankSignaturePrivateKeyHex = "0x9b3aaa8e802a1d42cf112dfc0e035440c451102d358163d345f6b3968415b077", PlaceOfBirth = new PlaceOfBirth(DateTime.UtcNow, "Town X", Country.List["DE"]), NaturalPersonIds = new NaturalPersonId[] { new NaturalPersonId("ID", NaturalIdentificationType.PassportNumber, Country.List["DE"]), }, Bic = "AUZDDEM1XXX", JuridicalIds = new JuridicalPersonId[] { new JuridicalPersonId("ID", JuridicalIdentificationType.BankPartyIdentification, Country.List["DE"]), }, }; }
public ClientExampleTest(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) { var all = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); string whisperRpcUrl = ""; //Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "WHISPER_RPC_URL"); string ethereumRpcUrl = ""; //Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ETHEREUM_RPC_URL"); this._fakeEnsProvider = new FakeEnsProvider(); this._testOutputHelper = testOutputHelper; this._signService = new WhisperSignService(); this._whisperRpc = new WhisperRpc(new Web3(whisperRpcUrl), new WhisperMessageFormatter()); var ethRpc = new EthereumRpc(new Web3(ethereumRpcUrl)); NodeClient = new NodeClient() { EthereumRpc = ethRpc, WhisperRpc = _whisperRpc, TransportClient = new TransportClient(_whisperRpc, _signService, new WhisperMessageFormatter()) }; Settings = new VaspTestSettings() { PersonHandshakePrivateKeyHex = "0xe7578145d518e5272d660ccfdeceedf2d55b90867f2b7a6e54dc726662aebac2", PersonSignaturePrivateKeyHex = "0x790a3437381e0ca44a71123d56dc64a6209542ddd58e5a56ecdb13134e86f7c6", VaspSmartContractAddressPerson = "0x6befaf0656b953b188a0ee3bf3db03d07dface61", VaspSmartContractAddressJuridical = "0x08FDa931D64b17c3aCFfb35C1B3902e0BBB4eE5C", JuridicalSignaturePrivateKeyHex = "0x6854a4e4f8945d9fa215646a820fe9a866b5635ffc7cfdac29711541f7b913f9", JuridicalHandshakePrivateKeyHex = "0x502eb0b1a40d5b788b2395394bc6ae47adae61e9f0a9584c4700132914a8ed04", PlaceOfBirth = new PlaceOfBirth(DateTime.UtcNow, "Town X", Country.List["DE"]), NaturalPersonIds = new NaturalPersonId[] { new NaturalPersonId("ID", NaturalIdentificationType.PassportNumber, Country.List["DE"]), }, JuridicalIds = new JuridicalPersonId[] { new JuridicalPersonId("ID", JuridicalIdentificationType.BankPartyIdentification, Country.List["DE"]), }, }; }
internal async void TestNodes() { while (true) { bot = new TelegramBot(accessToken: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name: "accessKey"]); var nodes = NodeUtils.GetAllNodes(); foreach (var n in nodes) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { var con = new Connection(); con.SetHost(n.IP); con.AutoHost = false; var client = new NodeClient(con); var info = client.EndGetExtendedNodeInfo(client.BeginGetExtendedNodeInfo()); if (n.WentOffLine != null) { var nis = new NisClient(con); if (nis.EndGetStatus(nis.BeginGetStatus()).Code != 6) { continue; } await Nofity( node : n, msg : "Node: " + n.Alias + "\n" + " With IP: " + n.IP + "\nis back online."); n.WentOffLine = null; NodeUtils.UpdateNode(snode: n, chatId: n.OwnedByUser); } if (info.Node.endpoint.Host == n.IP) { ScanTests(n: n); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.Contains("blocked")) { AccountUtils.DeleteAccountsByUser(n.OwnedByUser); NodeUtils.DeleteUserNodes(n.OwnedByUser); UserUtils.DeleteUser(n.OwnedByUser); break; } if (n.WentOffLine == null) { try { await Nofity(node : n, msg : "Node: " + n.Alias + "\n" + "With IP: " + n.IP + " \nis offline or otherwise unreachable. It will be removed from your list of registered nodes in 48 hours if it is not reachable in that time."); } catch (Exception ex) { await Nofity(node : n, msg : "Node: " + n.Alias + "\n" + "With IP: " + n.IP + " \nis offline or otherwise unreachable. It will be removed from your list of registered nodes in 48 hours if it is not reachable in that time."); } n.WentOffLine = DateTime.Now; NodeUtils.UpdateNode(snode: n, chatId: n.OwnedByUser); } else if (n.WentOffLine < DateTime.Now.AddDays(value: -2)) { await Nofity(node : n, msg : "Node: " + n.IP + " has been offline or otherwise unreachable for 48 hours. It will be removed from your list of registered nodes."); NodeUtils.DeleteNode( chatId: (long)n.OwnedByUser, nodes: new List <string> { n.IP }); AccountUtils.DeleteAccount( chatId: (long)n.OwnedByUser, accounts: new List <string> { AccountUtils.GetAccount(add: n.DepositAddress, user: (long)n.OwnedByUser).EncodedAddress } ); } } } } }
async Task <bool> QueryEndPoint(Uri endpoint, bool querySubNodes) { try { if (endpoint == LocalNodeInfo.PublicEndPoint) { return(false); } var client = new NodeClient(endpoint); var nodeInfoResult = (await client.DownloadNodeInfo()); if (nodeInfoResult.ResultType == DownloadResultTypes.Timeout || nodeInfoResult.ResultType == DownloadResultTypes.NotFound) { return(false); } var nodeInfo = nodeInfoResult.Data; if (nodeInfo != null) { if (nodeInfo.NetworkKey != NetworkKey) { Log.Info($"Queryied node not is invalid {nodeInfo.PublicEndPoint}. Wrong network key.", this); return(false); } { if (nodeInfo.NodeId == LocalId) { return(false); } var queryResult = (await client.DownloadKademliaNodes(nodeInfo.NodeKey, LocalId)).Data; if (queryResult != null) { if (nodeInfo.IsPublicEndPoint) { AddValidNode(nodeInfo); } else { Log.Warn($"Node has no public endpoint {endpoint}.", this); } if (querySubNodes) { foreach (var node in queryResult.Nodes) { if (node.IsPublicEndPoint) { var c2 = new NodeClient(node.PublicEndPoint); var ni2 = (await c2.DownloadNodeInfo()).Data; if (ni2 != null && ni2.NetworkKey == NetworkKey && node.NodeKey == ni2.NodeKey) { AddValidNode(ni2); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.IgnoreException(ex, this); Log.Error($"Node is invalid {endpoint}.", this); } return(true); }
private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { string nodeBaseUrl; string minerAddress; if (args.Length < 2) { nodeBaseUrl = "http://localhost:64149"; minerAddress = "9a9f082f37270ff54c5ca4204a0e4da6951fe917"; } else { nodeBaseUrl = args[0]; minerAddress = args[1]; } TimeSpan maxJobDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5); INodeClient nodeClient = new NodeClient(nodeBaseUrl); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); do { stopwatch.Start(); MiningJob job = await GetMiningJob(nodeClient, minerAddress).ConfigureAwait(false); string difficultyCheck = new string('0', job.Difficulty); DateTime dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; ulong nonce = 0; while (nonce < ulong.MaxValue) { string guess = HashUtils.ComputeBlockSha256Hash(job.BlockDataHash, dateCreated, nonce); if (guess.StartsWith(difficultyCheck)) { // block found, send it to the node bool submitted = await SubmitMinedBlock( nodeClient, minerAddress, 5, job.BlockDataHash, dateCreated, nonce, guess).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine($"Submitting mining result {(submitted ? "successful" : "failed")}."); break; } if (maxJobDuration < stopwatch.Elapsed) { stopwatch.Reset(); break; } // get new timestamp on every 100,000 iterations if (nonce % 100000 == 0) { dateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } nonce++; } } while (true); }
async Task DownloadBlock(long blockId, ChainSyncItem chainSyncItem, HashSet <NodeConnection> nodeConnections, int tries = 0) { var retry = false; var sync = chainSyncItem.Sync; try { await sync.DownloadLock.WaitAsync(); SyncDownload download; lock (sync.Lock) { sync.NewBlocks.TryGetValue(blockId, out download); if (download == null) { return; } if (!download.TimedOut && download.Downloading) { return; } download.Downloading = true; download.DownloadTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } nodeConnections = nodeConnections ?? new HashSet <NodeConnection>(); foreach (var connection in nodeConnections) { var nodeInfo = connection.NodeInfo; if (nodeInfo.IsPublicEndPoint && nodeInfo.NodeId != _configuration.LocaleNodeInfo.NodeId) { var client = new NodeClient(nodeInfo.PublicEndPoint); var blockData = (await client.DownloadBlockData(chainSyncItem.ChainType, chainSyncItem.ChainId, chainSyncItem.ChainIndex, blockId)).Data; if (blockData != null) { download.UpdateBlockData(blockData); await HandleBlockData(blockData, nodeConnections); goto end; } else { retry = true; } } } foreach (var endPoint in chainSyncItem.Chain.AvailableEndpoints) { var client = new NodeClient(endPoint.EndPoint); if (endPoint.NodeInfo == null) { endPoint.NodeInfo = (await client.DownloadNodeInfo(_configuration.NetworkPublicKey)).Data; } if (endPoint.NodeInfo != null && endPoint.NodeInfo.NodeId != _configuration.LocaleNodeInfo.NodeId) { var blockData = (await client.DownloadBlockData(chainSyncItem.ChainType, chainSyncItem.ChainId, chainSyncItem.ChainIndex, blockId)).Data; if (blockData != null) { download.UpdateBlockData(blockData); await HandleBlockData(blockData, nodeConnections); goto end; } else { retry = true; } } } foreach (var connection in nodeConnections) { await connection.Send(new NodeBlockDataRequestMessage(chainSyncItem.ChainType, blockId, chainSyncItem.ChainId, chainSyncItem.ChainIndex) { SignKey = _configuration.LocaleNodePrivateKey }); await Task.Delay(50); } end: lock (sync.Lock) { download.Downloading = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.HandleException(ex); } finally { sync.DownloadLock.Release(); } if (retry && tries < 10) { await Task.Delay(50 *(tries + 1)); TaskRunner.Run(() => DownloadBlock(blockId, chainSyncItem, nodeConnections, tries + 1)); } }
public async Task <bool> Start(string[] args, CancellationTokenSource quiteToken) { _quitToken = quiteToken; if (_quitToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return(false); } var dataPath = "heleusdata"; var genesis = false; var sync = false; var run = false; var init = false; var newChainConfig = false; if (args.Length == 1) { dataPath = args[0]; run = true; } else if (args.Length == 2) { dataPath = args[0]; var cmd = args[1]; if (cmd == "init") { init = true; } else if (cmd == "run") { run = true; } else if (cmd == "sync") { sync = true; } else if (cmd == "chainconfig") { newChainConfig = true; } else if (cmd == "genesis") { genesis = true; } else { Usage(); return(false); } } else { Usage(); return(false); } if ((run || sync) && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(dataPath, $"{nameof(NodeConfig).ToLower()}.txt"))) { Usage(); var dp = new DirectoryInfo(dataPath); Log.Error($"Data path {dp.FullName} not initalized.", this); return(false); } Storage = new Storage(dataPath); if (!Storage.IsWriteable) { Log.Fatal($"Data path {Storage.Root} is not writeable!", this); return(false); } if (genesis) { Storage.DeleteDirectory("cache"); Storage.DeleteDirectory("chains"); } PubSub = Log.PubSub = new PubSub(); Log.Write($"Starting Heleus Node (Version {Program.Version})."); Log.Trace($"PID {System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}"); Log.Write($"Data path is '{Storage.Root.FullName}'."); var config = Config.Load <NodeConfig>(Storage); Log.AddIgnoreList(config.LogIgnore); Log.LogLevel = config.LogLevel; if (Program.IsDebugging) { Log.LogLevel = LogLevels.Trace; } if (newChainConfig) { var chainConfig = Config.Load <ChainConfig>(Storage, true); //if (chainConfig.Chains.Count == 0) { Log.Write("Chain config generated."); chainConfig.Chains.Add(new ChainConfig.ChainInfo { ChainKeys = new List <ChainConfig.ChainKeyInfo> { new ChainConfig.ChainKeyInfo { ChainKey = string.Empty, ChainKeyPassword = string.Empty, AttachementKey = -1 } } }); Config.Save(chainConfig); } return(false); } if (init) { Log.Write("Config file generated."); return(false); } if (!genesis) { if (config.NetworkPublicKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Log.Write("Network key not set. Querying beacon nodes."); var beacons = config.BeaconNodes; foreach (var beacon in beacons) { Log.Write($"Querying beacon node {beacon}."); var client = new NodeClient(new Uri(beacon)); var nodeInfo = (await client.DownloadNodeInfo()).Data; if (nodeInfo != null) { config.NetworkPublicKey = nodeInfo.NetworkKey.HexString; Config.Save(config); Log.Write($"Network key set to {config.NetworkPublicKey}."); break; } } } if (config.NetworkPublicKey.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Log.Write("No valid network key found or set.", this); return(false); } } NodeConfiguration = new NodeConfiguration(config, Config.Load <CoreKeyConfig>(Storage, false), Config.Load <ChainConfig>(Storage, false)); Host = new Host(config); AttachementManager = new AttachementManager(this); ChainManager = new ChainManager(this); if (!await ChainManager.Initalize()) { return(false); } if (genesis) { var result = GenesisBlock.Generate(Storage); var blockData = new BlockData <CoreBlock>(result.Block, result.Signature); await ChainManager.Start(false); await ChainManager.CoreChain.BlockStorage.StoreBlock(blockData); ChainManager.ConsumeBlockData(blockData); Log.Write($"Genesis block and keys generated. Network public key: {result.NetworkPublicKey.HexString}."); var coreKeyConfig = Config.Load <CoreKeyConfig>(Storage); coreKeyConfig.Key = result.NetworkVoteKey.HexString; coreKeyConfig.Password = result.NetworkVotePassword; config.NetworkPublicKey = result.NetworkPublicKey.HexString; Config.Save(config); Config.Save(coreKeyConfig); await ChainManager.Stop(); await ChainManager.Start(true); if (result.ServiceTransactions.Count > 0) { foreach (var serviceTransactions in result.ServiceTransactions) { var chainId = serviceTransactions.Key; var transactions = serviceTransactions.Value; var serviceChain = ChainManager.GetServiceChain(chainId); var maintainChain = ChainManager.GetMaintainChain(chainId); if (serviceChain != null) { var generator = new ServiceBlockGenerator(ChainManager.CoreChain, serviceChain, maintainChain, null); foreach (var transaction in transactions) { generator.ConsumeTransaction(transaction); } var serviceBlock = generator.GenerateBlock(0, 0); var serviceBlockData = new BlockData <ServiceBlock>(serviceBlock, new BlockSignatures(serviceBlock)); await serviceChain.BlockStorage.StoreBlock(serviceBlockData); serviceChain.ConsumeBlockData(serviceBlockData); } } } await ChainManager.Stop(); return(false); } SyncManager = new SyncManager(this); await SyncManager.Start(); //if (!await SyncManager.Start()) // return false; if (sync) { Log.Write("Sync done."); return(false); } AttachementManager.Start(); Kademlia = new Kademlia(Storage, this); TransactionManager = new TransactionManager(this); CouncilManager = new CouncilManager(this); NodeServer = new NodeServer(this, config.MaxIncomingConnections, config.MaxOutgoingConnectoins); ClientServer = new ClientServer(this); if (Host.EnableRemoteServices) { ServiceServer = new ServiceServer(); } await(Host as Host).Start(this); return(true); }
async Task <Dictionary <Tuple <int, uint, ChainType>, ChainSyncItem> > GetChainSyncItems() { var chains = new List <Chain.Chain> { _chainManager.CoreChain }; chains.AddRange(_chainManager.ServiceChains.Values); chains.AddRange(_chainManager.DataChains.Values); chains.AddRange(_chainManager.MaintainChains.Values); var chainSyncs = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, uint, ChainType>, ChainSyncItem>(); var remotes = new List <RemoteSyncItem>(); foreach (var chain in chains) { var chainType = chain.ChainType; var chainId = chain.ChainId; var chainIndex = chain.ChainIndex; var chainSync = new ChainSyncItem(chain); chainSyncs.Add(new Tuple <int, uint, ChainType>(chainId, chainIndex, chainType), chainSync); Chain.Chain.CreateRequiredDirectories(_storage, chain.ChainType, chainId, chainIndex, true); var endPoints = chain.AvailableEndpoints; foreach (var endPoint in endPoints) { var client = new NodeClient(endPoint.EndPoint); var nodeInfo = endPoint.NodeInfo; if (nodeInfo == null) { nodeInfo = (await client.DownloadNodeInfo(_configuration.NetworkPublicKey)).Data; } if (nodeInfo != null && !(nodeInfo.NodeId == _configuration.LocaleNodeInfo.NodeId)) { if (endPoint.NodeInfo == null) { endPoint.NodeInfo = nodeInfo; } var lastBlockInfo = (await client.DownloadLastBlockInfo(chainType, chainId, chainIndex)).Data; if (lastBlockInfo != null) { var blockSliceInfo = (await client.DownloadBlockStorageSliceInfo(chainType, chainId, chainIndex)).Data; var transactionSliceInfo = (await client.DownloadTransactionStorageSliceInfo(chainType, chainId, chainIndex)).Data; var remote = new RemoteSyncItem(client, lastBlockInfo); chainSync.AddRemote(remote); if (blockSliceInfo != null) { chainSync.UpdateLowestFoundBlockSliceId(blockSliceInfo.FirstStoredSliceId); } if (transactionSliceInfo != null) { chainSync.UpdateLowestFoundTransactionSliceId(transactionSliceInfo.FirstStoredSliceId); } remotes.Add(remote); } } } } // get latest chain info foreach (var chain in chainSyncs.Values) { var chainType = chain.ChainType; var chainId = chain.ChainId; var chainIndex = chain.ChainIndex; foreach (var remote in chain.Remotes) { var lastBlockInfo = (await remote.Client.DownloadLastBlockInfo(chainType, chainId, chainIndex)).Data; chain.UpdateLastBlockInfo(lastBlockInfo); } } return(chainSyncs); }
public RemoteSyncItem(NodeClient client, LastBlockInfo blockState) { Client = client; LastBlockInfo = blockState; }
internal async void RunBot() { var snodeClient = new SupernodeClient(); try { // get access key from congif var Bot = new TelegramBot(accessToken: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name: "accessKey"]); // insert access token // get "me" var me = Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: new GetMe()).Result; // if me is null, connection failed, maybe incorrect access token if (me == null) { Console.WriteLine(value: "GetMe() FAILED. Do you forget to add your AccessToken to App.config?"); Console.WriteLine(value: "(Press ENTER to quit)"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // print out that connection worked Console.WriteLine(format: "{0} (@{1}) connected!", arg0: me.FirstName, arg1: me.Username); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(format: "Find @{0} in Telegram and send him a message - it will be displayed here", arg0: me.Username); Console.WriteLine(value: "(Press ENTER to stop listening and quit)"); // set message update offset long offset = 0; // run continuously while (!stopMe) { Update[] updates; try { updates = Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: new GetUpdates() { Offset = offset }).Result; } catch (Exception) { Bot = new TelegramBot(accessToken: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[name: "accessKey"]); continue; } // if none, start next iteration of the loop if (updates == null) { continue; } // repeat following for each update foreach (var update in updates) { // declare the first update as checked offset = update.UpdateId + 1; // get the message text var text = update.Message?.Text; // if empty or null, reiterate loop if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value: text)) { continue; } // if message is to register or unregister a node do the following if (text.StartsWith(value: "/registerNode:") && text != "/registerNode:" || text.StartsWith(value: "/unregisterNode:") && text != "/unregisterNode:") { // send message to let the user know the bot is working var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "One moment please.."); await Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request : reqAction); var t = Task.Run( action: () => new NodeManagement().ManageNodes(chat: update.Message.Chat, text: text)); continue; } if (text == "/dailySummary" || text == "/sevenDaySummary" || text == "/thirtyOneDaySummary" || text.StartsWith(value: "/customSummary:")) { var t = Task.Run( action: () => SummaryCreator.GetSummary(text: text, chat: update.Message.Chat)); continue; } // if a user wants to register an account, not linked to a supernode if (text.StartsWith(value: "/registerAccount:") && text != "/registerAccount:") { var t = Task.Run(action: () => new AccountTask().RegisterAccounts(message: update.Message)); continue; } // if a user wants to unregister an account if (text.StartsWith(value: "/unregisterAccount:") && text != "/unregisterAccount:") { var t = Task.Run( action: () => new AccountTask().UnregisterAccount(message: update.Message, text: text)); continue; } if (text.StartsWith(value: "/optInTxsAcc:") && text != "/optInTxsAcc:") { OptIOAccountUtils.OptInTx(message: update.Message); continue; } if (text.StartsWith(value: "/optOutTxsAcc:") && text != "/optOutTxsAcc:") { OptIOAccountUtils.OptOutTx(message: update.Message); continue; } if (text.StartsWith(value: "/optInHarvestingAcc:") && text != "/optInHarvestingAcc:") { OptIOAccountUtils.OptInHarvesting(message: update.Message); continue; } if (text.StartsWith(value: "/optOutHarvestingAcc:") && text != "/optOutHarvestingAcc:") { OptIOAccountUtils.OptOutHarvesting(message: update.Message); continue; } switch (text) { case "/registerAccount:": { var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To register an account, use the command \"/registerAccount:\" followed by a comma delimited list of accounts"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); continue; } case "/unregisterAccount:": { var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To unregister an account, use the commmand \"/unregisterAccount:\" followed by a comma delimited list of accounts"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); continue; } case "/registerNode:": { var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To register a node, use the command \"/registerNode:\" followed by a comma delimited list of IP addresses. Addresses consisting of characters are also supported. eg."); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); continue; } case "/unregisterNode:": { var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To unregister a node, use the commmand \"/unregisterNode:\" followed by a comma delimited list of IP addresses"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); continue; } case "/deleteAccount": { UserUtils.DeleteUser(update.Message.Chat.Id); var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "You Account has been removed"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); continue; } case "/start": { UserUtils.AddUser(userName: update.Message.From.Username, chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id); var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "Hello. \n\n" + "Please start by registering a supernode or NEM acccount. \n" + "When you register a supernode, the deposit account of the supernode is" + " automatically registered under your username and you will start to " + "recieve notifications about failed supernode tests, any transactions " + "associated with the deposit account as well as any blocks the deposit account of each node harvests\n\n" + "If you dont want to get notifications about the supernode depsoit account, simply unregister the " + "account by using the \"/unregisterAccount:\" command followed by the account address you wish to unregister." + "This does not unregister your supernode, rather, only the deposit account associated with it\n\n" + "You can also in opt out of specific notification types for each node or NEM account you have registered. " + "Check out the \"/optIO\" command for more details. You are automatically opted in for all notifications when you register a node or nem account.\n\n" + "Use the \"/myDetails\" command to see the nodes and accounts you have registered, what notifications they are signed up for and some additional information. \n\n" ) { ReplyMarkup = KeyBoards.MainMenu }; Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); continue; } case "/myDetails": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "One moment please.."); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); var t = Task.Run(action: () => new MyDetailsTask().ReturnMyDetails(message: update.Message)); continue; } case "/summary": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "Use the commands below to generate a summary for your accounts. " + "Include a number after custom summary to get a summary of any given" + " days up to the current day") { ReplyMarkup = KeyBoards.SummaryMenu }; Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/help": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "") { ReplyMarkup = KeyBoards.MainMenu }; Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/back": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "Main menu") { ReplyMarkup = KeyBoards.MainMenu }; Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optIO": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "Use any of the commands below to opt in or out of any particular notification types. " + "You can either opt in or out of notification types globally for all accounts registered to you" + " or selectively per account.") { ReplyMarkup = KeyBoards.OptMenu }; Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optInTxsAcc:": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To opt into transaction notifications for a given account or accounts, use the \"/optInTxsAcc:\" command, " + "followed by a list of comma delimeted addresses "); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optOutTxsAcc:": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To opt out of transaction notifications for a given account or accounts, " + "use the \"/optOutTxsAcc:\" command, followed by a list of comma delimeted addresses "); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optInHarvestingAcc:": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To opt into harvesting notifications for a given account or accounts, " + "use the \"/optInHarvestingAcc:\" command, followed by a list of comma delimeted addresses "); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optOutHarvestingAcc:": { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "To opt out of harvesting notifications for a given account or accounts, " + "use the \"/optOutHarvestingAcc:\" command, followed by a list of comma delimeted addresses "); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optInTxsGlobal": { var accs = AccountUtils.GetAccountByUser(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id); foreach (var acc in accs) { acc.CheckTxs = true; } AccountUtils.UpdateAccount(accs: accs, user: update.Message.Chat.Id); var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "You have opted into transaction notifications"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optOutTxsGlobal": { var accs = AccountUtils.GetAccountByUser(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id); foreach (var acc in accs) { acc.CheckTxs = false; } AccountUtils.UpdateAccount(accs: accs, user: update.Message.Chat.Id); var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "You have opted out of transaction notifications"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optInHarvestingGlobal": { var accs = AccountUtils.GetAccountByUser(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id); foreach (var acc in accs) { acc.CheckBlocks = true; } AccountUtils.UpdateAccount(accs: accs, user: update.Message.Chat.Id); var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "You have opted into harvesting notifications"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/optOutHarvestingGlobal": { var accs = AccountUtils.GetAccountByUser(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id); foreach (var acc in accs) { acc.CheckBlocks = false; } AccountUtils.UpdateAccount(accs: accs, user: update.Message.Chat.Id); var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "You have opted out of harvesting notifications"); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } case "/harvestingSpace": { var reqAction = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "One moment please.."); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: reqAction); var freeNodes = new List <string>(); var nodeClient = new NodeClient(); snodeClient.BeginGetSupernodes(ar => { var r = new Random(); for (var index = r.Next(minValue: 0, maxValue: 320); index < 400; index++) { var node =[index: index]; nodeClient.Connection.SetHost(host: node.ip); nodeClient.BeginGetUnlockedInfo(ar2 => { if (ar2.Content.NumUnlocked < ar2.Content.MaxUnlocked) { freeNodes.Add(item: node.ip); } }).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); if (freeNodes.Count == 3) { break; } } var message = string.Join(separator: "\n", values: freeNodes); var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: message); Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); }, 1); continue; } default: { var req = new SendMessage(chatId: update.Message.Chat.Id, text: "Main menu") { ReplyMarkup = KeyBoards.MainMenu }; Bot.MakeRequestAsync(request: req); continue; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("tele scanner line 478 " + e.StackTrace); } }
async Task Loop() { while (!_node.HasQuit) { try { var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var nodeInfo = _kademlia.GetRandomNode(); if (nodeInfo != null) { if (!IsConnected(nodeInfo.NodeId)) { await Connect(nodeInfo); } count++; } } if (count == 0 && ConnectionCount <= 2) { foreach (var beacon in _node.NodeConfiguration.BeaconNodes) { var client = new NodeClient(beacon); var nodeInfo = (await client.DownloadNodeInfo(_kademlia.NetworkKey)).Data; if (nodeInfo != null && !IsConnected(nodeInfo.NodeId)) { await Connect(nodeInfo, beacon); } } } foreach (var item in _autoConnect) { if (item.NodeInfo == null) { var client = new NodeClient(item.EndPoint); item.NodeInfo = (await client.DownloadNodeInfo(_kademlia.NetworkKey)).Data; if (item.NodeInfo != null) { lock (_lock) { _trustedNodeIds.Add(item.NodeInfo.NodeId); } } } if (item.NodeInfo != null) { if (!IsConnected(item.NodeInfo, true)) { await Connect(item.NodeInfo, item.EndPoint); } } } var close = new List <NodeConnection>(); lock (_lock) { foreach (var incoming in _incomingConnections) { foreach (var outgoing in _outgoingConnections) { if (incoming.NodeInfo.NodeId == outgoing.NodeInfo.NodeId) { close.Add(incoming); } } } } foreach (var conn in close) { await conn.Close(DisconnectReasons.AlreadyConnected); } await Task.Delay(Time.Seconds(5), _node.QuitToken); if (_node.HasQuit) { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.IgnoreException(ex, this); } } }
public static async Task CreateAndSignFaucetTransaction(string recipientAddress, long value) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("CREATING TRANSACTION FROM FAUCET"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------\n"); string dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"); TransactionData transactionData = new TransactionData { From = faucetAddress, To = recipientAddress, Value = value, Fee = 10, DateCreated = dateTime, Data = "faucetTX", SenderPubKey = faucetPublicKey }; string transactionJson = JsonUtils.Serialize(transactionData, false); Console.WriteLine("Transaction (JSON): {0}\n\n", transactionJson); byte[] transactionDataHash = HashUtils.ComputeSha256(transactionJson.GetBytes()); var tranSignature = EncryptionUtils.Sign(transactionDataHash, faucetPrivateKey); CreateTransactionRequest signedTransaction = CreateTransactionRequest.FromTransactionData(transactionData); signedTransaction.SenderSignature = new string[] { tranSignature[0].ToString(16), tranSignature[1].ToString(16) }; string signedTranJson = JsonUtils.Serialize(signedTransaction); Console.WriteLine("\nSigned transaction (JSON):"); Console.WriteLine(signedTranJson); var nodeClient = new NodeClient("http://localhost:64149"); Response <Transaction> response; int retries = 0; do { response = await nodeClient.CreateTransaction(signedTransaction).ConfigureAwait(false); retries++; } while (response.Status == Status.Failed && retries <= 5); if (response.Status == Status.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Transaction submitted to blockchain!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Transaction unsuccessful!"); foreach (var error in response.Errors) { Console.WriteLine($"Error: {error}"); } } }
public decimal GetBalance(NodeClient client, string hash, string addr) { return(GetContract(client, hash, addr).balance / 1000000M); }