Example #1
         * Creates a new Link, or retrieves an existing one, from a NodeAddress
         * @param addr
         *            The NodeAddress of the Node to connect to
         * @return A new Link connected to the node at the given NodeAddress
         * @//throws JCSPNetworkException
         *             Thrown if anything goes wrong during the connection
        public static Link getLink(NodeAddress addr)
        ////throws JCSPNetworkException
            // Log start of creation
            Node.log.log(typeof(LinkFactory), "Trying to get link to " + addr.toString());

            // Create Link from address
            Link toReturn = addr.createLink();

            Console.WriteLine("Finished creating link NodeID " + toReturn.remoteID);

            // Now attempt to connect the Link. If connect fails, then the opposite node already has a connection to us.
            // This may occur during connection if the opposite end registered its Link prior to us doing so. In such
            // a circumstance, the Link should eventually appear in the LinkManager.
            if (!toReturn.connect())
                // Connect failed. Get NodeID of remote Node (this will have been set during the connect operation)
                NodeID remoteID = toReturn.getRemoteNodeID();

                // Log failed connect
                Node.log.log(typeof(LinkFactory), "Failed to connect to " + remoteID.toString());
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to " + remoteID.toString());
                // Set the Link to return to null
                toReturn = null;

                // Loop until the Link is connected. This is a possible weakness. Although it is believed that the
                // opposite end will eventually connect, we may have a problem if this continually loops. For information,
                // log every attempt.
                while (toReturn == null)
                        // Go to sleep for a bit, and give the Link a chance to register

                        // Log start of attempt
                        Node.log.log(typeof(LinkFactory), "Attempting to retrieve Link to " + remoteID.toString());

                        // Retrieve Link from LinkManager
                        toReturn = LinkManager.getInstance().requestLink(remoteID);
                    catch (ThreadInterruptedException ie)
                        // Ignore. Should never really happen
                // Return the Link retrieved from the LinkManager

            // Connection succeeded. Register Link with the LinkManager

            // Now start the Link
            new ProcessManager(toReturn).start();

            // Return the Link