public void MidReturns6CharsIfLastIsNotSpace5Otherwise([Values("123456 ", "sabcdef ", "1.000123 ", "987654321", "wkfjdsjfk")] string mids) { //Test that we can store 5 chars if the last character isnt a space, otherwise reduce to 5 int expected; var sut2 = new Nino(mids); if (sut2.HasTrailingSpace) { expected = 5; } else { expected = 6; } var actual = sut2.Mid.Length; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void NinoIsNotNull() { var sut2 = new Nino("12ABC12"); Assert.That(_sut, Is.Not.Null, "Null with empty constructor"); Assert.That(sut2, Is.Not.Null, "Null with single constructor"); }
public void AlphaOrSpaceRightReturnsIsValidTrue([Values("wf12345a ", "ab123456a", "ab123456z")] string ends) { //Checks that the last character is either alphabetic or space var sut2 = new Nino(ends); var actual = sut2.IsEcsValid(); Assert.AreEqual(actual, true); }
public void NinoWithExactly9CharsIsValid([Values("ab123346a", "xz54321y ", "JG773479B")] string nino) { //Expected true as they match the criteria var sut2 = new Nino(nino); var actual = sut2.IsEcsValid(); Assert.AreEqual(actual, true); }
public void Right1CharIsSpaceGivesTrailingSpaceTrue([Values("123 ", "sabc ", "1.000 ", " ")] string ends) { //Test that we can get the right space if one exists var sut2 = new Nino(ends); var actual = sut2.HasTrailingSpace; Assert.AreEqual(actual, true); }
public void AllAlphaRightReturnsIsValidTrue([Values("wf12345a ", "ab123456a", "ef123456z", "za123456c", "WF123456A")] string starts) { //Return true as are all valid returns for this test var sut2 = new Nino(starts); var actual = sut2.IsEcsValid(); Assert.AreEqual(actual, true); }
public void NonAlphaRightReturnsIsValidFalse([Values("ab1234567", "ab123456_", "ab123456.", "ab123456-", @"ab123456\")] string ends) { //Tests that the last character is alphabetic var sut2 = new Nino(ends); var actual = sut2.IsEcsValid(); Assert.AreEqual(actual, false); }
public void NinoWithout9CharsIsInvalid([Values("", " ", "12345678", "0.123456", "abcdefghi")] string nino) { //Expected false as there aren't exactly 9 characters var sut2 = new Nino(nino); var actual = sut2.IsEcsValid(); Assert.AreEqual(actual, false); }
public void NonAlphaLeftReturnsIsValidFalse([Values(" 123456a", "123456c", "b1234567.", @"a 123456z", @"\\123456z", "-1.0000000")] string starts) { // var sut2 = new Nino(starts); var actual = sut2.IsEcsValid(); Assert.AreEqual(actual, false); }
public void Left2CharIsCorrect([Values("abc1", "jg123456a", "yz992415d")] string nino, [Values("ab", "jg", "yz")] string expect) { //Test that we can get the first 2 characters var expected = expect; var sut2 = new Nino(nino); var actual = sut2.Left; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void RightCharIsCorrect([Values("ab123456b", "jg123456a", "yz992415d")] string nino, [Values("b", "a", "d")] string expect) { //Test that we can get the last character var expected = expect; var sut2 = new Nino(nino); var actual = sut2.Right; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void MidReturnsCorrectChars([Values("ab123456a", "abcdefghijkl", "!£$%^&*(){}")] string inputs, [Values("123456", "cdefgh", "$%^&*(")] string expect) { //Test that we can get the middle 6 values, no matter the length var sut2 = new Nino(inputs); var expected = expect; var actual = sut2.Mid; Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected); }
public void Setup() => _sut = new Nino();