Example #1
        public void Process(Context context)
            if (Nickname.Length > MAX_LENGTH)
                Nickname = Nickname.Substring(0, MAX_LENGTH);

            context.Server.Database.UpdateNickname(context.User, Nickname);

            var updatedFriendsList = new FriendsList(context.User);

            context.Server.Database.QueryFriends(context.User).ForEach(friend =>
                var friendSession = context.Server.GetSession(friend);
                if (friendSession != null)
Example #2
        public PK6 convertToPK6()
            PK6 pk6 = new PK6 // Convert away!
                EncryptionConstant = PID,
                Species            = Species,
                TID     = TID,
                SID     = SID,
                EXP     = EXP,
                PID     = PID,
                Ability = Ability

            int[] abilities = PersonalInfo.Abilities;
            int   abilval   = Array.IndexOf(abilities, Ability);

            if (abilval >= 0)
                pk6.AbilityNumber = 1 << abilval;
            else // Fallback (shouldn't happen)
                if (HiddenAbility)
                    pk6.AbilityNumber = 4;                // Hidden, else G5 or G3/4 correlation.
                    pk6.AbilityNumber = Gen5 ? 1 << (int)(PID >> 16 & 1) : 1 << (int)(PID & 1);
            pk6.Markings = Markings;
            pk6.Language = Language;

            pk6.CNT_Cool   = CNT_Cool;
            pk6.CNT_Beauty = CNT_Beauty;
            pk6.CNT_Cute   = CNT_Cute;
            pk6.CNT_Smart  = CNT_Smart;
            pk6.CNT_Tough  = CNT_Tough;

            // Cap EVs
            pk6.EV_HP  = EV_HP > 252 ? 252 : EV_HP;
            pk6.EV_ATK = EV_ATK > 252 ? 252 : EV_ATK;
            pk6.EV_DEF = EV_DEF > 252 ? 252 : EV_DEF;
            pk6.EV_SPA = EV_SPA > 252 ? 252 : EV_SPA;
            pk6.EV_SPD = EV_SPD > 252 ? 252 : EV_SPD;
            pk6.EV_SPE = EV_SPE > 252 ? 252 : EV_SPE;

            pk6.Move1 = Move1;
            pk6.Move2 = Move2;
            pk6.Move3 = Move3;
            pk6.Move4 = Move4;

            pk6.Move1_PPUps = Move1_PPUps;
            pk6.Move2_PPUps = Move2_PPUps;
            pk6.Move3_PPUps = Move3_PPUps;
            pk6.Move4_PPUps = Move4_PPUps;

            // Fix PP
            pk6.Move1_PP = pk6.getMovePP(pk6.Move1, pk6.Move1_PPUps);
            pk6.Move2_PP = pk6.getMovePP(pk6.Move2, pk6.Move2_PPUps);
            pk6.Move3_PP = pk6.getMovePP(pk6.Move3, pk6.Move3_PPUps);
            pk6.Move4_PP = pk6.getMovePP(pk6.Move4, pk6.Move4_PPUps);

            pk6.IV_HP       = IV_HP;
            pk6.IV_ATK      = IV_ATK;
            pk6.IV_DEF      = IV_DEF;
            pk6.IV_SPA      = IV_SPA;
            pk6.IV_SPD      = IV_SPD;
            pk6.IV_SPE      = IV_SPE;
            pk6.IsEgg       = IsEgg;
            pk6.IsNicknamed = IsNicknamed;

            pk6.FatefulEncounter = FatefulEncounter;
            pk6.Gender           = Gender;
            pk6.AltForm          = AltForm;
            pk6.Nature           = Nature;

            pk6.Nickname = Nickname.Length > 1 && !IsNicknamed
                ? Nickname[0] + Nickname.Substring(1).ToLower() // Decapitalize
                : Nickname;

            pk6.Version = Version;

            pk6.OT_Name = OT_Name;

            // Dates are kept upon transfer
            pk6.MetDate    = MetDate;
            pk6.EggMetDate = EggMetDate;

            // Locations are kept upon transfer
            pk6.Met_Location = Met_Location;
            pk6.Egg_Location = Egg_Location;

            pk6.PKRS_Strain = PKRS_Strain;
            pk6.PKRS_Days   = PKRS_Days;
            pk6.Ball        = Ball;

            // OT Gender & Encounter Level
            pk6.Met_Level     = Met_Level;
            pk6.OT_Gender     = OT_Gender;
            pk6.EncounterType = EncounterType;

            // Ribbon Decomposer (Contest & Battle)
            byte contestribbons = 0;
            byte battleribbons  = 0;

            // Contest Ribbon Counter
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Sinnoh 3, Hoenn 1
                if ((Data[0x60] >> i & 1) == 1)
                if (((Data[0x61] >> i) & 1) == 1)
                if (((Data[0x3C] >> i) & 1) == 1)
                if (((Data[0x3D] >> i) & 1) == 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // Sinnoh 4, Hoenn 2
                if (((Data[0x62] >> i) & 1) == 1)
                if (((Data[0x3E] >> i) & 1) == 1)

            // Battle Ribbon Counter
            // Winning Ribbon
            if ((Data[0x3E] & 0x20) >> 5 == 1)
            // Victory Ribbon
            if ((Data[0x3E] & 0x40) >> 6 == 1)
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)     // Sinnoh Battle Ribbons
                if (((Data[0x24] >> i) & 1) == 1)

            // Fill the Ribbon Counter Bytes
            pk6.RibbonCountMemoryContest = contestribbons;
            pk6.RibbonCountMemoryBattle  = battleribbons;

            // Copy Ribbons to their new locations.
            int bx30 = 0;

            // bx30 |= 0;                             // Kalos Champ - New Kalos Ribbon
            bx30 |= ((Data[0x3E] & 0x10) >> 4) << 1; // Hoenn Champion
            bx30 |= ((Data[0x24] & 0x01) >> 0) << 2; // Sinnoh Champ
            // bx30 |= 0;                             // Best Friend - New Kalos Ribbon
            // bx30 |= 0;                             // Training    - New Kalos Ribbon
            // bx30 |= 0;                             // Skillful    - New Kalos Ribbon
            // bx30 |= 0;                             // Expert      - New Kalos Ribbon
            bx30          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x01) >> 0) << 7; // Effort Ribbon
            pk6.Data[0x30] = (byte)bx30;

            int bx31 = 0;

            bx31          |= ((Data[0x24] & 0x80) >> 7) << 0; // Alert
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x01) >> 0) << 1; // Shock
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x02) >> 1) << 2; // Downcast
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x04) >> 2) << 3; // Careless
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x08) >> 3) << 4; // Relax
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x10) >> 4) << 5; // Snooze
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x20) >> 5) << 6; // Smile
            bx31          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x40) >> 6) << 7; // Gorgeous
            pk6.Data[0x31] = (byte)bx31;

            int bx32 = 0;

            bx32          |= ((Data[0x25] & 0x80) >> 7) << 0; // Royal
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x01) >> 0) << 1; // Gorgeous Royal
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x3E] & 0x80) >> 7) << 2; // Artist
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x02) >> 1) << 3; // Footprint
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x04) >> 2) << 4; // Record
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x10) >> 4) << 5; // Legend
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x10) >> 4) << 6; // Country
            bx32          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x20) >> 5) << 7; // National
            pk6.Data[0x32] = (byte)bx32;

            int bx33 = 0;

            bx33          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x40) >> 6) << 0; // Earth
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x80) >> 7) << 1; // World
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x27] & 0x04) >> 2) << 2; // Classic
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x27] & 0x08) >> 3) << 3; // Premier
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x08) >> 3) << 4; // Event
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x40) >> 6) << 5; // Birthday
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x80) >> 7) << 6; // Special
            bx33          |= ((Data[0x27] & 0x01) >> 0) << 7; // Souvenir
            pk6.Data[0x33] = (byte)bx33;

            int bx34 = 0;

            bx34          |= ((Data[0x27] & 0x02) >> 1) << 0; // Wishing Ribbon
            bx34          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x02) >> 1) << 1; // Battle Champion
            bx34          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x04) >> 2) << 2; // Regional Champion
            bx34          |= ((Data[0x3F] & 0x08) >> 3) << 3; // National Champion
            bx34          |= ((Data[0x26] & 0x20) >> 5) << 4; // World Champion
            pk6.Data[0x34] = (byte)bx34;

            // Write Transfer Location - location is dependent on 3DS system that transfers.
            pk6.Country       = PKMConverter.Country;
            pk6.Region        = PKMConverter.Region;
            pk6.ConsoleRegion = PKMConverter.ConsoleRegion;

            // Write the Memories, Friendship, and Origin!
            pk6.CurrentHandler = 1;
            pk6.HT_Name        = PKMConverter.OT_Name;
            pk6.HT_Gender      = PKMConverter.OT_Gender;
            pk6.Geo1_Region    = PKMConverter.Region;
            pk6.Geo1_Country   = PKMConverter.Country;
            pk6.HT_Intensity   = 1;
            pk6.HT_Memory      = 4;
            pk6.HT_Feeling     = (int)(Util.rnd32() % 10);
            // When transferred, friendship gets reset.
            pk6.OT_Friendship = pk6.HT_Friendship = PersonalInfo.BaseFriendship;

            // Antishiny Mechanism
            ushort LID = (ushort)(PID & 0xFFFF);
            ushort HID = (ushort)(PID >> 0x10);

            int XOR = TID ^ SID ^ LID ^ HID;

            if (XOR >= 8 && XOR < 16) // If we get an illegal collision...
                pk6.PID ^= 0x80000000;

            // HMs are not deleted 5->6, transfer away (but fix if blank spots?)

            // Decapitalize
            if (!pk6.IsNicknamed && pk6.Nickname.Length > 1)
                pk6.Nickname = char.ToUpper(pk6.Nickname[0]) + pk6.Nickname.Substring(1).ToLower();

            // Fix Name Strings
            pk6.Nickname = pk6.Nickname
                           .Replace('\u2467', '\u00d7') // ×
                           .Replace('\u2468', '\u00f7') // ÷
                           .Replace('\u246c', '\u2026') // …

                           .Replace('\u246d', '\uE08E') // ♂
                           .Replace('\u246e', '\uE08F') // ♀
                           .Replace('\u246f', '\uE090') // ♠
                           .Replace('\u2470', '\uE091') // ♣
                           .Replace('\u2471', '\uE092') // ♥
                           .Replace('\u2472', '\uE093') // ♦
                           .Replace('\u2473', '\uE094') // ★
                           .Replace('\u2474', '\uE095') // ◎

                           .Replace('\u2475', '\uE096') // ○
                           .Replace('\u2476', '\uE097') // □
                           .Replace('\u2477', '\uE098') // △
                           .Replace('\u2478', '\uE099') // ◇
                           .Replace('\u2479', '\uE09A') // ♪
                           .Replace('\u247a', '\uE09B') // ☀
                           .Replace('\u247b', '\uE09C') // ☁
                           .Replace('\u247d', '\uE09D') // ☂

            pk6.OT_Name = pk6.OT_Name
                          .Replace('\u2467', '\u00d7') // ×
                          .Replace('\u2468', '\u00f7') // ÷
                          .Replace('\u246c', '\u2026') // …

                          .Replace('\u246d', '\uE08E') // ♂
                          .Replace('\u246e', '\uE08F') // ♀
                          .Replace('\u246f', '\uE090') // ♠
                          .Replace('\u2470', '\uE091') // ♣
                          .Replace('\u2471', '\uE092') // ♥
                          .Replace('\u2472', '\uE093') // ♦
                          .Replace('\u2473', '\uE094') // ★
                          .Replace('\u2474', '\uE095') // ◎

                          .Replace('\u2475', '\uE096') // ○
                          .Replace('\u2476', '\uE097') // □
                          .Replace('\u2477', '\uE098') // △
                          .Replace('\u2478', '\uE099') // ◇
                          .Replace('\u2479', '\uE09A') // ♪
                          .Replace('\u247a', '\uE09B') // ☀
                          .Replace('\u247b', '\uE09C') // ☁
                          .Replace('\u247d', '\uE09D') // ☂

            // Fix Checksum

            return(pk6); // Done!
Example #3
        public void Load()
            if (this.ID == 0)
                this.LoginName        = "Guest";
                this.PasswordHash     = "";
                this.Nickname         = "";
                this.BirthDay         = "";
                this.Email            = "";
                this.FirstName        = "";
                this.LastName         = "";
                this.StreetAddress    = "";
                this.State            = "";
                this.City             = "";
                this.Country          = "";
                this.VerificationHash = "";
                this.Notes            = "";
                this.MemberData       = "";
                this.SecurityQuestion = "";
                this.SecurityAnswer   = "";
                this.PIN = "0000";

                this.ID        = 0;
                this.ZIP       = 0;
                this.Authority = 0;
                this.Cash      = 0;

                this.EmailVerified = false;
                this.RequestSecure = false;
                this.GlobalSession = false;
                this.IsValid       = false;


            MySqlCommand MemberLoadQuery = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM members WHERE ID=@ID", SqlConnection);

            MemberLoadQuery.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", this.ID);

            while (Executing)

            Executing = true;
            using (MySqlDataReader MemberLoadReader = MemberLoadQuery.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow))
                if (MemberLoadReader.Read())
                    this.LoginName        = MemberLoadReader.GetString("LoginName");
                    this.PasswordHash     = MemberLoadReader.GetString("PasswordHash");
                    this.Nickname         = MemberLoadReader.GetString("Nickname");
                    this.BirthDay         = MemberLoadReader.GetString("BirthDay");
                    this.Email            = MemberLoadReader.GetString("Email");
                    this.FirstName        = MemberLoadReader.GetString("FirstName");
                    this.LastName         = MemberLoadReader.GetString("LastName");
                    this.StreetAddress    = MemberLoadReader.GetString("StreetAddress");
                    this.State            = MemberLoadReader.GetString("State");
                    this.City             = MemberLoadReader.GetString("City");
                    this.Country          = MemberLoadReader.GetString("Country");
                    this.VerificationHash = MemberLoadReader.GetString("VerificationHash");
                    this.Notes            = MemberLoadReader.GetString("Notes");
                    this.MemberData       = MemberLoadReader.GetString("MemberData");
                    this.SecurityQuestion = MemberLoadReader.GetString("SecurityQuestion");
                    this.SecurityAnswer   = MemberLoadReader.GetString("SecurityAnswer");
                    this.PIN             = MemberLoadReader.GetString("PIN");
                    this.NameFontColor   = MemberLoadReader.GetString("NameFontColor");
                    this.StatusFontColor = MemberLoadReader.GetString("StatusFontColor");

                    this.ID        = MemberLoadReader.GetInt32("ID");
                    this.ZIP       = MemberLoadReader.GetInt32("ZIP");
                    this.Authority = MemberLoadReader.GetInt32("Authority");
                    this.Cash      = MemberLoadReader.GetInt32("Cash");



                    this.EmailVerified       = MemberLoadReader.GetBoolean("EmailVerified");
                    this.RequestSecure       = MemberLoadReader.GetBoolean("RequestSecure");
                    this.GlobalSession       = MemberLoadReader.GetBoolean("GlobalSession");
                    this.MobileNotifications = MemberLoadReader.GetBoolean("MobileNotifications");
                    this.EmailNotifications  = MemberLoadReader.GetBoolean("EmailNotifications");
                    this.IsPremiumIM         = MemberLoadReader.GetBoolean("IsPremiumIM");
                    this.IsValid             = true;

                    Nickname  = char.ToUpper(Nickname[0]) + Nickname.Substring(1);
                    FirstName = char.ToUpper(FirstName[0]) + FirstName.Substring(1);
                    LastName  = char.ToUpper(LastName[0]) + LastName.Substring(1);
                    this.LoginName        = "Guest";
                    this.PasswordHash     = "";
                    this.Nickname         = "";
                    this.BirthDay         = "";
                    this.Email            = "";
                    this.FirstName        = "";
                    this.LastName         = "";
                    this.StreetAddress    = "";
                    this.State            = "";
                    this.City             = "";
                    this.Country          = "";
                    this.VerificationHash = "";
                    this.Notes            = "";
                    this.MemberData       = "";
                    this.SecurityQuestion = "";
                    this.SecurityAnswer   = "";
                    this.PIN = "0000";

                    this.ID        = 0;
                    this.ZIP       = 0;
                    this.Authority = 0;
                    this.Cash      = 0;

                    this.EmailVerified = false;
                    this.RequestSecure = false;
                    this.GlobalSession = false;
                    this.IsValid       = false;
            Executing = false;