Example #1
        public void Load(NezContentManager content, Vector2 ScreenVector)
            myMap = new TiledMap(0, (int)ScreenVector.X, (int)ScreenVector.Y, TileData.TileSize, TileData.TileSize, TiledMapOrientation.Orthogonal);
            //TODO: multilayer support
            TiledTileLayer Floors = (TiledTileLayer)myMap.createTileLayer("Floors", (int)ScreenVector.X, (int)ScreenVector.Y);

            Collidables = (TiledTileLayer)myMap.createTileLayer("Walls", (int)ScreenVector.X, (int)ScreenVector.Y);
            int          XOffset        = (int)Mathf.ceil(0.5f * (ScreenVector.X / TileData.TileSize));
            int          YOffset        = (int)Mathf.ceil(0.5f * (ScreenVector.Y / TileData.TileSize));
            TiledTileset BaseMapTileset = myMap.createTileset(content.Load <Texture2D>(this.MapTextureAtlas), 0, 64, 64, true, 0, 0, this.TextureAtlasTileWidth, this.TextureAtlasTileHeight);

            for (int x = 0; x < Mathf.ceil(ScreenVector.X / TileData.TileSize); x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Mathf.ceil(ScreenVector.X / TileData.TileSize); x++)
                    TileData  myTileData;
                    TiledTile myTile;
                    Tuple <float, float, float> tuple = new Tuple <float, float, float>(x, y, (float)Math.Ceiling(TileData.MaxHeight * myNoise.GetNoise(x, y)));
                    if (myModifiedTiles.TryGetValue(tuple, out myTileData))
                        myTile         = new TiledTile(myTileData.TileSetID);
                        myTile.tileset = myMap.createTileset(content.Load <Texture2D>(myTileData.TilesetName), 0, TileData.TileSize, TileData.TileSize, true, 0, 0, myTileData.TextureAtlasTileWidth, myTileData.TextureAtlasTileHeight);
                        if (myTileData.isWall)
                        if (tuple.Item3 > 0)
                            myTile         = new TiledTile(1);
                            myTile.tileset = BaseMapTileset;
                        else if (tuple.Item3 == 0)
                            myTile         = new TiledTile(0);
                            myTile.tileset = BaseMapTileset;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// attempts to get a texture for the image
        /// - first it will check the href for a png file name. If it finds one it will load it with the ContentManager passed in
        /// - next it will see if the href is a url and if so it will load it
        /// - next it checks for an embedded, base64 image. It will load that if it finds one
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The texture.</returns>
        /// <param name="content">Content.</param>
        public Texture2D GetTexture(NezContentManager content)
            if (_didAttemptTextureLoad || _texture != null)

            // check for a url
            if (Href.StartsWith("http"))
                using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
                    var stream = client.GetStreamAsync(Href).Result;
                    _texture = Texture2D.FromStream(Core.GraphicsDevice, stream);
                throw new Exception("Found a texture in an SVG file but the USE_HTTPCLIENT build define is not set and/or HTTP Client is not referenced");

            // see if we have a path to a png files in the href
            else if (Href.EndsWith("png"))
                // check for existance before attempting to load! We are a PCL so we cant so we'll catch the Exception instead
                    if (content != null)
                        _texture = content.Load <Texture2D>(Href);
                catch (ContentLoadException)
                    Debug.Error("Could not load SvgImage from href: {0}", Href);

            // attempt to parse the base64 string if it is embedded in the href
            else if (Href.StartsWith("data:"))
                var startIndex    = Href.IndexOf("base64,", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 7;
                var imageContents = Href.Substring(startIndex);
                var bytes         = Convert.FromBase64String(imageContents);

                using (var m = new MemoryStream())
                    m.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                    m.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    _texture = Texture2D.FromStream(Core.GraphicsDevice, m);

            _didAttemptTextureLoad = true;
Example #3
        protected override void Initialize()

            // prep the default Graphics system
            graphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice;
            var font = content.Load <BitmapFont>("nez/NezDefaultBMFont");

            Graphics.instance = new Graphics(font);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a UISkin from a UISkinConfig
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configName">the path of the UISkinConfig xnb</param>
        /// <param name="contentManager">Content manager.</param>
        public Skin(string configName, NezContentManager contentManager)
            var config = contentManager.Load <UISkinConfig>(configName);

            if (config.Colors != null)
                foreach (var entry in config.Colors)
                    Add(entry.Key, config.Colors[entry.Key]);

            if (config.TextureAtlases != null)
                foreach (var atlas in config.TextureAtlases)

            if (config.Styles != null)
                var styleClasses = config.Styles.GetStyleClasses();
                for (var i = 0; i < styleClasses.Count; i++)
                    var styleType = styleClasses[i];
                        var type       = Type.GetType("Nez.UI." + styleType, true);
                        var styleNames = config.Styles.GetStyleNames(styleType);

                        for (var j = 0; j < styleNames.Count; j++)
                            var style     = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                            var styleDict = config.Styles.GetStyleDict(styleType, styleNames[j]);

                            // Get the method by simple name check since we know it's the only one
                            var setStylesForStyleClassMethod =
                                ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(this, "SetStylesForStyleClass");
                            setStylesForStyleClassMethod = setStylesForStyleClassMethod.MakeGenericMethod(type);

                            // Return not nec., but it shows that the style is being modified
                            style = setStylesForStyleClassMethod.Invoke(this,
                                                                        new object[] { style, styleDict, contentManager, styleNames[j] });

                            Add(styleNames[j], style, type);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.Error("Error creating style from UISkin: {0}", e);
Example #5
		/// <summary>
		/// attempts to get a texture for the image
		/// - first it will check the href for a png file name. If it finds one it will load it with the ContentManager passed in
		/// - next it will see if the href is a url and if so it will load it
		/// - next it checks for an embedded, base64 image. It will load that if it finds one
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The texture.</returns>
		/// <param name="content">Content.</param>
		public Texture2D getTexture( NezContentManager content )
			if( _didAttemptTextureLoad || _texture != null )
				return _texture;

			// check for a url
			if( href.StartsWith( "http" ) )
				using( var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient() )
					var stream = client.GetStreamAsync( href ).Result;
					_texture = Texture2D.FromStream( Core.graphicsDevice, stream );
			// see if we have a path to a png files in the href
			else if( href.EndsWith( "png" ) )
				// check for existance before attempting to load! We are a PCL so we cant so we'll catch the Exception instead
					if( content != null )
						_texture = content.Load<Texture2D>( href );
				catch( ContentLoadException )
					Debug.error( "Could not load SvgImage from href: {0}", href );
			// attempt to parse the base64 string if it is embedded in the href
			else if( href.StartsWith( "data:" ) )
				var startIndex = href.IndexOf( "base64,", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) + 7;
				var imageContents = href.Substring( startIndex );
				var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String( imageContents );

				using( var m = new MemoryStream() )
					m.Write( bytes, 0, bytes.Length );
					m.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );

					_texture = Texture2D.FromStream( Core.graphicsDevice, m );

			_didAttemptTextureLoad = true;
			return _texture;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively finds and sets all styles for a specific style config class that are within
        /// the dictionary passed in. This allows skins to contain nested, dynamic style declarations.
        ///	For example, it allows a SelectBoxStyle to contain a listStyle that is declared inline
        ///	(and not a reference).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="styleClass">The style config class instance that needs to be "filled out"</param>
        /// <param name="styleDict">A dictionary that represents one style name within the style config class (i.e. 'default').</param>
        /// <param name="styleName">The style name that the dictionary represents (i.e. 'default').</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The style config class type (i.e. SelectBoxStyle)</typeparam>
        public T SetStylesForStyleClass <T>(T styleClass, Dictionary <string, object> styleDict, NezContentManager contentManager, string styleName)
            foreach (var styleConfig in styleDict)
                var name        = styleConfig.Key;
                var valueObject = styleConfig.Value;
                var identifier  = valueObject.ToString();

                // if name has 'color' in it, we are looking for a color. we check color first because some styles have things like
                // fontColor so we'll check for font after color. We assume these are strings and do no error checking on 'identifier'
                if (name.ToLower().Contains("color"))
                    ReflectionUtils.GetFieldInfo(styleClass, name).SetValue(styleClass, GetColor(identifier));
                else if (name.ToLower().Contains("font"))
                    ReflectionUtils.GetFieldInfo(styleClass, name)
                    .SetValue(styleClass, contentManager.Load <BitmapFont>(identifier));
                else if (name.ToLower().EndsWith("style"))
                    var styleField = ReflectionUtils.GetFieldInfo(styleClass, name);

                    // Check to see if valueObject is a Dictionary object instead of a string. If so, it is an 'inline' style
                    //	and needs to be recursively parsed like any other style. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a string and
                    //	represents an existing style that has been previously parsed.
                    if (valueObject is Dictionary <string, object> )
                        // Since there is no existing field to reference, we create it and fill it out by hand
                        var inlineStyle = Activator.CreateInstance(styleField.FieldType);

                        // Recursively call this method with the new field type and dictionary
                        var setStylesForStyleClassMethod =
                            ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(this, "SetStylesForStyleClass");
                        setStylesForStyleClassMethod =
                        inlineStyle = setStylesForStyleClassMethod.Invoke(this,
                                                                          new object[]
                                                                          { inlineStyle, valueObject as Dictionary <string, object>, contentManager, styleName });
                        styleField.SetValue(styleClass, inlineStyle);
                        // We have a style reference. First we need to find out what type of style name refers to from the field.
                        // Then we need to fetch the "get" method and properly type it.
                        var getStyleMethod = ReflectionUtils.GetMethodInfo(this, "Get", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
                        getStyleMethod = getStyleMethod.MakeGenericMethod(styleField.FieldType);

                        // now we look up the style and finally set it
                        var theStyle = getStyleMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { identifier });
                        styleField.SetValue(styleClass, theStyle);

                        if (theStyle == null)
                            Debug.Error("could not find a style reference named {0} when setting {1} on {2}",
                                        identifier, name, styleName);
                    // we have an IDrawable. first we'll try to find a Sprite and if we cant find one we will see if
                    // identifier is a color
                    var drawable = GetDrawable(identifier);
                    if (drawable != null)
                        ReflectionUtils.GetFieldInfo(styleClass, name).SetValue(styleClass, drawable);
                        Debug.Error("could not find a drawable or color named {0} when setting {1} on {2}", identifier,
                                    name, styleName);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a UISkin from a UISkinConfig
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Config.</param>
        /// <param name="contentManager">Content manager.</param>
        public Skin(string configName, NezContentManager contentManager)
            var config = contentManager.Load <UISkinConfig>(configName);

            if (config.colors != null)
                foreach (var entry in config.colors)
                    add <Color>(entry.Key, config.colors[entry.Key]);

            if (config.textureAtlases != null)
                foreach (var atlas in config.textureAtlases)
                    addSubtextures(contentManager.Load <TextureAtlas>(atlas));

            if (config.libGdxAtlases != null)
                foreach (var atlas in config.libGdxAtlases)
                    addSubtextures(contentManager.Load <LibGdxAtlas>(atlas));

            if (config.styles != null)
                var styleClasses = config.styles.getStyleClasses();
                for (var i = 0; i < styleClasses.Count; i++)
                    var styleType = styleClasses[i];
                        var type       = Type.GetType("Nez.UI." + styleType, true);
                        var styleNames = config.styles.getStyleNames(styleType);

                        for (var j = 0; j < styleNames.Count; j++)
                            var style     = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                            var styleDict = config.styles.getStyleDict(styleType, styleNames[j]);

                            foreach (var styleConfig in styleDict)
                                var name       = styleConfig.Key;
                                var identifier = styleConfig.Value;

                                // if name has 'color' in it, we are looking for a color. we check color first because some styles have things like
                                // fontColor so we'll check for font after color.
                                if (name.ToLower().Contains("color"))
                                    type.GetField(name).SetValue(style, getColor(identifier));
                                else if (name.ToLower().Contains("font"))
                                    type.GetField(name).SetValue(style, contentManager.Load <BitmapFont>(identifier));
                                    // we have an IDrawable. first we'll try to find a Subtexture and if we cant find one we will see if
                                    // identifier is a color
                                    var drawable = getDrawable(identifier);
                                    if (drawable != null)
                                        type.GetField(name).SetValue(style, drawable);
                                        Debug.error("could not find a drawable or color named {0} when setting {1} on {2}", identifier, name, styleNames[j]);

                            add(styleNames[j], style, type);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.error("Error creating style from UISkin: {0}", e);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a UISkin from a UISkinConfig
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configName">the path of the UISkinConfig xnb</param>
        /// <param name="contentManager">Content manager.</param>
        public Skin(string configName, NezContentManager contentManager)
            var config = contentManager.Load <UISkinConfig>(configName);

            if (config.colors != null)
                foreach (var entry in config.colors)
                    add <Color>(entry.Key, config.colors[entry.Key]);

            if (config.textureAtlases != null)
                foreach (var atlas in config.textureAtlases)
                    addSubtextures(contentManager.Load <TextureAtlas>(atlas));

            if (config.libGdxAtlases != null)
                foreach (var atlas in config.libGdxAtlases)
                    addSubtextures(contentManager.Load <LibGdxAtlas>(atlas));

            if (config.styles != null)
                var styleClasses = config.styles.getStyleClasses();
                for (var i = 0; i < styleClasses.Count; i++)
                    var styleType = styleClasses[i];
                        var type       = Type.GetType("Nez.UI." + styleType, true);
                        var styleNames = config.styles.getStyleNames(styleType);

                        for (var j = 0; j < styleNames.Count; j++)
                            var style     = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                            var styleDict = config.styles.getStyleDict(styleType, styleNames[j]);

                            foreach (var styleConfig in styleDict)
                                var name       = styleConfig.Key;
                                var identifier = styleConfig.Value;

                                // if name has 'color' in it, we are looking for a color. we check color first because some styles have things like
                                // fontColor so we'll check for font after color.
                                if (name.ToLower().Contains("color"))
                                    ReflectionUtils.getFieldInfo(style, name).SetValue(style, getColor(identifier));
                                else if (name.ToLower().Contains("font"))
                                    ReflectionUtils.getFieldInfo(style, name).SetValue(style, contentManager.Load <BitmapFont>(identifier));
                                else if (name.ToLower().EndsWith("style"))
                                    // we have a style reference. first we need to find out what type of style name refers to from the field.
                                    // then we need to fetch the "get" method and properly type it.
                                    var styleField     = ReflectionUtils.getFieldInfo(style, name);
                                    var getStyleMethod = ReflectionUtils.getMethodInfo(this, "get", new Type[] { typeof(string) });
                                    getStyleMethod = getStyleMethod.MakeGenericMethod(styleField.FieldType);

                                    // now we look up the style and finally set it
                                    var theStyle = getStyleMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { identifier });
                                    styleField.SetValue(style, theStyle);
                                    // we have an IDrawable. first we'll try to find a Subtexture and if we cant find one we will see if
                                    // identifier is a color
                                    var drawable = getDrawable(identifier);
                                    if (drawable != null)
                                        ReflectionUtils.getFieldInfo(style, name).SetValue(style, drawable);
                                        Debug.error("could not find a drawable or color named {0} when setting {1} on {2}", identifier, name, styleNames[j]);

                            add(styleNames[j], style, type);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Debug.error("Error creating style from UISkin: {0}", e);