Example #1
                #pragma warning disable CA1502 // TODO: Decomplexify
                #pragma warning disable CA1505
        public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromBody] Repository model, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));

            if (model.AccessUser == null ^ model.AccessToken == null)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "Either both accessToken and accessUser must be present or neither!"

            if (model.CheckoutSha != null && model.Reference != null)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "Only one of sha or reference may be specified!"

            if (model.CheckoutSha != null && model.UpdateFromOrigin == true)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "Cannot update a reference when checking out a sha!"

            if (model.Origin != null)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "origin cannot be modified without deleting the repository!"

            if (model.NewTestMerges?.Any(x => !x.Number.HasValue) == true)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "All new test merges must provide a number!"

            if (model.NewTestMerges?.Any(x => model.NewTestMerges.Any(y => x != y && x.Number == y.Number)) == true)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "Cannot test merge the same PR twice in one job!"

            if (model.CommitterName?.Length == 0)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "Cannot set empty committer name!"

            if (model.CommitterEmail?.Length == 0)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage {
                    Message = "Cannot set empty committer e=mail!"

            var newTestMerges = model.NewTestMerges != null && model.NewTestMerges.Count > 0;
            var userRights    = (RepositoryRights)AuthenticationContext.GetRight(RightsType.Repository);

            if (newTestMerges && !userRights.HasFlag(RepositoryRights.MergePullRequest))

            var currentModel = await DatabaseContext.RepositorySettings.Where(x => x.InstanceId == Instance.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (currentModel == default)

            bool CheckModified <T>(Expression <Func <Api.Models.Internal.RepositorySettings, T> > expression, RepositoryRights requiredRight)
                var memberSelectorExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
                var property = (PropertyInfo)memberSelectorExpression.Member;

                var newVal = property.GetValue(model);

                if (newVal == null)
                if (!userRights.HasFlag(requiredRight) && property.GetValue(currentModel) != newVal)

                property.SetValue(currentModel, newVal);

            if (CheckModified(x => x.AccessToken, RepositoryRights.ChangeCredentials) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.AccessUser, RepositoryRights.ChangeCredentials) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.AutoUpdatesKeepTestMerges, RepositoryRights.ChangeAutoUpdateSettings) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.AutoUpdatesSynchronize, RepositoryRights.ChangeAutoUpdateSettings) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.CommitterEmail, RepositoryRights.ChangeCommitter) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.CommitterName, RepositoryRights.ChangeCommitter) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.PushTestMergeCommits, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.ShowTestMergeCommitters, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.PostTestMergeComment, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true && !userRights.HasFlag(RepositoryRights.UpdateBranch)))

            if (currentModel.AccessToken?.Length == 0 && currentModel.AccessUser?.Length == 0)
                // setting an empty string clears everything
                currentModel.AccessUser  = null;
                currentModel.AccessToken = null;

            var canRead = userRights.HasFlag(RepositoryRights.Read);

            var api         = canRead ? currentModel.ToApi() : new Repository();
            var repoManager = instanceManager.GetInstance(Instance).RepositoryManager;

            if (canRead)
                if (repoManager.CloneInProgress)
                    return(Conflict(new ErrorMessage
                        Message = "A clone operation is in progress!"

                if (repoManager.InUse)
                    return(Conflict(new ErrorMessage
                        Message = "The repo is busy!"

                using (var repo = await repoManager.LoadRepository(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    if (repo == null)
                        return(Conflict(new ErrorMessage
                            Message = "Repository could not be loaded!"
                    await PopulateApi(api, repo, DatabaseContext, Instance, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // this is just db stuf so stow it away
            await DatabaseContext.Save(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // format the job description
            string description = null;

            if (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true)
                if (model.Reference != null)
                    description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fetch and hard reset repository to origin/{0}", model.Reference);
                else if (model.CheckoutSha != null)
                    description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fetch and checkout {0} in repository", model.CheckoutSha);
                    description = "Pull current repository reference";
            else if (model.Reference != null || model.CheckoutSha != null)
                description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Checkout repository {0} {1}", model.Reference != null ? "reference" : "SHA", model.Reference ?? model.CheckoutSha);

            if (newTestMerges)
                description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}est merge pull request(s) {1}{2}",
                                            description != null ? String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} and t", description) : "T",
                                            String.Join(", ", model.NewTestMerges.Select(x =>
                                                                                         String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "#{0}{1}", x.Number,
                                                                                                       x.PullRequestRevision != null ? String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " at {0}", x.PullRequestRevision.Substring(0, 7)) : String.Empty))),
                                            description != null ? String.Empty : " in repository");

            if (description == null)
                return(Json(api));                // no git changes
            var job = new Models.Job
                Description      = description,
                StartedBy        = AuthenticationContext.User,
                Instance         = Instance,
                CancelRightsType = RightsType.Repository,
                CancelRight      = (ulong)RepositoryRights.CancelPendingChanges,

            await jobManager.RegisterOperation(job, async (paramJob, databaseContext, progressReporter, ct) =>
                using (var repo = await repoManager.LoadRepository(ct).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    if (repo == null)
                        throw new JobException("Repository could not be loaded!");

                    var modelHasShaOrReference = model.CheckoutSha != null || model.Reference != null;

                    var startReference   = repo.Reference;
                    var startSha         = repo.Head;
                    string postUpdateSha = null;

                    if (newTestMerges && !repo.IsGitHubRepository)
                        throw new JobException("Cannot test merge on a non GitHub based repository!");

                    var committerName = currentModel.ShowTestMergeCommitters.Value ? AuthenticationContext.User.Name : currentModel.CommitterName;

                    var hardResettingToOriginReference = model.UpdateFromOrigin == true && model.Reference != null;

                    var numSteps  = (model.NewTestMerges?.Count ?? 0) + (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true ? 1 : 0) + (!modelHasShaOrReference ? 2 : (hardResettingToOriginReference ? 3 : 1));
                    var doneSteps = 0;

                    Action <int> NextProgressReporter()
                        var tmpDoneSteps = doneSteps;
                        return(progress => progressReporter((progress + (100 * tmpDoneSteps)) / numSteps));


                    // get a base line for where we are
                    Models.RevisionInformation lastRevisionInfo = null;

                    var attachedInstance = new Models.Instance
                        Id = Instance.Id

                    await LoadRevisionInformation(repo, databaseContext, attachedInstance, null, x => lastRevisionInfo = x, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // apply new rev info, tracking applied test merges
                    async Task UpdateRevInfo()
                        var last = lastRevisionInfo;
                        await LoadRevisionInformation(repo, databaseContext, attachedInstance, last.OriginCommitSha, x => lastRevisionInfo = x, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // fetch/pull
                        if (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true)
                            if (!repo.Tracking)
                                throw new JobException("Not on an updatable reference!");
                            await repo.FetchOrigin(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            doneSteps = 1;
                            if (!modelHasShaOrReference)
                                var fastForward = await repo.MergeOrigin(committerName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                if (!fastForward.HasValue)
                                    throw new JobException("Merge conflict occurred during origin update!");
                                await UpdateRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);
                                if (fastForward.Value)
                                    lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha = repo.Head;
                                    await repo.Sychronize(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, currentModel.CommitterName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), true, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    postUpdateSha = repo.Head;

                        // checkout/hard reset
                        if (modelHasShaOrReference)
                            if ((model.CheckoutSha != null && repo.Head.ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith(model.CheckoutSha.ToUpperInvariant(), StringComparison.Ordinal)) ||
                                (model.Reference != null && repo.Reference.ToUpperInvariant() != model.Reference.ToUpperInvariant()))
                                var committish = model.CheckoutSha ?? model.Reference;
                                var isSha      = await repo.IsSha(committish, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                if ((isSha && model.Reference != null) || (!isSha && model.CheckoutSha != null))
                                    throw new JobException("Attempted to checkout a SHA or reference that was actually the opposite!");

                                await repo.CheckoutObject(committish, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                await LoadRevisionInformation(repo, databaseContext, attachedInstance, null, x => lastRevisionInfo = x, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);                                 // we've either seen origin before or what we're checking out is on origin

                            if (hardResettingToOriginReference)
                                if (!repo.Tracking)
                                    throw new JobException("Checked out reference does not track a remote object!");
                                await repo.ResetToOrigin(NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                await repo.Sychronize(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, currentModel.CommitterName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), true, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                await LoadRevisionInformation(repo, databaseContext, attachedInstance, null, x => lastRevisionInfo = x, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                // repo head is on origin so force this
                                // will update the db if necessary
                                lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha = repo.Head;

                        // test merging
                        Dictionary <int, Octokit.PullRequest> prMap = null;
                        if (newTestMerges)
                            // bit of sanitization
                            foreach (var I in model.NewTestMerges.Where(x => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.PullRequestRevision)))
                                I.PullRequestRevision = null;

                            var gitHubClient = currentModel.AccessToken != null
                                                        ? gitHubClientFactory.CreateClient(currentModel.AccessToken)
                                                        : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(generalConfiguration.GitHubAccessToken)
                                                        ? gitHubClientFactory.CreateClient()
                                                        : gitHubClientFactory.CreateClient(generalConfiguration.GitHubAccessToken));

                            var repoOwner = repo.GitHubOwner;
                            var repoName  = repo.GitHubRepoName;

                            // optimization: if we've already merged these exact same commits in this fashion before, just find the rev info for it and check it out
                            Models.RevisionInformation revInfoWereLookingFor = null;
                            bool needToApplyRemainingPrs = true;
                            if (lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha == lastRevisionInfo.CommitSha)
                                // In order for this to work though we need the shas of all the commits
                                if (model.NewTestMerges.Any(x => x.PullRequestRevision == null))
                                    prMap = new Dictionary <int, Octokit.PullRequest>();

                                bool cantSearch = false;
                                foreach (var I in model.NewTestMerges)
                                    if (I.PullRequestRevision != null)
#pragma warning disable CA1308                                                                             // Normalize strings to uppercase
                                        I.PullRequestRevision = I.PullRequestRevision?.ToLowerInvariant(); // ala libgit2
#pragma warning restore CA1308                                                                             // Normalize strings to uppercase
                                            // retrieve the latest sha
                                            var pr = await gitHubClient.PullRequest.Get(repoOwner, repoName, I.Number.Value).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                            prMap.Add(I.Number.Value, pr);
                                            I.PullRequestRevision = pr.Head.Sha;
                                            cantSearch = true;

                                if (!cantSearch)
                                    var dbPull = await databaseContext.RevisionInformations
                                                 .Where(x => x.Instance.Id == Instance.Id &&
                                                        x.OriginCommitSha == lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha &&
                                                        x.ActiveTestMerges.Count <= model.NewTestMerges.Count &&
                                                        x.ActiveTestMerges.Count > 0)
                                                 .Include(x => x.ActiveTestMerges)
                                                 .ThenInclude(x => x.TestMerge)

                                    // split here cause this bit has to be done locally
                                    revInfoWereLookingFor = dbPull
                                                            .Where(x => x.ActiveTestMerges.Count == model.NewTestMerges.Count &&
                                                                   x.ActiveTestMerges.Select(y => y.TestMerge)
                                                                   .All(y => model.NewTestMerges.Any(z =>
                                                                                                     y.Number == z.Number &&
                                                                                                     y.PullRequestRevision.StartsWith(z.PullRequestRevision, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                                                                                                     (y.Comment?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() == z.Comment?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() || z.Comment == null))))

                                    if (revInfoWereLookingFor == null && model.NewTestMerges.Count > 1)
                                        // okay try to add at least SOME prs we've seen before
                                        var search = model.NewTestMerges.ToList();

                                        var appliedTestMergeIds = new List <long>();

                                        Models.RevisionInformation lastGoodRevInfo = null;
                                            foreach (var I in search)
                                                revInfoWereLookingFor = dbPull
                                                                        .Where(x => model.NewTestMerges.Any(z =>
                                                                                                            x.PrimaryTestMerge.Number == z.Number &&
                                                                                                            x.PrimaryTestMerge.PullRequestRevision.StartsWith(z.PullRequestRevision, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                                                                                                            (x.PrimaryTestMerge.Comment?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() == z.Comment?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() || z.Comment == null)) &&
                                                                               x.ActiveTestMerges.Select(y => y.TestMerge).All(y => appliedTestMergeIds.Contains(y.Id)))

                                                if (revInfoWereLookingFor != null)
                                                    lastGoodRevInfo = revInfoWereLookingFor;
                                        }while (revInfoWereLookingFor != null && search.Count > 0);

                                        revInfoWereLookingFor   = lastGoodRevInfo;
                                        needToApplyRemainingPrs = search.Count != 0;
                                        if (needToApplyRemainingPrs)
                                            model.NewTestMerges = search;
                                    else if (revInfoWereLookingFor != null)
                                        needToApplyRemainingPrs = false;

                            if (revInfoWereLookingFor != null)
                                // goteem
                                await repo.ResetToSha(revInfoWereLookingFor.CommitSha, NextProgressReporter(), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                lastRevisionInfo = revInfoWereLookingFor;

                            if (needToApplyRemainingPrs)
                                // an invocation of LoadRevisionInformation could have already loaded this user
                                var contextUser = databaseContext.Users.Local.Where(x => x.Id == AuthenticationContext.User.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (contextUser == default)
                                    contextUser = new Models.User
                                        Id = AuthenticationContext.User.Id
                                    Logger.LogTrace("Skipping attaching the user to the database context as it is already loaded!");

                                foreach (var I in model.NewTestMerges)
                                    Octokit.PullRequest pr = null;
                                    string errorMessage    = null;

                                    if (lastRevisionInfo.ActiveTestMerges.Any(x => x.TestMerge.Number == I.Number.Value))
                                        throw new JobException("Cannot test merge the same PR twice in one HEAD!");

                                        // load from cache if possible
                                        if (prMap == null || !prMap.TryGetValue(I.Number.Value, out pr))
                                            pr = await gitHubClient.PullRequest.Get(repoOwner, repoName, I.Number.Value).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    catch (Octokit.RateLimitExceededException)
                                        // you look at your anonymous access and sigh
                                        errorMessage = "P.R.E. RATE LIMITED";
                                    catch (Octokit.AuthorizationException)
                                        errorMessage = "P.R.E. BAD CREDENTIALS";
                                    catch (Octokit.NotFoundException)
                                        // you look at your shithub and sigh
                                        errorMessage = "P.R.E. NOT FOUND";

                                    // we want to take the earliest truth possible to prevent RCEs, if this fails AddTestMerge will set it
                                    if (I.PullRequestRevision == null && pr != null)
                                        I.PullRequestRevision = pr.Head.Sha;

                                    var mergeResult = await repo.AddTestMerge(I, committerName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    if (!mergeResult.HasValue)
                                        throw new JobException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Merge of PR #{0} at {1} conflicted!", I.Number, I.PullRequestRevision.Substring(0, 7)));


                                    var revInfoUpdateTask = UpdateRevInfo();

                                    var tm = new Models.TestMerge
                                        Author              = pr?.User.Login ?? errorMessage,
                                        BodyAtMerge         = pr?.Body ?? errorMessage ?? String.Empty,
                                        MergedAt            = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                                        TitleAtMerge        = pr?.Title ?? errorMessage ?? String.Empty,
                                        Comment             = I.Comment,
                                        Number              = I.Number,
                                        MergedBy            = contextUser,
                                        PullRequestRevision = I.PullRequestRevision,
                                        Url = pr?.HtmlUrl ?? errorMessage

                                    await revInfoUpdateTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    lastRevisionInfo.PrimaryTestMerge = tm;
                                    lastRevisionInfo.ActiveTestMerges.Add(new RevInfoTestMerge
                                        TestMerge = tm

                        var currentHead = repo.Head;
                        if (startSha != currentHead || (postUpdateSha != null && postUpdateSha != currentHead))
                            await repo.Sychronize(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, currentModel.CommitterName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), false, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            await UpdateRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await databaseContext.Save(ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        doneSteps = 0;
                        numSteps  = 2;

                        // the stuff didn't make it into the db, forget what we've done and abort
                        await repo.CheckoutObject(startReference ?? startSha, NextProgressReporter(), default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        if (startReference != null && repo.Head != startSha)
                            await repo.ResetToSha(startSha, NextProgressReporter(), default).ConfigureAwait(false);
            }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            api.ActiveJob = job.ToApi();
Example #2
#pragma warning disable CA1502, CA1505 // TODO: Decomplexify
        public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromBody] Repository model, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));

            if (model.AccessUser == null ^ model.AccessToken == null)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoMismatchUserAndAccessToken)));

            if (model.CheckoutSha != null && model.Reference != null)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoMismatchShaAndReference)));

            if (model.CheckoutSha != null && model.UpdateFromOrigin == true)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoMismatchShaAndUpdate)));

            if (model.NewTestMerges?.Any(x => model.NewTestMerges.Any(y => x != y && x.Number == y.Number)) == true)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoDuplicateTestMerge)));

            if (model.CommitterName?.Length == 0)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoWhitespaceCommitterName)));

            if (model.CommitterEmail?.Length == 0)
                return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoWhitespaceCommitterEmail)));

            var newTestMerges = model.NewTestMerges != null && model.NewTestMerges.Count > 0;
            var userRights    = (RepositoryRights)AuthenticationContext.GetRight(RightsType.Repository);

            if (newTestMerges && !userRights.HasFlag(RepositoryRights.MergePullRequest))

            var currentModel = await DatabaseContext
                               .Where(x => x.InstanceId == Instance.Id)

            if (currentModel == default)

            bool CheckModified <T>(Expression <Func <Api.Models.Internal.RepositorySettings, T> > expression, RepositoryRights requiredRight)
                var memberSelectorExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
                var property = (PropertyInfo)memberSelectorExpression.Member;

                var newVal = property.GetValue(model);

                if (newVal == null)
                if (!userRights.HasFlag(requiredRight) && property.GetValue(currentModel) != newVal)

                property.SetValue(currentModel, newVal);

            if (CheckModified(x => x.AccessToken, RepositoryRights.ChangeCredentials) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.AccessUser, RepositoryRights.ChangeCredentials) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.AutoUpdatesKeepTestMerges, RepositoryRights.ChangeAutoUpdateSettings) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.AutoUpdatesSynchronize, RepositoryRights.ChangeAutoUpdateSettings) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.CommitterEmail, RepositoryRights.ChangeCommitter) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.CommitterName, RepositoryRights.ChangeCommitter) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.PushTestMergeCommits, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.CreateGitHubDeployments, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.ShowTestMergeCommitters, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                CheckModified(x => x.PostTestMergeComment, RepositoryRights.ChangeTestMergeCommits) ||
                (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true && !userRights.HasFlag(RepositoryRights.UpdateBranch)))

            if (model.AccessToken?.Length == 0 && model.AccessUser?.Length == 0)
                // setting an empty string clears everything
                currentModel.AccessUser  = null;
                currentModel.AccessToken = null;

            var canRead = userRights.HasFlag(RepositoryRights.Read);

            var api = canRead ? currentModel.ToApi() : new Repository();

            if (canRead)
                var earlyOut = await WithComponentInstance(
                    async instance =>
                    var repoManager = instance.RepositoryManager;
                    if (repoManager.CloneInProgress)
                        return(Conflict(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoCloning)));

                    if (repoManager.InUse)
                        return(Conflict(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoBusy)));

                    using var repo = await repoManager.LoadRepository(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (repo == null)
                        return(Conflict(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoMissing)));
                    await PopulateApi(api, repo, DatabaseContext, Instance, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (model.Origin != null && model.Origin != repo.Origin)
                        return(BadRequest(new ErrorMessage(ErrorCode.RepoCantChangeOrigin)));


                if (earlyOut != null)

            // this is just db stuf so stow it away
            await DatabaseContext.Save(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // format the job description
            string description = null;

            if (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true)
                if (model.Reference != null)
                    description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fetch and hard reset repository to origin/{0}", model.Reference);
                else if (model.CheckoutSha != null)
                    description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Fetch and checkout {0} in repository", model.CheckoutSha);
                    description = "Pull current repository reference";
            else if (model.Reference != null || model.CheckoutSha != null)
                description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Checkout repository {0} {1}", model.Reference != null ? "reference" : "SHA", model.Reference ?? model.CheckoutSha);

            if (newTestMerges)
                description = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}est merge(s) {1}{2}",
                                            description != null ? String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} and t", description) : "T",
                                            String.Join(", ", model.NewTestMerges.Select(x =>
                                                                                         String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "#{0}{1}", x.Number,
                                                                                                       x.TargetCommitSha != null ? String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " at {0}", x.TargetCommitSha.Substring(0, 7)) : String.Empty))),
                                            description != null ? String.Empty : " in repository");

            if (description == null)
                return(Json(api));                // no git changes
            async Task <IActionResult> UpdateCallbackThatDesperatelyNeedsRefactoring(
                IInstanceCore instance,
                IDatabaseContextFactory databaseContextFactory,
                Action <int> progressReporter,
                CancellationToken ct)
                var repoManager = instance.RepositoryManager;

                using var repo = await repoManager.LoadRepository(ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (repo == null)
                    throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoMissing);

                var modelHasShaOrReference = model.CheckoutSha != null || model.Reference != null;

                var    startReference = repo.Reference;
                var    startSha       = repo.Head;
                string postUpdateSha  = null;

                if (newTestMerges && repo.RemoteGitProvider == RemoteGitProvider.Unknown)
                    throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoUnsupportedTestMergeRemote);

                var committerName = currentModel.ShowTestMergeCommitters.Value
                                        ? AuthenticationContext.User.Name
                                        : currentModel.CommitterName;

                var hardResettingToOriginReference = model.UpdateFromOrigin == true && model.Reference != null;

                var numSteps  = (model.NewTestMerges?.Count ?? 0) + (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true ? 1 : 0) + (!modelHasShaOrReference ? 2 : (hardResettingToOriginReference ? 3 : 1));
                var doneSteps = 0;

                Action <int> NextProgressReporter()
                    var tmpDoneSteps = doneSteps;

                    return(progress => progressReporter((progress + (100 * tmpDoneSteps)) / numSteps));


                // get a base line for where we are
                Models.RevisionInformation lastRevisionInfo = null;

                var attachedInstance = new Models.Instance
                    Id = Instance.Id

                Task CallLoadRevInfo(Models.TestMerge testMergeToAdd = null, string lastOriginCommitSha = null) => databaseContextFactory
                    async databaseContext =>
                    var previousRevInfo = lastRevisionInfo;
                    var needsUpdate     = await LoadRevisionInformation(
                        x => lastRevisionInfo = x,

                    if (testMergeToAdd != null)
                        // rev info may have already loaded the user
                        var mergedBy = databaseContext.Users.Local.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == AuthenticationContext.User.Id);
                        if (mergedBy == default)
                            mergedBy = new Models.User
                                Id = AuthenticationContext.User.Id


                        testMergeToAdd.MergedBy = mergedBy;

                        foreach (var activeTestMerge in previousRevInfo.ActiveTestMerges)

                        lastRevisionInfo.ActiveTestMerges.Add(new RevInfoTestMerge
                            TestMerge = testMergeToAdd
                        lastRevisionInfo.PrimaryTestMerge = testMergeToAdd;

                        needsUpdate = true;

                    if (needsUpdate)
                        await databaseContext.Save(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await CallLoadRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);

                // apply new rev info, tracking applied test merges
                Task UpdateRevInfo(Models.TestMerge testMergeToAdd = null) => CallLoadRevInfo(testMergeToAdd, lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha);

                    // fetch/pull
                    if (model.UpdateFromOrigin == true)
                        if (!repo.Tracking)
                            throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoReferenceRequired);
                        await repo.FetchOrigin(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        doneSteps = 1;
                        if (!modelHasShaOrReference)
                            var fastForward = await repo.MergeOrigin(committerName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            if (!fastForward.HasValue)
                                throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoMergeConflict);
                            lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha = await repo.GetOriginSha(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            await UpdateRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);

                            if (fastForward.Value)
                                await repo.Sychronize(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, currentModel.CommitterName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), true, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                postUpdateSha = repo.Head;

                    // checkout/hard reset
                    if (modelHasShaOrReference)
                        var validCheckoutSha =
                            model.CheckoutSha != null &&
                            !repo.Head.StartsWith(model.CheckoutSha, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        var validCheckoutReference =
                            model.Reference != null &&
                            !repo.Reference.Equals(model.Reference, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                        if (validCheckoutSha || validCheckoutReference)
                            var committish = model.CheckoutSha ?? model.Reference;
                            var isSha      = await repo.IsSha(committish, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            if ((isSha && model.Reference != null) || (!isSha && model.CheckoutSha != null))
                                throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoSwappedShaOrReference);

                            await repo.CheckoutObject(committish, NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            await CallLoadRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);                             // we've either seen origin before or what we're checking out is on origin

                        if (hardResettingToOriginReference)
                            if (!repo.Tracking)
                                throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoReferenceNotTracking);
                            await repo.ResetToOrigin(NextProgressReporter(), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            await repo.Sychronize(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, currentModel.CommitterName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), true, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            await CallLoadRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);

                            // repo head is on origin so force this
                            // will update the db if necessary
                            lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha = repo.Head;

                    // test merging
                    if (newTestMerges)
                        if (repo.RemoteGitProvider == RemoteGitProvider.Unknown)
                            throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoTestMergeInvalidRemote);

                        // bit of sanitization
                        foreach (var I in model.NewTestMerges.Where(x => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.TargetCommitSha)))
                            I.TargetCommitSha = null;

                        var gitHubClient = currentModel.AccessToken != null
                                                        ? gitHubClientFactory.CreateClient(currentModel.AccessToken)
                                                        : gitHubClientFactory.CreateClient();

                        var repoOwner = repo.RemoteRepositoryOwner;
                        var repoName  = repo.RemoteRepositoryName;

                        // optimization: if we've already merged these exact same commits in this fashion before, just find the rev info for it and check it out
                        Models.RevisionInformation revInfoWereLookingFor = null;
                        bool needToApplyRemainingPrs = true;
                        if (lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha == lastRevisionInfo.CommitSha)
                            bool cantSearch = false;
                            foreach (var I in model.NewTestMerges)
                                if (I.TargetCommitSha != null)
#pragma warning disable CA1308                                                                 // Normalize strings to uppercase
                                    I.TargetCommitSha = I.TargetCommitSha?.ToLowerInvariant(); // ala libgit2
#pragma warning restore CA1308                                                                 // Normalize strings to uppercase
                                        // retrieve the latest sha
                                        var pr = await repo.GetTestMerge(I, currentModel, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                        // we want to take the earliest truth possible to prevent RCEs, if this fails AddTestMerge will set it
                                        I.TargetCommitSha = pr.TargetCommitSha;
                                        cantSearch = true;

                            if (!cantSearch)
                                List <Models.RevisionInformation> dbPull = null;

                                await databaseContextFactory.UseContext(
                                    async databaseContext =>
                                    dbPull = await databaseContext.RevisionInformations
                                    .Where(x => x.Instance.Id == Instance.Id &&
                                           x.OriginCommitSha == lastRevisionInfo.OriginCommitSha &&
                                           x.ActiveTestMerges.Count <= model.NewTestMerges.Count &&
                                           x.ActiveTestMerges.Count > 0)
                                    .Include(x => x.ActiveTestMerges)
                                    .ThenInclude(x => x.TestMerge)

                                // split here cause this bit has to be done locally
                                revInfoWereLookingFor = dbPull
                                                        .Where(x => x.ActiveTestMerges.Count == model.NewTestMerges.Count &&
                                                               x.ActiveTestMerges.Select(y => y.TestMerge)
                                                               .All(y => model.NewTestMerges.Any(z =>
                                                                                                 y.Number == z.Number &&
                                                                                                 y.TargetCommitSha.StartsWith(z.TargetCommitSha, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                                                                                                 (y.Comment?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() == z.Comment?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant() || z.Comment == null))))

                                if (revInfoWereLookingFor == default && model.NewTestMerges.Count > 1)
                                    // okay try to add at least SOME prs we've seen before
                                    var search = model.NewTestMerges.ToList();

                                    var appliedTestMergeIds = new List <long>();

                                    Models.RevisionInformation lastGoodRevInfo = null;
                                        foreach (var I in search)
                                            revInfoWereLookingFor = dbPull
                                                                    .Where(testRevInfo =>
                                                if (testRevInfo.PrimaryTestMerge == null)

                                                var testMergeMatch = model.NewTestMerges.Any(testTestMerge =>
                                                    var numberMatch = testRevInfo.PrimaryTestMerge.Number == testTestMerge.Number;
                                                    if (!numberMatch)

                                                    var shaMatch = testRevInfo.PrimaryTestMerge.TargetCommitSha.StartsWith(
                                                    if (!shaMatch)

                                                    var commentMatch = testRevInfo.PrimaryTestMerge.Comment == testTestMerge.Comment;

                                                if (!testMergeMatch)

                                                var previousTestMergesMatch = testRevInfo
                                                                              .Select(previousRevInfoTestMerge => previousRevInfoTestMerge.TestMerge)
                                                                              .All(previousTestMerge => appliedTestMergeIds.Contains(previousTestMerge.Id));


                                            if (revInfoWereLookingFor != null)
                                                lastGoodRevInfo = revInfoWereLookingFor;
                                    }while (revInfoWereLookingFor != null && search.Count > 0);

                                    revInfoWereLookingFor   = lastGoodRevInfo;
                                    needToApplyRemainingPrs = search.Count != 0;
                                    if (needToApplyRemainingPrs)
                                        model.NewTestMerges = search;
                                else if (revInfoWereLookingFor != null)
                                    needToApplyRemainingPrs = false;

                        if (revInfoWereLookingFor != null)
                            // goteem
                            Logger.LogDebug("Reusing existing SHA {0}...", revInfoWereLookingFor.CommitSha);
                            await repo.ResetToSha(revInfoWereLookingFor.CommitSha, NextProgressReporter(), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            lastRevisionInfo = revInfoWereLookingFor;

                        if (needToApplyRemainingPrs)
                            foreach (var I in model.NewTestMerges)
                                if (lastRevisionInfo.ActiveTestMerges.Any(x => x.TestMerge.Number == I.Number))
                                    throw new JobException(ErrorCode.RepoDuplicateTestMerge);

                                var fullTestMergeTask = repo.GetTestMerge(I, currentModel, ct);

                                var mergeResult = await repo.AddTestMerge(

                                if (mergeResult == null)
                                    throw new JobException(
                                              new JobException(
                                                  $"Test Merge #{I.Number} at {I.TargetCommitSha.Substring(0, 7)} conflicted!"));

                                Models.TestMerge fullTestMerge;
                                    fullTestMerge = await fullTestMergeTask.ConfigureAwait(false);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Logger.LogWarning("Error retrieving metadata for test merge #{0}!", I.Number);

                                    fullTestMerge = new Models.TestMerge
                                        Author       = ex.Message,
                                        BodyAtMerge  = ex.Message,
                                        MergedAt     = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                                        TitleAtMerge = ex.Message,
                                        Comment      = I.Comment,
                                        Number       = I.Number,
                                        Url          = ex.Message

                                // Ensure we're getting the full sha from git itself
                                fullTestMerge.TargetCommitSha = I.TargetCommitSha;

                                // MergedBy will be set later

                                await UpdateRevInfo(fullTestMerge).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var currentHead = repo.Head;
                    if (startSha != currentHead || (postUpdateSha != null && postUpdateSha != currentHead))
                        await repo.Sychronize(currentModel.AccessUser, currentModel.AccessToken, currentModel.CommitterName, currentModel.CommitterEmail, NextProgressReporter(), false, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        await UpdateRevInfo().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    doneSteps = 0;
                    numSteps  = 2;

                    // Forget what we've done and abort
                    // DCTx2: Cancellation token is for job, operations should always run
                    await repo.CheckoutObject(startReference ?? startSha, NextProgressReporter(), default).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (startReference != null && repo.Head != startSha)
                        await repo.ResetToSha(startSha, NextProgressReporter(), default).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var job = new Models.Job
                Description      = description,
                StartedBy        = AuthenticationContext.User,
                Instance         = Instance,
                CancelRightsType = RightsType.Repository,
                CancelRight      = (ulong)RepositoryRights.CancelPendingChanges,

            // Time to access git, do it in a job
            await jobManager.RegisterOperation(
                (core, databaseContextFactory, paramJob, progressReporter, ct) =>

            api.ActiveJob = job.ToApi();