// Create a new style with the specified styleid and stylename and add it to the specified // style definitions part. private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename) { // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent2 }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Lucida Console" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); // Specify a 12 point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(italic1); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename) { Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; //创建一个新的段落style 并且配置一些新属性 Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); //字体 StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent2 }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Lucida Console", EastAsia = "宋体" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); //字体大小 FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(italic1); style.Append(styleRunProperties1); styles.Append(style); }
// Create a new style with the specified styleid and stylename and add it to the specified // style definitions part. private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename, StyleValues type, Action <StyleRunProperties> prepareRunStyle, Action <StyleParagraphProperties> prepareParagraphStyle, string basedOn = "Normal") { // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = type, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = basedOn }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basedOn)) { style.Append(basedOn1); } //style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties = new StyleRunProperties(); prepareRunStyle(styleRunProperties); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties); StyleParagraphProperties styleParaProperties = new StyleParagraphProperties(); prepareParagraphStyle(styleParaProperties); style.Append(styleParaProperties); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
// Create a new style with the specified styleid and stylename and add it to the specified // style definitions part. private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename) { // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; //The styles set below probably should be passed in as a parameter and not hard coded, but //I only care about the Titles that are being append, so just leaving it for now. BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); // Specify a 12 point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
private Style ParseStyle(FormatStyle customStyle) { // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = customStyle.StyleId, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = customStyle.Name }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = customStyle.BasedOn }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = customStyle.NextParagraphStyle }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); string color = string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", customStyle.Color.R, customStyle.Color.G, customStyle.Color.B); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = color }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = customStyle.FontName }; // Specify a custom point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = customStyle.FontSize.ToString() }; if (customStyle.IsBold) styleRunProperties1.Append(new Bold()); if (customStyle.HighlightColor != FormatStyle.HighlightColors.None) styleRunProperties1.Append(new Highlight() { Val = (HighlightColorValues)(int)customStyle.HighlightColor }); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); if (customStyle.IsItalic) styleRunProperties1.Append(new Italic()); style.Append(styleRunProperties1); return style; }
private Style GenerateTitleStyle() { Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = TitleStyle }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Title" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TitleChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 10 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); //Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "0013195F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; ContextualSpacing contextualSpacing1 = new ContextualSpacing(); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(contextualSpacing1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Spacing spacing1 = new Spacing() { Val = -10 }; Kern kern1 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "56" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "56" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(spacing1); styleRunProperties1.Append(kern1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style1.Append(linkedStyle1); style1.Append(uIPriority1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); //style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); return style1; }
private Style GenerateHeadingTwoStyle() { Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = HeadingTwoStyle }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); //Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "0013195F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "0" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "2E74B5", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style1.Append(linkedStyle1); style1.Append(uIPriority1); style1.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); //style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); return style1; }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Liberation Serif", HighAnsi = "Liberation Serif", EastAsia = "SimSun", ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript541 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; Languages languages8 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU", EastAsia = "zh-CN", Bidi = "hi-IN" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts24); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript541); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages8); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal" }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl1 = new WidowControl() { Val = false }; BiDi biDi1 = new BiDi() { Val = false }; Justification justification319 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Start }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(widowControl1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(biDi1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(justification319); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts25 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Liberation Serif", HighAnsi = "Liberation Serif", EastAsia = "SimSun", ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; Color color13 = new Color() { Val = "00000A" }; FontSize fontSize541 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript542 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; Languages languages9 = new Languages() { Val = "ru-RU", EastAsia = "zh-CN", Bidi = "hi-IN" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts25); styleRunProperties1.Append(color13); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize541); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript542); styleRunProperties1.Append(languages9); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "1" }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок 1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold40 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize542 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript543 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(bold40); styleRunProperties2.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSize542); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript543); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок 2" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "200", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold41 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize543 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript544 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties3.Append(bold41); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript2); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSize543); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript544); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(basedOn2); style3.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); style3.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "3" }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок 3" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "140", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 2 }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold42 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize544 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript545 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(bold42); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize544); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript545); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn3); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(primaryStyle2); style5.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FontStyle48" }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Font Style48" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts26 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Spacing spacing5 = new Spacing() { Val = 0 }; FontSize fontSize545 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript546 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties6.Append(runFonts26); styleRunProperties6.Append(spacing5); styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSize545); styleRunProperties6.Append(fontSizeComplexScript546); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(basedOn4); style6.Append(primaryStyle3); style6.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FontStyle62" }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "Font Style62" }; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts27 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold43 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript4 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize546 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript547 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts27); styleRunProperties7.Append(bold43); styleRunProperties7.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSize546); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript547); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(basedOn5); style7.Append(primaryStyle4); style7.Append(styleRunProperties7); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style11" }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заголовок" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Style12" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240", After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts28 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Liberation Sans", HighAnsi = "Liberation Sans", EastAsia = "Microsoft YaHei", ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; FontSize fontSize547 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript548 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties8.Append(runFonts28); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSize547); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSizeComplexScript548); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn6); style8.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style8.Append(primaryStyle5); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style12" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "Основной текст" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "140", Line = "288", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn7); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style9.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style13" }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Список" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style12" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts29 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts29); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn8); style10.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style10.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style11 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style14" }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() { Val = "Название" }; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SuppressLineNumbers suppressLineNumbers1 = new SuppressLineNumbers(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(suppressLineNumbers1); styleParagraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts30 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript1 = new ItalicComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize548 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript549 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts30); styleRunProperties11.Append(italic1); styleRunProperties11.Append(italicComplexScript1); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize548); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript549); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn9); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); style11.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style12 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style15" }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() { Val = "Указатель" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SuppressLineNumbers suppressLineNumbers2 = new SuppressLineNumbers(); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(suppressLineNumbers2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts31 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Lucida Sans" }; styleRunProperties12.Append(runFonts31); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(basedOn10); style12.Append(primaryStyle6); style12.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style12.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style13 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style16" }; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() { Val = "Блочная цитата" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "283" }; Indentation indentation47 = new Indentation() { Start = "567", End = "567", Hanging = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(indentation47); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(basedOn11); style13.Append(primaryStyle7); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style13.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style17" }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Заглавие" }; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Justification justification320 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(justification320); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold44 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize549 = new FontSize() { Val = "56" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript550 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "56" }; styleRunProperties14.Append(bold44); styleRunProperties14.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize549); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript550); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn12); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); style14.Append(styleRunProperties14); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Style18" }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Подзаголовок" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Style11" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines8 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "120" }; Justification justification321 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines8); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(justification321); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties15 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize550 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript551 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; styleRunProperties15.Append(fontSize550); styleRunProperties15.Append(fontSizeComplexScript551); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn13); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); style15.Append(styleRunProperties15); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
// Creates an Style instance and adds its children. public static Style Generate_Heading2() { Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2" }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "0052463A" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "0" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "2F5496", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style1.Append(linkedStyle1); style1.Append(uIPriority1); style1.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); return(style1); }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 w15 w16se" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2012/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w16se", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2015/wordml/symex"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1039 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1039); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 372 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", Locked = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 2", Locked = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 3", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 4", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 5", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 6", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 7", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 8", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 9", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo14 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo15 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo16 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo17 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo18 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo19 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index 9", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo20 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 1", Locked = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo21 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 2", Locked = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 3", Locked = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 4", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 5", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 6", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 7", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 8", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 9", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal Indent", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo30 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "footnote text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo31 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "annotation text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo32 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "header", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo33 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "footer", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo34 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "index heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo35 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "caption", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "table of figures", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "envelope address", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "envelope return", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "footnote reference", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "annotation reference", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "line number", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "page number", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "endnote reference", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "endnote text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "table of authorities", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "macro", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toa heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo48 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo49 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Bullet", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo50 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Number", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo51 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo52 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo53 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo54 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo55 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Bullet 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo56 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Bullet 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo57 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Bullet 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo58 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Bullet 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo59 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Number 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo60 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Number 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo61 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Number 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo62 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Number 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo63 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", Locked = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo64 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Closing", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo65 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Signature", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo66 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Default Paragraph Font", Locked = true, UiPriority = 1 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo67 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo68 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text Indent", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo69 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Continue", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo70 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Continue 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo71 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Continue 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Continue 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Continue 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Message Header", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Salutation", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Date", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text First Indent", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text First Indent 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Note Heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text Indent 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Body Text Indent 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Block Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Hyperlink", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "FollowedHyperlink", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", Locked = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", Locked = true, UiPriority = 0, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Document Map", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "E-mail Signature", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Top of Form", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Bottom of Form", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal (Web)", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Acronym", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Address", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Cite", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Code", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Definition", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Keyboard", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Preformatted", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Sample", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Typewriter", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "HTML Variable", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "annotation subject", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No List", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Outline List 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Outline List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Outline List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Simple 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo112 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Simple 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo113 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Simple 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo114 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo115 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo116 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo117 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Classic 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo118 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Colorful 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Colorful 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo120 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Colorful 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo121 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo122 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo123 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Columns 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo136 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo137 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table List 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table 3D effects 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo145 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Contemporary", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo146 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Elegant", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo147 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Professional", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo148 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Subtle 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo149 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Subtle 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo150 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Web 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo151 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Web 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Balloon Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", Locked = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo154 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Placeholder Text", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo155 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo156 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading" }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo157 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo158 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo159 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo160 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Revision", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo189 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo190 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo191 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo192 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo193 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo194 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo215 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo216 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo217 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo218 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo219 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo220 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo249 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo250 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo251 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo252 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo253 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo254 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo255 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo256 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo257 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo258 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo259 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo260 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo261 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo262 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo263 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo264 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "TOC Heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo265 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 1", UiPriority = 41 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo266 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 2", UiPriority = 42 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 3", UiPriority = 43 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 4", UiPriority = 44 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Plain Table 5", UiPriority = 45 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo270 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table Light", UiPriority = 40 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo271 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo272 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo273 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo274 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo275 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo276 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo277 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo278 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo279 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo280 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo281 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo282 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo283 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo284 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo285 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo286 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo287 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo288 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo289 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo290 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo291 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo292 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo293 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo294 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo295 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo296 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo297 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo298 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo299 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo300 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo301 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo302 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo303 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo304 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo305 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo306 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo307 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo308 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo309 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo310 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo311 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo312 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo313 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo314 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo315 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo316 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo317 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo318 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo319 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo320 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo321 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo322 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo323 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo324 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo325 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo326 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo327 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo328 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo329 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo330 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo331 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo332 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo333 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo334 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo335 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo336 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo337 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo338 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo339 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo340 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo341 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo342 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo343 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo344 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo345 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo346 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo347 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo348 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo349 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo350 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo351 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo352 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo353 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo354 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo355 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo356 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo357 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo358 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo359 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo360 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo361 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo362 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo363 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo364 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo365 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo366 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo367 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo368 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo369 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Mention", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo138); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo139); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo140); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo141); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo142); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo143); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo144); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo145); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo146); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo147); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo148); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo149); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo150); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo151); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo152); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo275); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo276); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo277); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo278); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo279); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo280); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo281); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo282); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo283); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo284); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo285); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo286); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo287); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo288); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo289); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo290); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo291); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo292); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo293); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo294); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo295); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo296); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo297); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo298); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo299); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo300); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo301); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo302); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo303); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo304); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo305); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo306); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo307); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo308); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo309); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo310); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo311); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo312); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo313); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo314); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo315); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo316); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo317); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo318); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo319); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo320); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo321); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo322); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo323); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo324); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo325); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo326); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo327); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo328); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo329); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo330); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo331); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo332); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo333); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo334); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo335); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo336); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo337); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo338); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo339); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo340); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo341); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo342); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo343); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo344); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo345); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo346); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo347); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo348); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo349); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo350); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo351); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo352); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo353); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo354); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo355); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo356); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo357); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo358); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo359); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo360); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo361); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo362); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo363); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo364); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo365); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo366); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo367); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo368); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo369); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid384 = new Rsid() { Val = "007756BD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize1056 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1042 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1056); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1042); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid384); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading1" }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 1" }; Aliases aliases1 = new Aliases() { Val = "H1,DO NOT USE_h1,H11,H12,H111,H13,H112,H121,H1111,H14" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid385 = new Rsid() { Val = "005244EE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "240", After = "60" }; 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TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation5); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden2); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style5.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(semiHidden3); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading1Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 1 Char" }; Aliases aliases2 = new Aliases() { Val = "H1 Char,DO NOT USE_h1 Char,H11 Char,H12 Char,H111 Char,H13 Char,H112 Char,H121 Char,H1111 Char,H14 Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle3 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1" }; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked2 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid387 = new Rsid() { Val = "00972E14" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1041 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold121 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript15 = new BoldComplexScript(); 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style8.Append(locked3); style8.Append(rsid388); style8.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "header" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "HeaderChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid389 = new Rsid() { Val = "000F55C6" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs9 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop9 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4320 }; TabStop tabStop10 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 8640 }; tabs9.Append(tabStop9); tabs9.Append(tabStop10); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(tabs9); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn3); style9.Append(linkedStyle5); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(rsid389); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true }; 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styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts1046); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize1064); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(linkedStyle10); style15.Append(uIPriority14); style15.Append(locked6); style15.Append(rsid395); style15.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title2", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Title 2" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Title" }; UIPriority uIPriority15 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid396 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); AutoSpaceDE autoSpaceDE2 = new AutoSpaceDE() { Val = false }; AutoSpaceDN autoSpaceDN2 = new AutoSpaceDN() { Val = false }; AdjustRightIndent adjustRightIndent2 = new AdjustRightIndent() { Val = false }; SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", After = "120" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 9 }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(autoSpaceDE2); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(autoSpaceDN2); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(adjustRightIndent2); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1047 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Kern kern3 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; FontSize fontSize1065 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts1047); styleRunProperties11.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize1065); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(basedOn6); style16.Append(uIPriority15); style16.Append(rsid396); style16.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style16.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style17 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "BodyText" }; UIPriority uIPriority16 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid397 = new Rsid() { Val = "00076FEE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1048 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold123 = new Bold(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1050 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties12.Append(runFonts1048); styleRunProperties12.Append(bold123); styleRunProperties12.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1050); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn7); style17.Append(uIPriority16); style17.Append(rsid397); style17.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style17.Append(styleRunProperties12); 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Bold bold124 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript17 = new BoldComplexScript(); Kern kern4 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize1066 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1051 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties14.Append(runFonts1050); styleRunProperties14.Append(bold124); styleRunProperties14.Append(boldComplexScript17); styleRunProperties14.Append(kern4); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize1066); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1051); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(basedOn9); style19.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style19.Append(linkedStyle11); style19.Append(uIPriority18); style19.Append(primaryStyle4); style19.Append(rsid399); style19.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style19.Append(styleRunProperties14); Style style20 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitleChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName() { Val = "Title Char" }; 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style20.Append(uIPriority19); style20.Append(locked7); style20.Append(rsid400); style20.Append(styleRunProperties15); Style style21 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOCHeading" }; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName() { Val = "TOC Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Heading1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uIPriority20 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid401 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepLines keepLines2 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines9 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480", After = "0", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel5 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 9 }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines9); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(outlineLevel5); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties16 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1052 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript19 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color375 = new Color() { Val = "365F91" }; Kern kern6 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; FontSize fontSize1068 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1053 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties16.Append(runFonts1052); styleRunProperties16.Append(boldComplexScript19); styleRunProperties16.Append(color375); styleRunProperties16.Append(kern6); styleRunProperties16.Append(fontSize1068); styleRunProperties16.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1053); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(basedOn10); style21.Append(nextParagraphStyle4); style21.Append(uIPriority20); style21.Append(primaryStyle5); style21.Append(rsid401); style21.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style21.Append(styleRunProperties16); Style style22 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC2" }; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 2" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle5 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine1 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid402 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; Indentation indentation26 = new Indentation() { Start = "220" }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); styleParagraphProperties11.Append(indentation26); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties17 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1053 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" }; 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Rsid rsid403 = new Rsid() { Val = "009E06D4" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders2 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder99 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)12U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; paragraphBorders2.Append(bottomBorder99); Tabs tabs11 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop13 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Right, Leader = TabStopLeaderCharValues.Dot, Position = 9360 }; tabs11.Append(tabStop13); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel6 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(paragraphBorders2); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(tabs11); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(outlineLevel6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties18 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1054 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Verdana", HighAnsi = "Verdana" }; Bold bold126 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize1070 = new FontSize() { Val = "21" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1055 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "21" }; styleRunProperties18.Append(runFonts1054); styleRunProperties18.Append(bold126); styleRunProperties18.Append(fontSize1070); styleRunProperties18.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1055); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn12); style23.Append(nextParagraphStyle6); style23.Append(autoRedefine2); style23.Append(uIPriority22); style23.Append(semiHidden7); style23.Append(rsid403); style23.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); style23.Append(styleRunProperties18); Style style24 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC3" }; StyleName styleName24 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 3" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle7 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden8 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid404 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines12 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; Indentation indentation27 = new Indentation() { Start = "440" }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines12); styleParagraphProperties13.Append(indentation27); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties19 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1055 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" }; FontSize fontSize1071 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1056 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties19.Append(runFonts1055); styleRunProperties19.Append(fontSize1071); styleRunProperties19.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1056); style24.Append(styleName24); style24.Append(basedOn13); style24.Append(nextParagraphStyle7); style24.Append(autoRedefine3); style24.Append(uIPriority23); style24.Append(semiHidden8); style24.Append(rsid404); style24.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style24.Append(styleRunProperties19); Style style25 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText" }; StyleName styleName25 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text" }; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonTextChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority24 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden9 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid405 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties20 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1056 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize1072 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1057 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties20.Append(runFonts1056); styleRunProperties20.Append(fontSize1072); styleRunProperties20.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1057); style25.Append(styleName25); style25.Append(basedOn14); style25.Append(linkedStyle13); style25.Append(uIPriority24); style25.Append(semiHidden9); style25.Append(rsid405); style25.Append(styleRunProperties20); Style style26 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName26 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonText" }; UIPriority uIPriority25 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked8 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid406 = new Rsid() { Val = "00513B3F" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties21 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1057 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize1073 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1058 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties21.Append(runFonts1057); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSize1073); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1058); style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(linkedStyle14); style26.Append(uIPriority25); style26.Append(locked8); style26.Append(rsid406); style26.Append(styleRunProperties21); Style style27 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Strong" }; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() { Val = "Strong" }; UIPriority uIPriority26 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid407 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E07DEF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties22 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1058 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold127 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript20 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties22.Append(runFonts1058); styleRunProperties22.Append(bold127); styleRunProperties22.Append(boldComplexScript20); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(uIPriority26); style27.Append(primaryStyle6); style27.Append(rsid407); style27.Append(styleRunProperties22); Style style28 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CommentReference" }; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() { Val = "annotation reference" }; UIPriority uIPriority27 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden10 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid408 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties23 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1059 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize1074 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1059 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties23.Append(runFonts1059); styleRunProperties23.Append(fontSize1074); styleRunProperties23.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1059); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(uIPriority27); style28.Append(semiHidden10); style28.Append(rsid408); style28.Append(styleRunProperties23); Style style29 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "CommentText" }; StyleName styleName29 = new StyleName() { Val = "annotation text" }; BasedOn basedOn15 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle15 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentTextChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority28 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden11 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid409 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties24 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize1075 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1060 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties24.Append(fontSize1075); styleRunProperties24.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1060); style29.Append(styleName29); style29.Append(basedOn15); style29.Append(linkedStyle15); style29.Append(uIPriority28); style29.Append(semiHidden11); style29.Append(rsid409); style29.Append(styleRunProperties24); Style style30 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CommentTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName30 = new StyleName() { Val = "Comment Text Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentText" }; UIPriority uIPriority29 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked9 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid410 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties25 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1060 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; styleRunProperties25.Append(runFonts1060); style30.Append(styleName30); style30.Append(linkedStyle16); style30.Append(uIPriority29); style30.Append(locked9); style30.Append(rsid410); style30.Append(styleRunProperties25); Style style31 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "CommentSubject" }; StyleName styleName31 = new StyleName() { Val = "annotation subject" }; BasedOn basedOn16 = new BasedOn() { Val = "CommentText" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle8 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "CommentText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle17 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentSubjectChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority30 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden12 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid411 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties26 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold128 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript21 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties26.Append(bold128); styleRunProperties26.Append(boldComplexScript21); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(basedOn16); style31.Append(nextParagraphStyle8); style31.Append(linkedStyle17); style31.Append(uIPriority30); style31.Append(semiHidden12); style31.Append(rsid411); style31.Append(styleRunProperties26); Style style32 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CommentSubjectChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName() { Val = "Comment Subject Char" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "CommentSubject" }; UIPriority uIPriority31 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked10 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid412 = new Rsid() { Val = "00E04E9E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties27 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1061 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold129 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript22 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties27.Append(runFonts1061); styleRunProperties27.Append(bold129); styleRunProperties27.Append(boldComplexScript22); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(linkedStyle18); style32.Append(uIPriority31); style32.Append(locked10); style32.Append(rsid412); style32.Append(styleRunProperties27); Style style33 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Hyperlink" }; StyleName styleName33 = new StyleName() { Val = "Hyperlink" }; UIPriority uIPriority32 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid413 = new Rsid() { Val = "0077670E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties28 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1062 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Color color376 = new Color() { Val = "0000FF" }; Underline underline96 = new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single }; styleRunProperties28.Append(runFonts1062); styleRunProperties28.Append(color376); styleRunProperties28.Append(underline96); style33.Append(styleName33); style33.Append(uIPriority32); style33.Append(rsid413); style33.Append(styleRunProperties28); Style style34 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "NoSpacing" }; StyleName styleName34 = new StyleName() { Val = "No Spacing" }; UIPriority uIPriority33 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid414 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CF3870" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties29 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1063 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" }; FontSize fontSize1076 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1061 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; styleRunProperties29.Append(runFonts1063); styleRunProperties29.Append(fontSize1076); styleRunProperties29.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1061); style34.Append(styleName34); style34.Append(uIPriority33); style34.Append(primaryStyle7); style34.Append(rsid414); style34.Append(styleRunProperties29); Style style35 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid" }; StyleName styleName35 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn17 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority34 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Locked locked11 = new Locked(); Rsid rsid415 = new Rsid() { Val = "00614236" }; StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableBorders tableBorders5 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder94 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder93 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder100 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder93 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder5 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder5 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders5.Append(topBorder94); tableBorders5.Append(leftBorder93); tableBorders5.Append(bottomBorder100); tableBorders5.Append(rightBorder93); tableBorders5.Append(insideHorizontalBorder5); tableBorders5.Append(insideVerticalBorder5); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders5); style35.Append(styleName35); style35.Append(basedOn17); style35.Append(uIPriority34); style35.Append(locked11); style35.Append(rsid415); style35.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style36 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "LightShading" }; StyleName styleName36 = new StyleName() { Val = "Light Shading" }; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority35 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; Rsid rsid416 = new Rsid() { Val = "00614236" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties30 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color377 = new Color() { Val = "000000" }; styleRunProperties30.Append(color377); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties3 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize1 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize1 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableBorders tableBorders6 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder95 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder101 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders6.Append(topBorder95); tableBorders6.Append(bottomBorder101); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableBorders6); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties1 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties14 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties14.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1064 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold130 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript23 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(runFonts1064); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(bold130); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(boldComplexScript23); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders91 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder96 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder94 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; BottomBorder bottomBorder102 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder94 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder6 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder6 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders91.Append(topBorder96); tableCellBorders91.Append(leftBorder94); tableCellBorders91.Append(bottomBorder102); tableCellBorders91.Append(rightBorder94); tableCellBorders91.Append(insideHorizontalBorder6); tableCellBorders91.Append(insideVerticalBorder6); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1.Append(tableCellBorders91); tableStyleProperties1.Append(styleParagraphProperties14); tableStyleProperties1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties2 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties15 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties15.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle3 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1065 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold131 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript24 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(runFonts1065); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(bold131); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(boldComplexScript24); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders92 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder97 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder95 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; BottomBorder bottomBorder103 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder95 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder7 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder7 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders92.Append(topBorder97); tableCellBorders92.Append(leftBorder95); tableCellBorders92.Append(bottomBorder103); tableCellBorders92.Append(rightBorder95); tableCellBorders92.Append(insideHorizontalBorder7); tableCellBorders92.Append(insideVerticalBorder7); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2.Append(tableCellBorders92); tableStyleProperties2.Append(styleParagraphProperties15); tableStyleProperties2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle3); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties3 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle4 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1066 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold132 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript25 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(runFonts1066); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(bold132); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(boldComplexScript25); tableStyleProperties3.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle4); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties4 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle5 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1067 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold133 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript26 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(runFonts1067); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(bold133); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(boldComplexScript26); tableStyleProperties4.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties5 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle6 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1068 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(runFonts1068); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders93 = new TableCellBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder96 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; RightBorder rightBorder96 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder8 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder8 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders93.Append(leftBorder96); tableCellBorders93.Append(rightBorder96); tableCellBorders93.Append(insideHorizontalBorder8); tableCellBorders93.Append(insideVerticalBorder8); Shading shading55 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "C0C0C0" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3.Append(tableCellBorders93); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3.Append(shading55); tableStyleProperties5.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle6); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties6 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle7 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1069 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(runFonts1069); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders94 = new TableCellBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder97 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; RightBorder rightBorder97 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder9 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder9 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders94.Append(leftBorder97); tableCellBorders94.Append(rightBorder97); tableCellBorders94.Append(insideHorizontalBorder9); tableCellBorders94.Append(insideVerticalBorder9); Shading shading56 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "C0C0C0" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4.Append(tableCellBorders94); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4.Append(shading56); tableStyleProperties6.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle7); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4); style36.Append(styleName36); style36.Append(basedOn18); style36.Append(uIPriority35); style36.Append(rsid416); style36.Append(styleRunProperties30); style36.Append(styleTableProperties3); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties1); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties2); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties3); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties4); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties5); style36.Append(tableStyleProperties6); Style style37 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ListParagraph" }; StyleName styleName37 = new StyleName() { Val = "List Paragraph" }; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uIPriority36 = new UIPriority() { Val = 34 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle8 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid417 = new Rsid() { Val = "00016236" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties16 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Indentation indentation28 = new Indentation() { Start = "720" }; styleParagraphProperties16.Append(indentation28); style37.Append(styleName37); style37.Append(basedOn19); style37.Append(uIPriority36); style37.Append(primaryStyle8); style37.Append(rsid417); style37.Append(styleParagraphProperties16); Style style38 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PlaceholderText" }; StyleName styleName38 = new StyleName() { Val = "Placeholder Text" }; BasedOn basedOn20 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority37 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden13 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid418 = new Rsid() { Val = "005E53DA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties31 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color378 = new Color() { Val = "808080" }; styleRunProperties31.Append(color378); style38.Append(styleName38); style38.Append(basedOn20); style38.Append(uIPriority37); style38.Append(semiHidden13); style38.Append(rsid418); style38.Append(styleRunProperties31); Style style39 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Revision" }; StyleName styleName39 = new StyleName() { Val = "Revision" }; StyleHidden styleHidden1 = new StyleHidden(); UIPriority uIPriority38 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden14 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid419 = new Rsid() { Val = "000E2AF5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties32 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize1077 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1062 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties32.Append(fontSize1077); styleRunProperties32.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1062); style39.Append(styleName39); style39.Append(styleHidden1); style39.Append(uIPriority38); style39.Append(semiHidden14); style39.Append(rsid419); style39.Append(styleRunProperties32); Style style40 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FollowedHyperlink" }; StyleName styleName40 = new StyleName() { Val = "FollowedHyperlink" }; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority39 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden15 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid420 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BC1A91" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties33 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color379 = new Color() { Val = "800080", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.FollowedHyperlink }; Underline underline97 = new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single }; styleRunProperties33.Append(color379); styleRunProperties33.Append(underline97); style40.Append(styleName40); style40.Append(basedOn21); style40.Append(uIPriority39); style40.Append(semiHidden15); style40.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); style40.Append(rsid420); style40.Append(styleRunProperties33); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); styles1.Append(style17); styles1.Append(style18); styles1.Append(style19); styles1.Append(style20); styles1.Append(style21); styles1.Append(style22); styles1.Append(style23); styles1.Append(style24); styles1.Append(style25); styles1.Append(style26); styles1.Append(style27); styles1.Append(style28); styles1.Append(style29); styles1.Append(style30); styles1.Append(style31); styles1.Append(style32); styles1.Append(style33); styles1.Append(style34); styles1.Append(style35); styles1.Append(style36); styles1.Append(style37); styles1.Append(style38); styles1.Append(style39); styles1.Append(style40); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
private void CreateAuthorStyle() { // Get the Styles part for this document. StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart = _document.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart; // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Author", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName = new StyleName() { Val = "Author" }; BasedOn basedOn = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName); style.Append(basedOn); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold = new Bold(); // More info: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17221250/9017481 Color color = new Color() { Val = "000000" }; RunFonts font = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria (Body)" }; FontSize fontSize = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties.Append(bold); styleRunProperties.Append(color); styleRunProperties.Append(font); styleRunProperties.Append(fontSize); // Centering text // https://stackoverflow.com/a/24827814/9017481 ParagraphProperties paragraphRunProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); Justification CenterHeading = new Justification { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; paragraphRunProperties.Append(CenterHeading); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties); style.Append(paragraphRunProperties); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
private void GenerateDefaultStyleHeader() { Style style1 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "1" }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName(){ Val = "heading 1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle(){ Val = "a" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "10" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 9 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid(){ Val = "004A6073" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines(){ Before = "240", After = "0" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel(){ Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color1 = new Color(){ Val = "2E74B5", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize(){ Val = "32" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(basedOn1); style1.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style1.Append(linkedStyle1); style1.Append(uIPriority1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Styles.Add(style1); }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman", HighAnsi = "Times New Roman", EastAsia = "MS Mincho", ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; Languages languages13 = new Languages() { Val = "fr-CA", EastAsia = "fr-CA", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts6); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages13); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 0, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException1 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Normal", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException2 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 1", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException3 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 2", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException4 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 3", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException5 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException6 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException7 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException8 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException9 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException10 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "heading 9", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException11 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "caption", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException12 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Title", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException13 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtitle", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException14 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Strong", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException15 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Emphasis", PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException16 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Placeholder Text", UiPriority = 99, SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException17 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException18 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException19 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException20 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException21 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException22 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException23 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException24 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException25 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException26 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException27 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException28 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException29 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException30 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException31 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException32 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException33 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException34 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException35 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException36 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException37 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException38 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Revision", UiPriority = 99, SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException39 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException40 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException41 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException42 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException43 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException44 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException45 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException46 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException47 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException48 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException49 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException50 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException51 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException52 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException53 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException54 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException55 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException56 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException57 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException58 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException59 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException60 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException61 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException62 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException63 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException64 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException65 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException66 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException67 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException68 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException69 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException70 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException71 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException72 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException73 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException74 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException75 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException76 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException77 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException78 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException79 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException80 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException81 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException82 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException83 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException84 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException85 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException86 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException87 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException88 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException89 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException90 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException91 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException92 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException93 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException94 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException95 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException96 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException97 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException98 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException99 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException100 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException101 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException102 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException103 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException104 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException105 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException106 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException107 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException108 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException109 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException110 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException111 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException112 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException113 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException114 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException115 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException116 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException117 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException118 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException119 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException120 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException121 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException122 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException123 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException124 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException125 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleException latentStyleException126 = new LatentStyleException() { Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleException126); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid615 = new Rsid() { Val = "006F57DE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines24 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines24); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; FontSize fontSize13 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript22 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages14 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts7); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize13); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript22); styleRunProperties1.Append(languages14); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid615); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Titre1" }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Titre1Car" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid616 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext3 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines25 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepNext3); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines25); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold13 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); Caps caps2 = new Caps(); Kern kern2 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)20U }; Languages languages15 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(runFonts8); styleRunProperties2.Append(bold13); styleRunProperties2.Append(boldComplexScript2); styleRunProperties2.Append(caps2); styleRunProperties2.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties2.Append(languages15); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid616); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Titre2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid617 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext4 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines26 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", Line = "280", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepNext4); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines26); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold14 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript1 = new ItalicComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize14 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript23 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages16 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties3.Append(runFonts9); styleRunProperties3.Append(bold14); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties3.Append(italicComplexScript1); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSize14); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript23); styleRunProperties3.Append(languages16); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(nextParagraphStyle2); style3.Append(primaryStyle3); style3.Append(rsid617); style3.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); style3.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Titre3" }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 3" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Titre2" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle3 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid618 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 2 }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold15 = new Bold() { Val = false }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript4 = new BoldComplexScript() { Val = false }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript24 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(bold15); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties4.Append(italic1); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript24); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn1); style4.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style4.Append(primaryStyle4); style4.Append(rsid618); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Policepardfaut", Default = true }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority1); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableauNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); 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style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority2); style6.Append(semiHidden1); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style6.Append(primaryStyle5); style6.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "Aucuneliste", Default = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(uIPriority3); style7.Append(semiHidden2); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "En-tte" }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "header" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "En-tteCar" }; Rsid rsid619 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); 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styleRunProperties5.Append(caps3); styleRunProperties5.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize15); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript25); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn2); style8.Append(linkedStyle2); style8.Append(rsid619); style8.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Pieddepage" }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "footer" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid620 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines28 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification4 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines28); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(justification4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); 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OutlineLevel outlineLevel4 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(justification5); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(outlineLevel4); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "264C73" }; Kern kern4 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize17 = new FontSize() { Val = "46" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript26 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages17 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties9.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties9.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties9.Append(color1); styleRunProperties9.Append(kern4); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSize17); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript26); styleRunProperties9.Append(languages17); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(linkedStyle3); style13.Append(primaryStyle6); style13.Append(rsid624); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style13.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ManagerName", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Manager Name" }; Rsid rsid625 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines30 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "40" }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines30); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; Bold bold16 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize18 = new FontSize() { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript27 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages18 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts13); styleRunProperties10.Append(bold16); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize18); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript27); styleRunProperties10.Append(languages18); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(rsid625); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style14.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableText", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Text" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; Rsid rsid626 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines31 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines31); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize19 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize19); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn7); style15.Append(linkedStyle4); style15.Append(rsid626); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); style15.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ProductsReviewedHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Products Reviewed Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeadingChar" }; Rsid rsid627 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders6 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder7 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "808080", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)7U }; paragraphBorders6.Append(topBorder7); 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StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines33 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification6 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines33); styleParagraphProperties13.Append(justification6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Caps caps5 = new Caps(); Color color2 = new Color() { Val = "5C5C5C" }; Kern kern5 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)22U }; styleRunProperties13.Append(caps5); styleRunProperties13.Append(color2); styleRunProperties13.Append(kern5); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn9); style17.Append(nextParagraphStyle5); style17.Append(linkedStyle6); style17.Append(rsid628); style17.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style17.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style18 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header2", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() { Val = "Header 2" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "En-tte" }; Rsid rsid629 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties14 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders7 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder8 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; paragraphBorders7.Append(bottomBorder8); styleParagraphProperties14.Append(paragraphBorders7); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize20 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript28 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize20); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript28); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn10); style18.Append(rsid629); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties14); style18.Append(styleRunProperties14); 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paragraphBorders8.Append(topBorder8); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines34 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "120", Line = "200", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Exact }; styleParagraphProperties15.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties15.Append(paragraphBorders8); styleParagraphProperties15.Append(spacingBetweenLines34); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties17 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts15 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", EastAsia = "Times New Roman" }; Color color3 = new Color() { Val = "808080" }; FontSize fontSize23 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript30 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages19 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US" }; styleRunProperties17.Append(runFonts15); styleRunProperties17.Append(color3); styleRunProperties17.Append(fontSize23); styleRunProperties17.Append(fontSizeComplexScript30); styleRunProperties17.Append(languages19); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(linkedStyle7); style21.Append(autoRedefine1); style21.Append(rsid632); style21.Append(styleParagraphProperties15); style21.Append(styleRunProperties17); Style style22 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TableHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableHeadingChar" }; Rsid rsid633 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties18 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold18 = new Bold(); Caps caps6 = new Caps(); Kern kern6 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript31 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties18.Append(bold18); styleRunProperties18.Append(caps6); styleRunProperties18.Append(kern6); styleRunProperties18.Append(fontSizeComplexScript31); style22.Append(styleName22); style22.Append(basedOn13); style22.Append(linkedStyle8); style22.Append(rsid633); style22.Append(styleRunProperties18); Style style23 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "HorizontalLine", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName23 = new StyleName() { Val = "Horizontal Line" }; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid634 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties16 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders9 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder9 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "808080", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; paragraphBorders9.Append(bottomBorder9); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines35 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "240" }; styleParagraphProperties16.Append(paragraphBorders9); styleParagraphProperties16.Append(spacingBetweenLines35); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn14); style23.Append(rsid634); 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Rsid rsid637 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties19 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines38 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "60" }; styleParagraphProperties19.Append(spacingBetweenLines38); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties20 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize24 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties20.Append(fontSize24); style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(basedOn17); style26.Append(linkedStyle9); style26.Append(rsid637); style26.Append(styleParagraphProperties19); style26.Append(styleRunProperties20); Style style27 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ProductName", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() { Val = "Product Name" }; Rsid rsid638 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties20 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders11 = new ParagraphBorders(); 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styleRunProperties21.Append(kern7); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSize25); styleRunProperties21.Append(fontSizeComplexScript32); styleRunProperties21.Append(languages20); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(rsid638); style27.Append(styleParagraphProperties20); style27.Append(styleRunProperties21); Style style28 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "DislaimerHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() { Val = "Dislaimer Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle6 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "DislaimerHeadingChar" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine2 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid639 = new Rsid() { Val = "00782598" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties21 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext5 = new KeepNext(); styleParagraphProperties21.Append(keepNext5); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties22 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold21 = new Bold(); styleRunProperties22.Append(bold21); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(basedOn18); style28.Append(nextParagraphStyle6); style28.Append(linkedStyle10); style28.Append(autoRedefine2); style28.Append(rsid639); style28.Append(styleParagraphProperties21); style28.Append(styleRunProperties22); Style style29 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DateCar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName29 = new StyleName() { Val = "Date Car" }; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle11 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Date" }; Rsid rsid640 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties23 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts17 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Caps caps8 = new Caps(); Color color5 = new Color() { Val = "5C5C5C" }; Kern kern8 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)22U }; FontSize fontSize26 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript33 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages21 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties23.Append(runFonts17); styleRunProperties23.Append(caps8); styleRunProperties23.Append(color5); styleRunProperties23.Append(kern8); styleRunProperties23.Append(fontSize26); styleRunProperties23.Append(fontSizeComplexScript33); styleRunProperties23.Append(languages21); style29.Append(styleName29); style29.Append(basedOn19); style29.Append(linkedStyle11); style29.Append(rsid640); style29.Append(styleRunProperties23); Style style30 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitreCar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName30 = new StyleName() { Val = "Titre Car" }; BasedOn basedOn20 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle12 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Titre" }; Rsid rsid641 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties24 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts18 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript6 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color6 = new Color() { Val = "264C73" }; Kern kern9 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize27 = new FontSize() { Val = "46" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript34 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages22 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties24.Append(runFonts18); styleRunProperties24.Append(boldComplexScript6); styleRunProperties24.Append(color6); styleRunProperties24.Append(kern9); styleRunProperties24.Append(fontSize27); styleRunProperties24.Append(fontSizeComplexScript34); styleRunProperties24.Append(languages22); style30.Append(styleName30); style30.Append(basedOn20); style30.Append(linkedStyle12); style30.Append(rsid641); style30.Append(styleRunProperties24); Style style31 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Header2TitleChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName31 = new StyleName() { Val = "Header 2 Title Char" }; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TitreCar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Header2Title" }; Rsid rsid642 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties25 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts19 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript7 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color7 = new Color() { Val = "264C73" }; Kern kern10 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)28U }; FontSize fontSize28 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript35 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "36" }; Languages languages23 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties25.Append(runFonts19); styleRunProperties25.Append(boldComplexScript7); styleRunProperties25.Append(color7); styleRunProperties25.Append(kern10); styleRunProperties25.Append(fontSize28); styleRunProperties25.Append(fontSizeComplexScript35); styleRunProperties25.Append(languages23); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(basedOn21); style31.Append(linkedStyle13); style31.Append(rsid642); style31.Append(styleRunProperties25); Style style32 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Titre1Car", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName() { Val = "Titre 1 Car" }; BasedOn basedOn22 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Titre1" }; Rsid rsid643 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties26 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts20 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold22 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript8 = new BoldComplexScript(); Caps caps9 = new Caps(); Kern kern11 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)20U }; Languages languages24 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties26.Append(runFonts20); styleRunProperties26.Append(bold22); styleRunProperties26.Append(boldComplexScript8); styleRunProperties26.Append(caps9); styleRunProperties26.Append(kern11); styleRunProperties26.Append(languages24); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(basedOn22); style32.Append(linkedStyle14); style32.Append(rsid643); style32.Append(styleRunProperties26); Style style33 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TableTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName33 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Text Char" }; BasedOn basedOn23 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle15 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableText" }; Rsid rsid644 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties27 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts21 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize29 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript36 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages25 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties27.Append(runFonts21); styleRunProperties27.Append(fontSize29); styleRunProperties27.Append(fontSizeComplexScript36); styleRunProperties27.Append(languages25); style33.Append(styleName33); style33.Append(basedOn23); style33.Append(linkedStyle15); style33.Append(rsid644); style33.Append(styleRunProperties27); Style style34 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TableHeadingChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName34 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Heading Char" }; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "TableHeading" }; Rsid rsid645 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties28 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts22 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold23 = new Bold(); Caps caps10 = new Caps(); Kern kern12 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; FontSize fontSize30 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript37 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "18" }; Languages languages26 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties28.Append(runFonts22); styleRunProperties28.Append(bold23); styleRunProperties28.Append(caps10); styleRunProperties28.Append(kern12); styleRunProperties28.Append(fontSize30); styleRunProperties28.Append(fontSizeComplexScript37); styleRunProperties28.Append(languages26); style34.Append(styleName34); style34.Append(basedOn24); style34.Append(linkedStyle16); style34.Append(rsid645); style34.Append(styleRunProperties28); Style style35 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Liste" }; StyleName styleName35 = new StyleName() { Val = "List" }; BasedOn basedOn25 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid646 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties22 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs4 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop4 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 360 }; tabs4.Append(tabStop4); styleParagraphProperties22.Append(tabs4); style35.Append(styleName35); style35.Append(basedOn25); style35.Append(rsid646); style35.Append(styleParagraphProperties22); Style style36 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Listepuces2" }; StyleName styleName36 = new StyleName() { Val = "List Bullet 2" }; BasedOn basedOn26 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid647 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties23 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs5 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop5 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Number, Position = 360 }; tabs5.Append(tabStop5); styleParagraphProperties23.Append(tabs5); style36.Append(styleName36); style36.Append(basedOn26); style36.Append(rsid647); style36.Append(styleParagraphProperties23); Style style37 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "En-tteCar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName37 = new StyleName() { Val = "En-tête Car" }; BasedOn basedOn27 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle17 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "En-tte" }; Rsid rsid648 = new Rsid() { Val = "00314DD5" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties29 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts23 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Caps caps11 = new Caps(); Kern kern13 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32Value)16U }; Languages languages27 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties29.Append(runFonts23); styleRunProperties29.Append(caps11); styleRunProperties29.Append(kern13); styleRunProperties29.Append(languages27); style37.Append(styleName37); style37.Append(basedOn27); style37.Append(linkedStyle17); style37.Append(rsid648); style37.Append(styleRunProperties29); Style style38 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "RankStatement", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName38 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Statement" }; BasedOn basedOn28 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableText" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "RankStatementChar" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid649 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties30 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold24 = new Bold(); Color color8 = new Color() { Val = "DD6600" }; styleRunProperties30.Append(bold24); styleRunProperties30.Append(color8); style38.Append(styleName38); style38.Append(basedOn28); style38.Append(linkedStyle18); style38.Append(autoRedefine3); style38.Append(rsid649); style38.Append(styleRunProperties30); Style style39 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "RankStatementChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName39 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Statement Char" }; BasedOn basedOn29 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableTextChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle19 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "RankStatement" }; Rsid rsid650 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties31 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold25 = new Bold(); Color color9 = new Color() { Val = "DD6600" }; FontSize fontSize31 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript38 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages28 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties31.Append(runFonts24); styleRunProperties31.Append(bold25); styleRunProperties31.Append(color9); styleRunProperties31.Append(fontSize31); styleRunProperties31.Append(fontSizeComplexScript38); styleRunProperties31.Append(languages28); style39.Append(styleName39); style39.Append(basedOn29); style39.Append(linkedStyle19); style39.Append(rsid650); style39.Append(styleRunProperties31); Style style40 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "RankHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName40 = new StyleName() { Val = "Rank Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn30 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Titre1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle7 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid651 = new Rsid() { Val = "00EE7B69" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties24 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines40 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties24.Append(spacingBetweenLines40); style40.Append(styleName40); style40.Append(basedOn30); style40.Append(nextParagraphStyle7); style40.Append(rsid651); style40.Append(styleParagraphProperties24); Style style41 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "CategoryRankGraphic", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName41 = new StyleName() { Val = "Category Rank Graphic" }; BasedOn basedOn31 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; Rsid rsid652 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties32 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts25 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Position position2 = new Position() { Val = "-4" }; styleRunProperties32.Append(runFonts25); styleRunProperties32.Append(position2); style41.Append(styleName41); style41.Append(basedOn31); style41.Append(rsid652); style41.Append(styleRunProperties32); Style style42 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "FooterRankLegend", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName42 = new StyleName() { Val = "Footer Rank Legend" }; BasedOn basedOn32 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid653 = new Rsid() { Val = "003F2779" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties25 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines41 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360" }; styleParagraphProperties25.Append(spacingBetweenLines41); style42.Append(styleName42); style42.Append(basedOn32); style42.Append(rsid653); style42.Append(styleParagraphProperties25); Style style43 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DisclaimerChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName43 = new StyleName() { Val = "Disclaimer Char" }; BasedOn basedOn33 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle20 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Disclaimer" }; Rsid rsid654 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties33 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts26 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Color color10 = new Color() { Val = "808080" }; FontSize fontSize32 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript39 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages29 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties33.Append(runFonts26); styleRunProperties33.Append(color10); styleRunProperties33.Append(fontSize32); styleRunProperties33.Append(fontSizeComplexScript39); styleRunProperties33.Append(languages29); style43.Append(styleName43); style43.Append(basedOn33); style43.Append(linkedStyle20); style43.Append(rsid654); style43.Append(styleRunProperties33); Style style44 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DislaimerHeadingChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName44 = new StyleName() { Val = "Dislaimer Heading Char" }; BasedOn basedOn34 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DisclaimerChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle21 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "DislaimerHeading" }; Rsid rsid655 = new Rsid() { Val = "00782598" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties34 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts27 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold26 = new Bold(); Color color11 = new Color() { Val = "808080" }; FontSize fontSize33 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript40 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages30 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties34.Append(runFonts27); styleRunProperties34.Append(bold26); styleRunProperties34.Append(color11); styleRunProperties34.Append(fontSize33); styleRunProperties34.Append(fontSizeComplexScript40); styleRunProperties34.Append(languages30); style44.Append(styleName44); style44.Append(basedOn34); style44.Append(linkedStyle21); style44.Append(rsid655); style44.Append(styleRunProperties34); Style style45 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "ProductsReviewedHeadingChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName45 = new StyleName() { Val = "Products Reviewed Heading Char" }; BasedOn basedOn35 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle22 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeading" }; Rsid rsid656 = new Rsid() { Val = "00443CD0" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties35 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts28 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold27 = new Bold(); Caps caps12 = new Caps(); FontSize fontSize34 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript41 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages31 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; styleRunProperties35.Append(runFonts28); styleRunProperties35.Append(bold27); styleRunProperties35.Append(caps12); styleRunProperties35.Append(fontSize34); styleRunProperties35.Append(fontSizeComplexScript41); styleRunProperties35.Append(languages31); style45.Append(styleName45); style45.Append(basedOn35); style45.Append(linkedStyle22); style45.Append(rsid656); style45.Append(styleRunProperties35); Style style46 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleAfter0pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName46 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style After: 0 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn36 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid657 = new Rsid() { Val = "00983F27" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties26 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines42 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties26.Append(spacingBetweenLines42); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties36 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript42 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties36.Append(fontSizeComplexScript42); style46.Append(styleName46); style46.Append(basedOn36); style46.Append(rsid657); style46.Append(styleParagraphProperties26); style46.Append(styleRunProperties36); Style style47 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleHeading2Before0ptAfter2pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName47 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Heading 2 + Before: 0 pt After: 2 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn37 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Titre2" }; Rsid rsid658 = new Rsid() { Val = "00AC1437" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties27 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines43 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "40", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties27.Append(spacingBetweenLines43); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties37 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts29 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Times New Roman" }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript2 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript43 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties37.Append(runFonts29); styleRunProperties37.Append(italicComplexScript2); styleRunProperties37.Append(fontSizeComplexScript43); style47.Append(styleName47); style47.Append(basedOn37); style47.Append(rsid658); style47.Append(styleParagraphProperties27); style47.Append(styleRunProperties37); Style style48 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleProductsReviewedHeadingBefore12pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName48 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Products Reviewed Heading + Before: 12 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn38 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeading" }; Rsid rsid659 = new Rsid() { Val = "009F7E7F" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties28 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines44 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360" }; styleParagraphProperties28.Append(spacingBetweenLines44); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties38 = new StyleRunProperties(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript9 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript44 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties38.Append(boldComplexScript9); styleRunProperties38.Append(fontSizeComplexScript44); style48.Append(styleName48); style48.Append(basedOn38); style48.Append(rsid659); style48.Append(styleParagraphProperties28); style48.Append(styleRunProperties38); Style style49 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "NumberedList", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName49 = new StyleName() { Val = "Numbered List" }; BasedOn basedOn39 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; Rsid rsid660 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BB632E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties29 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 2 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); styleParagraphProperties29.Append(numberingProperties1); style49.Append(styleName49); style49.Append(basedOn39); style49.Append(rsid660); style49.Append(styleParagraphProperties29); Style style50 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Explorateurdedocuments" }; StyleName styleName50 = new StyleName() { Val = "Document Map" }; BasedOn basedOn40 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid661 = new Rsid() { Val = "002A7539" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties30 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Shading shading2 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "000080" }; styleParagraphProperties30.Append(shading2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties39 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts30 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize35 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript45 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties39.Append(runFonts30); styleRunProperties39.Append(fontSize35); styleRunProperties39.Append(fontSizeComplexScript45); style50.Append(styleName50); style50.Append(basedOn40); style50.Append(semiHidden4); style50.Append(rsid661); style50.Append(styleParagraphProperties30); style50.Append(styleRunProperties39); Style style51 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Style10ptBold", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName51 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style 10 pt Bold" }; BasedOn basedOn41 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; Rsid rsid662 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties40 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts31 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Bold bold28 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript10 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize36 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties40.Append(runFonts31); styleRunProperties40.Append(bold28); styleRunProperties40.Append(boldComplexScript10); styleRunProperties40.Append(fontSize36); style51.Append(styleName51); style51.Append(basedOn41); style51.Append(rsid662); style51.Append(styleRunProperties40); Style style52 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleBefore9ptAfter0pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName52 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Before: 9 pt After: 0 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn42 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine4 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid663 = new Rsid() { Val = "00DD5BAE" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties31 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext6 = new KeepNext(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines45 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "180", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties31.Append(keepNext6); styleParagraphProperties31.Append(spacingBetweenLines45); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties41 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript46 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties41.Append(fontSizeComplexScript46); style52.Append(styleName52); style52.Append(basedOn42); style52.Append(autoRedefine4); style52.Append(rsid663); style52.Append(styleParagraphProperties31); style52.Append(styleRunProperties41); Style style53 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "StyleBodoniMT", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName53 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Bodoni MT" }; BasedOn basedOn43 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Policepardfaut" }; Rsid rsid664 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties42 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts32 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; styleRunProperties42.Append(runFonts32); style53.Append(styleName53); style53.Append(basedOn43); style53.Append(rsid664); style53.Append(styleRunProperties42); Style style54 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "StyleCategoryRankGraphic10pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName54 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Category Rank Graphic + 10 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn44 = new BasedOn() { Val = "CategoryRankGraphic" }; Rsid rsid665 = new Rsid() { Val = "00233025" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties43 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts33 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial" }; Position position3 = new Position() { Val = "0" }; FontSize fontSize37 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties43.Append(runFonts33); styleRunProperties43.Append(position3); styleRunProperties43.Append(fontSize37); style54.Append(styleName54); style54.Append(basedOn44); style54.Append(rsid665); style54.Append(styleRunProperties43); Style style55 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleProductNameBefore0ptAfter8pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName55 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Product Name + Before: 0 pt After: 8 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn45 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ProductName" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine5 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid666 = new Rsid() { Val = "00397A9E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties32 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines46 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "160" }; styleParagraphProperties32.Append(spacingBetweenLines46); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties44 = new StyleRunProperties(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript11 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript47 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties44.Append(boldComplexScript11); styleRunProperties44.Append(fontSizeComplexScript47); style55.Append(styleName55); style55.Append(basedOn45); style55.Append(autoRedefine5); style55.Append(rsid666); style55.Append(styleParagraphProperties32); style55.Append(styleRunProperties44); Style style56 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleProductsReviewedHeading6ptBefore15ptAfter0pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName56 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Products Reviewed Heading + 6 pt Before: 15 pt After: 0 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn46 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeading" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine6 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid667 = new Rsid() { Val = "00397A9E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties33 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines47 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "300", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties33.Append(spacingBetweenLines47); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties45 = new StyleRunProperties(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript12 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize38 = new FontSize() { Val = "12" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript48 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties45.Append(boldComplexScript12); styleRunProperties45.Append(fontSize38); styleRunProperties45.Append(fontSizeComplexScript48); style56.Append(styleName56); style56.Append(basedOn46); style56.Append(autoRedefine6); style56.Append(rsid667); style56.Append(styleParagraphProperties33); style56.Append(styleRunProperties45); Style style57 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "StyleProductsReviewedHeading4ptBefore15ptAfter0pt", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName57 = new StyleName() { Val = "Style Products Reviewed Heading + 4 pt Before: 15 pt After: 0 pt" }; BasedOn basedOn47 = new BasedOn() { Val = "ProductsReviewedHeading" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine7 = new AutoRedefine(); Rsid rsid668 = new Rsid() { Val = "00397A9E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties34 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines48 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "300", After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties34.Append(spacingBetweenLines48); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties46 = new StyleRunProperties(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript13 = new BoldComplexScript(); FontSize fontSize39 = new FontSize() { Val = "8" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript49 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunProperties46.Append(boldComplexScript13); styleRunProperties46.Append(fontSize39); styleRunProperties46.Append(fontSizeComplexScript49); style57.Append(styleName57); style57.Append(basedOn47); style57.Append(autoRedefine7); style57.Append(rsid668); style57.Append(styleParagraphProperties34); style57.Append(styleRunProperties46); Style styleUnorderedList = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "UnorderedListStyle", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleNameUnorderedList = new StyleName() { Val = "UnorderedList Style" }; BasedOn basedOnUnorderedList = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLinesUnorderedList = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList.Append(spacingBetweenLinesUnorderedList); StyleRunProperties styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScriptUnorderedList = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "20" }; styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList.Append(fontSizeComplexScriptUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(styleNameUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(basedOnUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(styleParagraphPropertiesUnorderedList); styleUnorderedList.Append(styleRunPropertiesUnorderedList); Style styleSimpleTable = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "GrilledutableauSimpleTable" }; StyleName styleNameSimpleTable = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid SimpleTable" }; BasedOn basedOnSimpleTable = new BasedOn() { Val = "Grilledutableau" }; UIPriority uIPrioritySimpleTable = new UIPriority() { Val = 59 }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphPropertiesSimpleTable = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLinesSimpleTable = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphPropertiesSimpleTable.Append(spacingBetweenLinesSimpleTable); StyleTableProperties styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentationSimpleTable = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBordersSimpleTable = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorderSimpleTable = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1, Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorderSimpleTable = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1, Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorderSimpleTable = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1, Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorderSimpleTable = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1, Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorderSimpleTable = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1, Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorderSimpleTable = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1, Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBordersSimpleTable.Append(topBorderSimpleTable); tableBordersSimpleTable.Append(leftBorderSimpleTable); tableBordersSimpleTable.Append(bottomBorderSimpleTable); tableBordersSimpleTable.Append(rightBorderSimpleTable); tableBordersSimpleTable.Append(insideHorizontalBorderSimpleTable); tableBordersSimpleTable.Append(insideVerticalBorderSimpleTable); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMarginSimpleTable = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMarginSimpleTable = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMarginSimpleTable = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMarginSimpleTable = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable.Append(topMarginSimpleTable); tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable.Append(tableCellLeftMarginSimpleTable); tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable.Append(bottomMarginSimpleTable); tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable.Append(tableCellRightMarginSimpleTable); styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable.Append(tableIndentationSimpleTable); styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable.Append(tableBordersSimpleTable); styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable.Append(tableCellMarginDefaultSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(styleNameSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(basedOnSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(uIPrioritySimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(styleParagraphPropertiesSimpleTable); styleSimpleTable.Append(styleTablePropertiesSimpleTable); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); styles1.Append(style17); styles1.Append(style18); styles1.Append(style19); styles1.Append(style20); styles1.Append(style21); styles1.Append(style22); styles1.Append(style23); styles1.Append(style24); styles1.Append(style25); styles1.Append(style26); styles1.Append(style27); styles1.Append(style28); styles1.Append(style29); styles1.Append(style30); styles1.Append(style31); styles1.Append(style32); styles1.Append(style33); styles1.Append(style34); styles1.Append(style35); styles1.Append(style36); styles1.Append(style37); styles1.Append(style38); styles1.Append(style39); styles1.Append(style40); styles1.Append(style41); styles1.Append(style42); styles1.Append(style43); styles1.Append(style44); styles1.Append(style45); styles1.Append(style46); styles1.Append(style47); styles1.Append(style48); styles1.Append(style49); styles1.Append(style50); styles1.Append(style51); styles1.Append(style52); styles1.Append(style53); styles1.Append(style54); styles1.Append(style55); styles1.Append(style56); styles1.Append(style57); styles1.Append(styleUnorderedList); styles1.Append(styleSimpleTable); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
// Create a new paragraph style with the specified style ID, primary style name and aliases and add it to the specified style definitions part. private static void CreateAndAddParagraphStyle(StyleRunProperties prop, StyleDefinitionsPart part, string styleid, string aliases, string stylename ) { // Access the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = part.Styles; if (styles == null) { part.Styles = new Styles(); part.Styles.Save(); } // Create a new paragraph style element and specify some of the attributes. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true, Default = false }; // Create and add the child elements (properties of the style). Aliases aliases1 = new Aliases() { Val = aliases }; AutoRedefine autoredefine1 = new AutoRedefine() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; BasedOn basedon1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "OverdueAmountChar" }; Locked locked1 = new Locked() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; PrimaryStyle primarystyle1 = new PrimaryStyle() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; StyleHidden stylehidden1 = new StyleHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; SemiHidden semihidden1 = new SemiHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uipriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhidewhenused1 = new UnhideWhenUsed() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; if (aliases != "") style.Append(aliases1); style.Append(autoredefine1); style.Append(basedon1); style.Append(linkedStyle1); style.Append(locked1); style.Append(primarystyle1); style.Append(stylehidden1); style.Append(semihidden1); style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style.Append(uipriority1); style.Append(unhidewhenused1); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(prop); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
//..................................................................... /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Style MakeStyle_Heading_1( ) { Style headingStyle = new Style( ) { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "1" }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName( ) { Val = "heading 1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn( ) { Val = "a" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle( ) { Val = "a" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle( ) { Val = "1Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority( ) { Val = 9 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle( ); Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid( ) { Val = "00FE39AE" }; //--------------------------------------------- // 1 KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext( ); // 2 KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines( ); // 3 BottomBorder bottomBorder1 = new BottomBorder( ) { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = ( UInt32Value )18U, Space = ( UInt32Value )1U }; ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders1 = new ParagraphBorders( ); paragraphBorders1.Append(bottomBorder1); // 4 SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines( ) { Before = "200", After = "200", Line = "578", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; // 5 OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel( ) { Val = 0 }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties( ); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(paragraphBorders1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); //--------------------------------------------- StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties( ); Bold bold1 = new Bold( ); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript( ); Kern kern2 = new Kern( ) { Val = ( UInt32Value )44U }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize( ) { Val = "36" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript( ) { Val = "44" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties1.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); headingStyle.Append(styleName2); headingStyle.Append(basedOn1); headingStyle.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); headingStyle.Append(linkedStyle1); headingStyle.Append(uIPriority1); headingStyle.Append(primaryStyle2); headingStyle.Append(rsid2); headingStyle.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); headingStyle.Append(styleRunProperties1); return(headingStyle); }
private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename) { Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "000000" }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Times New Roman" }; // Specify a 12 point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "30" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); Justification centerHeading = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; OnOffValue hyphenOff = new OnOffValue(false); AutoHyphenation hyphenation = new AutoHyphenation() { Val = hyphenOff }; paragraphProperties.Append(centerHeading); paragraphProperties.Append(hyphenation); style.Append(styleRunProperties1); styles.Append(style); styles.Append(paragraphProperties); }
private static Style CreateTitleStyle(int titleIndex) { string titleID = titleIndex.ToString(); string rsid = string.Empty; string before = string.Empty; string after = string.Empty; string line = string.Empty; string val = string.Empty; int outline = titleIndex - 1; if (titleIndex == 3) { rsid = "00BA1E98"; before = "130"; //"260" after = "0"; line = "286"; //"416" val = "32"; } else if (titleIndex == 4) { rsid = "00BA1E98"; before = "88"; after = "0"; line = "288";//"376" val = "28"; } Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = titleID }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading " + titleID }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "a" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "a" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = titleID + "Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = rsid }; style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid2); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = before, After = after, Line = line, LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = outline }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); // Kern kern2 = new Kern() { Val = (UInt32)44U }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() { Val = val }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = val }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); //styleRunProperties1.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties1); return(style2); }
private void GenerateStyleHeader1() { //базовый стиль GenerateDefaultStyleHeader(); var styleHeader1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header1", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Header1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "a" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Header10" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "005502FB" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "360", After = "120" }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Cambria", HighAnsi = "Cambria" }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "auto" }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleHeader1.Append(styleName1); styleHeader1.Append(basedOn1); styleHeader1.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); styleHeader1.Append(linkedStyle1); styleHeader1.Append(primaryStyle1); styleHeader1.Append(rsid1); styleHeader1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); styleHeader1.Append(styleRunProperties1); Styles.Add(styleHeader1); }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles2 = new Styles() {MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() {Ignorable = "w14"}}; styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles2.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults2 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault2 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize8 = new FontSize() {Val = "22"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript8 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "22"}; Languages languages2 = new Languages() {Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA"}; runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(runFonts8); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(fontSize8); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript8); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(languages2); runPropertiesDefault2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault2 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); paragraphPropertiesDefault2.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle2); docDefaults2.Append(runPropertiesDefault2); docDefaults2.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault2); LatentStyles latentStyles2 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo145 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo146 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo147 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo148 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo149 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo150 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo151 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo154 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo155 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo156 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo157 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo158 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo159 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo160 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo215 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo216 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo217 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo218 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo219 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo220 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo249 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo250 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo251 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo252 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo253 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo254 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo255 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo256 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo257 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo258 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo259 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo260 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo261 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo262 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo263 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo264 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo265 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo266 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo270 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo271 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo272 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo273 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo274 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, PrimaryStyle = true}; latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo138); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo139); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo140); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo141); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo142); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo143); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo144); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo145); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo146); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo147); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo148); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo149); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo150); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo151); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo152); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles2.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); Style style17 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal"}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(primaryStyle5); Style style18 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2"}; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() {Val = "heading 2"}; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle3 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle11 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2Char"}; UIPriority uIPriority16 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed8 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext2 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines2 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {Before = "200", After = "0"}; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() {Val = 1}; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(keepNext2); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); styleParagraphProperties7.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold13 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript13 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color6 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize9 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript9 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties8.Append(runFonts9); styleRunProperties8.Append(bold13); styleRunProperties8.Append(boldComplexScript13); styleRunProperties8.Append(color6); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSize9); styleRunProperties8.Append(fontSizeComplexScript9); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn13); style18.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style18.Append(linkedStyle11); style18.Append(uIPriority16); style18.Append(unhideWhenUsed8); style18.Append(primaryStyle6); style18.Append(rsid13); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); style18.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style19 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true}; StyleName styleName19 = new StyleName() {Val = "Default Paragraph Font"}; UIPriority uIPriority17 = new UIPriority() {Val = 1}; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed9 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(uIPriority17); style19.Append(semiHidden6); style19.Append(unhideWhenUsed9); Style style20 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal Table"}; UIPriority uIPriority18 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden7 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed10 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties3 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation3 = new TableIndentation() {Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault3 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin3 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin3 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin3 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin3 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(topMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellLeftMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(bottomMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellRightMargin3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableIndentation3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableCellMarginDefault3); style20.Append(styleName20); style20.Append(uIPriority18); style20.Append(semiHidden7); style20.Append(unhideWhenUsed10); style20.Append(styleTableProperties3); Style style21 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true}; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName() {Val = "No List"}; UIPriority uIPriority19 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden8 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed11 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(uIPriority19); style21.Append(semiHidden8); style21.Append(unhideWhenUsed11); Style style22 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid"}; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() {Val = "Table Grid"}; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() {Val = "TableNormal"}; UIPriority uIPriority20 = new UIPriority() {Val = 59}; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid() {Val = "00F06304"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines12 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines12); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties4 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation4 = new TableIndentation() {Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableBorders tableBorders4 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder3 = new TopBorder() {Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U}; LeftBorder leftBorder3 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder4 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; RightBorder rightBorder3 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder3 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder4 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; tableBorders4.Append(topBorder3); tableBorders4.Append(leftBorder3); tableBorders4.Append(bottomBorder4); tableBorders4.Append(rightBorder3); tableBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder3); tableBorders4.Append(insideVerticalBorder4); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin4 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin4 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableIndentation4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableBorders4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); style22.Append(styleName22); style22.Append(basedOn14); style22.Append(uIPriority20); style22.Append(rsid14); style22.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); style22.Append(styleTableProperties4); Style style23 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header"}; StyleName styleName23 = new StyleName() {Val = "header"}; BasedOn basedOn15 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle12 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "HeaderChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed12 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs4 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop8 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop9 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs4.Append(tabStop8); tabs4.Append(tabStop9); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(tabs4); styleParagraphProperties9.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn15); style23.Append(linkedStyle12); style23.Append(uIPriority21); style23.Append(unhideWhenUsed12); style23.Append(rsid15); style23.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); Style style24 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName24 = new StyleName() {Val = "Header Char"}; BasedOn basedOn16 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Header"}; UIPriority uIPriority22 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style24.Append(styleName24); style24.Append(basedOn16); style24.Append(linkedStyle13); style24.Append(uIPriority22); style24.Append(rsid16); Style style25 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Footer"}; StyleName styleName25 = new StyleName() {Val = "footer"}; BasedOn basedOn17 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "FooterChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed13 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs5 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop10 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop11 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs5.Append(tabStop10); tabs5.Append(tabStop11); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(tabs5); styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); style25.Append(styleName25); style25.Append(basedOn17); style25.Append(linkedStyle14); style25.Append(uIPriority23); style25.Append(unhideWhenUsed13); style25.Append(rsid17); style25.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); Style style26 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FooterChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName26 = new StyleName() {Val = "Footer Char"}; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle15 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Footer"}; UIPriority uIPriority24 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(basedOn18); style26.Append(linkedStyle15); style26.Append(uIPriority24); style26.Append(rsid18); Style style27 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText"}; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text"}; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle16 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonTextChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority25 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden9 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed14 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines15 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines15); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize10 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript10 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties9.Append(runFonts10); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSize10); styleRunProperties9.Append(fontSizeComplexScript10); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(basedOn19); style27.Append(linkedStyle16); style27.Append(uIPriority25); style27.Append(semiHidden9); style27.Append(unhideWhenUsed14); style27.Append(rsid19); style27.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); style27.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style28 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text Char"}; BasedOn basedOn20 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle17 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonText"}; UIPriority uIPriority26 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden10 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize11 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript11 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts11); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize11); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript11); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(basedOn20); style28.Append(linkedStyle17); style28.Append(uIPriority26); style28.Append(semiHidden10); style28.Append(rsid20); style28.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style29 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title"}; StyleName styleName29 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title"}; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle18 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "TitleChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority27 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders2 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder5 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value) 8U, Space = (UInt32Value) 4U }; paragraphBorders2.Append(bottomBorder5); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines16 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "300", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; ContextualSpacing contextualSpacing2 = new ContextualSpacing(); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(paragraphBorders2); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines16); styleParagraphProperties12.Append(contextualSpacing2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color7 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing4 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern3 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize12 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript12 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties11.Append(color7); styleRunProperties11.Append(spacing4); styleRunProperties11.Append(kern3); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize12); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript12); style29.Append(styleName29); style29.Append(basedOn21); style29.Append(nextParagraphStyle4); style29.Append(linkedStyle18); style29.Append(uIPriority27); style29.Append(primaryStyle7); style29.Append(rsid21); style29.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); style29.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style30 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitleChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName30 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title Char"}; BasedOn basedOn22 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle19 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Title"}; UIPriority uIPriority28 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color8 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing5 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern4 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize13 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript13 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties12.Append(runFonts13); styleRunProperties12.Append(color8); styleRunProperties12.Append(spacing5); styleRunProperties12.Append(kern4); styleRunProperties12.Append(fontSize13); styleRunProperties12.Append(fontSizeComplexScript13); style30.Append(styleName30); style30.Append(basedOn22); style30.Append(linkedStyle19); style30.Append(uIPriority28); style30.Append(rsid22); style30.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style31 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Strong"}; StyleName styleName31 = new StyleName() {Val = "Strong"}; BasedOn basedOn23 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; UIPriority uIPriority29 = new UIPriority() {Val = 22}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle8 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold14 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript14 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties13.Append(bold14); styleRunProperties13.Append(boldComplexScript14); style31.Append(styleName31); style31.Append(basedOn23); style31.Append(uIPriority29); style31.Append(primaryStyle8); style31.Append(rsid23); style31.Append(styleRunProperties13); Style style32 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName32 = new StyleName() {Val = "Heading 2 Char"}; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle20 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2"}; UIPriority uIPriority30 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties14 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts14 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold15 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript15 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color9 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize14 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript14 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties14.Append(runFonts14); styleRunProperties14.Append(bold15); styleRunProperties14.Append(boldComplexScript15); styleRunProperties14.Append(color9); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSize14); styleRunProperties14.Append(fontSizeComplexScript14); style32.Append(styleName32); style32.Append(basedOn24); style32.Append(linkedStyle20); style32.Append(uIPriority30); style32.Append(rsid24); style32.Append(styleRunProperties14); styles2.Append(docDefaults2); styles2.Append(latentStyles2); styles2.Append(style17); styles2.Append(style18); styles2.Append(style19); styles2.Append(style20); styles2.Append(style21); styles2.Append(style22); styles2.Append(style23); styles2.Append(style24); styles2.Append(style25); styles2.Append(style26); styles2.Append(style27); styles2.Append(style28); styles2.Append(style29); styles2.Append(style30); styles2.Append(style31); styles2.Append(style32); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles2; }
// Generates content of stylesWithEffectsPart1. private void GenerateStylesWithEffectsPart1Content(StylesWithEffectsPart stylesWithEffectsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles() {MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() {Ignorable = "w14 wp14"}}; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingCanvas"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpg", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingGroup"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpi", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingInk"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wps", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordprocessingShape"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() {Val = "22"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "22"}; Languages languages1 = new Languages() {Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA"}; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo14 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo15 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo16 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo17 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo18 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo19 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo20 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo21 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo30 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo31 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo32 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo33 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo34 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo35 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo48 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo49 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Revision", UnhideWhenUsed = false}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo50 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo51 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo52 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo53 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo54 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo55 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo56 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo57 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo58 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo59 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo60 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo61 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo62 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo63 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo64 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo65 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo66 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo67 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo68 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo69 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo70 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo71 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo112 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo113 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo114 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo115 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo116 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo117 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo118 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo120 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo121 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo122 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo123 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo136 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37}; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo137 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() {Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, PrimaryStyle = true}; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); Style style1 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal"}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); Style style2 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2"}; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() {Val = "heading 2"}; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2Char"}; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {Before = "200", After = "0"}; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() {Val = 1}; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts2); styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid1); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style2.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style3 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true}; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() {Val = "Default Paragraph Font"}; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() {Val = 1}; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(semiHidden1); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); Style style4 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true}; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() {Val = "Normal Table"}; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() {Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault1 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin1 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin1 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellLeftMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellRightMargin1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(semiHidden2); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); style4.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style5 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true}; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() {Val = "No List"}; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden3); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); Style style6 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid"}; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() {Val = "Table Grid"}; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() {Val = "TableNormal"}; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() {Val = 59}; Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() {Val = "00F06304"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation2 = new TableIndentation() {Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableBorders tableBorders3 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder2 = new TopBorder() {Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U}; LeftBorder leftBorder2 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder2 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder2 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder3 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value) 4U, Space = (UInt32Value) 0U }; tableBorders3.Append(topBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(leftBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(bottomBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(rightBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideHorizontalBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideVerticalBorder3); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault2 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin2 = new TableCellLeftMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() {Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa}; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin2 = new TableCellRightMargin() {Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa}; tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellLeftMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellRightMargin2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders3); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault2); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(basedOn2); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(rsid2); style6.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style6.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style7 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Header"}; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() {Val = "header"}; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "HeaderChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed5 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop2 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs1.Append(tabStop1); tabs1.Append(tabStop2); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(tabs1); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(basedOn3); style7.Append(linkedStyle2); style7.Append(uIPriority6); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed5); style7.Append(rsid3); style7.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); Style style8 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "HeaderChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() {Val = "Header Char"}; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle3 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Header"}; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn4); style8.Append(linkedStyle3); style8.Append(uIPriority7); style8.Append(rsid4); Style style9 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Footer"}; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() {Val = "footer"}; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "FooterChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed6 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs2 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop3 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Center, Position = 4680}; TabStop tabStop4 = new TabStop() {Val = TabStopValues.Right, Position = 9360}; tabs2.Append(tabStop3); tabs2.Append(tabStop4); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(tabs2); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn5); style9.Append(linkedStyle4); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(unhideWhenUsed6); style9.Append(rsid5); style9.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); Style style10 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FooterChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() {Val = "Footer Char"}; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Footer"}; UIPriority uIPriority9 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn6); style10.Append(linkedStyle5); style10.Append(uIPriority9); style10.Append(rsid6); Style style11 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText"}; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text"}; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonTextChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority10 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed7 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript3 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties2.Append(runFonts3); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSize3); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript3); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn7); style11.Append(linkedStyle6); style11.Append(uIPriority10); style11.Append(semiHidden4); style11.Append(unhideWhenUsed7); style11.Append(rsid7); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style11.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style12 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() {Val = "Balloon Text Char"}; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle7 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "BalloonText"}; UIPriority uIPriority11 = new UIPriority() {Val = 99}; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts() {Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma"}; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() {Val = "16"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript4 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "16"}; styleRunProperties3.Append(runFonts4); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSize4); styleRunProperties3.Append(fontSizeComplexScript4); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(basedOn8); style12.Append(linkedStyle7); style12.Append(uIPriority11); style12.Append(semiHidden5); style12.Append(rsid8); style12.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style13 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Title"}; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title"}; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() {Val = "Normal"}; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() {Val = "Normal"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "TitleChar"}; UIPriority uIPriority12 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders1 = new ParagraphBorders(); BottomBorder bottomBorder3 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value) 8U, Space = (UInt32Value) 4U }; paragraphBorders1.Append(bottomBorder3); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() {After = "300", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto}; ContextualSpacing contextualSpacing1 = new ContextualSpacing(); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(paragraphBorders1); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); styleParagraphProperties6.Append(contextualSpacing1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color2 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing1 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern1 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize5 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript5 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties4.Append(runFonts5); styleRunProperties4.Append(color2); styleRunProperties4.Append(spacing1); styleRunProperties4.Append(kern1); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize5); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript5); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(basedOn9); style13.Append(nextParagraphStyle2); style13.Append(linkedStyle8); style13.Append(uIPriority12); style13.Append(primaryStyle3); style13.Append(rsid9); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style13.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style14 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "TitleChar", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() {Val = "Title Char"}; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle9 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Title"}; UIPriority uIPriority13 = new UIPriority() {Val = 10}; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Color color3 = new Color() {Val = "17365D", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text2, ThemeShade = "BF"}; Spacing spacing2 = new Spacing() {Val = 5}; Kern kern2 = new Kern() {Val = (UInt32Value) 28U}; FontSize fontSize6 = new FontSize() {Val = "52"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript6 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "52"}; styleRunProperties5.Append(runFonts6); styleRunProperties5.Append(color3); styleRunProperties5.Append(spacing2); styleRunProperties5.Append(kern2); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize6); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript6); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn10); style14.Append(linkedStyle9); style14.Append(uIPriority13); style14.Append(rsid10); style14.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style15 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Strong"}; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() {Val = "Strong"}; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; UIPriority uIPriority14 = new UIPriority() {Val = 22}; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold2 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties6.Append(bold2); styleRunProperties6.Append(boldComplexScript2); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn11); style15.Append(uIPriority14); style15.Append(primaryStyle4); style15.Append(rsid11); style15.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style16 = new Style() {Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true}; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() {Val = "Heading 2 Char"}; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn() {Val = "DefaultParagraphFont"}; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() {Val = "Heading2"}; UIPriority uIPriority15 = new UIPriority() {Val = 9}; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() {Val = "00442AD3"}; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold3 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color4 = new Color() {Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1}; FontSize fontSize7 = new FontSize() {Val = "26"}; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript7 = new FontSizeComplexScript() {Val = "26"}; styleRunProperties7.Append(runFonts7); styleRunProperties7.Append(bold3); styleRunProperties7.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties7.Append(color4); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSize7); styleRunProperties7.Append(fontSizeComplexScript7); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(basedOn12); style16.Append(linkedStyle10); style16.Append(uIPriority15); style16.Append(rsid12); style16.Append(styleRunProperties7); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); stylesWithEffectsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
private void CreateProjectHeadingStyle() { // Get the Styles part for this document. StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart = _document.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart; // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "ProjectHeading", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName = new StyleName() { Val = "ProjectHeading" }; BasedOn basedOn = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName); style.Append(basedOn); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold = new Bold(); // More info: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17221250/9017481 Color color = new Color() { Val = "365F91", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; RunFonts font = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri Light (Headings)" }; // Specify a 18 point size. FontSize fontSize = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties.Append(bold); styleRunProperties.Append(color); styleRunProperties.Append(font); styleRunProperties.Append(fontSize); // Centering text // https://stackoverflow.com/a/24827814/9017481 ParagraphProperties paragraphRunProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); Justification CenterHeading = new Justification { Val = JustificationValues.Left }; paragraphRunProperties.Append(CenterHeading); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties); style.Append(paragraphRunProperties); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename, Color colour, String fontName, int fontSize, bool italic, bool bold) { // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = fontName }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = (fontSize * 2).ToString() }; if (bold) { styleRunProperties1.Append(new Bold()); } styleRunProperties1.Append(colour); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); if (italic) { styleRunProperties1.Append(new Italic()); } // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
// Generates content of part. private void GeneratePartContent(StyleDefinitionsPart part) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "22" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "22" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages() { Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "en-US", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new ParagraphPropertiesBaseStyle(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "200", Line = "276", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); paragraphPropertiesDefault1.Append(paragraphPropertiesBaseStyle1); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles() { DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = true, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = true, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 267 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo14 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo15 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo16 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo17 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo18 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo19 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo20 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo21 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Placeholder Text", UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo112 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo113 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo114 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo115 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo116 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo117 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo118 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo120 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo121 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo122 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo123 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, SemiHidden = false, UnhideWhenUsed = false, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo136 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo137 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo() { Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, PrimaryStyle = true }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Normal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines2 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines2); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); Style style2 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading1" }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 1" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle2 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid2 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines1 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(keepLines1); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); styleParagraphProperties2.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = "365F91", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts2); styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(basedOn1); style2.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style2.Append(linkedStyle1); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(primaryStyle2); style2.Append(rsid2); style2.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); style2.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style3 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading2" }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 2" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle2 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle3 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid3 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties3 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext2 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines2 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "200" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel2 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 1 }; styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepNext2); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(keepLines2); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); styleParagraphProperties3.Append(outlineLevel2); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold2 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color2 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript3 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties2.Append(runFonts3); styleRunProperties2.Append(bold2); styleRunProperties2.Append(boldComplexScript2); styleRunProperties2.Append(color2); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSize3); styleRunProperties2.Append(fontSizeComplexScript3); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(basedOn2); style3.Append(nextParagraphStyle2); style3.Append(linkedStyle2); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); style3.Append(primaryStyle3); style3.Append(rsid3); style3.Append(styleParagraphProperties3); style3.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style4 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading3" }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 3" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle3 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle3 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading3Char" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle4 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties4 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext3 = new KeepNext(); KeepLines keepLines3 = new KeepLines(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "200" }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel3 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 2 }; styleParagraphProperties4.Append(keepNext3); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(keepLines3); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); styleParagraphProperties4.Append(outlineLevel3); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold3 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript3 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color3 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; styleRunProperties3.Append(runFonts4); styleRunProperties3.Append(bold3); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript3); styleRunProperties3.Append(color3); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(basedOn3); style4.Append(nextParagraphStyle3); style4.Append(linkedStyle3); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style4.Append(primaryStyle4); style4.Append(rsid4); style4.Append(styleParagraphProperties4); style4.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style5 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "DefaultParagraphFont", Default = true }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName() { Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden1); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style6 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableNormal", Default = true }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName() { Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle5 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault1 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin1 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin1 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellLeftMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellRightMargin1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(semiHidden2); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); style6.Append(primaryStyle5); style6.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style7 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "NoList", Default = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName() { Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed5 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(uIPriority6); style7.Append(semiHidden3); style7.Append(unhideWhenUsed5); Style style8 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading1Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 1 Char" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1" }; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold4 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript4 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color4 = new Color() { Val = "365F91", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeShade = "BF" }; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize() { Val = "28" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript4 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "28" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(runFonts5); styleRunProperties4.Append(bold4); styleRunProperties4.Append(boldComplexScript4); styleRunProperties4.Append(color4); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize4); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript4); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn4); style8.Append(linkedStyle4); style8.Append(uIPriority7); style8.Append(rsid5); style8.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style9 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading2Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 2 Char" }; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading2" }; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold5 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript5 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color5 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; FontSize fontSize5 = new FontSize() { Val = "26" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript5 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "26" }; styleRunProperties5.Append(runFonts6); styleRunProperties5.Append(bold5); styleRunProperties5.Append(boldComplexScript5); styleRunProperties5.Append(color5); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize5); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript5); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn5); style9.Append(linkedStyle5); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(rsid6); style9.Append(styleRunProperties5); Style style10 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Heading3Char", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName() { Val = "Heading 3 Char" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading3" }; UIPriority uIPriority9 = new UIPriority() { Val = 9 }; Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid() { Val = "0016335E" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties6 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold6 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript6 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color6 = new Color() { Val = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; styleRunProperties6.Append(runFonts7); styleRunProperties6.Append(bold6); styleRunProperties6.Append(boldComplexScript6); styleRunProperties6.Append(color6); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn6); style10.Append(linkedStyle6); style10.Append(uIPriority9); style10.Append(rsid7); style10.Append(styleRunProperties6); Style style11 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "TableGrid" }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName() { Val = "Table Grid" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority10 = new UIPriority() { Val = 59 }; Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties5 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties2 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation2 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders1 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder1 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder1 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder1 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder1 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder1 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder1 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders1.Append(topBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(leftBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(bottomBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(rightBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(insideHorizontalBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(insideVerticalBorder1); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault2 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin2 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin2 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin2 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin2 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(topMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellLeftMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(bottomMargin2); tableCellMarginDefault2.Append(tableCellRightMargin2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableIndentation2); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableBorders1); styleTableProperties2.Append(tableCellMarginDefault2); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn7); style11.Append(uIPriority10); style11.Append(rsid8); style11.Append(styleParagraphProperties5); style11.Append(styleTableProperties2); Style style12 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "LightList-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName12 = new StyleName() { Val = "Light List Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn8 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority11 = new UIPriority() { Val = 61 }; Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties6 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines7); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties3 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize1 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize1 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation3 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders2 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder2 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder2 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder2 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders2.Append(topBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(leftBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(bottomBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(rightBorder2); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault3 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin3 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin3 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin3 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin3 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(topMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellLeftMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(bottomMargin3); tableCellMarginDefault3.Append(tableCellRightMargin3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize1); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableIndentation3); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableBorders2); styleTableProperties3.Append(tableCellMarginDefault3); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties1 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties7 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines8 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties7.Append(spacingBetweenLines8); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle2 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold7 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript7 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color7 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(bold7); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(boldComplexScript7); runPropertiesBaseStyle2.Append(color7); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); Shading shading1 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1.Append(shading1); tableStyleProperties1.Append(styleParagraphProperties7); tableStyleProperties1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle2); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties1); tableStyleProperties1.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties1); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties2 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties8 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines9 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines9); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle3 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold8 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript8 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(bold8); runPropertiesBaseStyle3.Append(boldComplexScript8); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders1 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder3 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder3 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder3 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder3 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders1.Append(topBorder3); tableCellBorders1.Append(leftBorder3); tableCellBorders1.Append(bottomBorder3); tableCellBorders1.Append(rightBorder3); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2.Append(tableCellBorders1); tableStyleProperties2.Append(styleParagraphProperties8); tableStyleProperties2.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle3); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties2); tableStyleProperties2.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties2); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties3 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle4 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold9 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript9 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(bold9); runPropertiesBaseStyle4.Append(boldComplexScript9); tableStyleProperties3.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle4); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties4 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle5 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold10 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript10 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(bold10); runPropertiesBaseStyle5.Append(boldComplexScript10); tableStyleProperties4.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties5 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders2 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder4 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder4 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder4 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder4 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders2.Append(topBorder4); tableCellBorders2.Append(leftBorder4); tableCellBorders2.Append(bottomBorder4); tableCellBorders2.Append(rightBorder4); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3.Append(tableCellBorders2); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties3); tableStyleProperties5.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties3); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties6 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders3 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder5 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder5 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder5 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder5 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders3.Append(topBorder5); tableCellBorders3.Append(leftBorder5); tableCellBorders3.Append(bottomBorder5); tableCellBorders3.Append(rightBorder5); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4.Append(tableCellBorders3); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties4); tableStyleProperties6.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties4); style12.Append(styleName12); style12.Append(basedOn8); style12.Append(uIPriority11); style12.Append(rsid9); style12.Append(styleParagraphProperties6); style12.Append(styleTableProperties3); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties1); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties2); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties3); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties4); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties5); style12.Append(tableStyleProperties6); Style style13 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "MediumGrid3-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName13 = new StyleName() { Val = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn9 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority12 = new UIPriority() { Val = 69 }; Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties9 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties9.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties4 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize2 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize2 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation4 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders3 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder6 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder6 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder6 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder6 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder2 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder2 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders3.Append(topBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(leftBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(bottomBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(rightBorder6); tableBorders3.Append(insideHorizontalBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideVerticalBorder2); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault4 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin4 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin4 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin4 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin4 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(topMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellLeftMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(bottomMargin4); tableCellMarginDefault4.Append(tableCellRightMargin4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize2); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize2); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableIndentation4); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableBorders3); styleTableProperties4.Append(tableCellMarginDefault4); StyleTableCellProperties styleTableCellProperties1 = new StyleTableCellProperties(); Shading shading2 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; styleTableCellProperties1.Append(shading2); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties7 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle6 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold11 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript11 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic1 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript1 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color8 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(bold11); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(boldComplexScript11); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(italic1); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(italicComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle6.Append(color8); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties5 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders4 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder7 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder7 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder7 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder7 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder3 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder3 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders4.Append(topBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(leftBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(bottomBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(rightBorder7); tableCellBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder3); tableCellBorders4.Append(insideVerticalBorder3); Shading shading3 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5.Append(tableCellBorders4); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5.Append(shading3); tableStyleProperties7.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle6); tableStyleProperties7.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties5); tableStyleProperties7.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties8 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle7 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold12 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript12 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic2 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript2 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color9 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(bold12); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(boldComplexScript12); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(italic2); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(italicComplexScript2); runPropertiesBaseStyle7.Append(color9); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties6 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders5 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder8 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder8 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder8 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder8 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder4 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder4 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders5.Append(topBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(leftBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(bottomBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(rightBorder8); tableCellBorders5.Append(insideHorizontalBorder4); tableCellBorders5.Append(insideVerticalBorder4); Shading shading4 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6.Append(tableCellBorders5); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6.Append(shading4); tableStyleProperties8.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle7); tableStyleProperties8.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties6); tableStyleProperties8.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties6); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties9 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle8 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold13 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript13 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic3 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript3 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color10 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(bold13); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(boldComplexScript13); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(italic3); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(italicComplexScript3); runPropertiesBaseStyle8.Append(color10); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties7 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders6 = new TableCellBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder9 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder9 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder5 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder5 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders6.Append(leftBorder9); tableCellBorders6.Append(rightBorder9); tableCellBorders6.Append(insideHorizontalBorder5); tableCellBorders6.Append(insideVerticalBorder5); Shading shading5 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7.Append(tableCellBorders6); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7.Append(shading5); tableStyleProperties9.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle8); tableStyleProperties9.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties7); tableStyleProperties9.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties7); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties10 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle9 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold14 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript14 = new BoldComplexScript(); Italic italic4 = new Italic() { Val = false }; ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript4 = new ItalicComplexScript() { Val = false }; Color color11 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(bold14); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(boldComplexScript14); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(italic4); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(italicComplexScript4); runPropertiesBaseStyle9.Append(color11); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties8 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders7 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder9 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; LeftBorder leftBorder10 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)24U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder9 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; RightBorder rightBorder10 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder6 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder6 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders7.Append(topBorder9); tableCellBorders7.Append(leftBorder10); tableCellBorders7.Append(bottomBorder9); tableCellBorders7.Append(rightBorder10); tableCellBorders7.Append(insideHorizontalBorder6); tableCellBorders7.Append(insideVerticalBorder6); Shading shading6 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8.Append(tableCellBorders7); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8.Append(shading6); tableStyleProperties10.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle9); tableStyleProperties10.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties8); tableStyleProperties10.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties8); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties11 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties9 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders8 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder10 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder11 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder10 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder11 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder7 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder7 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders8.Append(topBorder10); tableCellBorders8.Append(leftBorder11); tableCellBorders8.Append(bottomBorder10); tableCellBorders8.Append(rightBorder11); tableCellBorders8.Append(insideHorizontalBorder7); tableCellBorders8.Append(insideVerticalBorder7); Shading shading7 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "A7BFDE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "7F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9.Append(tableCellBorders8); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9.Append(shading7); tableStyleProperties11.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties9); tableStyleProperties11.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties9); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties12 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties10 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders9 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder11 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder12 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder11 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder12 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder8 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder8 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders9.Append(topBorder11); tableCellBorders9.Append(leftBorder12); tableCellBorders9.Append(bottomBorder11); tableCellBorders9.Append(rightBorder12); tableCellBorders9.Append(insideHorizontalBorder8); tableCellBorders9.Append(insideVerticalBorder8); Shading shading8 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "A7BFDE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "7F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10.Append(tableCellBorders9); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10.Append(shading8); tableStyleProperties12.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties10); tableStyleProperties12.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties10); style13.Append(styleName13); style13.Append(basedOn9); style13.Append(uIPriority12); style13.Append(rsid10); style13.Append(styleParagraphProperties9); style13.Append(styleTableProperties4); style13.Append(styleTableCellProperties1); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties7); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties8); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties9); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties10); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties11); style13.Append(tableStyleProperties12); Style style14 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "MediumShading1-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName14 = new StyleName() { Val = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn10 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority13 = new UIPriority() { Val = 63 }; Rsid rsid11 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties10 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties5 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize3 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize3 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation5 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders4 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder12 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder13 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder12 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder13 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder9 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders4.Append(topBorder12); tableBorders4.Append(leftBorder13); tableBorders4.Append(bottomBorder12); tableBorders4.Append(rightBorder13); tableBorders4.Append(insideHorizontalBorder9); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault5 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin5 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin5 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin5 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin5 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(topMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(tableCellLeftMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(bottomMargin5); tableCellMarginDefault5.Append(tableCellRightMargin5); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize3); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize3); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableIndentation5); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableBorders4); styleTableProperties5.Append(tableCellMarginDefault5); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties13 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties11 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines12 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines12); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle10 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold15 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript15 = new BoldComplexScript(); Color color12 = new Color() { Val = "FFFFFF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Background1 }; runPropertiesBaseStyle10.Append(bold15); runPropertiesBaseStyle10.Append(boldComplexScript15); runPropertiesBaseStyle10.Append(color12); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties11 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders10 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder13 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder14 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder13 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder14 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder10 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder9 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders10.Append(topBorder13); tableCellBorders10.Append(leftBorder14); tableCellBorders10.Append(bottomBorder13); tableCellBorders10.Append(rightBorder14); tableCellBorders10.Append(insideHorizontalBorder10); tableCellBorders10.Append(insideVerticalBorder9); Shading shading9 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "4F81BD", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1 }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11.Append(tableCellBorders10); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11.Append(shading9); tableStyleProperties13.Append(styleParagraphProperties11); tableStyleProperties13.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle10); tableStyleProperties13.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties11); tableStyleProperties13.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties11); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties14 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties12 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle11 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold16 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript16 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle11.Append(bold16); runPropertiesBaseStyle11.Append(boldComplexScript16); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties12 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties12 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders11 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder14 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder15 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder14 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder15 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "7BA0CD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeTint = "BF", Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder11 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder10 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders11.Append(topBorder14); tableCellBorders11.Append(leftBorder15); tableCellBorders11.Append(bottomBorder14); tableCellBorders11.Append(rightBorder15); tableCellBorders11.Append(insideHorizontalBorder11); tableCellBorders11.Append(insideVerticalBorder10); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties12.Append(tableCellBorders11); tableStyleProperties14.Append(styleParagraphProperties12); tableStyleProperties14.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle11); tableStyleProperties14.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties12); tableStyleProperties14.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties12); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties15 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle12 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold17 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript17 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle12.Append(bold17); runPropertiesBaseStyle12.Append(boldComplexScript17); tableStyleProperties15.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle12); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties16 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle13 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); Bold bold18 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript18 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle13.Append(bold18); runPropertiesBaseStyle13.Append(boldComplexScript18); tableStyleProperties16.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle13); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties17 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties13 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties13 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); Shading shading10 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties13.Append(shading10); tableStyleProperties17.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties13); tableStyleProperties17.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties13); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties18 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties14 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders12 = new TableCellBorders(); InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder12 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder11 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders12.Append(insideHorizontalBorder12); tableCellBorders12.Append(insideVerticalBorder11); Shading shading11 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14.Append(tableCellBorders12); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14.Append(shading11); tableStyleProperties18.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties14); tableStyleProperties18.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties14); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties19 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band2Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties15 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties15 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders13 = new TableCellBorders(); InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder13 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder12 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; tableCellBorders13.Append(insideHorizontalBorder13); tableCellBorders13.Append(insideVerticalBorder12); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties15.Append(tableCellBorders13); tableStyleProperties19.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties15); tableStyleProperties19.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties15); style14.Append(styleName14); style14.Append(basedOn10); style14.Append(uIPriority13); style14.Append(rsid11); style14.Append(styleParagraphProperties10); style14.Append(styleTableProperties5); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties13); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties14); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties15); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties16); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties17); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties18); style14.Append(tableStyleProperties19); Style style15 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "LightGrid-Accent1" }; StyleName styleName15 = new StyleName() { Val = "Light Grid Accent 1" }; BasedOn basedOn11 = new BasedOn() { Val = "TableNormal" }; UIPriority uIPriority14 = new UIPriority() { Val = 62 }; Rsid rsid12 = new Rsid() { Val = "00BA40EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties13 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties6 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableStyleRowBandSize tableStyleRowBandSize4 = new TableStyleRowBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableStyleColumnBandSize tableStyleColumnBandSize4 = new TableStyleColumnBandSize() { Val = 1 }; TableIndentation tableIndentation6 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders5 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder15 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder16 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder15 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder16 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder14 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder13 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders5.Append(topBorder15); tableBorders5.Append(leftBorder16); tableBorders5.Append(bottomBorder15); tableBorders5.Append(rightBorder16); tableBorders5.Append(insideHorizontalBorder14); tableBorders5.Append(insideVerticalBorder13); TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault6 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin6 = new TopMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin6 = new TableCellLeftMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin6 = new BottomMargin() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin6 = new TableCellRightMargin() { Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(topMargin6); tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(tableCellLeftMargin6); tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(bottomMargin6); tableCellMarginDefault6.Append(tableCellRightMargin6); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableStyleRowBandSize4); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableStyleColumnBandSize4); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableIndentation6); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableBorders5); styleTableProperties6.Append(tableCellMarginDefault6); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties20 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties14 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines15 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties14.Append(spacingBetweenLines15); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle14 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold19 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript19 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle14.Append(runFonts8); runPropertiesBaseStyle14.Append(bold19); runPropertiesBaseStyle14.Append(boldComplexScript19); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties16 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties16 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders14 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder16 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder17 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder16 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)18U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder17 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder15 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder14 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders14.Append(topBorder16); tableCellBorders14.Append(leftBorder17); tableCellBorders14.Append(bottomBorder16); tableCellBorders14.Append(rightBorder17); tableCellBorders14.Append(insideHorizontalBorder15); tableCellBorders14.Append(insideVerticalBorder14); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties16.Append(tableCellBorders14); tableStyleProperties20.Append(styleParagraphProperties14); tableStyleProperties20.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle14); tableStyleProperties20.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties16); tableStyleProperties20.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties16); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties21 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastRow }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties15 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines16 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "0", After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties15.Append(spacingBetweenLines16); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle15 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold20 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript20 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle15.Append(runFonts9); runPropertiesBaseStyle15.Append(bold20); runPropertiesBaseStyle15.Append(boldComplexScript20); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties17 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties17 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders15 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder17 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)6U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder18 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder17 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder18 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder16 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Nil }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder15 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders15.Append(topBorder17); tableCellBorders15.Append(leftBorder18); tableCellBorders15.Append(bottomBorder17); tableCellBorders15.Append(rightBorder18); tableCellBorders15.Append(insideHorizontalBorder16); tableCellBorders15.Append(insideVerticalBorder15); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties17.Append(tableCellBorders15); tableStyleProperties21.Append(styleParagraphProperties15); tableStyleProperties21.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle15); tableStyleProperties21.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties17); tableStyleProperties21.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties17); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties22 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.FirstColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle16 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold21 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript21 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle16.Append(runFonts10); runPropertiesBaseStyle16.Append(bold21); runPropertiesBaseStyle16.Append(boldComplexScript21); tableStyleProperties22.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle16); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties23 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.LastColumn }; RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle17 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() { AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; Bold bold22 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript22 = new BoldComplexScript(); runPropertiesBaseStyle17.Append(runFonts11); runPropertiesBaseStyle17.Append(bold22); runPropertiesBaseStyle17.Append(boldComplexScript22); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties18 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties18 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders16 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder18 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder19 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder18 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder19 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders16.Append(topBorder18); tableCellBorders16.Append(leftBorder19); tableCellBorders16.Append(bottomBorder18); tableCellBorders16.Append(rightBorder19); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties18.Append(tableCellBorders16); tableStyleProperties23.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle17); tableStyleProperties23.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties18); tableStyleProperties23.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties18); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties24 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Vertical }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties19 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders17 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder19 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder20 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder19 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder20 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders17.Append(topBorder19); tableCellBorders17.Append(leftBorder20); tableCellBorders17.Append(bottomBorder19); tableCellBorders17.Append(rightBorder20); Shading shading12 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19.Append(tableCellBorders17); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19.Append(shading12); tableStyleProperties24.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties19); tableStyleProperties24.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties19); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties25 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band1Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties20 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders18 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder20 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder21 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder20 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder21 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder16 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders18.Append(topBorder20); tableCellBorders18.Append(leftBorder21); tableCellBorders18.Append(bottomBorder20); tableCellBorders18.Append(rightBorder21); tableCellBorders18.Append(insideVerticalBorder16); Shading shading13 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "D3DFEE", ThemeFill = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, ThemeFillTint = "3F" }; tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20.Append(tableCellBorders18); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20.Append(shading13); tableStyleProperties25.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties20); tableStyleProperties25.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties20); TableStyleProperties tableStyleProperties26 = new TableStyleProperties() { Type = TableStyleOverrideValues.Band2Horizontal }; TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties21 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties(); TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties21 = new TableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties(); TableCellBorders tableCellBorders19 = new TableCellBorders(); TopBorder topBorder21 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder22 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder21 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder22 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder17 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "4F81BD", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent1, Size = (UInt32Value)8U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableCellBorders19.Append(topBorder21); tableCellBorders19.Append(leftBorder22); tableCellBorders19.Append(bottomBorder21); tableCellBorders19.Append(rightBorder22); tableCellBorders19.Append(insideVerticalBorder17); tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties21.Append(tableCellBorders19); tableStyleProperties26.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableProperties21); tableStyleProperties26.Append(tableStyleConditionalFormattingTableCellProperties21); style15.Append(styleName15); style15.Append(basedOn11); style15.Append(uIPriority14); style15.Append(rsid12); style15.Append(styleParagraphProperties13); style15.Append(styleTableProperties6); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties20); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties21); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties22); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties23); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties24); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties25); style15.Append(tableStyleProperties26); Style style16 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Quote" }; StyleName styleName16 = new StyleName() { Val = "Quote" }; BasedOn basedOn12 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle4 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle7 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "QuoteChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority15 = new UIPriority() { Val = 29 }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle6 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid13 = new Rsid() { Val = "00851582" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties16 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); ParagraphBorders paragraphBorders1 = new ParagraphBorders(); TopBorder topBorder22 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; LeftBorder leftBorder23 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)4U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder22 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)1U }; RightBorder rightBorder23 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)4U }; paragraphBorders1.Append(topBorder22); paragraphBorders1.Append(leftBorder23); paragraphBorders1.Append(bottomBorder22); paragraphBorders1.Append(rightBorder23); styleParagraphProperties16.Append(paragraphBorders1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties7 = new StyleRunProperties(); Italic italic5 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript5 = new ItalicComplexScript(); Color color13 = new Color() { Val = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1 }; styleRunProperties7.Append(italic5); styleRunProperties7.Append(italicComplexScript5); styleRunProperties7.Append(color13); style16.Append(styleName16); style16.Append(basedOn12); style16.Append(nextParagraphStyle4); style16.Append(linkedStyle7); style16.Append(uIPriority15); style16.Append(primaryStyle6); style16.Append(rsid13); style16.Append(styleParagraphProperties16); style16.Append(styleRunProperties7); Style style17 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "QuoteChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName17 = new StyleName() { Val = "Quote Char" }; BasedOn basedOn13 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle8 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Quote" }; UIPriority uIPriority16 = new UIPriority() { Val = 29 }; Rsid rsid14 = new Rsid() { Val = "00851582" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties8 = new StyleRunProperties(); Italic italic6 = new Italic(); ItalicComplexScript italicComplexScript6 = new ItalicComplexScript(); Color color14 = new Color() { Val = "000000", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Text1 }; styleRunProperties8.Append(italic6); styleRunProperties8.Append(italicComplexScript6); styleRunProperties8.Append(color14); style17.Append(styleName17); style17.Append(basedOn13); style17.Append(linkedStyle8); style17.Append(uIPriority16); style17.Append(rsid14); style17.Append(styleRunProperties8); Style style18 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOCHeading" }; StyleName styleName18 = new StyleName() { Val = "TOC Heading" }; BasedOn basedOn14 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Heading1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle5 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uIPriority17 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed6 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); PrimaryStyle primaryStyle7 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid15 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties17 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); OutlineLevel outlineLevel4 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 9 }; styleParagraphProperties17.Append(outlineLevel4); style18.Append(styleName18); style18.Append(basedOn14); style18.Append(nextParagraphStyle5); style18.Append(uIPriority17); style18.Append(semiHidden4); style18.Append(unhideWhenUsed6); style18.Append(primaryStyle7); style18.Append(rsid15); style18.Append(styleParagraphProperties17); Style style19 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC1" }; StyleName styleName19 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 1" }; BasedOn basedOn15 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle6 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine1 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority18 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed7 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid16 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties18 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines17 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100" }; styleParagraphProperties18.Append(spacingBetweenLines17); style19.Append(styleName19); style19.Append(basedOn15); style19.Append(nextParagraphStyle6); style19.Append(autoRedefine1); style19.Append(uIPriority18); style19.Append(unhideWhenUsed7); style19.Append(rsid16); style19.Append(styleParagraphProperties18); Style style20 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC2" }; StyleName styleName20 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 2" }; BasedOn basedOn16 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle7 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine2 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority19 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed8 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid17 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties19 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines18 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100" }; Indentation indentation1 = new Indentation() { Left = "220" }; styleParagraphProperties19.Append(spacingBetweenLines18); styleParagraphProperties19.Append(indentation1); style20.Append(styleName20); style20.Append(basedOn16); style20.Append(nextParagraphStyle7); style20.Append(autoRedefine2); style20.Append(uIPriority19); style20.Append(unhideWhenUsed8); style20.Append(rsid17); style20.Append(styleParagraphProperties19); Style style21 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "TOC3" }; StyleName styleName21 = new StyleName() { Val = "toc 3" }; BasedOn basedOn17 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle8 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; AutoRedefine autoRedefine3 = new AutoRedefine(); UIPriority uIPriority20 = new UIPriority() { Val = 39 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed9 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid18 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties20 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines19 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "100" }; Indentation indentation2 = new Indentation() { Left = "440" }; styleParagraphProperties20.Append(spacingBetweenLines19); styleParagraphProperties20.Append(indentation2); style21.Append(styleName21); style21.Append(basedOn17); style21.Append(nextParagraphStyle8); style21.Append(autoRedefine3); style21.Append(uIPriority20); style21.Append(unhideWhenUsed9); style21.Append(rsid18); style21.Append(styleParagraphProperties20); Style style22 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "Hyperlink" }; StyleName styleName22 = new StyleName() { Val = "Hyperlink" }; BasedOn basedOn18 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; UIPriority uIPriority21 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed10 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid19 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties9 = new StyleRunProperties(); Color color15 = new Color() { Val = "0000FF", ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Hyperlink }; Underline underline1 = new Underline() { Val = UnderlineValues.Single }; styleRunProperties9.Append(color15); styleRunProperties9.Append(underline1); style22.Append(styleName22); style22.Append(basedOn18); style22.Append(uIPriority21); style22.Append(unhideWhenUsed10); style22.Append(rsid19); style22.Append(styleRunProperties9); Style style23 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "BalloonText" }; StyleName styleName23 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text" }; BasedOn basedOn19 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle9 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonTextChar" }; UIPriority uIPriority22 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed11 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid20 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties21 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines20 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }; styleParagraphProperties21.Append(spacingBetweenLines20); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties10 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize6 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript6 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties10.Append(runFonts12); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSize6); styleRunProperties10.Append(fontSizeComplexScript6); style23.Append(styleName23); style23.Append(basedOn19); style23.Append(linkedStyle9); style23.Append(uIPriority22); style23.Append(semiHidden5); style23.Append(unhideWhenUsed11); style23.Append(rsid20); style23.Append(styleParagraphProperties21); style23.Append(styleRunProperties10); Style style24 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "BalloonTextChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName24 = new StyleName() { Val = "Balloon Text Char" }; BasedOn basedOn20 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle10 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "BalloonText" }; UIPriority uIPriority23 = new UIPriority() { Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid21 = new Rsid() { Val = "00A636FD" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties11 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Tahoma", HighAnsi = "Tahoma", ComplexScript = "Tahoma" }; FontSize fontSize7 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript7 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties11.Append(runFonts13); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSize7); styleRunProperties11.Append(fontSizeComplexScript7); style24.Append(styleName24); style24.Append(basedOn20); style24.Append(linkedStyle10); style24.Append(uIPriority23); style24.Append(semiHidden6); style24.Append(rsid21); style24.Append(styleRunProperties11); Style style25 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Passed", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName25 = new StyleName() { Val = "Passed" }; BasedOn basedOn21 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle11 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "PassedChar" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle8 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid22 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties22 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Shading shading14 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "00B050" }; Justification justification1 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; styleParagraphProperties22.Append(shading14); styleParagraphProperties22.Append(justification1); style25.Append(styleName25); style25.Append(basedOn21); style25.Append(linkedStyle11); style25.Append(primaryStyle8); style25.Append(rsid22); style25.Append(styleParagraphProperties22); Style style26 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Failed", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName26 = new StyleName() { Val = "Failed" }; BasedOn basedOn22 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Passed" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle12 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "FailedChar" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle9 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid23 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties23 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Shading shading15 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "FF0000" }; styleParagraphProperties23.Append(shading15); style26.Append(styleName26); style26.Append(basedOn22); style26.Append(linkedStyle12); style26.Append(primaryStyle9); style26.Append(rsid23); style26.Append(styleParagraphProperties23); Style style27 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "PassedChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName27 = new StyleName() { Val = "Passed Char" }; BasedOn basedOn23 = new BasedOn() { Val = "DefaultParagraphFont" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle13 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Passed" }; Rsid rsid24 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties12 = new StyleRunProperties(); Shading shading16 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "00B050" }; styleRunProperties12.Append(shading16); style27.Append(styleName27); style27.Append(basedOn23); style27.Append(linkedStyle13); style27.Append(rsid24); style27.Append(styleRunProperties12); Style style28 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "FailedChar", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName28 = new StyleName() { Val = "Failed Char" }; BasedOn basedOn24 = new BasedOn() { Val = "PassedChar" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle14 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Failed" }; Rsid rsid25 = new Rsid() { Val = "005217FA" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties13 = new StyleRunProperties(); Shading shading17 = new Shading() { Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "FF0000" }; styleRunProperties13.Append(shading17); style28.Append(styleName28); style28.Append(basedOn24); style28.Append(linkedStyle14); style28.Append(rsid25); style28.Append(styleRunProperties13); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styles1.Append(style12); styles1.Append(style13); styles1.Append(style14); styles1.Append(style15); styles1.Append(style16); styles1.Append(style17); styles1.Append(style18); styles1.Append(style19); styles1.Append(style20); styles1.Append(style21); styles1.Append(style22); styles1.Append(style23); styles1.Append(style24); styles1.Append(style25); styles1.Append(style26); styles1.Append(style27); styles1.Append(style28); styles1.Append(GenerateHeaderStyle()); styles1.Append(GenerateHeaderCharStyle()); styles1.Append(GenerateFooterStyle()); styles1.Append(GenerateFooterCharStyle()); part.Styles = styles1; }
// Creates an Style instance and adds its children. public static Style GenerateHeadingStyle() { Style style1 = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "Heading1" }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = "heading 1" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "Heading1Char" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); Rsid rsid1 = new Rsid() { Val = "00CF6683" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); KeepNext keepNext1 = new KeepNext(); NumberingProperties numberingProperties1 = new NumberingProperties(); NumberingId numberingId1 = new NumberingId() { Val = 1 }; numberingProperties1.Append(numberingId1); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines1 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "480" }; Justification justification1 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; OutlineLevel outlineLevel1 = new OutlineLevel() { Val = 0 }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(keepNext1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(numberingProperties1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(spacingBetweenLines1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(justification1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(outlineLevel1); StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts() { ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); Caps caps1 = new Caps(); FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript() { Val = "32" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(runFonts1); styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(boldComplexScript1); styleRunProperties1.Append(caps1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style1.Append(linkedStyle1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(rsid1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); style1.Append(styleRunProperties1); return(style1); }
// Create a new paragraph style with the specified style ID, primary style name, and aliases and // add it to the specified style definitions part. public static void CreateAndAddParagraphStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename, string aliases = "") { // Access the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; if (styles == null) { styleDefinitionsPart.Styles = new Styles(); styleDefinitionsPart.Styles.Save(); } // Create a new paragraph style element and specify some of the attributes. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true, Default = false }; // Create and add the child elements (properties of the style). Aliases aliases1 = new Aliases() { Val = aliases }; AutoRedefine autoredefine1 = new AutoRedefine() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; BasedOn basedon1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "OverdueAmountChar" }; Locked locked1 = new Locked() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; PrimaryStyle primarystyle1 = new PrimaryStyle() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; StyleHidden stylehidden1 = new StyleHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; SemiHidden semihidden1 = new SemiHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uipriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhidewhenused1 = new UnhideWhenUsed() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; if (aliases != "") style.Append(aliases1); style.Append(autoredefine1); style.Append(basedon1); style.Append(linkedStyle1); style.Append(locked1); style.Append(primarystyle1); style.Append(stylehidden1); style.Append(semihidden1); style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style.Append(uipriority1); style.Append(unhidewhenused1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent2 }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Lucida Console" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); // Specify a 12 point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(italic1); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
private void CreateStyle(WordprocessingDocument doc, string styleId, string styleName) { // Get the Styles part for this document. StyleDefinitionsPart part = doc.MainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart; // If the Styles part does not exist, add it and then add the style. if (part == null) { part = AddStylesPartToPackage(doc); } // Access the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = part.Styles; if (styles == null) { part.Styles = new Styles(); part.Styles.Save(); } // Create a new paragraph style element and specify some of the attributes. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleId, CustomStyle = true, Default = false }; // Create and add the child elements (properties of the style). AutoRedefine autoredefine1 = new AutoRedefine() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; BasedOn basedon1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "OverdueAmountChar" }; Locked locked1 = new Locked() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; PrimaryStyle primarystyle1 = new PrimaryStyle() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; StyleHidden stylehidden1 = new StyleHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; SemiHidden semihidden1 = new SemiHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = styleName }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uipriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhidewhenused1 = new UnhideWhenUsed() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; style.Append(autoredefine1); style.Append(basedon1); style.Append(linkedStyle1); style.Append(locked1); style.Append(primarystyle1); style.Append(stylehidden1); style.Append(semihidden1); style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style.Append(uipriority1); style.Append(unhidewhenused1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Hyperlink }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Lucida Console" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); // Specify a 12 point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "30" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties1.Append(italic1); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties1); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
// Create a new style with the specified styleid and stylename and add it to the specified // style definitions part. private static void AddNewStyle(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename, StyleValues type, Action<StyleRunProperties> prepareRunStyle, Action<StyleParagraphProperties> prepareParagraphStyle, string basedOn = "Normal") { // Get access to the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = type, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = basedOn }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; style.Append(styleName1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basedOn)) style.Append(basedOn1); //style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties = new StyleRunProperties(); prepareRunStyle(styleRunProperties); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties); StyleParagraphProperties styleParaProperties = new StyleParagraphProperties(); prepareParagraphStyle(styleParaProperties); style.Append(styleParaProperties); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
// Generates content of styleDefinitionsPart1. private void GenerateStyleDefinitionsPart1Content(StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart1) { Styles styles1 = new Styles(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15" } }; styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2010/wordml"); styles1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2012/wordml"); DocDefaults docDefaults1 = new DocDefaults(); RunPropertiesDefault runPropertiesDefault1 = new RunPropertiesDefault(); RunPropertiesBaseStyle runPropertiesBaseStyle1 = new RunPropertiesBaseStyle(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MinorBidi }; Kern kern1 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)2U }; FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize(){ Val = "21" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript1 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "22" }; Languages languages1 = new Languages(){ Val = "en-US", EastAsia = "ja-JP", Bidi = "ar-SA" }; runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(runFonts3); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(kern1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSize1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript1); runPropertiesBaseStyle1.Append(languages1); runPropertiesDefault1.Append(runPropertiesBaseStyle1); ParagraphPropertiesDefault paragraphPropertiesDefault1 = new ParagraphPropertiesDefault(); docDefaults1.Append(runPropertiesDefault1); docDefaults1.Append(paragraphPropertiesDefault1); LatentStyles latentStyles1 = new LatentStyles(){ DefaultLockedState = false, DefaultUiPriority = 99, DefaultSemiHidden = false, DefaultUnhideWhenUsed = false, DefaultPrimaryStyle = false, Count = 371 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo1 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Normal", UiPriority = 0, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo2 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 1", UiPriority = 9, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo3 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 2", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo4 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 3", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo5 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 4", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo6 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 5", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo7 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 6", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo8 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 7", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo9 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 8", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo10 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "heading 9", UiPriority = 9, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo11 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo12 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo13 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo14 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo15 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo16 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo17 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo18 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo19 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index 9", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo20 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 1", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo21 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 2", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo22 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 3", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo23 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 4", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo24 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 5", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo25 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 6", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo26 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 7", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo27 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 8", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo28 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toc 9", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo29 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Normal Indent", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo30 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "footnote text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo31 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "annotation text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo32 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "header", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo33 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "footer", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo34 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "index heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo35 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "caption", UiPriority = 35, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo36 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "table of figures", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo37 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "envelope address", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo38 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "envelope return", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo39 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "footnote reference", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo40 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "annotation reference", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo41 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "line number", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo42 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "page number", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo43 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "endnote reference", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo44 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "endnote text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo45 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "table of authorities", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo46 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "macro", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo47 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "toa heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo48 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo49 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Bullet", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo50 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Number", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo51 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo52 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo53 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo54 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo55 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Bullet 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo56 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Bullet 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo57 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Bullet 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo58 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Bullet 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo59 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Number 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo60 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Number 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo61 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Number 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo62 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Number 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo63 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Title", UiPriority = 10, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo64 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Closing", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo65 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Signature", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo66 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Default Paragraph Font", UiPriority = 1, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo67 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo68 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text Indent", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo69 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Continue", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo70 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Continue 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo71 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Continue 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo72 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Continue 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo73 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Continue 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo74 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Message Header", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo75 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtitle", UiPriority = 11, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo76 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Salutation", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo77 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Date", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo78 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text First Indent", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo79 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text First Indent 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo80 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Note Heading", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo81 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo82 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo83 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text Indent 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo84 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Body Text Indent 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo85 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Block Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo86 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Hyperlink", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo87 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "FollowedHyperlink", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo88 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Strong", UiPriority = 22, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo89 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Emphasis", UiPriority = 20, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo90 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Document Map", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo91 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Plain Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo92 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "E-mail Signature", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo93 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Top of Form", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo94 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Bottom of Form", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo95 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Normal (Web)", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo96 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Acronym", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo97 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Address", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo98 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Cite", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo99 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Code", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo100 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Definition", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo101 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Keyboard", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo102 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Preformatted", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo103 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Sample", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo104 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Typewriter", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo105 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "HTML Variable", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo106 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Normal Table", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo107 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "annotation subject", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo108 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "No List", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo109 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Outline List 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo110 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Outline List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo111 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Outline List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; 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LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo119 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Colorful 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo120 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Colorful 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo121 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Colorful 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo122 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Columns 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo123 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Columns 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo124 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Columns 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo125 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Columns 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo126 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Columns 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo127 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo128 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo129 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo130 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo131 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo132 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo133 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo134 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo135 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo136 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo137 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo138 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 4", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo139 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 5", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo140 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 6", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo141 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 7", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo142 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table List 8", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo143 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table 3D effects 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo144 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table 3D effects 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo145 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table 3D effects 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo146 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Contemporary", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo147 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Elegant", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo148 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Professional", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo149 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Subtle 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo150 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Subtle 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo151 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Web 1", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo152 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Web 2", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo153 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Web 3", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo154 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Balloon Text", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo155 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Grid", UiPriority = 59 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo156 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Table Theme", SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo157 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Placeholder Text", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo158 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "No Spacing", UiPriority = 36, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo159 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo160 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo161 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo162 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo163 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo164 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo165 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo166 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo167 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo168 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo169 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo170 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo171 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo172 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo173 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo174 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 1", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo175 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo176 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo177 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo178 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo179 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Revision", SemiHidden = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo180 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Paragraph", UiPriority = 34, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo181 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Quote", UiPriority = 29, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo182 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Quote", UiPriority = 30, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo183 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo184 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 1", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo185 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo186 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo187 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 1", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo188 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 1", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo189 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 1", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo190 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 1", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo191 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo192 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 2", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo193 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo194 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo195 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo196 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo197 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo198 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 2", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo199 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo200 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo201 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 2", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo202 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 2", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo203 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 2", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo204 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 2", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo205 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo206 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 3", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo207 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo208 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo209 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo210 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo211 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo212 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 3", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo213 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo214 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo215 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 3", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo216 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 3", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo217 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 3", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo218 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 3", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo219 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo220 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 4", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo221 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo222 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo223 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo224 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo225 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo226 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 4", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo227 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo228 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo229 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 4", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo230 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 4", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo231 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 4", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo232 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 4", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo233 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo234 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 5", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo235 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo236 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo237 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo238 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo239 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo240 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 5", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo241 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo242 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo243 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 5", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo244 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 5", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo245 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 5", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo246 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 5", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo247 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 60 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo248 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light List Accent 6", UiPriority = 61 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo249 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Light Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 62 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo250 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 63 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo251 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Shading 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 64 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo252 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 65 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo253 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium List 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 66 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo254 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 1 Accent 6", UiPriority = 67 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo255 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 68 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo256 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Medium Grid 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 69 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo257 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Dark List Accent 6", UiPriority = 70 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo258 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Shading Accent 6", UiPriority = 71 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo259 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful List Accent 6", UiPriority = 72 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo260 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Colorful Grid Accent 6", UiPriority = 73 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo261 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtle Emphasis", UiPriority = 19, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo262 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Emphasis", UiPriority = 21, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo263 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Subtle Reference", UiPriority = 31, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo264 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Intense Reference", UiPriority = 32, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo265 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Book Title", UiPriority = 33, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo266 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Bibliography", UiPriority = 37, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo267 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "TOC Heading", UiPriority = 39, SemiHidden = true, UnhideWhenUsed = true, PrimaryStyle = true }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo268 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Plain Table 1", UiPriority = 41 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo269 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Plain Table 2", UiPriority = 42 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo270 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Plain Table 3", UiPriority = 43 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo271 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Plain Table 4", UiPriority = 44 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo272 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Plain Table 5", UiPriority = 45 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo273 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table Light", UiPriority = 40 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo274 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo275 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo276 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo277 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo278 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo279 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo280 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo281 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo282 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo283 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo284 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo285 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo286 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo287 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo288 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo289 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo290 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo291 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo292 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo293 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo294 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo295 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo296 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo297 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo298 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo299 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo300 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo301 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo302 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo303 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo304 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo305 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo306 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo307 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo308 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo309 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo310 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo311 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo312 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo313 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo314 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo315 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo316 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo317 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo318 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo319 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo320 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo321 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo322 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo323 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo324 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo325 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo326 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo327 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo328 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo329 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo330 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 1", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo331 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2 Accent 1", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo332 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3 Accent 1", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo333 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4 Accent 1", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo334 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 1", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo335 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo336 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo337 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 2", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo338 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2 Accent 2", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo339 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3 Accent 2", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo340 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4 Accent 2", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo341 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 2", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo342 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo343 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo344 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 3", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo345 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2 Accent 3", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo346 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3 Accent 3", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo347 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4 Accent 3", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo348 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 3", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo349 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo350 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 3", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo351 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 4", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo352 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2 Accent 4", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo353 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3 Accent 4", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo354 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4 Accent 4", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo355 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 4", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo356 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo357 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 4", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo358 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 5", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo359 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2 Accent 5", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo360 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3 Accent 5", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo361 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4 Accent 5", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo362 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 5", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo363 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo364 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 5", UiPriority = 52 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo365 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 1 Light Accent 6", UiPriority = 46 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo366 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 2 Accent 6", UiPriority = 47 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo367 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 3 Accent 6", UiPriority = 48 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo368 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 4 Accent 6", UiPriority = 49 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo369 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 5 Dark Accent 6", UiPriority = 50 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo370 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 51 }; LatentStyleExceptionInfo latentStyleExceptionInfo371 = new LatentStyleExceptionInfo(){ Name = "List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6", UiPriority = 52 }; latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo1); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo2); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo3); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo4); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo5); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo6); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo7); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo8); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo9); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo10); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo11); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo12); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo13); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo14); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo15); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo16); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo17); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo18); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo19); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo20); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo21); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo22); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo23); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo24); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo25); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo26); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo27); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo28); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo29); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo30); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo31); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo32); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo33); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo34); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo35); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo36); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo37); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo38); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo39); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo40); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo41); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo42); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo43); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo44); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo45); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo46); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo47); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo48); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo49); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo50); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo51); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo52); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo53); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo54); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo55); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo56); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo57); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo58); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo59); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo60); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo61); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo62); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo63); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo64); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo65); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo66); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo67); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo68); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo69); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo70); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo71); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo72); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo73); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo74); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo75); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo76); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo77); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo78); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo79); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo80); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo81); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo82); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo83); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo84); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo85); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo86); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo87); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo88); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo89); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo90); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo91); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo92); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo93); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo94); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo95); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo96); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo97); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo98); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo99); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo100); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo101); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo102); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo103); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo104); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo105); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo106); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo107); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo108); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo109); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo110); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo111); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo112); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo113); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo114); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo115); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo116); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo117); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo118); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo119); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo120); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo121); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo122); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo123); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo124); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo125); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo126); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo127); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo128); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo129); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo130); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo131); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo132); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo133); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo134); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo135); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo136); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo137); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo138); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo139); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo140); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo141); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo142); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo143); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo144); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo145); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo146); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo147); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo148); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo149); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo150); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo151); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo152); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo153); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo154); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo155); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo156); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo157); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo158); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo159); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo160); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo161); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo162); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo163); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo164); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo165); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo166); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo167); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo168); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo169); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo170); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo171); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo172); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo173); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo174); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo175); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo176); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo177); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo178); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo179); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo180); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo181); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo182); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo183); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo184); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo185); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo186); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo187); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo188); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo189); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo190); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo191); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo192); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo193); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo194); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo195); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo196); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo197); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo198); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo199); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo200); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo201); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo202); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo203); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo204); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo205); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo206); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo207); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo208); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo209); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo210); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo211); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo212); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo213); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo214); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo215); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo216); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo217); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo218); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo219); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo220); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo221); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo222); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo223); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo224); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo225); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo226); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo227); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo228); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo229); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo230); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo231); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo232); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo233); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo234); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo235); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo236); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo237); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo238); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo239); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo240); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo241); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo242); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo243); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo244); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo245); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo246); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo247); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo248); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo249); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo250); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo251); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo252); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo253); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo254); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo255); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo256); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo257); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo258); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo259); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo260); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo261); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo262); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo263); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo264); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo265); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo266); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo267); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo268); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo269); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo270); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo271); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo272); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo273); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo274); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo275); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo276); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo277); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo278); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo279); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo280); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo281); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo282); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo283); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo284); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo285); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo286); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo287); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo288); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo289); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo290); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo291); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo292); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo293); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo294); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo295); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo296); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo297); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo298); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo299); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo300); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo301); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo302); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo303); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo304); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo305); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo306); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo307); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo308); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo309); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo310); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo311); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo312); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo313); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo314); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo315); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo316); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo317); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo318); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo319); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo320); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo321); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo322); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo323); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo324); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo325); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo326); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo327); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo328); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo329); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo330); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo331); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo332); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo333); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo334); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo335); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo336); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo337); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo338); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo339); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo340); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo341); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo342); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo343); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo344); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo345); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo346); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo347); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo348); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo349); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo350); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo351); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo352); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo353); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo354); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo355); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo356); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo357); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo358); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo359); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo360); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo361); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo362); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo363); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo364); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo365); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo366); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo367); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo368); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo369); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo370); latentStyles1.Append(latentStyleExceptionInfo371); Style style1 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "a", Default = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal" }; PrimaryStyle primaryStyle1 = new PrimaryStyle(); StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties1 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); WidowControl widowControl1 = new WidowControl(){ Val = false }; Justification justification1 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Both }; styleParagraphProperties1.Append(widowControl1); styleParagraphProperties1.Append(justification1); style1.Append(styleName1); style1.Append(primaryStyle1); style1.Append(styleParagraphProperties1); Style style2 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a0", Default = true }; StyleName styleName2 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Default Paragraph Font" }; UIPriority uIPriority1 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 1 }; SemiHidden semiHidden1 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed1 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style2.Append(styleName2); style2.Append(uIPriority1); style2.Append(semiHidden1); style2.Append(unhideWhenUsed1); Style style3 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Table, StyleId = "a1", Default = true }; StyleName styleName3 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Normal Table" }; UIPriority uIPriority2 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden2 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed2 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); StyleTableProperties styleTableProperties1 = new StyleTableProperties(); TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation(){ Width = 0, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellMarginDefault tableCellMarginDefault1 = new TableCellMarginDefault(); TopMargin topMargin1 = new TopMargin(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellLeftMargin tableCellLeftMargin1 = new TableCellLeftMargin(){ Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; BottomMargin bottomMargin1 = new BottomMargin(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableCellRightMargin tableCellRightMargin1 = new TableCellRightMargin(){ Width = 108, Type = TableWidthValues.Dxa }; tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(topMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellLeftMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(bottomMargin1); tableCellMarginDefault1.Append(tableCellRightMargin1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableIndentation1); styleTableProperties1.Append(tableCellMarginDefault1); style3.Append(styleName3); style3.Append(uIPriority2); style3.Append(semiHidden2); style3.Append(unhideWhenUsed2); style3.Append(styleTableProperties1); Style style4 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Numbering, StyleId = "a2", Default = true }; StyleName styleName4 = new StyleName(){ Val = "No List" }; UIPriority uIPriority3 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden3 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed3 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); style4.Append(styleName4); style4.Append(uIPriority3); style4.Append(semiHidden3); style4.Append(unhideWhenUsed3); Style style5 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a3" }; StyleName styleName5 = new StyleName(){ Val = "annotation reference" }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a0" }; UIPriority uIPriority4 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden4 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed4 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid4 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); FontSize fontSize2 = new FontSize(){ Val = "18" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript2 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "18" }; styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize2); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSizeComplexScript2); style5.Append(styleName5); style5.Append(basedOn1); style5.Append(uIPriority4); style5.Append(semiHidden4); style5.Append(unhideWhenUsed4); style5.Append(rsid4); style5.Append(styleRunProperties1); Style style6 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "a4" }; StyleName styleName6 = new StyleName(){ Val = "annotation text" }; BasedOn basedOn2 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "a5" }; UIPriority uIPriority5 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden5 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed5 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid5 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; StyleParagraphProperties styleParagraphProperties2 = new StyleParagraphProperties(); Justification justification2 = new Justification(){ Val = JustificationValues.Left }; styleParagraphProperties2.Append(justification2); style6.Append(styleName6); style6.Append(basedOn2); style6.Append(linkedStyle1); style6.Append(uIPriority5); style6.Append(semiHidden5); style6.Append(unhideWhenUsed5); style6.Append(rsid5); style6.Append(styleParagraphProperties2); Style style7 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a5", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName7 = new StyleName(){ Val = "コメント文字列 (文字)" }; BasedOn basedOn3 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a0" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle2 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "a4" }; UIPriority uIPriority6 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden6 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid6 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; style7.Append(styleName7); style7.Append(basedOn3); style7.Append(linkedStyle2); style7.Append(uIPriority6); style7.Append(semiHidden6); style7.Append(rsid6); Style style8 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "a6" }; StyleName styleName8 = new StyleName(){ Val = "annotation subject" }; BasedOn basedOn4 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a4" }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle(){ Val = "a4" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle3 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "a7" }; UIPriority uIPriority7 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden7 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed6 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid7 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties2 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript1 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties2.Append(bold1); styleRunProperties2.Append(boldComplexScript1); style8.Append(styleName8); style8.Append(basedOn4); style8.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style8.Append(linkedStyle3); style8.Append(uIPriority7); style8.Append(semiHidden7); style8.Append(unhideWhenUsed6); style8.Append(rsid7); style8.Append(styleRunProperties2); Style style9 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a7", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName9 = new StyleName(){ Val = "コメント内容 (文字)" }; BasedOn basedOn5 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a5" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle4 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "a6" }; UIPriority uIPriority8 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden8 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid8 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties3 = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold2 = new Bold(); BoldComplexScript boldComplexScript2 = new BoldComplexScript(); styleRunProperties3.Append(bold2); styleRunProperties3.Append(boldComplexScript2); style9.Append(styleName9); style9.Append(basedOn5); style9.Append(linkedStyle4); style9.Append(uIPriority8); style9.Append(semiHidden8); style9.Append(rsid8); style9.Append(styleRunProperties3); Style style10 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = "a8" }; StyleName styleName10 = new StyleName(){ Val = "Balloon Text" }; BasedOn basedOn6 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle5 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "a9" }; UIPriority uIPriority9 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden9 = new SemiHidden(); UnhideWhenUsed unhideWhenUsed7 = new UnhideWhenUsed(); Rsid rsid9 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties4 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; FontSize fontSize3 = new FontSize(){ Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript3 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties4.Append(runFonts4); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSize3); styleRunProperties4.Append(fontSizeComplexScript3); style10.Append(styleName10); style10.Append(basedOn6); style10.Append(linkedStyle5); style10.Append(uIPriority9); style10.Append(semiHidden9); style10.Append(unhideWhenUsed7); style10.Append(rsid9); style10.Append(styleRunProperties4); Style style11 = new Style(){ Type = StyleValues.Character, StyleId = "a9", CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName11 = new StyleName(){ Val = "吹き出し (文字)" }; BasedOn basedOn7 = new BasedOn(){ Val = "a0" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle6 = new LinkedStyle(){ Val = "a8" }; UIPriority uIPriority10 = new UIPriority(){ Val = 99 }; SemiHidden semiHidden10 = new SemiHidden(); Rsid rsid10 = new Rsid(){ Val = "009423EF" }; StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties5 = new StyleRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts(){ AsciiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, HighAnsiTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorHighAnsi, EastAsiaTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorEastAsia, ComplexScriptTheme = ThemeFontValues.MajorBidi }; FontSize fontSize4 = new FontSize(){ Val = "16" }; FontSizeComplexScript fontSizeComplexScript4 = new FontSizeComplexScript(){ Val = "16" }; styleRunProperties5.Append(runFonts5); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSize4); styleRunProperties5.Append(fontSizeComplexScript4); style11.Append(styleName11); style11.Append(basedOn7); style11.Append(linkedStyle6); style11.Append(uIPriority10); style11.Append(semiHidden10); style11.Append(rsid10); style11.Append(styleRunProperties5); styles1.Append(docDefaults1); styles1.Append(latentStyles1); styles1.Append(style1); styles1.Append(style2); styles1.Append(style3); styles1.Append(style4); styles1.Append(style5); styles1.Append(style6); styles1.Append(style7); styles1.Append(style8); styles1.Append(style9); styles1.Append(style10); styles1.Append(style11); styleDefinitionsPart1.Styles = styles1; }
public void CreateAndAddParagraphStyle( StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart, string styleid, string stylename, StyleProperties properties) { // Access the root element of the styles part. Styles styles = styleDefinitionsPart.Styles; if (styles == null) { styleDefinitionsPart.Styles = new Styles(); styleDefinitionsPart.Styles.Save(); } // Create a new paragraph style element and specify some of the attributes. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = styleid, CustomStyle = true, Default = false }; // Create and add the child elements (properties of the style). AutoRedefine autoredefine1 = new AutoRedefine() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; BasedOn basedon1 = new BasedOn() { Val = "Normal" }; LinkedStyle linkedStyle1 = new LinkedStyle() { Val = "OverdueAmountChar" }; Locked locked1 = new Locked() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; PrimaryStyle primarystyle1 = new PrimaryStyle() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; StyleHidden stylehidden1 = new StyleHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; SemiHidden semihidden1 = new SemiHidden() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.Off }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = "Normal" }; UIPriority uipriority1 = new UIPriority() { Val = 1 }; UnhideWhenUsed unhidewhenused1 = new UnhideWhenUsed() { Val = OnOffOnlyValues.On }; style.Append(autoredefine1); style.Append(basedon1); style.Append(linkedStyle1); style.Append(locked1); style.Append(primarystyle1); style.Append(stylehidden1); style.Append(semihidden1); style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); style.Append(uipriority1); style.Append(unhidewhenused1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties = new StyleRunProperties(); Bold bold1 = new Bold(); Color color1 = new Color() { ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent2 }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Lucida Console" }; Italic italic1 = new Italic(); // Specify a 12 point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = properties.FontSize.ToString() }; if (properties.Bold) { styleRunProperties.Append(new Bold()); } styleRunProperties.Append(color1); styleRunProperties.Append(font1); styleRunProperties.Append(fontSize1); styleRunProperties.Append(italic1); // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties); // Add the style to the styles part. styles.Append(style); }
/// <summary> /// Add a new style to the document, without a specific formatting. This leaves the user the chance to /// specify the formatting of the style afterwards. /// </summary> /// <param name="styleid">The name of the new style that should be created.</param> /// <param name="stylename">The name of the style this style is based on.</param> public void AddNewEmptyParagraphStyle(string stylename, string basedOnStyleName = "Normal") { var basedOnStyleId = GetIdFromParagraphStyleName(basedOnStyleName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basedOnStyleId)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("Based on style {0} is not found in the document", basedOnStyleName), nameof(basedOnStyleName)); } // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. var style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = stylename, CustomStyle = true }; var styleNameEle = new StyleName() { Val = stylename }; var basedOnEle = new BasedOn() { Val = basedOnStyleId }; var nextParagraphStyleEle = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = basedOnStyleName }; style.Append(styleNameEle); style.Append(basedOnEle); style.Append(nextParagraphStyleEle); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. var styleRunProperties = new StyleRunProperties(); // here it would be possible to add specific styles, but as we don't know how the style should look like, // we don't add specific formatting /* * var bold1 = new Bold(); * var color1 = new Color() { ThemeColor = ThemeColorValues.Accent2 }; * var font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Lucida Console" }; * var italic1 = new Italic(); * // Specify a 12 point size. * var fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; * styleRunProperties1.Append(bold1); * styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); * styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); * styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); * styleRunProperties1.Append(italic1); */ // Add the run properties to the style. style.Append(styleRunProperties); // Add the style to the styles part. // Get access to the root element of the styles part. _mainDocumentPart.StyleDefinitionsPart.Styles.Append(style); }