private static string requestPOSTFromURL(string _url, string _json) { var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_url); httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"; using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())) { streamWriter.Write(_json); } try { var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) { var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); return(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return("Error in requestPOSTFromURL"); }
public bool SendNotification(string text, string bitmapKey = null, int displayForMs = 2000) { NotificationBitmap_t bmp = new NotificationBitmap_t(); if (bitmapKey != null) { if (!_icons.ContainsKey(bitmapKey)) { throw new Exception("Invalid Bitmap Key"); } bmp.m_nBytesPerPixel = 4; bmp.m_nHeight = _icons[bitmapKey].Bitmap.Height; bmp.m_nWidth = _icons[bitmapKey].Bitmap.Width; bmp.m_pImageData = (IntPtr)(_icons[bitmapKey].glTextureId); } uint notId = 0; EVRNotificationError err = EVRNotificationError.OK; err = OpenVR.Notifications.CreateNotification(_overlay.Handle, 0, EVRNotificationType.Transient, text, EVRNotificationStyle.Application, ref bmp, ref notId); if (err != EVRNotificationError.OK) { NexHudEngine.Log("Notification Failure: " + err.ToString()); return(false); } return(true); }
private static string requestGETFromURL(string _url, string _params) { string html = string.Empty; string url = _url + _params; HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; string _json = ""; try { using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream()) using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { _json = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return(_json); }
private static bool isURLOnline(string _url) { bool _alive = true; HttpWebResponse response = null; try { HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_url); response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); _alive = false; } if (response != null) { //SteamVR_NexHUD.Log("Returned status code: " + response.StatusDescription); _alive = response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK; response.Close(); } return(_alive); }
public void WriteLog(LogMessage message) { switch (message.Severity) { case Severity.Success: NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Info, message.Content); break; case Severity.Info: //NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Info, message.Content); break; case Severity.Warning: NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Warning, message.Content); break; case Severity.Error: NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Error, message.Content); break; case Severity.Debug: //NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Debug, message.Content); break; case Severity.Special: NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Info, message.Content); break; } }
public static bool loadShortcuts(NexHudEngineMode _mode, bool _useClassic) { string _path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + autoPath; if (_mode == NexHudEngineMode.WindowDebug) { _path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + debugPath; } else if (_mode == NexHudEngineMode.WindowOverlay && _useClassic) { _path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + classicPath; } if (File.Exists(_path)) { try { ShortcutEntry[] _array; string _json = File.ReadAllText(_path); _array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ShortcutEntry[]>(_json); for (int i = 0; i < _array.Length; i++) { if (!_array[i].compile()) { throw new Exception(string.Format("ERROR: shortcut {0} is invalid", _array[i].id)); } else { if (m_entrys.ContainsKey(_array[i].id)) { m_entrys[_array[i].id] = _array[i]; } else { m_entrys.Add(_array[i].id, _array[i]); } } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log("ERROR while reading Shortcuts.json"); NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); //Console.WriteLine("Type any key to exist..."); // Console.ReadKey(); return(false); } } else { NexHudEngine.Log("ERROR: {0} is missing !", _path); Console.WriteLine("Type any key to exist..."); Console.ReadKey(); return(false); } }
private static void InitEliteApi() { NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Debug, "Elite API Initilization..."); m_eliteApi = new EliteDangerousAPI(); m_eliteApi.Logger.AddHandler(new EliteApiLogger()); m_eliteApi.Start(false); NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Info, "Welcome CMDR " + m_eliteApi.Commander.Commander); NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Info, "Current Star system: " + m_eliteApi.Location.StarSystem); }
public static EDSMSystemDatas EDSMSystemBodies(string _systemName) { string _edsmParams = string.Format("systemName={0}", _systemName); string _json = requestGETFromURL(Url_EDSMSystemBodies, _edsmParams.ToString()); try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EDSMSystemDatas>(_json)); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public async void SearchInSystems(SpanshSearchSystems _search, Action <SpanshSystemsResult> _method, Action <SearchError> _onFailedMethod) { string _spanshJson = string.Empty; SearchError error = SearchError.None; try { _spanshJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_search, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });; NxLog.log(NxLog.Type.Debug, "SearchInSystems. json={0}", _spanshJson); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Error, ex.Message); _onFailedMethod?.Invoke(error = SearchError.SerializationFailed); return; } Task <string> task = new Task <string>(() => requestPOSTFromURL(URL_SYSTEMS, _spanshJson, out error)); task.Start(); string json = await task; if (error != SearchError.None) { _onFailedMethod?.Invoke(error); } else { // string json = requestPOSTFromURL(URL_BODIES, _spanshJson); try { SpanshSystemsResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SpanshSystemsResult>(json, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }); NxLog.log(NxLog.Type.Debug, "Search Successful! Search ID = " + result.search_reference); _method?.Invoke(result); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Error, ex.Message); NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Error, ex.StackTrace); _onFailedMethod?.Invoke(error = SearchError.DeserializationFailed); } } }
public static EDSMSystemDatas[] EDSMSystemsInSphereRadius(string _originSystem, int _minRadius, int _radius, bool _showInformation = true) { string _edsmParams = string.Format("systemName={0}&minRadius={1}&radius={2}&showCoordinates=1", _originSystem, _minRadius, _radius); if (_showInformation) { _edsmParams += "&showInformation=1"; } string _json = requestGETFromURL(Url_SystemsInSphere, _edsmParams.ToString()); try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EDSMSystemDatas[]>(_json)); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public static EDSMSystemDatas EDSMSystemValue(string _systemName, int?_systemId = null) { string _edsmParams = "systemName=" + _systemName; if (_systemId != null) { _edsmParams += "&systemId=" + _systemId; } string _json = requestGETFromURL(Url_EDSMSystemValue, _edsmParams.ToString()); try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EDSMSystemDatas>(_json)); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log("ERROR. System name={0}. message:{1}", _systemName, ex.Message); } return(null); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); bool select = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(; bool left = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.left)); bool right = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.right)); if (select) { if (Radio.Selected) { if (RadioPlayer.Instance.isPlaying) { RadioPlayer.Instance.Pause(); } else { RadioPlayer.Instance.Play(); } } else if (PreviousRadio.Selected) { RadioPlayer.Instance.Prev(); } else if (NextRadio.Selected) { RadioPlayer.Instance.Next(); } } Radio.Label = string.Format("{0} {1}", RadioPlayer.Instance.isPlaying ? "[>]" : "[ ]", RadioPlayer.Instance.getRadioInfos().name); // Volume.width = (int)(RadioPlayer.Instance.Volume * totalWidth); if (VolumeSelected) { if (right) { RadioPlayer.Instance.VolumeUp(); } else if (left) { RadioPlayer.Instance.VolumeDown(); } } Volume.Color = VolumeSelected ? EDColors.YELLOW : EDColors.getColor(EDColors.ORANGE, 0.6f); Volume.Value = (int)(RadioPlayer.Instance.Volume * 100.0f); }
private string requestPOSTFromURL(string _url, string _json, out SearchError error) { if (m_lastRequest != null) { m_lastRequest.Abort(); } m_lastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_url); m_lastRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; m_lastRequest.Method = "POST"; using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(m_lastRequest.GetRequestStream())) { streamWriter.Write(_json); } try { var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)m_lastRequest.GetResponse(); m_lastRequest = null; using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) { var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); error = SearchError.None; return(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { error = SearchError.Unknow; if (ex is WebException) { if (((WebException)ex).Status == WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled) { error = SearchError.Aborded; NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Warning, ex.Message); } } else { NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Error, ex.Message); } } return(string.Empty); }
public string GetPropertyString(EVRApplicationProperty prop) { EVRApplicationError err = EVRApplicationError.None; StringBuilder propertyBuffer = new StringBuilder(255); OpenVR.Applications.GetApplicationPropertyString(AppKey, prop, propertyBuffer, 255, ref err); #if DEBUG if (err != EVRApplicationError.None) { NexHudEngine.Log("EVRApplicationError on " + AppKey + " property " + prop.ToString() + ": " + err.ToString()); } #endif //NexHUDCore.Log(propertyBuffer.ToString()); return(propertyBuffer.ToString()); }
private void updateCurrentSystemThread() { string _systemName = NexHudMain.EliteApi.Location.StarSystem; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_systemName)) { return; } Stopwatch _watch = new Stopwatch(); _watch.Start(); NexHudEngine.Log(">> Retrieving current system {0} from EDSM", _systemName); m_systems[_systemName].updateEDSM(ApiConnection.EDSMSystemFullInfos(_systemName)); NexHudEngine.Log(">> Retrieving value for system {0} from EDSM", _systemName); m_systems[_systemName].updateEDSM(ApiConnection.EDSMSystemValue(_systemName)); NexHudEngine.Log(">> Retrieving current system {0} from EDDB", _systemName); m_systems[_systemName].updateEDDB(ApiConnection.EDDBSystemComplementaryInfos(_systemName)); _watch.Stop(); NexHudEngine.Log("--->> Update current system {0} took {1}ms", _systemName, _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
/// <summary> /// Get powerplay informations /// </summary> /// <param name="_systemName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static EddbSystemDatas EDDBSystemComplementaryInfos(string _systemName) { NexHudEngine.Log("Search complementary information EDDB for System: " + _systemName); string _json = requestGETFromURL(Url_EDDBSystems, string.Format("name={0}", _systemName)); try { EddbSystemPage _systemPage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EddbSystemPage>(_json); if (_systemPage != null && != null && > 0) { return([0]); } } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public static EDSMSystemDatas[] EDSMSystemsList(string[] _exactNameList, bool _showInformation = true) { string _edsmParams = ""; foreach (string s in _exactNameList) { _edsmParams += string.Format("systemName[]={0}&", s); } _edsmParams += "showCoordinates=1"; if (_showInformation) { _edsmParams += "&showInformation=1"; } string _json = requestGETFromURL(Url_EDSMSystems, _edsmParams.ToString()); try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EDSMSystemDatas[]>(_json)); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return(null); }
public static void Load() { Searchs = new List <CustomSearch>(); LoadLists(); //Load bookmarks NexHudEngine.Log("load Bookmarks.json"); if (File.Exists(BookmarkPath)) { string _json = File.ReadAllText(BookmarkPath); CustomSearch[] _list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CustomSearch[]>(_json); foreach (CustomSearch search in _list) { if (search.SearchSystem != null && search.SearchSystem.filters.distance_from_coords != null) { search.SearchSystem.filters.distance_from_coords = new SpanshValue <int?>(0, SearchEngine.DefaultSystemRange); } } Searchs.AddRange(_list); } }
public uint processUserSearch(NxSearchEntry _search) { if (_search.searchDisplay == null) { return(0); } if (m_lastSearchThread != null) { m_lastSearchThread.Abort(); } m_lastSearchThread = null; m_lastSearchId++; m_lastUSRs.Add(m_lastSearchId, new UserSearchResult(_search, m_lastSearchId)); NexHudEngine.Log("New search for {0} id {1}", _search.searchType, m_lastSearchId); m_lastSearchThread = new Thread(() => _startResearch(m_lastSearchId)); m_lastSearchThread.Start(); return(m_lastSearchId); }
public static void readConfigFile() { string _path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Config\\Searchs.json"; if (File.Exists(_path)) { try { string _json = File.ReadAllText(_path); m_userSearchEntrys = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NxSearchEntry[]>(_json); for (int i = 0; i < m_userSearchEntrys.Length; i++) { m_userSearchEntrys[i].format(); } } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log("Error while reading Searchs.json"); NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); m_userSearchEntrys = new NxSearchEntry[] { new NxSearchEntry() { searchName = "ERROR" }, new NxSearchEntry() { searchName = "in your" }, new NxSearchEntry() { searchName = "Searchs.json" } }; } } }
public static EDSMSystemDatas EDSMSystem(EDSMSystemParameters _parameters) { string _edsmParams = "systemName=" + + "&showCoordinates=1"; if (_parameters.showPermit) { _edsmParams += "&showPermit=1"; } if (_parameters.showInformation) { _edsmParams += "&showInformation=1"; } if (_parameters.showPrimaryStar) { _edsmParams += "&showPrimaryStar=1"; } string _json = requestGETFromURL(Url_EDSMSystem, _edsmParams.ToString()); try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EDSMSystemDatas>(_json)); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); } return(null); }
// ===> Moved to Search engine public static SpanshBodiesResult SpanshBodies(string _systemOrigin, int _maxDistance, string[] _materials, bool _isLandable = true) { _maxDistance = Math.Min(_maxDistance, 100); Dictionary <string, string> _sParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); SpanshValue <double>[] _spanshMats = new SpanshValue <double> [_materials.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _materials.Length; i++) { _spanshMats[i] = new SpanshValue <double>(_materials[i], ">", 0); } SpanshSortValue[] _spanshMatsSort = new SpanshSortValue[_materials.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _materials.Length; i++) { _spanshMatsSort[i] = new SpanshSortValue(_materials[i].ToString(), false); } SpanshSearchBodies p = new SpanshSearchBodies() { size = 11, reference_system = _systemOrigin, filters = new SpanshFilterBodies() { distance_from_coords = new SpanshValue <int>() { max = _maxDistance }, materials = _spanshMats, is_landable = new SpanshValue <bool>(_isLandable) }, sort = new SpanshSort[] { new SpanshSort() { materials = _spanshMatsSort, }, new SpanshSort() { distance_from_coords = new SpanshSortValue(true) } } }; string _spanshJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(p, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore, DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore });; Console.WriteLine(_spanshJson); string json = requestPOSTFromURL(Url_SpanshBodies, _spanshJson); try { SpanshBodiesResult result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SpanshBodiesResult>(json); Console.WriteLine("Result: {0} RealCount: {1}", result.count, result.results.Length); Console.WriteLine("Search ID: " + result.search_reference); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(ex.Message); NexHudEngine.Log(json); } return(null); }
private void _startResearch(uint _id) { Stopwatch _watch = new Stopwatch(); _watch.Start(); int _statAddedSystem = 0; int _statUpdatedSystem = 0; if (!m_lastUSRs.ContainsKey(_id)) { return; } //Check if search is still valid if (m_lastUSRs[_id].searchID != m_lastSearchId) { m_lastUSRs[_id].Error = UserSearchResult.UserSearchError.Aborted; m_lastUSRs[_id].isDone = true; return; } try { if (!getCurrentSystem().receivedEdsmBasics) { m_lastUSRs[_id].Error = UserSearchResult.UserSearchError.CurrentSystemNotCompleted; } else if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchType == NxSearchType.system) { //If names are specified we will ignore other parameters if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey( { string[] _names = m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[]; string[] _namesNotes = new string[0]; if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.nameNotes)) { _namesNotes = m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.nameNotes]; } for (int i = 0; i < _names.Length; i++) { _names[i] = _names[i].Trim(); } for (int i = 0; i < _names.Length; i++) { //Can be optimized with EDSMSystemDatas _edsmDatas = ApiConnection.EDSMSystemFullInfos(_names[i]); if (_edsmDatas != null) { EDSystem _system = new EDSystem(); _system.updateEDSM(_edsmDatas); NexHudEngine.Log("(EDSM) Found system: " +; m_lastUSRs[_id].addSystem(_system); if (i < _namesNotes.Length) { _system.Notes = _namesNotes[i]; } } } } else { //Get systems in radius int _radius = m_greatestSearchRadius; int _startRardius = 40; if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius > 0 && m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius < _startRardius) { _startRardius = m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius; } int _maxEdsmRadius = 100; if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius > _startRardius && m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius < _maxEdsmRadius) { _maxEdsmRadius = m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius; } int[] _increments = new int[] { //Threshold,increment 60, 20, 90, 10, 100, 5 }; int _pass = 1; if (_radius < _startRardius) { _radius = _startRardius; } int _radiusMinimum = 0; while (m_lastUSRs[_id].Count < UiSearch.MAX_LINE_RESULT && _radius <= _maxEdsmRadius) { m_lastUSRs[_id].ResearchTime = _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; m_lastUSRs[_id].CurrentPass = _pass; m_lastUSRs[_id].CurrentRadius = _radius; //Building list if (_radius > m_greatestSearchRadius) { EDSMSystemDatas[] _systemsInSphereRadius = ApiConnection.EDSMSystemsInSphereRadius(getCurrentSystem().name, m_greatestSearchRadius, _radius); if (_systemsInSphereRadius != null) { m_greatestSearchRadius = _radius; for (int i = 0; i < _systemsInSphereRadius.Length; i++) { if (!m_systemAround.Contains(_systemsInSphereRadius[i].name)) { m_systemAround.Add(_systemsInSphereRadius[i].name); } if (!m_systems.ContainsKey(_systemsInSphereRadius[i].name)) { EDSystem _newSystem = new EDSystem(); _newSystem.updateEDSM(_systemsInSphereRadius[i]); _statAddedSystem++; m_systems.Add(_systemsInSphereRadius[i].name, _newSystem); } } } } List <EDSystem> _systemInRadius = new List <EDSystem>(); //Recalculate distance and updating basics... foreach (string _sys in m_systemAround) { if (!m_systems.ContainsKey(_sys)) { _statAddedSystem++; m_systems.Add(_sys, new EDSystem()); } if (!m_systems[_sys].receivedEdsmInfos) { NexHudEngine.Log("//WARNING// system {0} has not received informations datas. Retrieving...", _sys); m_systems[_sys].updateEDSM(ApiConnection.EDSMSystem(new ApiConnection.EDSMSystemParameters() { name = _sys, showInformation = true })); m_systems[_sys].calculDistanceFromCurrent(); } if (m_systems[_sys].distanceFromCurrentSystem < _radius && m_systems[_sys].distanceFromCurrentSystem >= _radiusMinimum) { _systemInRadius.Add(m_systems[_sys]); } } IEnumerable <EDSystem> _ordered = _systemInRadius.OrderBy(s => s.distanceFromCurrentSystem); //Allegiance if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.allegiance)) { _ordered = _ordered.Where(x => m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.allegiance].Any(y => x.allegiance.ToStringFormated().Equals(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } //Government if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.government)) { _ordered = _ordered.Where(x => m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.government].Any(y => x.government.ToStringFormated().Equals(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } //Primary economy if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.economy)) { _ordered = _ordered.Where(x => m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.economy].Any(y => x.economy.ToStringFormated().Equals(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } //Reserve if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.reserve)) { _ordered = _ordered.Where(x => m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.reserve].Any(y => x.reserve.ToStringFormated().Equals(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } //Security if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey( { _ordered = _ordered.Where(x => m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[].Any(y =>, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } //State if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.state)) { _ordered = _ordered.Where(x => m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.state].Any(y => x.state.ToStringFormated().Equals(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))); } NexHudEngine.Log("+ Search total result: {0} . Pass {1}", _ordered.Count(), _pass); m_lastUSRs[_id].ResearchTime = _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; foreach (EDSystem x in _ordered) { m_lastUSRs[_id].addSystem(x); if (m_lastUSRs[_id].Count >= UiSearch.MAX_LINE_RESULT) { break; } } _radiusMinimum = _radius; for (int _inc = 0; _inc < _increments.Length; _inc += 2) { if (_radius < _increments[_inc]) { _radius += _increments[_inc + 1]; break; } } if (_radius >= _maxEdsmRadius) { break; } _pass++; } } } else if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchType == NxSearchType.body) { List <string> _listMaterials = new List <string>(); //Make sure the materials are valid if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.rawMaterial)) { foreach (string _material in m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.rawMaterial]) { if (EngineerHelper.isRawMaterial(_material)) { _listMaterials.Add(_material); } } } bool isLandable = true; if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated.ContainsKey(NxSearchParam.isLandable)) { isLandable = m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchParamsFormated[NxSearchParam.isLandable][0] == "true"; } if (_listMaterials.Count > 0) { int maxDistance = 20; if (m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius > 0) { maxDistance = Math.Min(m_lastUSRs[_id].entry.searchMaxRadius, 100); } SpanshBodiesResult _spanshResult = ApiConnection.SpanshBodies(getCurrentSystem().name, maxDistance, _listMaterials.ToArray(), isLandable); //Get infos about the targeted systems List <string> _systemWithBodies = new List <string>(); foreach (SpanshBody b in _spanshResult.results) { if (!_systemWithBodies.Contains(b.system_name)) { _systemWithBodies.Add(b.system_name); } } List <string> _systemToUpdate = new List <string>(); //Clean list for system we already received infos foreach (string s in _systemWithBodies) { if (m_systems.ContainsKey(s)) { if (!m_systems[s].receivedEdsmBasics && !m_systems[s].receivedEdsmInfos) { _systemToUpdate.Add(s); } } else { m_systemAround.Add(s); m_systems.Add(s, new EDSystem()); _systemToUpdate.Add(s); } } if (_systemToUpdate.Count > 0) { EDSMSystemDatas[] _edsmDatas = ApiConnection.EDSMSystemsList(_systemToUpdate.ToArray(), true); foreach (EDSMSystemDatas _data in _edsmDatas) { m_systems[].updateEDSM(_data); } } foreach (SpanshBody b in _spanshResult.results) { m_lastUSRs[_id].addBody(m_systems[b.system_name].addOrUpdateBody(b)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException is ThreadAbortException) { m_lastUSRs[_id].Error = UserSearchResult.UserSearchError.Aborted; NexHudEngine.Log("Aborting last search thread {0}. Last Id {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, _id); } else { m_lastUSRs[_id].Error = UserSearchResult.UserSearchError.UnknowError; NexHudEngine.Log("ERROR: Search {0} reported an error: {1}", _id, ex.Message); } } finally { _watch.Stop(); NexHudEngine.Log("Search was done in {0}ms. Error:{1} Added:{2} Updated:{3}", _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, m_lastUSRs[_id].Error, _statAddedSystem, _statUpdatedSystem); m_lastUSRs[_id].isDone = true; m_lastUSRs[_id].ResearchTime = _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } }
private static void InitEngine(NexHudEngineMode _mode) { NexHudEngine.Log("Engine Initilization..."); NexHudEngine.Init(_mode); NexHudEngine.FPS = 30; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { m_mutex = new Mutex(true, AppName, out bool createdNew); if (!createdNew) { Console.WriteLine(AppName + " is already running! Exiting the application."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } InitLogs(); NexHudSettings.load(); NexHudEngine.Log("NexHud Version: " + Version); NexHudEngineMode _requestedMode = NexHudSettings.GetInstance().nexHudMode; foreach (string a in args) { if (a == ArgAuto) { _requestedMode = NexHudEngineMode.Auto; } else if (a == ArgDebug) { _requestedMode = NexHudEngineMode.WindowDebug; } else if (a == ArgVr) { _requestedMode = NexHudEngineMode.Vr; } else if (a == ArgClassic) { _requestedMode = NexHudEngineMode.WindowOverlay; } } NexHudEngine.Log("Engine mode Requested: " + _requestedMode); //performTests(); InitEliteApi(); InitEngine(_requestedMode); NexHudEngine.Log("Engine mode: " + _requestedMode); LoadConfigs(); if (NexHudEngine.engineMode == NexHudEngineMode.Vr) { InitVrConsole(); } new NxMenu(); try { NexHudEngine.Run(); // Runs update/draw calls for all active overlays. And yes, it's blocking. } catch (Exception ex) { NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Fatal, ex.Message); NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Fatal, ex.Source); NexHudEngine.Log(NxLog.Type.Fatal, ex.StackTrace); } }
private void SteamVR_NexHUD_PostUpdateCallback(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_state == MenuState.Initialize) { return; } if (Shortcuts.holdMode) { if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutIsHold(Shortcuts.get( { if (!m_frame.renderOverlay) { m_frame.renderOverlay = true; if (NexHudSettings.GetInstance().stealFocus) { FocusHelper.focusonNexHud(); } } if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.back))) { if (m_state != MenuState.Main && m_state != MenuState.Improve && m_state != MenuState.Search) { changeState(MenuState.Main); } } } else { if (m_frame.renderOverlay) { m_frame.renderOverlay = false; if (NexHudSettings.GetInstance().stealFocus) { FocusHelper.focusOnGame(); } } return; } } else { if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get( { if (m_frame.renderOverlay) { if (m_state != MenuState.Main) { if (m_state != MenuState.Improve && m_state != MenuState.Search) { changeState(MenuState.Main); } } else { m_frame.renderOverlay = false; if (NexHudSettings.GetInstance().stealFocus) { FocusHelper.focusOnGame(); } } } else { changeState(MenuState.Main); m_frame.renderOverlay = true; if (NexHudSettings.GetInstance().stealFocus) { FocusHelper.focusonNexHud(); } } } } if (m_frame.renderOverlay) { //MAIN MENU NAVIGATION if (m_uiMainMenu.isVisible) { bool up = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.up)); bool down = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.down)); bool left = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.left)); bool right = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.right)); bool select = NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(; if (Cursor.Y == 0) { if (right) { m_uiMainMenu.selectNext(); } else if (left) { m_uiMainMenu.selectPrev(); } else if (down) { Cursor = new Point(1, 1); } else if (select) { if (m_uiMainMenu.isSelectedMenuActive()) { switch (m_uiMainMenu.SelectedMenu) { case UiMainMenuButton.MenuButtonType.Search: changeState(MenuState.Search); break; case UiMainMenuButton.MenuButtonType.Improve: changeState(MenuState.Improve); break; case UiMainMenuButton.MenuButtonType.Trade: changeState(MenuState.Trade); break; } } } } else { if (up) { Cursor.Y--; } else if (down && Cursor.Y < 2) { Cursor.Y++; } else if (left && Cursor.X > 0 && Cursor.Y < 2) { Cursor.X--; } else if (right && Cursor.X < 2 && Cursor.Y < 2) { Cursor.X++; } m_UiRadio.PreviousRadio.Selected = Cursor == new Point(0, 1); m_UiRadio.Radio.Selected = Cursor == new Point(1, 1); m_UiRadio.NextRadio.Selected = Cursor == new Point(2, 1); m_UiRadio.VolumeSelected = Cursor.Y == 2; } } } }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (!isVisible) { _skipUpdate = true; return; } else if (_skipUpdate) { _skipUpdate = false; return; } if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.right)) && m_CursorCoords.X < m_CursorMaxX) { m_CursorCoords.X++; } if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.left)) && m_CursorCoords.X > 0) { m_CursorCoords.X--; } if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.down))) { if (m_CursorCoords.Y < m_CursorMaxY[m_CursorCoords.X]) { m_CursorCoords.Y++; } else if (m_CursorCoords.X < m_CursorMaxX) { m_CursorCoords.X++; m_CursorCoords.Y = 0; } } if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.up))) { if (m_CursorCoords.Y > (m_CursorCoords.X == 0 ? 1 : 0)) { m_CursorCoords.Y--; } else if (m_CursorCoords.X > 0) { m_CursorCoords.X--; m_CursorCoords.Y = m_CursorMaxY[m_CursorCoords.X]; } } //Pick the one NxButton _selected = null; while (_selected == null) { _selected = m_Buttons.Where(x => x.Coords == m_CursorCoords).FirstOrDefault(); if (_selected != null && !_selected.isSelectable) { if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get(ShortcutId.up))) { m_CursorCoords.Y--; } else { m_CursorCoords.Y++; } _selected = null; continue; } if (_selected == null) { if (m_CursorCoords.Y > 1) { m_CursorCoords.Y--; } else if (m_CursorCoords.X > 0) { m_CursorCoords.X--; } else { break; } } } foreach (NxButton b in m_Buttons) { b.Selected = b == _selected; } if (NexHudEngine.isShortcutPressed(Shortcuts.get( && _selected != null) { if (_selected.Obj is string) { m_TypeSelected = (string)_selected.Obj; } else if (_selected.Obj is BlueprintDatas) { BlueprintDatas d = (BlueprintDatas)_selected.Obj; BlueprintDatas _maxGrade = EngineerHelper.blueprints.Where(x => x.Type == d.Type && x.Name == d.Name && x.Grade == d.MaxGrade).FirstOrDefault(); m_uiImprove.BlueprintDetails.setBlueprint(_maxGrade); m_uiImprove.changeState(UiImprove.UiImproveState.BlueprintDetail); } refresh(); } }