public void FixtureSetUp() { this.DeleteAllCategories(); using (new ElevatedModeRegion(TaxonomyManager.GetManager())) { var taxonomyOperations = new TaxonomiesOperations(); foreach (var taxon in this.taxaNamesWithParents) { string parentName; string taxonName; this.GetTaxonNameAndParentName(taxon, out parentName, out taxonName); taxonomyOperations.CreateHierarchicalTaxon(taxonName, parentName, "Categories"); } var newsOperations = new NewsOperations(); var newsItemId = Guid.NewGuid(); newsOperations.CreateNewsItem("n1", newsItemId); taxonomyOperations.AddTaxonsToNews(newsItemId, new string[] { "c3", "c3c2c1" }, new string[0]); var newsManager = NewsManager.GetManager(); // The item have to be published again after a taxon is asigned in order to update the taxonomy statistics. var newsItem = newsManager.GetNewsItem(newsItemId); newsItem.SetWorkflowStatus(newsManager.Provider.ApplicationName, "Published"); newsManager.SaveChanges(); newsManager.Lifecycle.Publish(newsItem); newsManager.SaveChanges(); } }
public void FixtureTearDown() { var newsOperations = new NewsOperations(); newsOperations.DeleteAllNews(); this.DeleteAllCategories(); }
/* Render */ public ActionResult Index() { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(false); if (account == null || !NewsOperations.CanRender(account)) { return(base.ToLoginPage()); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult ReadNews(int id) { using (var context = new DataContext()) { try { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(); News dbm = NewsOperations.TryRead(account, context, id); return(Json(new UINews_CRU(dbm))); } catch (Exception e) { base.HandleException("ReadNews", e); return(null); } } }
public ActionResult DeleteNews(int id) { AjaxStatus status = new AjaxStatus(); using (var context = new DataContext()) { try { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(); NewsOperations.TryDelete(account, context, id); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { base.HandleException("DeleteNews", e); status.SetError(e.Message); } } return(Json(status)); }
public ActionResult CreateNews(UINews_CRU uim) { AjaxStatus status = new AjaxStatus(); using (var context = new DataContext()) { try { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(); News model = uim.CreateModel(account); NewsOperations.TryCreate(account, context, model); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { base.HandleException("CreateNews", e); status.SetError(e.Message); } } return(Json(status)); }
public ActionResult ListNews(int draw, int start, int length, int customerid) { using (var context = new DataContext()) { try { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(); IQueryable <News> query = NewsOperations.TryList(account, context); // Handle filtering (Customer.CUSTOMER_ANY means news is targeted to all customers) query = query.Where(a => a.customerid == customerid); // Possibly apply filter var searchstring = Request["search[value]"]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchstring)) { query = query.Where(n => n.headline.Contains(searchstring)); } int recordsFiltered = query.Count(); // Execute query IList <News> dbms = query.OrderBy(n => n.showfrom).ThenBy(n => n.showuntil).Skip(start).Take(length).ToList(); int recordsTotal = context.News.Count(); // Compose view models IList <UINews_List> uims = new List <UINews_List>(); long now = DateUtils.TimeStamp; foreach (News dbm in dbms) { uims.Add(new UINews_List(dbm, now)); } return(Json(new { draw = draw, recordsTotal = recordsTotal, recordsFiltered = recordsFiltered, data = uims })); } catch (Exception e) { base.HandleException("ListNews", e); return(null); } } }
public ActionResult UpdateNews(UINews_CRU uim) { AjaxStatus status = new AjaxStatus(); using (var context = new DataContext()) { try { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(); News dbm = NewsOperations.TryRead(account, context,; dbm = uim.UpdateModel(dbm, account); NewsOperations.TryUpdate(account, context, dbm); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { base.HandleException("UpdateNews", e); status.SetError(e.Message); } } return(Json(status)); }
public void FixtureSetUp() { using (new ElevatedModeRegion(TaxonomyManager.GetManager())) { var taxonomyOperations = new TaxonomiesOperations(); foreach (var taxon in this.taxaNamesWithParents) { string parentName; string taxonName; this.GetTaxonNameAndParentName(taxon, out parentName, out taxonName); taxonomyOperations.CreateHierarchicalTaxon(taxonName, parentName, "Categories"); } var newsOperations = new NewsOperations(); var newsItemId = Guid.NewGuid(); newsOperations.CreateNewsItem("n1", newsItemId); taxonomyOperations.AddTaxonsToNews(newsItemId, new string[] { "c3", "c3c2c1" }, new string[0]); var newsManager = NewsManager.GetManager(); // The item have to be published again after a taxon is asigned in order to update the taxonomy statistics. var newsItem = newsManager.GetNewsItem(newsItemId); newsItem.SetWorkflowStatus(newsManager.Provider.ApplicationName, "Published"); newsManager.SaveChanges(); newsManager.Lifecycle.Publish(newsItem); newsManager.SaveChanges(); } }