     * Sets the values of a new controller.
     * Adds weapons from the list provided.
     * @param values
     *      A json friendly version of a dictionary with the default
     *      values for the attack controller
    public override void SetValues(IDictionary values)
        IList WeaponList = (IList)values["weapons"];

        foreach (IDictionary IWeapon in WeaponList)
            string name    = (string)IWeapon["name"];
            string wepType = (string)IWeapon["type"];
            string Key     = GenerateKey(name);
            //TODO add correct amounts of maxshots and maxshots per turn
            float range     = Convert.ToSingle(IWeapon["range"]);
            float lethality = Convert.ToSingle(IWeapon["lethality"]);
            float probHit   = Convert.ToSingle(IWeapon["prob_of_hit"]);
            // probably string
            int count   = Convert.ToInt32(IWeapon["count"]);
            int curammo = (IWeapon.Contains("curammo") ? Convert.ToInt32(IWeapon["curammo"]) : count);
            int maxRate = Convert.ToInt32(IWeapon["max_rate"]);

            Weapon NewWeapon;

            if (IWeapon.Contains("targets"))
                IDictionary idict             = (IDictionary)IWeapon["targets"];
                Dictionary <string, int> temp = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                foreach (object key in idict.Keys)
                    temp.Add(key.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(idict[key]));
                Dictionary <string, int> targets = temp;
                NewWeapon = new Weapon(wepType, range, lethality, probHit, count, curammo, maxRate, targets);
                NewWeapon = new Weapon(wepType, range, lethality, probHit, count, curammo, maxRate);

            NewWeapon.Name = name;
            Weapons.Add(Key, NewWeapon);

            // Set the owner for the new weapon
            NewWeapon.SetOwner((this.gameObject.GetComponent <IdentityController>()).GetGuid(), Key);
        public BLL.App.DTO.Weapon MapNewWeaponToBll(NewWeapon inObject)
            var bllEntity = new BLL.App.DTO.Weapon()
                AppUserId      = inObject.AppUserId,
                DndCharacterId = inObject.DndCharacterId,
                Name           = inObject.Name,
                Comment        = inObject.Comment,
                DamageDice     = inObject.DamageDice,
                DamageType     = inObject.DamageType,
                WeaponType     = inObject.WeaponType,
                WeaponRange    = inObject.WeaponRange,
                Properties     = inObject.Properties,
                Weight         = inObject.Weight,
                ValueInGp      = inObject.ValueInGp,
                Quantity       = inObject.Quantity

Example #3
        public void EquipWeapon(string WeaponToEquipName)
            WeaponBase NewWeapon;
            string     WeaponPath = Name + "/Weapons/" + WeaponToEquipName;

            if (!File.Exists("Content/Triple Thunder/Weapons/" + WeaponPath + ".ttw"))
                WeaponPath = Name + "/Grenades/" + WeaponToEquipName;

            if (CurrentLayer == null)
                NewWeapon = WeaponBase.CreateFromFile(Name, WeaponPath, false, null, null, null);
                NewWeapon = WeaponBase.CreateFromFile(Name, WeaponPath, false, CurrentLayer.DicRequirement, CurrentLayer.DicEffect, CurrentLayer.DicAutomaticSkillTarget);

            NewWeapon.WeaponName = WeaponToEquipName;


            WeaponBase WeaponToUse = PrimaryWeapons.GetWeapon(WeaponPath);

            WeaponToUse.CurrentAnimation = null;

            WeaponToUse.InitiateFollowingAttack(true, ActiveMovementStance, this);

            if (WeaponToUse.CurrentAnimation == null)
                ActivatePartialWeapon(WeaponToUse, WeaponToUse.GetAnimationName(ActiveMovementStance));