Example #1
        static void NewVideoSample(object sender, NewSampleArgs args)
            var sink = (Gst.App.AppSink)sender;

            // Retrieve the buffer
            var sample = sink.PullSample();

            if (sample != null)
                Caps caps = sample.Caps;
                var  cap  = caps[0];

                string format;
                int    width          = 0;
                int    height         = 0;
                int    fpsNumerator   = 0;
                int    fpsDenominator = 1;

                format = cap.GetString("format");
                cap.GetInt("width", out width);
                cap.GetInt("height", out height);
                cap.GetFraction("framerate", out fpsNumerator, out fpsDenominator);

                MapInfo map;
                if (sample.Buffer.Map(out map, MapFlags.Read))
                    // TODO: work with your RGBA frame in map.Data or map DataPtr or use map.CopyTo(IntPtr, long) to copy raw memory
Example #2
        static void NewAudioSample(object sender, NewSampleArgs args)
            var sink = (Gst.App.AppSink)sender;

            // Retrieve the buffer
            var sample = sink.PullSample();

            if (sample != null)
                var caps = sample.Caps;
                var cap  = caps[0];

                int rate     = 0; // audio rate
                int channels = 0; // number of audio channels

                cap.GetInt("rate", out rate);
                cap.GetInt("channels", out channels);

                MapInfo map;
                if (sample.Buffer.Map(out map, MapFlags.Read))
                    float[] f32leSamples = new float[map.Size / sizeof(float)];
                    // convert sample's byte array to floats
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(map.Data, 0, f32leSamples, 0, f32leSamples.Length * sizeof(float));

                    // TODO: work with your F32LE sample in f32leSamples

        /// <summary>
        /// The appsink has received a buffer
        /// </summary>
        static void NewSample(object o, NewSampleArgs args)
            AppSink sink = o as AppSink;

            // Retrieve the buffer
            using (var sample = sink.PullSample())
                if (sample == null)
                // The only thing we do in this example is print a * to indicate a received buffer
                Console.Write("* ");
Example #4
 private void Videosink_NewSample(object o, NewSampleArgs args)
     using (var sample = videosink.PullSample())