public ActionResult CreateCustomer(NewCustomerModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return View("New", model); } var foundCustomer = CustomerService.GetCustomer(model.Name); if (foundCustomer != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "A customer with this company name is already registered."); return View("New", model); } try { var customer = new Customer { Name = model.Name, BillingContact = model.BillingContact, BillingContactEmail = model.BillingContactEmail, TechnicalContact = model.TechnicalContact, TechnicalContactEmail = model.TechnicalContactEmail, IsHosted = model.IsHosted }; CustomerService.CreateCustomer(customer); } catch (Exception ex) { QuietLog.LogHandledException(ex); } return SafeRedirect(Url.AdminCustomers()); }
public async Task <NewCustomerModel> GetCustomerDetails(long customerId, System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal User) { var customer = await new Core.Domain.UserAccess(new SharedContext(), User).getAccessibleCustomers().Where(c => c.customer_auto == customerId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (customer == null) { return(null); } string logo = ""; try { logo = Convert.ToBase64String(customer.logo); } catch { logo = null; } var dealergroupRecord = _context.DEALERGROUP_CUSTOMER_RELATION.Where(m => m.CustomerId == customerId && m.RecordStatus == (int)Core.Domain.RecordStatus.Available); var response = new NewCustomerModel() { Address = customer.fullAddress, CustomerName = customer.cust_name, DealershipId = customer.DealershipId, DealerGroupId = dealergroupRecord.Count() == 1 ? dealergroupRecord.FirstOrDefault().DealerGroupId : 0, Email = customer.cust_email, Logo = logo, PhoneNumber = customer.cust_phone, ReportStyleId = customer.SelectedReportId == null ? 0 : (int)customer.SelectedReportId, QuoteReportStyleId = customer.QuoteReportStyle == null ? 0 : (int)customer.QuoteReportStyle, HourlyLabourCost = customer.DefaultHourlyRate, }; return(response); }
public IActionResult OnPost([FromForm(Name = "ViewModel.NewCustomer")] NewCustomerModel newCustomer) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } ViewModel.Update(newCustomer); return(RedirectToPage("List")); }
public async Task <PartialViewResult> Create(NewCustomerModel newCustomerModel) { Customer entity; CreatedCustomerModel createdCustomerModel; IAggregatePartner operations; try { operations = await new SdkContext().GetPartnerOperationsAysnc(); entity = new Customer() { BillingProfile = new CustomerBillingProfile() { CompanyName = newCustomerModel.Name, Culture = "en-US", DefaultAddress = new Address() { AddressLine1 = newCustomerModel.AddressLine1, AddressLine2 = newCustomerModel.AddressLine2, City = newCustomerModel.City, Country = AppConfig.CountryCode, FirstName = newCustomerModel.FirstName, LastName = newCustomerModel.LastName, PhoneNumber = newCustomerModel.PhoneNumber, PostalCode = newCustomerModel.ZipCode, State = newCustomerModel.State }, Email = newCustomerModel.EmailAddress, FirstName = newCustomerModel.FirstName, Language = "en", LastName = newCustomerModel.LastName }, CompanyProfile = new CustomerCompanyProfile() { CompanyName = newCustomerModel.Name, Domain = $"{newCustomerModel.PrimaryDomain}" } }; entity = await operations.Customers.CreateAsync(entity); createdCustomerModel = new CreatedCustomerModel() { Domain = $"{newCustomerModel.PrimaryDomain}", Password = entity.UserCredentials.Password, Username = entity.UserCredentials.UserName }; return(PartialView("CreatedSuccessfully", createdCustomerModel)); } finally { entity = null; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var cust = new CustomersAccessor(); var ord = new OrdersAccessor(); var prod = new ProductsAccessor(); var db = cust.GetDatabase(); NewCustomerModel newCustomer = new NewCustomerModel() { Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", Name = "Larry The Janitor", Street = "2720 36th Ave", City = "San Francisco", Country = "USA", NewOrder = new NewOrderModel() { Items = new List <NewOrderModel.OrderItem>() { new NewOrderModel.OrderItem() { ProductId = 1, Units = 12 }, new NewOrderModel.OrderItem() { ProductId = 1, Units = 3 }, new NewOrderModel.OrderItem() { ProductId = 1, Units = 11 }, new NewOrderModel.OrderItem() { ProductId = 1, Units = 66 }, new NewOrderModel.OrderItem() { ProductId = 1, Units = 1 }, new NewOrderModel.OrderItem() { ProductId = 1, Units = 13 }, } } }; cust.NewCustomer(newCustomer); prod.ChangePrice(new[] { 1, 2 }, new[] { 200m, 100m }); var stats = cust.GetStats(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-100)); }
public void Update(NewCustomerModel newCustomer) { var newCustomerDetails = new NewCustomer() { CustomerNumber = newCustomer.CustomerNumber, FullName = newCustomer.FullName, Address = newCustomer.Address }; facade.UpdateCustomerDetails(newCustomerDetails); }
public void Create(NewCustomerModel newCustomer) { //map var customer = new NewCustomer() { CustomerNumber = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Split('-')[0], FullName = $"{newCustomer.FirstName} {newCustomer.LastName}", Address = $"{newCustomer.Address}" }; //create facade.AddNewCustomer(customer); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] NewCustomerModel newCustomerModel) { _cache.Set(newCustomerModel.TransactionId.ToString(), newCustomerModel, TimeSpan.FromDays(1)); var message = new CloudEvent <NewCustomerModel> { TransactionId = newCustomerModel.TransactionId.ToString(), Data = newCustomerModel }; await _messageSender.SendAsync(message); return(CreateResponseOnPost(newCustomerModel)); }
public async Task <PartialViewResult> Create() { IAggregatePartner operations = await new SdkContext().GetPartnerOperationsAysnc(); PartnerCenter.Models.CountryValidationRules.CountryValidationRules rules = await operations.CountryValidationRules.ByCountry(AppConfig.CountryCode).GetAsync(); // TODO - Do not get the supported states list each time. This data should be cached so the forms will load more rapidly. NewCustomerModel newCustomerModel = new NewCustomerModel() { SupportedStates = rules.SupportedStatesList }; return(PartialView(newCustomerModel)); }
public void GetCustomer(string customerNumber) { var customer = facade.GetCustomerDetails(customerNumber); this.NewCustomer = new NewCustomerModel() { CustomerNumber = customer.CustomerNumber, FirstName = customer.FullName.Split(',')[0].Split(' ')[0].Trim(), LastName = customer.FullName.Split(',')[0].Split(' ')[1].Trim(), Street = customer.Address.Split(',')[0].Trim(), City = customer.Address.Split(',')[1].Trim(), State = customer.Address.Split(',')[2].Split(new[] { ' ' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim(), PostalCode = customer.Address.Split(',')[2].Split(new[] { ' ' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim(), }; }
public ActionResult Index(string CompanyName, string Email, int?RoleTypeId, string Name, string operation, string ShowMessage, string MessageBody) { UserPermissionAction("vendor", RoleAction.view.ToString(), operation, ShowMessage, MessageBody); CheckPermission(); var model = new NewCustomerModel(); var models = new List <CustomerModel>(); model.UserTypeTitle = "All Product"; var Vendors = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.UserId != 1).AsEnumerable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.Companies.CompanyName.Contains(CompanyName.Trim()) && x.EmailId.Contains(Email.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.Companies.CompanyName.Contains(CompanyName.Trim()) && x.EmailId.Contains(Email.Trim()) && x.FirstName.Contains(Name.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.Companies.CompanyName.Contains(CompanyName.Trim()) && x.FirstName.Contains(Name.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.FirstName.Contains(Name.Trim()) && x.EmailId.Contains(Email.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.Companies.CompanyName.Contains(CompanyName.Trim()) && x.EmailId.Contains(Email.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.Companies.CompanyName.Contains(CompanyName.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.EmailId.Contains(Email.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.FirstName.Contains(Name.Trim())); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RoleTypeId.ToString())) { Vendors = Vendors.Where(x => x.RoleType.Contains(RoleTypeId.ToString())); if (Convert.ToInt32(EnumValue.RoleType.Engineer_Procurement) == RoleTypeId) { model.UserTypeTitle = EnumValue.RoleType.Engineer_Procurement.ToString(); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(EnumValue.RoleType.manufacturer_Supplier) == RoleTypeId) { model.UserTypeTitle = EnumValue.RoleType.manufacturer_Supplier.ToString(); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(EnumValue.RoleType.Field_Consultant) == RoleTypeId) { model.UserTypeTitle = EnumValue.RoleType.Field_Consultant.ToString(); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(EnumValue.RoleType.Enter_As_Guest) == RoleTypeId) { model.UserTypeTitle = EnumValue.RoleType.Enter_As_Guest.ToString(); } } Mapper.CreateMap <Onlo.Entity.Customer, Onlo.Models.CustomerModel>(); foreach (var Vendor in Vendors) { var _vendor = Mapper.Map <Onlo.Entity.Customer, Onlo.Models.CustomerModel>(Vendor); var Company = _CompanyService.GetCompany(Vendor.CompanyID); if (Company != null) { _vendor.CompanyName = Company.CompanyName; _vendor.CompanyAddress = Company.CompanyAddress; _vendor.LogoPath = Company.LogoPath; _vendor.BusinessBrochureUrl = Company.BusinessBrochureUrl; } models.Add(_vendor); } if (models.ToList().Count == 0) { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "No Record found !"; } model.CustomerModelList = models; IEnumerable <EnumValue.RoleType> RoleTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumValue.RoleType)) .Cast <EnumValue.RoleType>(); model.RoleTypes = from action in RoleTypes select new SelectListItem { Text = action.ToString(), Value = ((int)action).ToString() }; return(View(model)); }
public Tuple <long, string> AddNewCustomer(NewCustomerModel customer, int _userId) { if (!checkCustomerNameIsUnique(customer.CustomerName)) { return(Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt64(-1), "A customer with this name already exists. ")); } string[] LogoArr = customer.Logo.Split(','); string customerLogo = ""; if (LogoArr.Length > 1) { customerLogo = LogoArr[1]; } int?reportId = null; if (customer.ReportStyleId != 0) { reportId = customer.ReportStyleId; } CUSTOMER newCustomer = new CUSTOMER() { cust_name = customer.CustomerName, custid = customer.CustomerName, active = true, billing_address = false, Showlimits = false, DealershipId = customer.DealershipId, cust_phone = customer.PhoneNumber, cust_email = customer.Email, created_date = DateTime.UtcNow, CreatedByUserId = customer.CreatedByUserId, fullAddress = customer.Address, labonly = false, logo = customerLogo != "" ? Convert.FromBase64String(customerLogo) : null, SelectedReportId = reportId, QuoteReportStyle = customer.QuoteReportStyleId, DefaultHourlyRate = customer.HourlyLabourCost, }; _context.CUSTOMER.Add(newCustomer); try { _context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { return(Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt64(-1), e.Message)); } /* * long[] userIds = _context.UserAccessMaps.Where(a => (a.DealershipId == customer.DealershipId && a.AccessLevelTypeId == (int)UserAccessTypes.DealershipAdministrator) || a.AccessLevelTypeId == (int)UserAccessTypes.GlobalAdministrator) || .Where(m => m.user_auto != null).Select(u => (long)u.user_auto).ToArray(); || ||foreach (long userId in userIds) ||{ || USER_CRSF_CUST_EQUIP accessRecord = new USER_CRSF_CUST_EQUIP() || { || user_auto = userId, || customer_auto = newCustomer.customer_auto, || level_type = 1, || modified_user = "******" || }; || _context.USER_CRSF_CUST_EQUIP.Add(accessRecord); ||} || ||try ||{ || _context.SaveChanges(); ||} ||catch (Exception e) ||{ || return Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt64(-1), e.Message); ||}*/ if (customer.DealerGroupId != 0) { var result = new BLL.Core.Domain.UserAccessDomain.DealerGroupAccess(new SharedContext(), _userId).AddCustomerToDealerGroup(customer.DealerGroupId, newCustomer.customer_auto.LongNullableToInt()); if (result.OperationSucceed) { return(Tuple.Create(newCustomer.customer_auto, "Successfully created new customer. ")); } else { return(Tuple.Create(newCustomer.customer_auto, "Operation completed with warning! This customer could not be registered for the selected dealer group!")); } } else if (customer.DealershipId != 0) { var result = new BLL.Core.Domain.UserAccessDomain.DealerAccess(new SharedContext(), _userId).AddCustomerToDealer(customer.DealershipId, newCustomer.customer_auto.LongNullableToInt()); if (result.OperationSucceed) { return(Tuple.Create(newCustomer.customer_auto, "Successfully created new customer. ")); } else { return(Tuple.Create(newCustomer.customer_auto, "Operation completed with warning! This customer could not be registered for the selected dealer !")); } } return(Tuple.Create(Convert.ToInt64(-1), "Please select dealer or dealer group! ")); }
public void NewCustomer(NewCustomerModel customer) => this.Execute(customer);