};  // static readonly FileInfoExtensionMethods.FileDetailsToShow [ ] s_aenmDetailsToShow

        internal static int Exercise ( ref int pintTestNumber )
            const string TEST_REPORT_PREAMBLE = @"{2}Testing ShowFileDetails extension method with FileDetailsToShow = {0} ({1}):";
            const string TEST_REPORT_TEMPLATE_ABS = @"    Case {0}: Information gathered based on absolute file name:    ";
            const string TEST_REPORT_TEMPLATE_REL = @"    Case {0}: Information gathered based on relative file name:    ";

            NewClassTests_20140914.BeginTest (
                System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod ( ).Name ,
                ref pintTestNumber ,

            string strRootAssemblyDirectory = Program.s_smTheApp.AppRootAssemblyFileDirName;
            string strRelativeFileName = @"..\..\..\Test_Data\MD5_File_Digests.DOCX";
            string strAbsoluteFileName = Path.Combine ( strRootAssemblyDirectory , strRelativeFileName );

            Console.WriteLine ( @"strRootAssemblyDirectory = {0}" , strRootAssemblyDirectory );
            Console.WriteLine ( @"strRelativeFileName      = {0}" , strRelativeFileName );
            Console.WriteLine ( @"strAbsoluteFileName      = {0}" , strAbsoluteFileName );

            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
            //  Since everything uses the same two FileInfo objects, they may as
            //  well be hoisted above the For loop.
            //  ----------------------------------------------------------------

            FileInfo infoAbsolute1 = new FileInfo ( strAbsoluteFileName );
            FileInfo infoAbsolute2 = new FileInfo ( infoAbsolute1.FullName );

            for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; 
                      intJ < s_aenmDetailsToShow.Length ;
                      intJ++ )
                Console.WriteLine (
                    TEST_REPORT_PREAMBLE ,                                      // Format Control String with 4 tokens
                    ( int ) s_aenmDetailsToShow [ intJ ] ,                      // Format Item 0: FileDetailsToShow = {0} (
                    s_aenmDetailsToShow [ intJ ] ,                              // Format Item 1: ({1}):
                    intJ == ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT                       // Format Item 2: {2}Testing ShowFileDetails
                        ? Environment.NewLine                                       // First iteration
                        : SpecialStrings.EMPTY_STRING );                            // Subsequent iterations
                Console.WriteLine (
                    infoAbsolute1.ShowFileDetails (
                        s_aenmDetailsToShow [ intJ ] ,                          // FileDetailsToShow penmFileDetailsToShow = FileDetailsToShow.Everything
                        string.Format (                                         // string pstrLabel = null
                            TEST_REPORT_TEMPLATE_REL ,                              // Format Control String with 1 token
                            ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex ( intJ ) ) ,                 // Format Item 0: Case {0}: Information
                        true ,                                                  // bool pfPrefixWithNewline = false
                        true ) );                                               // bool pfSuffixWithNewline = false
                Console.WriteLine (
                    infoAbsolute1.ShowFileDetails (
                        s_aenmDetailsToShow [ intJ ] ,                          // FileDetailsToShow penmFileDetailsToShow = FileDetailsToShow.Everything
                        string.Format (                                         // string pstrLabel = null
                            TEST_REPORT_TEMPLATE_ABS ,                              // Format Control String with 1 token
                            ArrayInfo.OrdinalFromIndex ( intJ ) ) ,                 // Format Item 0: Case {0}: Information
                        false ,                                                 // bool pfPrefixWithNewline = false
                        true ) );                                               // bool pfSuffixWithNewline = false
            }   // for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intJ < s_aenmDetailsToShow.Length ; intJ++ )

            return NewClassTests_20140914.TestDone (
                MagicNumbers.ERROR_SUCCESS ,
                pintTestNumber );
        }   // internal static int Exercise
Example #2
        internal static int Exercise ( ref int pintTestNumber )
            const int SCENARIO_COUNT = 3;

            NewClassTests_20140914.BeginTest (
                nameof ( StringExtensions ) ,
                ref pintTestNumber ,

            int intInputCase = ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY;
            int intOverallCase = ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY;
            int intTotalTestCases = s_astrTestStrings.Length * SCENARIO_COUNT;

            WizardWrx.ConsoleStreams.MessageInColor micSuccessfulOutcomeMessage = new WizardWrx.ConsoleStreams.MessageInColor (
                Properties.Settings.Default.SuccessfulOutcomeMessageColor.EnumFromString<ConsoleColor> ( ) ,
                Properties.Settings.Default.SuccessfulOutcomeMessageBackgroundColor.EnumFromString<ConsoleColor> ( ) );

            WizardWrx.ConsoleStreams.MessageInColor micUnsuccessfulOutcomeMessage = new WizardWrx.ConsoleStreams.MessageInColor (
                WizardWrx.ConsoleStreams.ErrorMessagesInColor.FatalExceptionTextColor ,
                WizardWrx.ConsoleStreams.ErrorMessagesInColor.FatalExceptionBackgroundColor );

            for ( int intJ = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ;
                      intJ < s_astrTestStrings.Length ;
                      intJ++ )
                Console.WriteLine (
                    @"        Input string test {0} of {1}: Input String Length = {2}, Input String:{4}{3}{4}" ,
                    new object [ ]
                            ++intInputCase ,                                    // Format Item 0: Input string test {0}
                            s_astrTestStrings.Length ,                          // Format Item 1: of {1}:
                            s_astrTestStrings [ intJ ].InputString.Length ,     // Format Item 2: Input String Length = {2}
                            s_astrTestStrings [ intJ ].InputString ,            // Format Item 3:  (s_astrTestStrings [ intJ ].InputString):{4}{3}
                            Environment.NewLine                                 // Format Item 4
                    } );

                string strFormattedForMac = s_astrTestStrings [ intJ ].InputString.OldMacLineEndings ( );
                string strFormattedForUnix = s_astrTestStrings [ intJ ].InputString.UnixLineEndings ( );
                string strFormattedForWindows = s_astrTestStrings [ intJ ].InputString.WindowsLineEndings ( );

                intOverallCase = ReportTestOutcome (
                    intOverallCase ,
                    intTotalTestCases ,
                    intJ ,
                    nameof ( strFormattedForMac ) ,
                    strFormattedForMac ,
                    SpecialCharacters.CARRIAGE_RETURN );
                intOverallCase = ReportTestOutcome (
                    intOverallCase ,
                    intTotalTestCases ,
                    intJ ,
                    nameof ( strFormattedForUnix ) ,
                    strFormattedForUnix ,
                    SpecialCharacters.LINEFEED );
                intOverallCase = ReportTestOutcome (
                    intOverallCase ,
                    intTotalTestCases ,
                    intJ ,
                    nameof ( strFormattedForWindows ) ,
                    strFormattedForWindows ,
                    SpecialStrings.STRING_SPLIT_NEWLINE );
            }   // for ( int intK = ArrayInfo.ARRAY_FIRST_ELEMENT ; intK < s_astrTestStrings.Length ; intK++ )

            Console.WriteLine (
                @"{1}    Test summary: Successful Outcome Count   = {0}" ,
                s_intGoodOutcomes ,
                Environment.NewLine );
            Console.WriteLine (
                @"                  Unsuccessful Outcome Count = {0}{1}" ,
                s_intBadOutcomes ,
                Environment.NewLine );

            if ( s_intBadOutcomes == ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY )
                micSuccessfulOutcomeMessage.WriteLine ( @"    A-OK!" );
            }   // TRUE (antiicpated outcome) block, if ( s_intBadOutcomes == ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY )
                micUnsuccessfulOutcomeMessage.WriteLine ( @"    YIKES!" );
            }   // FALSE (unantiicpated outcome) block, if ( s_intBadOutcomes == ListInfo.LIST_IS_EMPTY )

            return NewClassTests_20140914.TestDone (
                MagicNumbers.ERROR_SUCCESS ,
                pintTestNumber );
        }   // internal static int Exercise