async void Start()
            // Create a new instance of the network model class
            // and asynchronously load the onnx model
            _networkModel = new NetworkModel();
            await _networkModel.LoadModelAsync();

            StatusBlock.text = $"Loaded model. Starting camera...";

            // Configure camera to return frames fitting the model input size
                Debug.Log("Creating MediaCaptureUtility and initializing frame reader.");
                _mediaCaptureUtility = new MediaCaptureUtility();
                await _mediaCaptureUtility.InitializeMediaFrameReaderAsync(
                    (uint)InputFeatureSize.x, (uint)InputFeatureSize.y);

                StatusBlock.text = $"Camera started. Running!";

                Debug.Log("Successfully initialized frame reader.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                StatusBlock.text = $"Failed to start camera: {ex.Message}. Using loaded/picked image.";

            // Run processing loop in separate parallel Task, get the latest frame
            // and asynchronously evaluate
            Debug.Log("Begin performing inference in frame grab loop.");

            _isRunning = true;
            await Task.Run(async() =>
                while (_isRunning)
                    if (_mediaCaptureUtility.IsCapturing)
                        using (var videoFrame = _mediaCaptureUtility.GetLatestFrame())
                            await EvaluateFrame(videoFrame);
        catch (Exception ex)
            StatusBlock.text = $"Error init: {ex.Message}";
            Debug.LogError($"Failed to start model inference: {ex}");