public async Task <string> NewDnsHostRecordWithNextAvailableIP(string hostName, string network, bool addToDns = true, bool enableDhcp = false, bool setHostName = false, string mac = "") { string FormattedMAC = String.Empty; string FormattedFQDN = String.Empty; if (NetworkAddressTest.IsMAC(mac, out FormattedMAC, true, true) && NetworkAddressTest.IsFqdn(hostName, "hostname", out FormattedFQDN, false, true)) { string Data = "{\"name\":\"" + FormattedFQDN + "\",\"ipv4addrs\":[{\"ipv4addr\":\"func:nextavailableip:" + network + "\"" + ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormattedMAC)) ? ",\"mac\":\"" + FormattedMAC + "\"" : "") + ",\"configure_for_dhcp\":" + ((enableDhcp) ? "true" : "false") + ((setHostName) ? ",\"options\":[{\"name\":\"host-name\",\"num\":12,\"value\":\"" + FormattedFQDN + "\"}]" : "") + "}]" + ",\"configure_for_dns\":" + addToDns.ToString().ToLower() + "}"; return(await base.NewIbxObject(typeof(host), Data)); } else { return(null); } }
public async Task <string> NewDnsHostRecord(string hostName, string ipAddress, bool addToDns = true, bool enableDhcp = false, bool setHostName = false, string mac = "") { IPAddress IP; string FQDN = String.Empty; string MACAddress = String.Empty; if (NetworkAddressTest.IsIPv4Address(ipAddress, out IP, false, true) && NetworkAddressTest.IsMAC(mac, out MACAddress, true, true) && NetworkAddressTest.IsFqdn(hostName, "hostname", out FQDN, false, true)) { string Data = "{\"name\":\"" + hostName + "\",\"ipv4addrs\":[{\"ipv4addr\":\"" + IP.ToString() + "\"" + ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MACAddress)) ? ",\"mac\":\"" + MACAddress + "\"" : "") + ",\"configure_for_dhcp\":" + ((enableDhcp) ? "true" : "false") + ((setHostName) ? ",\"options\":[{\"name\":\"host-name\",\"num\":12,\"value\":\"" + FQDN + "\"}]" : "") + "}],\"configure_for_dns\":" + addToDns.ToString().ToLower() + "}"; return(await base.NewIbxObject(typeof(host), Data)); } else { return(null); } }
public async Task <string> SetDnsHostRecordNextAvailableIP(string reference, string network, bool enableDhcp = false, bool setHostName = false, string mac = "") { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference)) { string MACAddress = String.Empty; string TempNetwork = String.Empty; if (NetworkAddressTest.IsMAC(mac, out MACAddress, true, true) && NetworkAddressTest.IsIPv4Cidr(network, out TempNetwork, false, true)) { string HostName = String.Empty; if (setHostName) { host Host = await GetIbxObject <host>(reference, new string[] { "ALL" }); HostName =; } string Data = "{\"ipv4addrs\":[{\"ipv4addr\":\"func:nextavailableip:" + TempNetwork + "\"" + ",\"configure_for_dhcp\":" + ((enableDhcp) ? "true" : "false") + ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mac)) ? ",\"mac\":\"" + MACAddress + "\"" : "") + ((setHostName) ? ",\"options\":[{\"name\":\"host-name\",\"num\":12,\"value\":\"" + HostName + "\"}]" : "") + "}]}"; return(await base.UpdateIbxObject <host>(reference, Data)); } else { return(null); } } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("reference", "Reference data cannot be null or empty."); } }
public async Task <string> SetDnsHostRecordIP(string reference, string ipAddress, bool enableDhcp = false, bool setHostName = false, string mac = "") { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddress)) { IPAddress IP; string MACAddress = String.Empty; if (NetworkAddressTest.IsIPv4Address(ipAddress, out IP, false, true) && NetworkAddressTest.IsMAC(mac, out MACAddress, true, true)) { string HostName = String.Empty; if (setHostName) { host Host = await GetIbxObject <host>(reference, new string[] { "ALL" }); HostName =; } string Data = "{\"ipv4addrs\":[{\"ipv4addr\":\"" + IP.ToString() + "\"" + ",\"configure_for_dhcp\":" + ((enableDhcp) ? "true" : "false") + ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mac)) ? ",\"mac\":\"" + mac + "\"" : "") + ((setHostName) ? ",\"options\":[{\"name\":\"host-name\",\"num\":12,\"value\":\"" + HostName + "\"}]" : "") + "}]}"; return(await base.UpdateIbxObject <host>(reference, Data)); } else { return(null); } } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("ipAddress", "The DNS host record IP address cannot be null or empty."); } } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("reference", "Reference data cannot be null or empty."); } }