Example #1
        public static void ShowTab(NetTabType type, GameObject tabProvider, ElementValue[] elementValues)
            if (tabProvider == null)

            var openedTab = new NetTabDescriptor(tabProvider, type);

            //try to dig out a hidden tab with matching parameters and enable it:
            if (Instance.HiddenNetTabs.ContainsKey(openedTab))
//				Debug.Log( $"Yay, found an old hidden {openedTab} tab. Unhiding it" );
            if (!Instance.OpenedNetTabs.ContainsKey(openedTab))
                var        rightPanelParent = Instance.transform.GetChild(1);
                NetTab     tabInfo          = openedTab.Spawn(rightPanelParent);
                GameObject tabObject        = tabInfo.gameObject;

                //putting into the right place
                tabObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
                var rect = tabObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                rect.offsetMin = new Vector2(15, 15);
                rect.offsetMax = -new Vector2(15, 50);


            NetTab tab = Instance.OpenedNetTabs[openedTab];

            Instance.SelectTab(tab.gameObject, false);
 public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
     TabProvider  = reader.ReadUInt32();
     NetTabType   = (NetTabType)reader.ReadInt32();
     ElementId    = reader.ReadString();
     ElementValue = reader.ReadBytesAndSize();
Example #3
 public bool CanOpenNetTab(GameObject playerObject, NetTabType netTabType)
     if (!hasPower)
         Chat.AddExamineMsgFromServer(playerObject, $"{gameObject.ExpensiveName()} is unpowered");
Example #4
		public static void SendToPeepers(GameObject provider, NetTabType type, TabAction tabAction, ElementValue[] values = null)
			//Notify all peeping players of the change
			var list = NetworkTabManager.Instance.GetPeepers(provider, type);
			foreach (var connectedPlayer in list)
				Send(connectedPlayer.GameObject, provider, type, tabAction, null, values);
    public static void CloseTab(NetTabType type, GameObject tabProvider)
        var tabDesc = new NetTabDescriptor(tabProvider, type);

        if (Instance.OpenedNetTabs.ContainsKey(tabDesc))
            var openedTab = Instance.OpenedNetTabs[tabDesc];
 public NetTabDescriptor(GameObject provider, NetTabType type)
     this.provider = provider;
     this.type     = type;
     if (type == NetTabType.None && this.provider != null)
         Logger.LogError("You forgot to set a proper NetTabType in your new tab!\n" +
                         "Go to Prefabs/GUI/Resources and see if any prefabs starting with Tab has Type=None", Category.NetUI);
    public NetTabDescriptor(GameObject provider, NetTabType type)
        this.provider = provider != null?provider.GetComponent <NetworkTabTrigger>() : null;

        this.type = type;
        if (type == NetTabType.None && this.provider != null)
            Debug.LogError("You forgot to set a proper NetTabType in your new tab!\n" +
                           "Go to Prefabs/GUI/Resources and see if any prefabs starting with Tab has Type=None");
    public static TabInteractMessage Send(GameObject tabProvider, NetTabType netTabType, string elementId, string elementValue = "-1")
        TabInteractMessage msg = new TabInteractMessage {
            TabProvider  = tabProvider.NetId(),
            NetTabType   = netTabType,
            ElementId    = elementId,
            ElementValue = elementValue

Example #9
        //Called when player wants to open nettab, so we can validate access
        public bool CanOpenNetTab(GameObject playerObject, NetTabType netTabType)
            if (accessRestrictions != null && restricted)
                //Ai always allowed through, check other players access
                if (playerObject.GetComponent <PlayerScript>().PlayerState != PlayerScript.PlayerStates.Ai &&
                    accessRestrictions.CheckAccess(playerObject) == false)
                    Chat.AddExamineMsgFromServer(playerObject, "Higher Access Level Needed");

    public static void UpdateTab(NetTabType type, GameObject tabProvider, ElementValue[] values, bool touched = false)
        var lookupTab = new NetTabDescriptor(tabProvider, type);

        if (Instance.OpenedNetTabs.ContainsKey(lookupTab))
            var tabInfo = Instance.OpenedNetTabs[lookupTab];

            var touchedElement = tabInfo.ImportValues(values);

            if (touched && touchedElement != null)
                Instance.ShowFinger(tabInfo.gameObject, touchedElement.gameObject);
    public List <ConnectedPlayer> GetPeepers(GameObject provider, NetTabType type)
        var descriptor = Tab(provider, type);

        if (!openTabs.ContainsKey(descriptor))
            return(new List <ConnectedPlayer>());
        var info = openTabs[descriptor];

        if (info.IsUnobserved)
            return(new List <ConnectedPlayer>());
Example #12
    public static void SendToPeepers(GameObject provider, NetTabType type, TabAction tabAction,
                                     ElementValue[] values = null)
        //Notify all peeping players of the change
        List <ConnectedPlayer> list = NetworkTabManager.Instance.GetPeepers(provider, type);

//		TabUpdateMessage logMessage = null;
        for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            var connectedPlayer = list[i];
//			logMessage =
            Send(connectedPlayer.GameObject, provider, type, tabAction, null, values);
//		if ( logMessage != null ) {
//			Logger.Log( $"Sending {logMessage}" );
//		}
Example #13
        public static NetMessage Send(
            GameObject tabProvider,
            NetTabType netTabType,
            string elementId,
            byte[] elementValue = null)
            NetMessage msg = new NetMessage
                TabProvider  = tabProvider.NetId(),
                NetTabType   = netTabType,
                ElementId    = elementId,
                ElementValue = elementValue

    public static TabUpdateMessage Send(GameObject recipient, GameObject provider, NetTabType type, TabAction tabAction, GameObject changedBy = null,
                                        ElementValue[] values = null)
//		if ( changedBy ) {
//			//body = human_33, hands, uniform, suit
//		}
        var msg = new TabUpdateMessage {
            Provider      = provider.NetId(),
            Type          = type,
            Action        = tabAction,
            ElementValues = values,
            Touched       = changedBy != null

        switch (tabAction)
        case TabAction.Open:
            NetworkTabManager.Instance.Add(provider, type, recipient);
            //!! resetting ElementValues
            msg.ElementValues = NetworkTabManager.Instance.Get(provider, type).ElementValues;

        case TabAction.Close:
            NetworkTabManager.Instance.Remove(provider, type, recipient);

        case TabAction.Update:
            var playerScript = recipient.Player()?.Script;

            //fixme: duplication of NetTab.ValidatePeepers
            //Not sending updates and closing tab for players that don't pass the validation anymore
            bool validate = playerScript && !playerScript.canNotInteract() && playerScript.IsInReach(provider, true);
            if (!validate)
                Send(recipient, provider, type, TabAction.Close);
        Logger.LogTrace(msg.ToString(), Category.NetUI);
    public static TabUpdateMessage Send(GameObject recipient, GameObject provider, NetTabType type, TabAction tabAction,
                                        GameObject changedBy  = null,
                                        ElementValue[] values = null)
        var msg = new TabUpdateMessage
            Provider      = provider.NetId(),
            Type          = type,
            Action        = tabAction,
            ElementValues = values,
            Touched       = changedBy != null

        switch (tabAction)
        case TabAction.Open:
            NetworkTabManager.Instance.Add(provider, type, recipient);
            //!! resetting ElementValues
            msg.ElementValues = NetworkTabManager.Instance.Get(provider, type).ElementValues;

        case TabAction.Close:
            NetworkTabManager.Instance.Remove(provider, type, recipient);

        case TabAction.Update:

            //fixme: duplication of NetTab.ValidatePeepers
            //Not sending updates and closing tab for players that don't pass the validation anymore
            var validate = Validations.CanApply(recipient, provider, NetworkSide.Server);
            if (!validate)
                Send(recipient, provider, type, TabAction.Close);


        Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0}", Category.NetUI, msg);
Example #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Completely remove the nettab from existence, removing all players from it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="provider"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    public void RemoveTab(GameObject provider, NetTabType type)
        var ntd = Tab(provider, type);

        openTabs.TryGetValue(ntd, out var netTab);
        if (netTab != null)
            //remove all peepers
            //safe copy so we can concurrently modify it
            var peepers = netTab.Peepers.Select(cp => cp.GameObject).ToList();
            foreach (var peeper in peepers)
                Remove(provider, type, peeper);
                TabUpdateMessage.Send(peeper, provider, type, TabAction.Close);
            // completely get rid of the tab
    public static TabUpdateMessage Send(GameObject recipient, GameObject provider, NetTabType type, TabAction tabAction,
                                        GameObject changedBy  = null,
                                        ElementValue[] values = null)
        switch (tabAction)
        case TabAction.Open:
            NetworkTabManager.Instance.Add(provider, type, recipient);
            values = NetworkTabManager.Instance.Get(provider, type).ElementValues;

        case TabAction.Close:
            NetworkTabManager.Instance.Remove(provider, type, recipient);

        case TabAction.Update:
            //fixme: duplication of NetTab.ValidatePeepers
            //Not sending updates and closing tab for players that don't pass the validation anymore
            var validate = Validations.CanApply(recipient, provider, NetworkSide.Server);
            if (!validate)
                Send(recipient, provider, type, TabAction.Close);

        // SingleMessage, MoreIncoming, EndOfMessage
        var id = TabMessageType.SingleMessage;

        var uniqueID = Counter;

        if (Counter > 10000)
            Counter = 0;

        var elementValuesLists = new Dictionary <List <ElementValue>, TabMessageType>();

        if (values != null && tabAction != TabAction.Close)
            // get max possible packet size from current transform
            var maxPacketSize = Transport.activeTransport.GetMaxPacketSize(0);

            // set currentSize start value to max TCP header size (60b)
            var currentSize = 100;

            //Stores the current cycle of ElementValues
            var elementValues = new List <ElementValue>();

            //How many values are being sent
            var length = values.Length;

            //Total packet size if all values sent together
            var totalSize = 0;

            //Work out totalSize
            foreach (var value in values)
                var size = value.GetSize();

                //If a single value is bigger than max packet size cannot proceed
                if (size + 60 >= maxPacketSize)
                    Debug.LogError($"This value is above the max mirror packet limit, and cannot be split. Is {size + 60} bytes");

                totalSize += size;

            //Rounds up to the max number of divisions of the max packet size will be needed for values
            var divisions = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalSize / maxPacketSize);

            //Counter for which division is currently being made
            var currentDivision = 0;

            //The loop for making the messages from the values
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                //Keep adding values until bigger than packet size
                currentSize += values[i].GetSize();

                if (currentSize > maxPacketSize)
                    currentSize = 100;

                    //Id MoreIncoming, means it is a multimessage but not the end.
                    id = TabMessageType.MoreIncoming;

                    //If last division then this will be the end, set to end Id of EndOfMessage
                    if (currentDivision == divisions)
                        id = TabMessageType.EndOfMessage;

                    //Add value list to the message list
                    elementValuesLists.Add(elementValues, id);
                    elementValues = new List <ElementValue>();


            //Single message
            if (elementValuesLists.Count == 0)
                values = elementValues.ToArray();
            //Multimessage, if end division hasnt been reached yet then this last list must be end.
            else if (currentDivision != divisions)
                elementValuesLists.Add(elementValues, TabMessageType.EndOfMessage);

        var count = elementValuesLists.Count;

        //Single message
        if (count == 0)
            var msg = new TabUpdateMessage
                Provider      = provider.NetId(),
                Type          = type,
                Action        = tabAction,
                ElementValues = values,
                Touched       = changedBy != null,
                ID            = id,
                UniqueID      = uniqueID

            Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0}", Category.NetUI, msg);

        foreach (var value in elementValuesLists)
            var msg = new TabUpdateMessage
                Provider      = provider.NetId(),
                Type          = type,
                Action        = tabAction,
                ElementValues = value.Key.ToArray(),
                Touched       = changedBy != null,
                ID            = value.Value,
                UniqueID      = uniqueID,
                NumOfMessages = count

            Logger.LogTraceFormat("{0}", Category.NetUI, msg);

    public static void ShowTab(NetTabType type, GameObject tabProvider, ElementValue[] elementValues)
        if (tabProvider == null)

        // Need to spawn a local instance of the NetTab to obtain its isPopOut property first. Parent is changed later.
        var    openedTab = new NetTabDescriptor(tabProvider, type);
        NetTab tabInfo   = openedTab.Spawn(tabProvider.transform);

        //Make use of NetTab's fancy isPopOut bool instead of depending on the NetTabType.
        bool isPopOut = tabInfo.isPopOut;

        if (!Instance.rolledOut && !isPopOut)

        //try to dig out a hidden tab with matching parameters and enable it:
        if (Instance.HiddenNetTabs.ContainsKey(openedTab))
            //				Logger.Log( $"Yay, found an old hidden {openedTab} tab. Unhiding it" );
        if (!Instance.OpenedNetTabs.ContainsKey(openedTab))
            Transform newParent = !isPopOut ? Instance.TabStorage : Instance.TabStoragePopOut;
            tabInfo.transform.SetParent(newParent, false);
            GameObject tabObject = tabInfo.gameObject;

            //putting into the right place
            tabObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
            var rect = tabObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            if (!isPopOut)
                rect.offsetMin = new Vector2(15, 15);
                rect.offsetMax = -new Vector2(15, 50);
                //Center it:
                var localPos = Vector3.zero;
                localPos.y += 20f;
                rect.transform.localPosition = localPos;
                tabInfo.isPopOut             = true;


        NetTab tab = Instance.OpenedNetTabs[openedTab];

        if (!isPopOut)
            Instance.SelectTab(tab.gameObject, false);
Example #19
 public static TabUpdateMessage Send(GameObject recipient, GameObject provider, NetTabType type, TabAction tabAction,
                                     GameObject changedBy  = null,
                                     ElementValue[] values = null)
     switch (tabAction)
     case TabAction.Open:
         NetworkTabManager.Instance.Add(provider, type, recipient);
         var instance = NetworkTabManager.Instance.Get(provider, type);
         if (instance == null)
             Logger.LogError($"Couldn't find NetTab to send for {provider.OrNull()?.ExpensiveName()} " +
                             $"Does the tab prefab match the type '{type}'? Make sure that 'Tab{type}' is listed inside the NetTabs SO.");
         values = instance.ElementValues;
 public NetTab Get(GameObject provider, NetTabType type)
     return(Get(Tab(provider, type)));
 public void Remove(GameObject provider, NetTabType type, GameObject player)
     Remove(Tab(provider, type), player);
 public void Add(GameObject provider, NetTabType type, GameObject player)
     Add(Tab(provider, type), player);
 private static NetTabDescriptor Tab(GameObject provider, NetTabType type)
     return(provider == null ? NetTabDescriptor.Invalid : new NetTabDescriptor(provider, type));
Example #24
    public static void ShowTab(NetTabType type, GameObject tabProvider, ElementValue[] elementValues)
        if (tabProvider == null)

        bool isPopOut = false;

        //Add the popout types here:
        if ((type == NetTabType.Paper) || (type == NetTabType.ChemistryDispenser))
            isPopOut = true;

        if (!Instance.rolledOut && !isPopOut)

        var openedTab = new NetTabDescriptor(tabProvider, type);

        //try to dig out a hidden tab with matching parameters and enable it:
        if (Instance.HiddenNetTabs.ContainsKey(openedTab))
            //				Logger.Log( $"Yay, found an old hidden {openedTab} tab. Unhiding it" );
        if (!Instance.OpenedNetTabs.ContainsKey(openedTab))
            Transform  newParent = !isPopOut ? Instance.TabStorage : Instance.TabStoragePopOut;
            NetTab     tabInfo   = openedTab.Spawn(newParent);
            GameObject tabObject = tabInfo.gameObject;

            //putting into the right place
            tabObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
            var rect = tabObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            if (!isPopOut)
                rect.offsetMin = new Vector2(15, 15);
                rect.offsetMax = -new Vector2(15, 50);
                //Center it:
                var localPos = Vector3.zero;
                localPos.y += 20f;
                rect.transform.localPosition = localPos;
                tabInfo.isPopOut             = true;


        NetTab tab = Instance.OpenedNetTabs[openedTab];

        if (!isPopOut)
            Instance.SelectTab(tab.gameObject, false);