public static void prjTb(System.Data.DataTable fnlCnsInput, System.Data.DataTable newPrmInput, InputOptionsPage projectionOptions, Excel.Workbook inputOwb)
            oWB = inputOwb;
            prjNme = projectionOptions.projName;
            fnlCns = fnlCnsInput;
            nwPrm = newPrmInput;

            Tuple<List<string>, DataTable, List<double>, List<string>, DataTable, List<double>> projectionResultsData
                = PrepareSummaryAndDetailResultsForOutput();

            ProjectionSummaryTab projectionSummaryResults = new ProjectionSummaryTab(projectionResultsData, oWB, projectionNameOfSummaryTabs);
            ProjectionRatesTab projectionRatesGrid = new ProjectionRatesTab(oWB, nwPrm, projectionNameOfSummaryTabs);
            ProjectionDetailTab projectedDetailResults = new ProjectionDetailTab(fnlCns, oWB, projectionNameOfSummaryTabs);
            ProjectionAssumptionResults projectedAssumptionResults = new ProjectionAssumptionResults(projectionOptions, oWB, projectionNameOfSummaryTabs);


Example #2
 public MessageReport(string title, Excel.Range excelRange, string description, Criticity criticity)
     this.title = title;
     this.localisation = printRange(excelRange);
     this.description = description;
     this.criticity = criticity;
Example #3
        private static Excel.Range PutSampleData(Excel.Worksheet workSheet)
            workSheet.Cells[2, 2].Value = "Date";
            workSheet.Cells[3, 2].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            workSheet.Cells[4, 2].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            workSheet.Cells[5, 2].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            workSheet.Cells[6, 2].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

            workSheet.Cells[2, 3].Value = "Columns1";
            workSheet.Cells[3, 3].Value = 25;
            workSheet.Cells[4, 3].Value = 33;
            workSheet.Cells[5, 3].Value = 30;
            workSheet.Cells[6, 3].Value = 22;

            workSheet.Cells[2, 4].Value = "Column2";
            workSheet.Cells[3, 4].Value = 25;
            workSheet.Cells[4, 4].Value = 33;
            workSheet.Cells[5, 4].Value = 30;
            workSheet.Cells[6, 4].Value = 22;

            workSheet.Cells[2, 5].Value = "Column3";
            workSheet.Cells[3, 5].Value = 25;
            workSheet.Cells[4, 5].Value = 33;
            workSheet.Cells[5, 5].Value = 30;
            workSheet.Cells[6, 5].Value = 22;

            return workSheet.Range("$B2:$E6");
Example #4
        private static ExcelTestStruct findTablesInSheet(Excel.Worksheet wsCurrentTestSheet, SheetReport report)
            Excel.ListObjects ListOfRanges = wsCurrentTestSheet.ListObjects;

            SortedList listActionTables = new SortedList();
            SortedList listCheckTables = new SortedList();
            SortedList listDescrTables = new SortedList();
            foreach (Excel.ListObject obj in ListOfRanges)
                int range = obj.Range.Row;
                String tableName = obj.Name;
                if (tableName.StartsWith(PR_TEST_TABLE_ACTION_PREFIX))
                    listActionTables.Add(range, tableName);
                else if (tableName.StartsWith(PR_TEST_TABLE_CHECK_PREFIX))
                    listCheckTables.Add(range, tableName);
                else if (tableName.StartsWith(PR_TEST_TABLE_DESCRIPTION_PREFIX))
                    listDescrTables.Add(range, tableName);
                    report.add(new MessageReport("Unrecognised table type", obj.Range, String.Format("\"{0}\" is not an authorized name for table.", tableName), Criticity.Critical));
                    logger.Error(String.Format("\"{0}\" is not an authorized name for table.", tableName));

            if(listActionTables.Count == 1 && listCheckTables.Count == 1 && listDescrTables.Count == 1)
                ExcelTestStruct n = new ExcelTestStruct();
                n.actionTableName = (string)listActionTables.GetByIndex(0);
                n.testTableName = (string)listCheckTables.GetByIndex(0);
                n.descrTableName = (string)listDescrTables.GetByIndex(0);
                return n;
                throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("It is not currently possible to repair sheet \"{0}\"", wsCurrentTestSheet.Name));
Example #5
        public static string printRange(Excel.Range range)
            string text = range.Address;
            text = Regex.Replace(text, "\\$", "");

            return "["+text+"]";
        public ProjectionDetailTab(DataTable finalCns, Excel.Workbook oWB, string prjNme)
            this.fnlCns = finalCns;
            this.projectionNameOfSummaryTabs = prjNme;
            this.shts = (Excel.Sheets)oWB.Sheets;
            this.oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)this.shts.Add();


        public ProjectionRatesTab(Excel.Workbook oWB, DataTable newInputPrm, string prjNme)

            this.projectionNameOfSummaryTabs = prjNme;
            this.shts = (Excel.Sheets)oWB.Sheets;
            this.oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)this.shts.Add();
            this.nwPrm = newInputPrm;

        public ProjectionAssumptionResults(InputOptionsPage inputOptions, Excel.Workbook oWB, string prjNme)
            this.inputOptions = inputOptions;
            this.projectionNameOfSummaryTabs = prjNme;
            this.shts = (Excel.Sheets)oWB.Sheets;
            this.oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)this.shts.Add();



        private void DumpArrayOfValues(string[,] Values, int StartRow, int StartColumn, Excel.Workbook xlwkbook, string WorksheetName)

            Excel.Worksheet xlsheet = GetWorkSheetWithName(xlwkbook, WorksheetName);

            for (int i = 0; i < Values.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Values.GetLength(1); j++)
                    int cRow = StartRow + i;
                    int cColumn = StartColumn + j;
                    Excel.Range CurrentRange = (Excel.Range)xlsheet.Cells[cRow, cColumn];
                    CurrentRange.Cells.Value = Values[i, j];

        private List<string> GetWorksheetsWithPrefix(Excel.Workbook xlwkbook,  string prefix)
            List<string> wkshts = new List<string>();

            foreach (var wksht in xlwkbook.Worksheets)
                Excel.Worksheet thisWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)wksht;
                if (thisWorksheet != null)
                    if (thisWorksheet.Name.StartsWith(prefix))

            return wkshts;
Example #11
        public static CTestContainer parseTestsOfWorkbook(Excel.Sheets sheets, string filename)
            logger.Info("Begin Analysis of selected sheets");

            CTestContainer listOfTests = new CTestContainer();
            WorkbookReport report = new WorkbookReport(filename);

            foreach (Excel.Worksheet wsCurrentTestSheet in sheets)
                logger.Debug(String.Format("Processing sheet \"{0}\".", wsCurrentTestSheet.Name));
                SheetReport sheetReport = new SheetReport(wsCurrentTestSheet.Name);

                    ExcelTestStruct tableRefs = findTablesInSheet(wsCurrentTestSheet, sheetReport);
                    CTest result = TestSheetParser.parseTest(wsCurrentTestSheet.Name, wsCurrentTestSheet, tableRefs, sheetReport);

                    logger.Debug("Adding sheet to result list");


                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Fatal("Sheet cannot be parsed : ", ex);
                    sheetReport.add(new MessageReport("Parsing error", "Sheet", "Sheet was not analysed. Message is : "+ ex.Message, Criticity.Critical));

            string URIFilename = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Report.html";
            Uri uri = new Uri(URIFilename);
            logger.Debug("Writing report in "+URIFilename);


            if (report.NbrMessages > 0)

            return listOfTests;
Example #12
        private static void AddColumnNames(Excel.Worksheet sheet)
            string[] tempHeadingArray =
                "Total Income"

            var columnNameRange = sheet.get_Range(sheet.Cells[3, 1], sheet.Cells[3, tempHeadingArray.Length]);
            columnNameRange.Style = "NewStyle";
            columnNameRange.Font.Size = 10;
            columnNameRange.Value = tempHeadingArray;
            columnNameRange.UseStandardWidth = true;
            columnNameRange.ColumnWidth = 14;
            columnNameRange.WrapText = true;
Example #13
        public TestSheetParser(Excel.Worksheet sheet, string headerTableName, string actionsTableName, string checksTableName, SheetReport report)
   = report;
            this.sheet = sheet;
                        if (!Regex.IsMatch(sheet.Name, PR_TEST_PREFIX + ".*"))
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Sheet name doesn't comply with naming rules (begins with \"{0}\").", PR_TEST_PREFIX));

                logger.Debug(String.Format("Trying to retrieve action table \"{0}\".", actionsTableName));
                loActionsTable = sheet.ListObjects[actionsTableName];

                actionTableName = String.Format("'{0}'!{1}", sheet.Name, actionsTableName);
                checkTableName = String.Format("'{0}'!{1}", sheet.Name, checksTableName);

                logger.Debug(String.Format("Extracting columns for action table."));
                lcActionsTableColumns = loActionsTable.ListColumns;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(String.Format("Action table \"{0}\" retrieval has failed.", actionsTableName), ex);
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Action table \"{0}\" retrieval has failed.", actionsTableName));

                logger.Debug(String.Format("Trying to retrieve test table \"{0}\".", checksTableName));
                loChecksTable = sheet.ListObjects[checksTableName];

                logger.Debug(String.Format("Extracting columns for checks table."));
                lcChecksTableColumns = loChecksTable.ListColumns;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(String.Format("Check table \"{0}\" retrieval has failed.", checksTableName), ex);
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Check table \"{0}\" retrieval has failed.", checksTableName));

            if(lcActionsTableColumns.Count != lcChecksTableColumns.Count)
                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Action ({0} columns) and check ({1} columns)  tables has not same number of columns", lcActionsTableColumns.Count, lcChecksTableColumns.Count));
        private Excel.Worksheet GetWorkSheetWithName(Excel.Workbook workBook, string WorksheetName, bool CreateNewIfNotFound = true)
            foreach (var wksht in workBook.Worksheets)
                Excel.Worksheet thisWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)wksht;
                if (thisWorksheet != null)
                    if (thisWorksheet.Name == WorksheetName)
                        return thisWorksheet;
            if (CreateNewIfNotFound == true)

                Excel.Worksheet newWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBook.Worksheets.Add();
                newWorksheet.Name = WorksheetName;
                return newWorksheet;
            throw new Exception("Worksheet (tab) with the specified name not found in Excel file for input values. Please check input.");
 private void NewWorkbookEventHandler(Excel.Workbook wb)
Example #16
        public static CTest parseTest(string title, Excel.Worksheet sheet, WorkbookParser.ExcelTestStruct tableRefs, SheetReport report)
            logger.Info(String.Format("Beginning Analysis of sheet {0}, using arrays {1} and {2}", sheet.Name, tableRefs.actionTableName, tableRefs.testTableName));

            TestSheetParser analyser = new TestSheetParser(sheet, tableRefs.descrTableName, tableRefs.actionTableName, tableRefs.testTableName, report);

            logger.Debug("Sheet passed validity tests successfully");

            CTest test = null;
            test = analyser.parseAsTest(title);

            return test;
Example #17
        private TableColumnsStructure checkAndDetermineTablecolumns(Excel.ListColumns lcActionsTableColumns)
            TableColumnsStructure tableStructure = new TableColumnsStructure();

            for (int CurrentColumn = 1; CurrentColumn < 5; CurrentColumn++)
                if (lcActionsTableColumns[CurrentColumn].Name.Equals("Target"))
                    tableStructure.TargetColumnIndex = CurrentColumn - 1; // Indexes from Excel are starting from 1, and we are using 0 based indexes
                if (lcActionsTableColumns[CurrentColumn].Name.Equals("Location"))
                    tableStructure.LocationColumnIndex = CurrentColumn - 1; // Indexes from Excel are starting from 1, and we are using 0 based indexes
                if (lcActionsTableColumns[CurrentColumn].Name.Equals("Path"))
                    tableStructure.PathColumnIndex = CurrentColumn - 1; // Indexes from Excel are starting from 1, and we are using 0 based indexes


                throw new FormatException(String.Format("Table doesn't contains all necessary columns headers : {0}", tableStructure.ToString()));

            return tableStructure;
Example #18
        private void fillWithActions(CStep o_step, TableTypes typeOfTable, Excel.ListObject tableRef, object[,] table, int ColumnIndex)
            logger.Debug(String.Format("Found {0} Excel lines to process.", table.GetLength(0)));
            for (int line = 0; line < table.GetLength(0); line++)
                object CellValue = table[line, ColumnIndex];

                if(!(CellValue is ExcelDna.Integration.ExcelEmpty))
                    string Target = "";
                    if (table[line, tableStructure.TargetColumnIndex] is string) Target = (string)table[line, tableStructure.TargetColumnIndex];
                    string Path = "";
                    if (table[line, tableStructure.PathColumnIndex] is string) Path = (string)table[line, tableStructure.PathColumnIndex];
                    string Location = "";
                    if (table[line, tableStructure.LocationColumnIndex] is string) Location = (string)table[line, tableStructure.LocationColumnIndex];

                    logger.Debug(String.Format("Found item [Target={0}, Location={1}, Path={2}, Value={3}].", Target, Location, Path, CellValue));

                        logger.Debug(String.Format("Analysing current item."));
                        CInstruction o_instruction = detectAndBuildInstruction(Target, Location, Path, CellValue, typeOfTable);
                        if (typeOfTable == TableTypes.TABLE_ACTIONS)
                            logger.Debug("Adding item to list of actions to perform");
                        else if (typeOfTable == TableTypes.TABLE_CHECKS)
                            logger.Debug("Adding item to list of checks to perform");
                            throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("This type of table ({0}) is not currently implemented", typeOfTable));
                    catch(InvalidCastException ex)
                        logger.Error("Problem when trying to find an equivalence for item.", ex);
                        report.add(new MessageReport("Invalid value in cell", tableRef.Range[line + 2, ColumnIndex + 1], ex.Message, Criticity.Error));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        logger.Error("Invalid item processed.", ex);
                        report.add(new MessageReport("Cell problem", tableRef.Range[line + 2, ColumnIndex + 1], ex.Message, Criticity.Error));
Example #19
 private static void AddExcelHeadingText(Excel.Worksheet sheet)
     //Apply styling to heading text
     sheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Girl Agency Financial Report";
     sheet.Cells[1, 1].Font.Name = "Impact";
     sheet.Cells[1, 1].Font.Underline = true;
     sheet.Cells[1, 1].Font.Size = 14;
 private void WorkbookDeactivateEventHandler(Excel.Workbook wb)
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// This method was called from the host instance after selection changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedRange">active selection</param>
        private void Application_SheetSelectionChangeEvent(NetOffice.COMObject sh, Excel.Range selectedRange)
                // we check for auto translation and skip selections with more than 256 cells for this simple example
                if (checkBoxAutoTranslate.Checked && selectedRange.Count <= 256)
                    textBoxTranslation.Text = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var item in selectedRange)
                        string requestedText = item.Text as string;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestedText))
                            string translatedText = Client.DataService.Translate(
                                                         comboBoxSourceLanguage.SelectedItem as string,
                                                         comboBoxTargetLanguage.SelectedItem as string,
                            textBoxTranslation.Text += translatedText + " ";

            catch (Exception exception)
                ShowError(string.Format("An errror occured. Details: {0}", exception.Message));
Example #22
 public void OnConnection(Excel.Application application, NetOffice.OfficeApi._CustomTaskPane parentPane, object[] customArguments)
         Application = application;
         Application.SheetSelectionChangeEvent += new Excel.Application_SheetSelectionChangeEventHandler(Application_SheetSelectionChangeEvent);
     catch (Exception exception)
         ShowError(string.Format("An errror occured. Details: {0}", exception.Message));
Example #23
        private void addTempoIfExists(CStep o_step, Excel.ListObject loSourceFiles, int ColumnIndex)
            //'Delay retrieval. We know that data is contained inside Total line property
            object delay = loSourceFiles.TotalsRowRange.Cells[1, ColumnIndex + 1].Value; // We get values from excel, and array indexes begin with 1, not 0

            if (delay != null)
                    logger.Debug(String.Format("Trying to retrieve temporisation with value \"{0}\".", delay));
                    CInstrWait o_tempo = new CInstrWait();
           = Convert.ToInt32(delay);

                    logger.Debug("Adding temporisation to results");
                catch(Exception ex)
                    logger.Error("Failed to parse temporisation.", ex);
                    report.add(new MessageReport("Invalid value for temporisation", loSourceFiles.TotalsRowRange.Cells[1, ColumnIndex + 1], String.Format("Invalid value, an integer was expected, but we had {0}", delay ), Criticity.Error));
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the valid file format for the instance. Documents with macro's need a bit xtra config since 2007
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="application">the instance</param>
 /// <returns>the format</returns>
 private static XlFileFormat GetFileFormat(Excel.Application application)
     double Version = Convert.ToDouble(application.Version, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     if (Version >= 12.00)
         return XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled;
         return XlFileFormat.xlExcel7;
Example #25
        private static void SetValidationRange(Excel.Worksheet sh, long currow, long columnnr)
                //sh.Cells[currow, x].Value = GetPriorityRange(sh, x);
                sh.Cells[currow, columnnr].Validation.Add(XlDVType.xlValidateList, XlDVAlertStyle.xlValidAlertInformation,
                                                   null, GetPriorityRange(sh, columnnr));
            catch (Exception)

                sh.Cells[currow, columnnr].Validation.Modify(XlDVType.xlValidateList,
                                                      null, GetPriorityRange(sh, columnnr));
Example #26
        private static string GetPriorityRange(Excel.Worksheet sh, long columnnr)
            long r;
            var ur = (Excel.Range)sh.UsedRange;

            for ( r = 2; r < ur.Rows.Count; r++)
                Excel.Range rng = sh.Cells[r, columnnr];
                //return rng.Value.ToString();
                if (rng.Value == null || rng.Value.ToString().StartsWith("&") ) // .ToString().Equals("")
                    return "=" + sh.Cells[2, columnnr].Address + ":" + sh.Cells[ (r - 1), columnnr].Address;
            return "";
Example #27
        public static bool IsTestdataSheet(Excel.Worksheet sh)
            Excel.Range rng = sh.UsedRange;
            for (int r = 1; r < rng.Rows.Count; r++)
                var style = (Excel.Style)sh.Cells[r, 1].Style;
                var s = style.Name;

                if (s.Equals("actionword"))
                    return true;

            return false;
 private void WorkbookOpenEventHandler(Excel.Workbook wb)
        public ProjectionSummaryTab(Tuple<List<string>, DataTable, List<double>, List<string>, DataTable, List<double>> projectionData,
            Excel.Workbook oWB, string prjNme)
            this.projectionNameOfSummaryTabs = prjNme;
            this.shts = (Excel.Sheets)oWB.Sheets;
            this.oSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)this.shts.Add();

            OutputSummaryResultsAndFormat(projectionData.Item2, projectionData.Item3, 5);  //Output for Prior Year
            OutputSummaryResultsAndFormat(projectionData.Item5, projectionData.Item6, 8);  //Output for Current Year
Example #30
 private static void AddDataRows(Excel.Worksheet sheet)
     sheet.Name = "Financial report";
     var reportResult = GetData();
     var value = new string[reportResult.Length, 5];
     for (var row = 0; row < reportResult.Length; row++)
         for (int col = 0; col < reportResult[row].Length; col++)
             value[row, col] = reportResult[row][col];
     var range = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells[4, 1],
         sheet.Cells[reportResult.Length + 3, reportResult[1].Length]);
     range.Value = value;