/// <summary> /// Sets the <paramref name="value"/> of a column by the database column's name. /// </summary> /// <param name="columnName">The database name of the column to get the <paramref name="value"/> for.</param> /// <param name="value">Value to assign to the column.</param> public void SetValue(System.String columnName, System.Object value) { switch (columnName) { case "counter": this.Counter = (System.Int64)value; break; case "map_event_counter_id": this.MapEventCounterId = (System.Byte)value; break; case "map_id": this.MapID = (NetGore.World.MapID)value; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Field not found.", "columnName"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CharacterTable"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="aIID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="bodyID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="cash">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="characterTemplateID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="chatDialog">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="exp">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="hP">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="iD">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="level">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="loadMapID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="loadX">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="loadY">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="moveSpeed">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="mP">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="name">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="respawnMapID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="respawnX">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="respawnY">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="shopID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statPoints">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statAgi">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statDefence">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statInt">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statMaxhit">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statMaxhp">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statMaxmp">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statMinhit">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="statStr">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> public CharacterTable(System.Nullable <NetGore.AI.AIID> @aIID, DemoGame.BodyID @bodyID, System.Int32 @cash, System.Nullable <DemoGame.CharacterTemplateID> @characterTemplateID, System.Nullable <NetGore.Features.NPCChat.NPCChatDialogID> @chatDialog, System.Int32 @exp, DemoGame.SPValueType @hP, DemoGame.CharacterID @iD, System.Int16 @level, NetGore.World.MapID @loadMapID, System.UInt16 @loadX, System.UInt16 @loadY, System.UInt16 @moveSpeed, DemoGame.SPValueType @mP, System.String @name, System.Nullable <NetGore.World.MapID> @respawnMapID, System.Single @respawnX, System.Single @respawnY, System.Nullable <NetGore.Features.Shops.ShopID> @shopID, System.Int32 @statPoints, System.Int16 @statAgi, System.Int16 @statDefence, System.Int16 @statInt, System.Int16 @statMaxhit, System.Int16 @statMaxhp, System.Int16 @statMaxmp, System.Int16 @statMinhit, System.Int16 @statStr) { this.AIID = (System.Nullable <NetGore.AI.AIID>)@aIID; this.BodyID = (DemoGame.BodyID)@bodyID; this.Cash = (System.Int32)@cash; this.CharacterTemplateID = (System.Nullable <DemoGame.CharacterTemplateID>)@characterTemplateID; this.ChatDialog = (System.Nullable <NetGore.Features.NPCChat.NPCChatDialogID>)@chatDialog; this.Exp = (System.Int32)@exp; this.HP = (DemoGame.SPValueType)@hP; this.ID = (DemoGame.CharacterID)@iD; this.Level = (System.Int16)@level; this.LoadMapID = (NetGore.World.MapID)@loadMapID; this.LoadX = (System.UInt16)@loadX; this.LoadY = (System.UInt16)@loadY; this.MoveSpeed = (System.UInt16)@moveSpeed; this.MP = (DemoGame.SPValueType)@mP; this.Name = (System.String)@name; this.RespawnMapID = (System.Nullable <NetGore.World.MapID>)@respawnMapID; this.RespawnX = (System.Single)@respawnX; this.RespawnY = (System.Single)@respawnY; this.ShopID = (System.Nullable <NetGore.Features.Shops.ShopID>)@shopID; this.StatPoints = (System.Int32)@statPoints; this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.Agi, (System.Int32)@statAgi); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.Defence, (System.Int32)@statDefence); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.Int, (System.Int32)@statInt); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.MaxHit, (System.Int32)@statMaxhit); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.MaxHP, (System.Int32)@statMaxhp); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.MaxMP, (System.Int32)@statMaxmp); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.MinHit, (System.Int32)@statMinhit); this.SetStat((DemoGame.StatType)DemoGame.StatType.Str, (System.Int32)@statStr); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MapTable"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="iD">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="name">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> public MapTable(NetGore.World.MapID @iD, System.String @name) { this.ID = (NetGore.World.MapID)@iD; this.Name = (System.String)@name; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the <paramref name="value"/> of a column by the database column's name. /// </summary> /// <param name="columnName">The database name of the column to get the <paramref name="value"/> for.</param> /// <param name="value">Value to assign to the column.</param> public void SetValue(System.String columnName, System.Object value) { switch (columnName) { case "counter": this.Counter = (System.Int64)value; break; case "map_event_counter_id": this.MapEventCounterId = (System.Byte)value; break; case "map_id": this.MapID = (NetGore.World.MapID)value; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Field not found.","columnName"); } }
/// <summary> /// Copies the values from the given <paramref name="source"/> into this EventCountersMapTable. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The IEventCountersMapTable to copy the values from.</param> public void CopyValuesFrom(IEventCountersMapTable source) { this.Counter = (System.Int64)source.Counter; this.MapEventCounterId = (System.Byte)source.MapEventCounterId; this.MapID = (NetGore.World.MapID)source.MapID; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EventCountersMapTable"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="counter">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="mapEventCounterId">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="mapID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> public EventCountersMapTable(System.Int64 @counter, System.Byte @mapEventCounterId, NetGore.World.MapID @mapID) { this.Counter = (System.Int64)@counter; this.MapEventCounterId = (System.Byte)@mapEventCounterId; this.MapID = (NetGore.World.MapID)@mapID; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MapSpawnTable"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="characterTemplateID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="height">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="iD">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="mapID">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="width">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="x">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> /// <param name="y">The initial value for the corresponding property.</param> public MapSpawnTable(System.Byte @amount, DemoGame.CharacterTemplateID @characterTemplateID, System.Nullable <System.UInt16> @height, DemoGame.MapSpawnValuesID @iD, NetGore.World.MapID @mapID, System.Nullable <System.UInt16> @width, System.Nullable <System.UInt16> @x, System.Nullable <System.UInt16> @y) { this.Amount = (System.Byte)@amount; this.CharacterTemplateID = (DemoGame.CharacterTemplateID)@characterTemplateID; this.Height = (System.Nullable <System.UInt16>)@height; this.ID = (DemoGame.MapSpawnValuesID)@iD; this.MapID = (NetGore.World.MapID)@mapID; this.Width = (System.Nullable <System.UInt16>)@width; this.X = (System.Nullable <System.UInt16>)@x; this.Y = (System.Nullable <System.UInt16>)@y; }