/// <summary> /// see https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/6c20d9831a968ad3cb156442bebb41a883e62152/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/GameplayAbilities/Source/GameplayAbilities/Private/GameplayEffectTypes.cpp#L311 /// see https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/6c20d9831a968ad3cb156442bebb41a883e62152/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/GameplayAbilities/Source/GameplayAbilities/Private/GameplayEffectTypes.cpp#L177 /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { var validData = reader.ReadBit(); if (validData) { var RepBits = reader.ReadBitsToInt(7); if ((RepBits & (1 << 0)) > 0) { Instigator = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << 1)) > 0) { EffectCauser = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << 2)) > 0) { AbilityCDO = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << 3)) > 0) { SourceObject = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << 4)) > 0) { // SafeNetSerializeTArray_HeaderOnly var bitCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log2(31)); var arrayNum = reader.ReadBitsToInt(bitCount); // SafeNetSerializeTArray_Default Actors = new ActorGuid[arrayNum]; for (var i = 0; i < arrayNum; i++) { Actors[i] = new ActorGuid() { Value = reader.ReadIntPacked() }; } } if ((RepBits & (1 << 5)) > 0) { HitResult = new FHitResult(reader); } if ((RepBits & (1 << 6)) > 0) { WorldOrigin = reader.SerializePropertyVector100(); bHasWorldOrigin = true; } else { bHasWorldOrigin = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// see https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/6c20d9831a968ad3cb156442bebb41a883e62152/Engine/Source/Runtime/GameplayTags/Private/GameplayTagContainer.cpp#L970 /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { // 1st bit to indicate empty tag container or not (empty tag containers are frequently replicated). Early out if empty. if (reader.ReadBit()) { return; } var numTags = reader.ReadBitsToInt(7); Tags = new FGameplayTag[numTags]; for (var i = 0; i < numTags; i++) { Tags[i] = new FGameplayTag(reader); } }
public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { int numElements = reader.ReadBitsToInt(5); if (numElements == 0) { return; } Tags = new FGameplayTag[numElements]; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { FGameplayTag tag = new FGameplayTag(); tag.Serialize(reader); Tags[i] = tag; } }
public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { bool isEmpty = reader.ReadBit(); if (isEmpty) { return; } int numTags = reader.ReadBitsToInt(7); Tags = new FGameplayTag[numTags]; for (int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) { FGameplayTag tag = new FGameplayTag(); tag.Serialize(reader); Tags[i] = tag; } }
public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { bool repPosition = reader.ReadBoolean(); if (repPosition) { bRepPosition = true; SectionIdToPlay = 0; SkipPositionCorrection = false; uint packedPosition = reader.ReadIntPacked(); Position = packedPosition / 100; } else { bRepPosition = false; SkipPositionCorrection = true; Position = 0; SectionIdToPlay = reader.ReadBitsToInt(7); } IsStopped = reader.ReadBit(); ForcePlayBit = reader.ReadBit(); SkipPositionCorrection = reader.ReadBit(); bSkipPlayRate = reader.ReadBit(); AnimMontage = new UObjectGUID { Value = reader.ReadIntPacked() }; PlayRate = reader.SerializePropertyFloat(); BlendTime = reader.SerializePropertyFloat(); NextSectionID = reader.ReadByte(); PredictionKey = new FPredictionKey(); PredictionKey.Serialize(reader); }
/// <summary> /// see https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/6c20d9831a968ad3cb156442bebb41a883e62152/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/GameplayAbilities/Source/GameplayAbilities/Private/GameplayEffectTypes.cpp#L789 /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { const byte NUM_LEVEL_BITS = 5; // need to bump this up to support 20 levels for AbilityLevel // const byte MAX_LEVEL = (1 << NUM_LEVEL_BITS) - 1; var RepBits = reader.ReadBitsToInt((int)RepFlag.REP_MAX); // Tag containers serialize empty containers with 1 bit, so no need to serialize this in the RepBits field. AggregatedSourceTags.Serialize(reader); AggregatedTargetTags.Serialize(reader); if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_NormalizedMagnitude)) > 0) { NormalizedMagnitude = reader.ReadSingle(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_RawMagnitude)) > 0) { RawMagnitude = reader.ReadSingle(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_EffectContext)) > 0) { // FGameplayEffectContextHandle if (reader.ReadBit()) { var handle = new FGameplayEffectContextHandle(); handle.Serialize(reader); } } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_Location)) > 0) { Location = reader.SerializePropertyVector10(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_Normal)) > 0) { Normal = reader.SerializePropertyVectorNormal(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_Instigator)) > 0) { Instigator = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_EffectCauser)) > 0) { EffectCauser = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_SourceObject)) > 0) { SourceObject = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_TargetAttachComponent)) > 0) { TargetAttachComponent = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_PhysMaterial)) > 0) { PhysicalMaterial = reader.ReadIntPacked(); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_GELevel)) > 0) { GameplayEffectLevel = reader.ReadBitsToInt(NUM_LEVEL_BITS); } if ((RepBits & (1 << (int)RepFlag.REP_AbilityLevel)) > 0) { AbilityLevel = reader.ReadBitsToInt(NUM_LEVEL_BITS); } }
public void Serialize(NetBitReader reader) { return; bool[] flags = reader.ReadBits(7); BlockingHit = flags[6]; StartPenetrating = flags[5]; bool impactPointEqualsLocation = flags[4]; bool impactNormalEqualsNormal = flags[3]; bool invalidItem = flags[2]; bool invalidFaceIndex = flags[1]; bool noPenetrationDepth = flags[0]; Time = reader.ReadSingle(); Location = reader.SerializePropertyQuantizeVector(); Normal = reader.SerializePropertyVectorNormal(); if (!impactPointEqualsLocation) { ImpactPoint = reader.SerializePropertyQuantizeVector(); } else { ImpactPoint = Location; } if (!impactNormalEqualsNormal) { ImpactNormal = reader.SerializePropertyVectorNormal(); } else { ImpactNormal = Normal; } TraceStart = reader.SerializePropertyQuantizeVector(); TraceEnd = reader.SerializePropertyQuantizeVector(); if (!noPenetrationDepth) { PenetrationDepth = reader.SerializePropertyFloat(); } else { PenetrationDepth = 0; } Distance = (ImpactPoint - TraceStart).Size(); if (!invalidItem) { Item = reader.ReadBitsToInt(32); } else { Item = -1; } PhysMaterial = reader.SerializePropertyUInt16(); Actor = reader.SerializePropertyUInt16(); Component = reader.SerializePropertyUInt16(); BoneName = reader.ReadFString(); if (!invalidFaceIndex) { FaceIndex = reader.ReadBitsToInt(32); } else { FaceIndex = -1; } }